GstDfbVideoSink::surface gpointer w Surface The target surface for video. GstDfbVideoSink::brightness gint [0,65535] rw Brightness The brightness of the video. 32768 GstDfbVideoSink::contrast gint [0,65535] rw Contrast The contrast of the video. 32768 GstDfbVideoSink::hue gint [0,65535] rw Hue The hue of the video. 32768 GstDfbVideoSink::saturation gint [0,65535] rw Saturation The saturation of the video. 32768 GstDfbVideoSink::vsync gboolean rw Vertical synchronisation Wait for next vertical sync to draw frames. TRUE GstSDLVideoSink::fullscreen gboolean rw Fullscreen If true it will be Full screen. FALSE GstSpeed::speed gfloat [0.1,40] rwx speed speed. 1 GstMMS::blocksize gint [0,65536] rw blocksize How many bytes should be read at once. 2048 GstMMS::location gchararray rw location Host URL to connect to. Accepted are mms://, mmsu://, mmst:// URL types. NULL GstXvidEnc::bitrate gint >= 0 rw Bitrate Target video bitrate (kbps). 512 GstXvidEnc::buffer-size gulong rw Buffer Size Size of the video buffers. GstXvidEnc::max-key-interval gint >= -1 rw Max. Key Interval Maximum number of frames between two keyframes. -1 GstXvidEnc::profile GstXvidEncProfiles rw Profile XviD/MPEG-4 encoding profile. S_L0 GstFaac::bitrate gint [8192,327680] rw Bitrate (bps) Bitrate in bits/sec. 131072 GstFaac::midside gboolean rw Midside Allow mid/side encoding. TRUE GstFaac::outputformat GstFaacOutputFormat rw Output format Format of output frames. OUTPUTFORMAT_RAW GstFaac::profile GstFaacProfile rw Profile MPEG/AAC encoding profile. MAIN GstFaac::shortctl GstFaacShortCtl rw Block type Block type encorcing. SHORTCTL_NORMAL GstFaac::tns gboolean rw TNS Use temporal noise shaping. FALSE GstDtsDec::drc gboolean rw Dynamic Range Compression Use Dynamic Range Compression. FALSE GstBz2dec::buffer-size guint >= 1 rw Buffer size Buffer size. 1024 GstBz2dec::first-buffer-size guint >= 1 rw Size of first buffer Size of first buffer (used to determine the mime type of the uncompressed data). 1024 GstBz2enc::block-size guint [1,9] rw Block size Block size. 6 GstBz2enc::buffer-size guint >= 1 rw Buffer size Buffer size. 1024 GstGLImageSink::display gchararray rw Display X Display name. NULL GstFreeze::max-buffers guint rw max-buffers Maximum number of buffers. 1