/* GStreamer * Copyright (C) <2006> Eric Jonas * Copyright (C) <2006> Antoine Tremblay * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /** * SECTION:element-dc1394 * * Source for IIDC (Instrumentation & Industrial Digital Camera) firewire * cameras. * * * Example launch line * |[ * gst-launch -v dc1394 camera-number=0 ! xvimagesink * ]| * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "gstdc1394.h" #include #include #include GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY (dc1394_debug); #define GST_CAT_DEFAULT dc1394_debug static GstElementDetails dc1394_details = GST_ELEMENT_DETAILS ("1394 IIDC Video Source", "Source/Video", "libdc1394 based source, supports 1394 IIDC cameras", "Antoine Tremblay "); enum { PROP_0, PROP_TIMESTAMP_OFFSET, PROP_CAMNUM, PROP_BUFSIZE /* FILL ME */ }; GST_BOILERPLATE (GstDc1394, gst_dc1394, GstPushSrc, GST_TYPE_PUSH_SRC); static void gst_dc1394_set_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id, const GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec); static void gst_dc1394_get_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id, GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec); static GstCaps *gst_dc1394_getcaps (GstBaseSrc * bsrc); static gboolean gst_dc1394_setcaps (GstBaseSrc * bsrc, GstCaps * caps); static void gst_dc1394_src_fixate (GstPad * pad, GstCaps * caps); static void gst_dc1394_get_times (GstBaseSrc * basesrc, GstBuffer * buffer, GstClockTime * start, GstClockTime * end); static GstFlowReturn gst_dc1394_create (GstPushSrc * psrc, GstBuffer ** buffer); static GstStateChangeReturn gst_dc1394_change_state (GstElement * element, GstStateChange transition); static gboolean gst_dc1394_parse_caps (const GstCaps * caps, gint * width, gint * height, gint * rate_numerator, gint * rate_denominator, gint * vmode, gint * bpp); static gint gst_dc1394_caps_set_format_vmode_caps (GstStructure * st, gint mode); static gboolean gst_dc1394_set_caps_color (GstStructure * gs, gint mc); static void gst_dc1394_set_caps_framesize (GstStructure * gs, gint width, gint height); static void gst_dc1394_set_caps_framesize_range (GstStructure * gs, gint minwidth, gint maxwidth, gint incwidth, gint minheight, gint maxheight, gint incheight); static gint gst_dc1394_caps_set_framerate_list (GstStructure * gs, dc1394framerates_t * framerates); static void gst_dc1394_framerate_const_to_frac (int framerateconst, GValue * framefrac); static GstCaps *gst_dc1394_get_all_dc1394_caps (); static GstCaps *gst_dc1394_get_cam_caps (GstDc1394 * src); static gboolean gst_dc1394_open_cam_with_best_caps (GstDc1394 * src); static gint gst_dc1394_framerate_frac_to_const (gint num, gint denom); static void gst_dc1394_framerate_const_to_frac (gint framerateconst, GValue * framefrac); static gboolean gst_dc1394_change_camera_transmission (GstDc1394 * src, gboolean on); static void gst_dc1394_base_init (gpointer g_class) { GstElementClass *element_class = GST_ELEMENT_CLASS (g_class); gst_element_class_set_details (element_class, &dc1394_details); gst_element_class_add_pad_template (element_class, gst_pad_template_new ("src", GST_PAD_SRC, GST_PAD_ALWAYS, gst_dc1394_get_all_dc1394_caps ())); } static void gst_dc1394_class_init (GstDc1394Class * klass) { GObjectClass *gobject_class; GstBaseSrcClass *gstbasesrc_class; GstPushSrcClass *gstpushsrc_class; GstElementClass *gstelement_class; gobject_class = (GObjectClass *) klass; gstbasesrc_class = (GstBaseSrcClass *) klass; gstpushsrc_class = (GstPushSrcClass *) klass; gstelement_class = (GstElementClass *) klass; gobject_class->set_property = gst_dc1394_set_property; gobject_class->get_property = gst_dc1394_get_property; g_object_class_install_property (G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass), PROP_TIMESTAMP_OFFSET, g_param_spec_int64 ("timestamp-offset", "Timestamp offset", "An offset added to timestamps set on buffers (in ns)", G_MININT64, G_MAXINT64, 0, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); g_object_class_install_property (G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass), PROP_CAMNUM, g_param_spec_int ("camera-number", "The