gst-plugins : plug-ins for GStreamer * to develop against uninstalled GStreamer core : add path to gstreamer-uninstalled.pc to PKG_CONFIG_PATH or run configure --with-pkg-config-path=(path to gstreamer uninstalled) * to register plug-ins in source tree run gst-register --gst-plugin-path=. * if a certain plug-in doesn't build, then redo configure with --disable-(plug-in) to disable it from the build * Additional documentation : GStreamer is developed under the terms of the LGPL (see LICENSE file for details). Some of our plug-ins however rely on libraries which are available under other licenses. This means that if you are using an application which has a non-GPL compatible license (for instance a closed-source application) with GStreamer, you have to make sure not to use GPL-linked plug-ins. When using GPL-linked plug-ins, GStreamer is for all practical reasons under the GPL itself. The plug-ins which use a GPL library are as follows: cdparanoia libcdparanoia ( aasink aalib ( xmms libxmms ( decdvd ac3dec,mpeg2dec (, Plug-ins which use an LGPL library are as follows: colorspace Hermes ( httpsrc libghttp ( alsasink alsa ( arts aRts ( sdlsink libsdl ( gnomevfssource gnome-vfs ( gnomevfssink gnome-vfs esdsink libesd ( icastsend libshout ( lame libmp3lame ( gst1394 libraw1394 ( flac libFLAC ( RTP ortp ( Plug-ins which use a BSD covered library are as follows: vorbisenc libogg/libvorbis ( vorbisdec libogg/libvorbis Plug-ins based on libraries with other free licenses: xvideosink libXv (MIT X11 / X Consortium license) gsm libgsm (MIT license Plug-ins using non-free libraries: wincodec win32ddl (