/* This file is part of Ganv. * Copyright 2007-2014 David Robillard * * Ganv is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. * * Ganv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with Ganv. If not, see . */ /* Based on GnomeCanvas, by Federico Mena * and Raph Levien * Copyright 1997-2000 Free Software Foundation */ #ifndef GANV_ITEM_H #define GANV_ITEM_H #include #include #include G_BEGIN_DECLS /** * GanvItem: Base class for all canvas items. * * All canvas items are derived from GanvItem. The only information a GanvItem * contains is its parent canvas, its parent canvas item, its bounding box in * world coordinates, and its current affine transformation. * * Items inside a canvas are organized in a tree, where leaves are items * without any children. Each canvas has a single root item, which can be * obtained with the ganv_canvas_base_get_root() function. * * The abstract GanvItem class does not have any configurable or queryable * attributes. */ typedef struct _GanvItem GanvItem; typedef struct _GanvItemClass GanvItemClass; /* Object flags for items */ enum { GANV_ITEM_REALIZED = 1 << 1, GANV_ITEM_MAPPED = 1 << 2, GANV_ITEM_ALWAYS_REDRAW = 1 << 3, GANV_ITEM_VISIBLE = 1 << 4, GANV_ITEM_NEED_UPDATE = 1 << 5, GANV_ITEM_NEED_VIS = 1 << 6, }; #define GANV_TYPE_ITEM (ganv_item_get_type()) #define GANV_ITEM(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST((obj), GANV_TYPE_ITEM, GanvItem)) #define GANV_ITEM_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST((klass), GANV_TYPE_ITEM, GanvItemClass)) #define GANV_IS_ITEM(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE((obj), GANV_TYPE_ITEM)) #define GANV_IS_ITEM_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE((klass), GANV_TYPE_ITEM)) #define GANV_ITEM_GET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS((obj), GANV_TYPE_ITEM, GanvItemClass)) struct _GanvItem { GtkObject object; /* Parent canvas for this item */ struct _GanvCanvasBase* canvas; /* Parent for this item */ GanvItem* parent; /* Layer (z order), higher values are on top */ guint layer; /* Position in parent-relative coordinates. */ double x, y; /* Bounding box for this item (in canvas coordinates) */ double x1, y1, x2, y2; /* True if parent manages this item (don't call add/remove) */ gboolean managed; }; struct _GanvItemClass { GtkObjectClass parent_class; /** * Add a child to this item (optional). */ void (*add)(GanvItem* item, GanvItem* child); /** * Remove a child from this item (optional). */ void (*remove)(GanvItem* item, GanvItem* child); /** * Tell the item to update itself. * * The flags are from the update flags defined above. The item should * update its internal state from its queued state, and recompute and * request its repaint area. The update method also recomputes the * bounding box of the item. */ void (*update)(GanvItem* item, int flags); /** * Realize an item (create GCs, etc.). */ void (*realize)(GanvItem* item); /** * Unrealize an item. */ void (*unrealize)(GanvItem* item); /** * Map an item - normally only need by items with their own GdkWindows. */ void (*map)(GanvItem* item); /** * Unmap an item */ void (*unmap)(GanvItem* item); /** * Draw an item of this type. * * (x, y) are the upper-left canvas pixel coordinates of the drawable. * (width, height) are the dimensions of the drawable. */ void (*draw)(GanvItem* item, cairo_t* cr, int x, int y, int width, int height); /** * Calculate the distance from an item to the specified point. * * It also returns a canvas item which is actual item the point is within, * which may not be equal to @item if @item has children. (cx, cy) are the * canvas pixel coordinates that correspond to the item-relative * coordinates (x, y). */ double (*point)(GanvItem* item, double x, double y, int cx, int cy, GanvItem** actual_item); /** * Fetch the item's bounding box (need not be exactly tight). * * This should be in item-relative coordinates. */ void (*bounds)(GanvItem* item, double* x1, double* y1, double* x2, double* y2); /** * Signal: an event occurred for an item of this type. * * The (x, y) coordinates are in the canvas world coordinate system. */ gboolean (*event)(GanvItem* item, GdkEvent* event); /* Reserved for future expansion */ gpointer spare_vmethods [4]; }; GType ganv_item_get_type(void) G_GNUC_CONST; GanvItem* ganv_item_new(GanvItem* parent, GType type, const gchar* first_arg_name, ...); void ganv_item_construct(GanvItem* item, GanvItem* parent, const gchar* first_arg_name, va_list args); void ganv_item_set(GanvItem* item, const gchar* first_arg_name, ...); void ganv_item_set_valist(GanvItem* item, const gchar* first_arg_name, va_list args); void ganv_item_raise(GanvItem* item); void ganv_item_lower(GanvItem* item); void ganv_item_move(GanvItem* item, double dx, double dy); void ganv_item_show(GanvItem* item); void ganv_item_hide(GanvItem* item); int ganv_item_grab(GanvItem* item, unsigned int event_mask, GdkCursor* cursor, guint32 etime); void ganv_item_ungrab(GanvItem* item, guint32 etime); void ganv_item_i2w(GanvItem* item, double* x, double* y); void ganv_item_w2i(GanvItem* item, double* x, double* y); void ganv_item_grab_focus(GanvItem* item); void ganv_item_get_bounds(GanvItem* item, double* x1, double* y1, double* x2, double* y2); void ganv_item_request_update(GanvItem* item); G_END_DECLS #endif /* GANV_ITEM_H */