number of the camera on the firewire bus", "The number of the camera on the firewire bus", 0, G_MAXINT, 0, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); g_object_class_install_property (G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass), PROP_BUFSIZE, g_param_spec_int ("buffer-size", "The number of frames in the dma ringbuffer", "The number of frames in the dma ringbuffer", 1, G_MAXINT, 10, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); gstbasesrc_class->get_caps = gst_dc1394_getcaps; gstbasesrc_class->set_caps = gst_dc1394_setcaps; gstbasesrc_class->get_times = gst_dc1394_get_times; gstpushsrc_class->create = gst_dc1394_create; gstelement_class->change_state = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_dc1394_change_state); } static void gst_dc1394_init (GstDc1394 * src, GstDc1394Class * g_class) { src->segment_start_frame = -1; src->segment_end_frame = -1; src->timestamp_offset = 0; src->caps = gst_dc1394_get_all_dc1394_caps (); src->bufsize = 10; src->camnum = 0; src->n_frames = 0; gst_pad_set_fixatecaps_function (GST_BASE_SRC_PAD (src), gst_dc1394_src_fixate); gst_base_src_set_live (GST_BASE_SRC (src), TRUE); } static void gst_dc1394_src_fixate (GstPad * pad, GstCaps * caps) { GstDc1394 *src = GST_DC1394 (gst_pad_get_parent (pad)); GstStructure *structure; int i; GST_LOG_OBJECT (src, " fixating caps to closest to 320x240 , 30 fps"); for (i = 0; i < gst_caps_get_size (caps); ++i) { structure = gst_caps_get_structure (caps, i); gst_structure_fixate_field_nearest_int (structure, "width", 320); gst_structure_fixate_field_nearest_int (structure, "height", 240); gst_structure_fixate_field_nearest_fraction (structure, "framerate", 30, 1); } gst_object_unref (GST_OBJECT (src)); } static void gst_dc1394_set_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id, const GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec) { GstDc1394 *src = GST_DC1394 (object); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_TIMESTAMP_OFFSET: src->timestamp_offset = g_value_get_int64 (value); break; case PROP_CAMNUM: src->camnum = g_value_get_int (value); break; case PROP_BUFSIZE: src->bufsize = g_value_get_int (value); default: break; } } static void gst_dc1394_get_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id, GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec) { GstDc1394 *src = GST_DC1394 (object); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_TIMESTAMP_OFFSET: g_value_set_int64 (value, src->timestamp_offset); break; case PROP_CAMNUM: g_value_set_int (value, src->camnum); break; case PROP_BUFSIZE: g_value_set_int (value, src->bufsize); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static GstCaps * gst_dc1394_getcaps (GstBaseSrc * bsrc) { GstDc1394 *gsrc; gsrc = GST_DC1394 (bsrc); g_return_val_if_fail (gsrc->caps, NULL); return gst_caps_copy (gsrc->caps); } static gboolean gst_dc1394_setcaps (GstBaseSrc * bsrc, GstCaps * caps) { gboolean res = TRUE; GstDc1394 *dc1394; gint width, height, rate_denominator, rate_numerator; gint bpp, vmode; dc1394 = GST_DC1394 (bsrc); if (dc1394->caps) { gst_caps_unref (dc1394->caps); } dc1394->caps = gst_caps_copy (caps); res = gst_dc1394_parse_caps (caps, &width, &height, &rate_numerator, &rate_denominator, &vmode, &bpp); if (res) { /* looks ok here */ dc1394->width = width; dc1394->height = height; dc1394->vmode = vmode; dc1394->rate_numerator = rate_numerator; dc1394->rate_denominator = rate_denominator; dc1394->bpp = bpp; } return res; } static void gst_dc1394_get_times (GstBaseSrc * basesrc, GstBuffer * buffer, GstClockTime * start, GstClockTime * end) { /* for live sources, sync on the timestamp of the buffer */ if (gst_base_src_is_live (basesrc)) { GstClockTime timestamp = GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP (buffer); if (GST_CLOCK_TIME_IS_VALID (timestamp)) { /* get duration to calculate end time */ GstClockTime duration = GST_BUFFER_DURATION (buffer); if (GST_CLOCK_TIME_IS_VALID (duration)) { *end = timestamp + duration; } *start = timestamp; } } else { *start = -1; *end = -1; } } static GstFlowReturn gst_dc1394_create (GstPushSrc * psrc, GstBuffer ** buffer) { GstDc1394 *src; GstBuffer *outbuf; GstCaps *caps; dc1394video_frame_t *frame[1]; GstFlowReturn res = GST_FLOW_OK; dc1394error_t err; src = GST_DC1394 (psrc); err = dc1394_capture_dequeue (src->camera, DC1394_CAPTURE_POLICY_WAIT, frame); if (err != DC1394_SUCCESS) { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (src, RESOURCE, FAILED, ("failed to dequeue frame"), ("failed to dequeue frame")); goto error; } outbuf = gst_buffer_new_and_alloc (frame[0]->image_bytes); memcpy (GST_BUFFER_MALLOCDATA (outbuf), (guchar *) frame[0]->image, frame[0]->image_bytes * sizeof (guchar)); GST_BUFFER_DATA (outbuf) = GST_BUFFER_MALLOCDATA (outbuf); caps = gst_pad_get_caps (GST_BASE_SRC_PAD (psrc)); gst_buffer_set_caps (outbuf, caps); gst_caps_unref (caps); GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP (outbuf) = src->timestamp_offset + src->running_time; if (src->rate_numerator != 0) { GST_BUFFER_DURATION (outbuf) = gst_util_uint64_scale_int (GST_SECOND, src->rate_denominator, src->rate_numerator); } src->n_frames++; if (src->rate_numerator != 0) { src->running_time = gst_util_uint64_scale_int (src->n_frames * GST_SECOND, src->rate_denominator, src->rate_numerator); } if (dc1394_capture_enqueue (src->camera, frame[0]) != DC1394_SUCCESS) { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (src, RESOURCE, FAILED, ("failed to enqueue frame"), ("failed to enqueue frame")); goto error; } *buffer = outbuf; return res; error: { return GST_FLOW_ERROR; } } static gboolean gst_dc1394_parse_caps (const GstCaps * caps, gint * width, gint * height, gint * rate_numerator, gint * rate_denominator, gint * vmode, gint * bpp) { const GstStructure *structure; GstPadLinkReturn ret; const GValue *framerate; if (gst_caps_get_size (caps) < 1) return FALSE; structure = gst_caps_get_structure (caps, 0); ret = gst_structure_get_int (structure, "width", width); ret &= gst_structure_get_int (structure, "height", height); framerate = gst_structure_get_value (structure, "framerate"); ret &= gst_structure_get_int (structure, "vmode", vmode); ret &= gst_structure_get_int (structure, "bpp", bpp); if (framerate) { *rate_numerator = gst_value_get_fraction_numerator (framerate); *rate_denominator = gst_value_get_fraction_denominator (framerate); } else { ret = FALSE; } return ret; } static GstStateChangeReturn gst_dc1394_change_state (GstElement * element, GstStateChange transition) { GstStateChangeReturn ret = GST_STATE_CHANGE_SUCCESS; GstDc1394 *src = GST_DC1394 (element); switch (transition) { case GST_STATE_CHANGE_NULL_TO_READY: GST_LOG_OBJECT (src, "State change null to ready"); src->dc1394 = dc1394_new (); break; case GST_STATE_CHANGE_READY_TO_PAUSED: GST_LOG_OBJECT (src, "State ready to paused"); if (src->caps) { gst_caps_unref (src->caps); src->caps = NULL; } src->caps = gst_dc1394_get_cam_caps (src); if (src->caps == NULL) { GST_LOG_OBJECT (src, "Error : Set property could not get cam caps ! , reverting to default"); src->caps = gst_dc1394_get_all_dc1394_caps (); ret = GST_STATE_CHANGE_FAILURE; } break; case GST_STATE_CHANGE_PAUSED_TO_PLAYING: GST_LOG_OBJECT (src, "State change paused to playing"); if (!gst_dc1394_open_cam_with_best_caps (src)) { ret = GST_STATE_CHANGE_FAILURE; } if (src->camera && !gst_dc1394_change_camera_transmission (src, TRUE)) { ret = GST_STATE_CHANGE_FAILURE; } break; default: break; } if (ret == GST_STATE_CHANGE_FAILURE) return ret; ret = GST_ELEMENT_CLASS (parent_class)->change_state (element, transition); switch (transition) { case GST_STATE_CHANGE_PLAYING_TO_PAUSED: GST_LOG_OBJECT (src, "State change playing to paused"); break; case GST_STATE_CHANGE_PAUSED_TO_READY: GST_LOG_OBJECT (src, "State change paused to ready"); if (src->camera && !gst_dc1394_change_camera_transmission (src, FALSE)) { if (src->camera) { dc1394_camera_free (src->camera); } src->camera = NULL; if (src->caps) { gst_caps_unref (src->caps); src->caps = NULL; } ret = GST_STATE_CHANGE_FAILURE; } break; case GST_STATE_CHANGE_READY_TO_NULL: GST_LOG_OBJECT (src, "State change ready to null"); if (src->camera) { dc1394_camera_free (src->camera); } src->camera = NULL; if (src->dc1394) { dc1394_free (src->dc1394); } src->dc1394 = NULL; if (src->caps) { gst_caps_unref (src->caps); src->caps = NULL; } break; default: break; } return ret; } static gint gst_dc1394_caps_set_format_vmode_caps (GstStructure * gs, gint mode) { gint retval = 0; switch (mode) { case DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_160x120_YUV444: gst_dc1394_set_caps_color (gs, DC1394_COLOR_CODING_YUV444); gst_dc1394_set_caps_framesize (gs, 160, 120); break; case DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_320x240_YUV422: gst_dc1394_set_caps_color (gs, DC1394_COLOR_CODING_YUV422); gst_dc1394_set_caps_framesize (gs, 320, 240); break; case DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_640x480_YUV411: gst_dc1394_set_caps_color (gs, DC1394_COLOR_CODING_YUV411); gst_dc1394_set_caps_framesize (gs, 640, 480); break; case DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_640x480_YUV422: gst_dc1394_set_caps_color (gs, DC1394_COLOR_CODING_YUV422); gst_dc1394_set_caps_framesize (gs, 640, 480); break; case DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_640x480_RGB8: gst_dc1394_set_caps_color (gs, DC1394_COLOR_CODING_RGB8); gst_dc1394_set_caps_framesize (gs, 640, 480); break; case DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_640x480_MONO8: gst_dc1394_set_caps_color (gs, DC1394_COLOR_CODING_MONO8); gst_dc1394_set_caps_framesize (gs, 640, 480); break; case DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_640x480_MONO16: gst_dc1394_set_caps_color (gs, DC1394_COLOR_CODING_MONO16); gst_dc1394_set_caps_framesize (gs, 640, 480); break; case DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_800x600_YUV422: gst_dc1394_set_caps_color (gs, DC1394_COLOR_CODING_YUV422); gst_dc1394_set_caps_framesize (gs, 800, 600); break; case DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_800x600_RGB8: gst_dc1394_set_caps_color (gs, DC1394_COLOR_CODING_RGB8); gst_dc1394_set_caps_framesize (gs, 800, 600); break; case DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_800x600_MONO8: gst_dc1394_set_caps_color (gs, DC1394_COLOR_CODING_MONO8); gst_dc1394_set_caps_framesize (gs, 800, 600); break; case DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_1024x768_YUV422: gst_dc1394_set_caps_color (gs, DC1394_COLOR_CODING_YUV422); gst_dc1394_set_caps_framesize (gs, 1024, 768); break; case DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_1024x768_RGB8: gst_dc1394_set_caps_color (gs, DC1394_COLOR_CODING_RGB8); gst_dc1394_set_caps_framesize (gs, 1024, 768); break; case DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_1024x768_MONO8: gst_dc1394_set_caps_color (gs, DC1394_COLOR_CODING_MONO8); gst_dc1394_set_caps_framesize (gs, 1024, 768); break; case DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_800x600_MONO16: gst_dc1394_set_caps_color (gs, DC1394_COLOR_CODING_MONO16); gst_dc1394_set_caps_framesize (gs, 800, 600); break; case DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_1024x768_MONO16: gst_dc1394_set_caps_color (gs, DC1394_COLOR_CODING_MONO16); gst_dc1394_set_caps_framesize (gs, 1024, 768); break; case DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_1280x960_YUV422: gst_dc1394_set_caps_color (gs, DC1394_COLOR_CODING_YUV422); gst_dc1394_set_caps_framesize (gs, 1280, 960); break; case DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_1280x960_RGB8: gst_dc1394_set_caps_color (gs, DC1394_COLOR_CODING_RGB8); gst_dc1394_set_caps_framesize (gs, 1280, 960); break; case DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_1280x960_MONO8: gst_dc1394_set_caps_color (gs, DC1394_COLOR_CODING_MONO8); gst_dc1394_set_caps_framesize (gs, 1280, 960); break; case DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_1600x1200_YUV422: gst_dc1394_set_caps_color (gs, DC1394_COLOR_CODING_YUV422); gst_dc1394_set_caps_framesize (gs, 1600, 1200); break; case DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_1600x1200_RGB8: gst_dc1394_set_caps_color (gs, DC1394_COLOR_CODING_RGB8); gst_dc1394_set_caps_framesize (gs, 1600, 1200); break; case DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_1600x1200_MONO8: gst_dc1394_set_caps_color (gs, DC1394_COLOR_CODING_MONO8); gst_dc1394_set_caps_framesize (gs, 1600, 1200); break; case DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_1280x960_MONO16: gst_dc1394_set_caps_color (gs, DC1394_COLOR_CODING_MONO16); gst_dc1394_set_caps_framesize (gs, 1280, 960); break; case DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_1600x1200_MONO16: gst_dc1394_set_caps_color (gs, DC1394_COLOR_CODING_MONO8); gst_dc1394_set_caps_framesize (gs, 1600, 1200); break; default: retval = -1; } return retval; } static gboolean gst_dc1394_set_caps_color (GstStructure * gs, gint mc) { gboolean ret = TRUE; gint fourcc; switch (mc) { case DC1394_COLOR_CODING_YUV444: gst_structure_set_name (gs, "video/x-raw-yuv"); fourcc = GST_MAKE_FOURCC ('I', 'Y', 'U', '2'); gst_structure_set (gs, "format", GST_TYPE_FOURCC, fourcc, "bpp", G_TYPE_INT, 16, NULL); break; case DC1394_COLOR_CODING_YUV422: gst_structure_set_name (gs, "video/x-raw-yuv"); fourcc = GST_MAKE_FOURCC ('U', 'Y', 'V', 'Y'); gst_structure_set (gs, "format", GST_TYPE_FOURCC, fourcc, "bpp", G_TYPE_INT, 16, NULL); break; case DC1394_COLOR_CODING_YUV411: gst_structure_set_name (gs, "video/x-raw-yuv"); fourcc = GST_MAKE_FOURCC ('I', 'Y', 'U', '1'); gst_structure_set (gs, "format", GST_TYPE_FOURCC, fourcc, "bpp", G_TYPE_INT, 12, NULL); break; case DC1394_COLOR_CODING_RGB8: gst_structure_set_name (gs, "video/x-raw-rgb"); gst_structure_set (gs, "bpp", G_TYPE_INT, 24, "depth", G_TYPE_INT, 24, "endianness", G_TYPE_INT, G_BIG_ENDIAN, "red_mask", G_TYPE_INT, 0xFF0000, "green_mask", G_TYPE_INT, 0x00FF00, "blue_mask", G_TYPE_INT, 0x0000FF, NULL); break; case DC1394_COLOR_CODING_MONO8: gst_structure_set_name (gs, "video/x-raw-gray"); gst_structure_set (gs, "bpp", G_TYPE_INT, 8, "depth", G_TYPE_INT, 8, NULL); break; case DC1394_COLOR_CODING_MONO16: gst_structure_set_name (gs, "video/x-raw-gray"); gst_structure_set (gs, "bpp", G_TYPE_INT, 16, "depth", G_TYPE_INT, 16, NULL); // there is no fourcc for this format break; default: GST_DEBUG ("Ignoring unsupported color format %d", mc); ret = FALSE; break; } return ret; } static void gst_dc1394_set_caps_framesize (GstStructure * gs, gint width, gint height) { gst_structure_set (gs, "width", G_TYPE_INT, width, "height", G_TYPE_INT, height, NULL); } static void gst_dc1394_set_caps_framesize_range (GstStructure * gs, gint minwidth, gint maxwidth, gint incwidth, gint minheight, gint maxheight, gint incheight) { /* Format 7 cameras allow you to change the camera width/height in multiples of incwidth/incheight up to some max. This sets the necessary list structure in the gst caps structure */ GValue widthlist = { 0 }; GValue widthval = { 0 }; GValue heightlist = { 0 }; GValue heightval = { 0 }; gint x = 0; g_value_init (&widthlist, GST_TYPE_LIST); g_value_init (&widthval, G_TYPE_INT); for (x = minwidth; x <= maxwidth; x += incwidth) { g_value_set_int (&widthval, x); gst_value_list_append_value (&widthlist, &widthval); } gst_structure_set_value (gs, "width", &widthlist); g_value_unset (&widthlist); g_value_unset (&widthval); g_value_init (&heightlist, GST_TYPE_LIST); g_value_init (&heightval, G_TYPE_INT); for (x = minheight; x <= maxheight; x += incheight) { g_value_set_int (&heightval, x); gst_value_list_append_value (&heightlist, &heightval); } gst_structure_set_value (gs, "height", &heightlist); g_value_unset (&heightlist); g_value_unset (&heightval); } static gint gst_dc1394_caps_set_framerate_list (GstStructure * gs, dc1394framerates_t * framerates) { GValue framefrac = { 0 }; GValue frameratelist = { 0 }; gint f; g_value_init (&frameratelist, GST_TYPE_LIST); g_value_init (&framefrac, GST_TYPE_FRACTION); // figure out the frame rate for (f = framerates->num - 1; f >= 0; f--) { /* reverse order so we place the faster frame rates higher in the sequence */ if (framerates->framerates[f]) { gst_dc1394_framerate_const_to_frac (framerates->framerates[f], &framefrac); gst_value_list_append_value (&frameratelist, &framefrac); } } gst_structure_set_value (gs, "framerate", &frameratelist); g_value_unset (&framefrac); g_value_unset (&frameratelist); return 0; } static void gst_dc1394_framerate_const_to_frac (gint framerateconst, GValue * framefrac) { // frac must have been already initialized switch (framerateconst) { case DC1394_FRAMERATE_1_875: gst_value_set_fraction (framefrac, 15, 8); break; case DC1394_FRAMERATE_3_75: gst_value_set_fraction (framefrac, 15, 4); break; case DC1394_FRAMERATE_7_5: gst_value_set_fraction (framefrac, 15, 2); break; case DC1394_FRAMERATE_15: gst_value_set_fraction (framefrac, 15, 1); break; case DC1394_FRAMERATE_30: gst_value_set_fraction (framefrac, 30, 1); break; case DC1394_FRAMERATE_60: gst_value_set_fraction (framefrac, 60, 1); break; case DC1394_FRAMERATE_120: gst_value_set_fraction (framefrac, 120, 1); break; case DC1394_FRAMERATE_240: gst_value_set_fraction (framefrac, 240, 1); break; } } GstCaps * gst_dc1394_get_all_dc1394_caps () { /* generate all possible caps */ GstCaps *gcaps; gint i = 0; gcaps = gst_caps_new_empty (); // first, the fixed mode caps for (i = DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_MIN; i < DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_EXIF; i++) { GstStructure *gs = gst_structure_empty_new ("video"); gint ret = gst_dc1394_caps_set_format_vmode_caps (gs, i); gst_structure_set (gs, "framerate", GST_TYPE_FRACTION_RANGE, 0, 1, G_MAXINT, 1, NULL); gst_structure_set (gs, "vmode", G_TYPE_INT, i, NULL); if (ret >= 0) { gst_caps_append_structure (gcaps, gs); } } // then Format 7 options for (i = DC1394_COLOR_CODING_MIN; i <= DC1394_COLOR_CODING_MAX; i++) { GstStructure *gs = gst_structure_empty_new ("video"); //int ret = gst_dc1394_caps_set_format_vmode_caps(gs, i); gst_structure_set (gs, "vmode", GST_TYPE_INT_RANGE, 1, G_MAXINT, NULL); gst_structure_set (gs, "framerate", GST_TYPE_FRACTION_RANGE, 0, 1, G_MAXINT, 1, NULL); gst_structure_set (gs, "width", GST_TYPE_INT_RANGE, 1, G_MAXINT, "height", GST_TYPE_INT_RANGE, 1, G_MAXINT, NULL); if (gst_dc1394_set_caps_color (gs, i)) { gst_caps_append_structure (gcaps, gs); } } return gcaps; } GstCaps * gst_dc1394_get_cam_caps (GstDc1394 * src) { dc1394camera_t *camera = NULL; dc1394camera_list_t *cameras = NULL; dc1394error_t camerr; gint i, j; dc1394video_modes_t modes; dc1394framerates_t framerates; GstCaps *gcaps = NULL; gcaps = gst_caps_new_empty (); camerr = dc1394_camera_enumerate (src->dc1394, &cameras); if (camerr != DC1394_SUCCESS || cameras == NULL) { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (src, RESOURCE, NOT_FOUND, ("Can't find cameras error : %d", camerr), ("Can't find cameras error : %d", camerr)); goto error; } if (cameras->num == 0) { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (src, RESOURCE, NOT_FOUND, ("There were no cameras"), ("There were no cameras")); goto error; } if (src->camnum > (cameras->num - 1)) { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (src, RESOURCE, FAILED, ("Invalid camera number"), ("Invalid camera number %d", src->camnum)); goto error; } camera = dc1394_camera_new_unit (src->dc1394, cameras->ids[src->camnum].guid, cameras->ids[src->camnum].unit); dc1394_camera_free_list (cameras); cameras = NULL; camerr = dc1394_video_get_supported_modes (camera, &modes); if (camerr != DC1394_SUCCESS) { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (src, RESOURCE, FAILED, ("Error getting supported modes"), ("Error getting supported modes")); goto error; } for (i = modes.num - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int m = modes.modes[i]; if (m < DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_EXIF) { GstStructure *gs = gst_structure_empty_new ("video"); gst_structure_set (gs, "vmode", G_TYPE_INT, m, NULL); if (gst_dc1394_caps_set_format_vmode_caps (gs, m) < 0) { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (src, STREAM, FAILED, ("attempt to set mode to %d failed", m), ("attempt to set mode to %d failed", m)); goto error; } else { camerr = dc1394_video_get_supported_framerates (camera, m, &framerates); gst_dc1394_caps_set_framerate_list (gs, &framerates); gst_caps_append_structure (gcaps, gs); } } else { // FORMAT 7 guint maxx, maxy; GstStructure *gs = gst_structure_empty_new ("video"); dc1394color_codings_t colormodes; guint xunit, yunit; gst_structure_set (gs, "vmode", G_TYPE_INT, m, NULL); // Get the maximum frame size camerr = dc1394_format7_get_max_image_size (camera, m, &maxx, &maxy); if (camerr != DC1394_SUCCESS) { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (src, RESOURCE, FAILED, ("Error getting format 7 max image size"), ("Error getting format 7 max image size")); goto error; } GST_LOG_OBJECT (src, "Format 7 maxx=%d maxy=%d", maxx, maxy); camerr = dc1394_format7_get_unit_size (camera, m, &xunit, &yunit); if (camerr != DC1394_SUCCESS) { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (src, RESOURCE, FAILED, ("Error getting format 7 image unit size"), ("Error getting format 7 image unit size")); goto error; } GST_LOG_OBJECT (src, "Format 7 unitx=%d unity=%d", xunit, yunit); gst_dc1394_set_caps_framesize_range (gs, xunit, maxx, xunit, yunit, maxy, yunit); // note that format 7 has no concept of a framerate, so we pass the // full range gst_structure_set (gs, "framerate", GST_TYPE_FRACTION_RANGE, 0, 1, G_MAXINT, 1, NULL); // get the available color codings camerr = dc1394_format7_get_color_codings (camera, m, &colormodes); if (camerr != DC1394_SUCCESS) { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (src, RESOURCE, FAILED, ("Error getting format 7 color modes"), ("Error getting format 7 color modes")); goto error; } for (j = 0; j < colormodes.num; j++) { GstStructure *newgs = gst_structure_copy (gs); gst_dc1394_set_caps_color (newgs, colormodes.codings[j]); GST_LOG_OBJECT (src, "Format 7 colormode set : %d", colormodes.codings[j]); // note that since there are multiple color modes, we append // multiple structures. gst_caps_append_structure (gcaps, newgs); } } } if (camera) { dc1394_camera_free (camera); } return gcaps; error: if (gcaps) { gst_caps_unref (gcaps); } if (cameras) { dc1394_camera_free_list (cameras); cameras = NULL; } if (camera) { dc1394_camera_free (camera); camera = NULL; } return NULL; } static gint gst_dc1394_framerate_frac_to_const (gint num, gint denom) { // frac must have been already initialized int retvalue = -1; if (num == 15 && denom == 8) retvalue = DC1394_FRAMERATE_1_875; if (num == 15 && denom == 4) retvalue = DC1394_FRAMERATE_3_75; if (num == 15 && denom == 2) retvalue = DC1394_FRAMERATE_7_5; if (num == 15 && denom == 1) retvalue = DC1394_FRAMERATE_15; if (num == 30 && denom == 1) retvalue = DC1394_FRAMERATE_30; if (num == 60 && denom == 1) retvalue = DC1394_FRAMERATE_60; return retvalue; } static gboolean gst_dc1394_open_cam_with_best_caps (GstDc1394 * src) { dc1394camera_list_t *cameras = NULL; gint err; int framerateconst; GST_LOG_OBJECT (src, "Opening the camera!!!"); if (dc1394_camera_enumerate (src->dc1394, &cameras) != DC1394_SUCCESS) { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (src, RESOURCE, FAILED, ("Can't find cameras"), ("Can't find cameras")); goto error; } GST_LOG_OBJECT (src, "Found %d cameras", cameras->num); if (src->camnum > (cameras->num - 1)) { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (src, RESOURCE, FAILED, ("Invalid camera number"), ("Invalid camera number")); goto error; } GST_LOG_OBJECT (src, "Opening camera : %d", src->camnum); src->camera = dc1394_camera_new_unit (src->dc1394, cameras->ids[src->camnum].guid, cameras->ids[src->camnum].unit); dc1394_camera_free_list (cameras); cameras = NULL; // figure out mode framerateconst = gst_dc1394_framerate_frac_to_const (src->rate_numerator, src->rate_denominator); GST_LOG_OBJECT (src, "The dma buffer queue size is %d buffers", src->bufsize); //FIXME HAVE THIS AUTOMATIC OR AS A PARAMETER ? err = dc1394_video_set_iso_speed (src->camera, DC1394_ISO_SPEED_400); if (err != DC1394_SUCCESS) { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (src, RESOURCE, FAILED, ("Could not set ISO speed"), ("Could not set ISO speed")); goto error; } GST_LOG_OBJECT (src, "Setting mode : %d", src->vmode); err = dc1394_video_set_mode (src->camera, src->vmode); if (err != DC1394_SUCCESS) { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (src, RESOURCE, FAILED, ("Could not set video mode %d", src->vmode), ("Could not set video mode %d", src->vmode)); goto error; } GST_LOG_OBJECT (src, "Setting framerate : %d", framerateconst); dc1394_video_set_framerate (src->camera, framerateconst); if (err != DC1394_SUCCESS) { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (src, RESOURCE, FAILED, ("Could not set framerate to %d", framerateconst), ("Could not set framerate to %d", framerateconst)); goto error; } // set any format-7 parameters if this is a format-7 mode if (src->vmode >= DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_FORMAT7_MIN && src->vmode <= DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_FORMAT7_MAX) { // the big thing we care about right now is frame size err = dc1394_format7_set_image_size (src->camera, src->vmode, src->width, src->height); if (err != DC1394_SUCCESS) { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (src, RESOURCE, FAILED, ("Could not set format 7 image size to %d x %d", src->width, src->height), ("Could not set format 7 image size to %d x %d", src->width, src->height)); goto error; } } err = dc1394_capture_setup (src->camera, src->bufsize, DC1394_CAPTURE_FLAGS_DEFAULT); if (err != DC1394_SUCCESS) { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (src, RESOURCE, FAILED, ("Error setting capture mode"), ("Error setting capture mode")); } if (err != DC1394_SUCCESS) { if (err == DC1394_NO_BANDWIDTH) { GST_LOG_OBJECT (src, "Capture setup_dma failed." "Trying to cleanup the iso_channels_and_bandwidth and retrying"); // try to cleanup the bandwidth and retry err = dc1394_iso_release_all (src->camera); if (err != DC1394_SUCCESS) { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (src, RESOURCE, FAILED, ("Could not cleanup bandwidth"), ("Could not cleanup bandwidth")); goto error; } else { err = dc1394_capture_setup (src->camera, src->bufsize, DC1394_CAPTURE_FLAGS_DEFAULT); if (err != DC1394_SUCCESS) { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (src, RESOURCE, FAILED, ("unable to setup camera error %d", err), ("unable to setup camera error %d", err)); goto error; } } } else { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (src, RESOURCE, FAILED, ("unable to setup camera error %d", err), ("unable to setup camera error %d", err)); goto error; } } return TRUE; error: if (src->camera) { dc1394_camera_free (src->camera); src->camera = NULL; } return FALSE;; } gboolean gst_dc1394_change_camera_transmission (GstDc1394 * src, gboolean on) { dc1394switch_t status = DC1394_OFF; dc1394error_t err = DC1394_FAILURE; gint i = 0; g_return_val_if_fail (src->camera, FALSE); if (on) { status = dc1394_video_set_transmission (src->camera, DC1394_ON); i = 0; while (status == DC1394_OFF && i++ < 5) { g_usleep (50000); if (dc1394_video_get_transmission (src->camera, &status) != DC1394_SUCCESS) { if (status == DC1394_OFF) { GST_LOG_OBJECT (src, "camera is still off , retrying"); } } } if (i == 5) { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (src, RESOURCE, FAILED, ("Camera doesn't seem to want to turn on!"), ("Camera doesn't seem to want to turn on!")); return FALSE; } GST_LOG_OBJECT (src, "got transmision status ON"); } else { if (dc1394_video_set_transmission (src->camera, DC1394_OFF) != DC1394_SUCCESS) { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (src, RESOURCE, FAILED, ("Unable to stop transmision"), ("Unable to stop transmision")); return FALSE; } GST_LOG_OBJECT (src, "Stopping capture"); err = dc1394_capture_stop (src->camera); if (err > 0) { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (src, RESOURCE, FAILED, ("Capture stop error : %d ", err), ("Capture stop error : %d ", err)); return FALSE; } else { GST_LOG_OBJECT (src, "Capture stoped successfully"); } } return TRUE; } static gboolean plugin_init (GstPlugin * plugin) { GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_INIT (dc1394_debug, "dc1394", 0, "DC1394 interface"); return gst_element_register (plugin, "dc1394src", GST_RANK_NONE, GST_TYPE_DC1394); } GST_PLUGIN_DEFINE (GST_VERSION_MAJOR, GST_VERSION_MINOR, "dc1394", "1394 IIDC Video Source", plugin_init, VERSION, GST_LICENSE, GST_PACKAGE_NAME, GST_PACKAGE_ORIGIN)