/* G-Streamer X11 Window event/motion listener * Copyright (C) 2003 Ronald Bultje * * xwindowlistener.c: implementation of the object * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include "xwindowlistener.h" #define NUM_CLIPS 1024 static void gst_x_window_listener_class_init (GstXWindowListenerClass * klass); static void gst_x_window_listener_init (GstXWindowListener * xwin); static void gst_x_window_listener_dispose (GObject * object); static void gst_xwin_start (GstXWindowListener * xwin); static void gst_xwin_stop (GstXWindowListener * xwin); static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL; GType gst_x_window_listener_get_type (void) { static GType x_window_listener_type = 0; if (!x_window_listener_type) { static const GTypeInfo x_window_listener_info = { sizeof (GstXWindowListenerClass), NULL, NULL, (GClassInitFunc) gst_x_window_listener_class_init, NULL, NULL, sizeof (GstXWindowListener), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) gst_x_window_listener_init, NULL }; x_window_listener_type = g_type_register_static (G_TYPE_OBJECT, "GstXWindowListener", &x_window_listener_info, 0); } return x_window_listener_type; } static void gst_x_window_listener_class_init (GstXWindowListenerClass * klass) { GObjectClass *object_klass = (GObjectClass *) klass; parent_class = g_type_class_ref (G_TYPE_OBJECT); object_klass->dispose = gst_x_window_listener_dispose; } static void gst_x_window_listener_init (GstXWindowListener * xwin) { xwin->xwindow_id = 0; xwin->display_name = NULL; xwin->map_window_func = NULL; xwin->set_window_func = NULL; xwin->thread = NULL; } static void gst_x_window_listener_dispose (GObject * object) { GstXWindowListener *xwin = GST_X_WINDOW_LISTENER (object); /* stop overlay */ gst_x_window_listener_set_xid (xwin, 0); if (xwin->display_name) { g_free (xwin->display_name); xwin->display_name = NULL; } if (parent_class->dispose) { parent_class->dispose (object); } } GstXWindowListener * gst_x_window_listener_new (gchar * display, MapWindowFunc map_window_func, SetWindowFunc set_window_func, gpointer private_data) { GstXWindowListener *xwin = g_object_new (GST_TYPE_X_WINDOW_LISTENER, NULL); xwin->display_name = g_strdup (display); xwin->map_window_func = map_window_func; xwin->set_window_func = set_window_func; xwin->private_data = private_data; return xwin; } void gst_x_window_listener_set_xid (GstXWindowListener * xwin, XID id) { g_return_if_fail (xwin != NULL); if (id == xwin->xwindow_id) { return; } if (xwin->xwindow_id && xwin->thread) { gst_xwin_stop (xwin); } xwin->xwindow_id = id; if (xwin->xwindow_id && xwin->display_name && xwin->display_name[0] == ':') { g_return_if_fail (xwin->map_window_func != NULL); g_return_if_fail (xwin->set_window_func != NULL); gst_xwin_start (xwin); } } /* * The following code works as follows: * - the "client" (the one who uses this object) sets an XID * - we add a child XWindow to this XID, and follow motion/events * - after each event, we determine the position, size and clips * - next, we call the per-instance virtual functions set by the client * - and we do all this in an endless cycle * * This code originates largely from xawtv. By permission of Gerd Knorr * , it was relicensed to LGPL. */ #define DEBUG(...) \ GST_DEBUG ("XWL: " __VA_ARGS__) static void gst_xwin_set_overlay (GstXWindowListener * xwin, gboolean on) { xwin->map_window_func (xwin->private_data, on); /* remember me */ xwin->ov_visible = on; } static gboolean gst_xwin_refresh (gpointer data) { GstXWindowListener *xwin = GST_X_WINDOW_LISTENER (data); Window win, tmp; XSetWindowAttributes xswa; XWindowAttributes attr; g_mutex_lock (xwin->main_lock); win = DefaultRootWindow (xwin->main_display); XGetWindowAttributes (xwin->main_display, win, &attr); xwin->ov_refresh_id = 0; if (!xwin->ov_move && xwin->ov_map && xwin->ov_visibility == VisibilityUnobscured) { g_mutex_unlock (xwin->main_lock); return FALSE; /* skip */ } if (xwin->ov_map && xwin->ov_visibility != VisibilityFullyObscured) { xwin->ov_refresh = TRUE; } xswa.override_redirect = True; xswa.backing_store = NotUseful; xswa.save_under = False; tmp = XCreateWindow (xwin->main_display, win, 0, 0, attr.width, attr.height, 0, CopyFromParent, InputOutput, (Visual *) CopyFromParent, (CWSaveUnder | CWBackingStore | CWOverrideRedirect), &xswa); XMapWindow (xwin->main_display, tmp); XUnmapWindow (xwin->main_display, tmp); XDestroyWindow (xwin->main_display, tmp); xwin->ov_move = FALSE; g_mutex_unlock (xwin->main_lock); /* once */ return FALSE; } static int x11_error_dev_null (Display * display, XErrorEvent * event) { return 0; } #define ADD_CLIP(_x, _y, _w, _h) \ do { \ GstXWindowClip *clip = &xwin->clips[xwin->num_clips++]; \ clip->x_offset = _x; \ clip->y_offset = _y; \ clip->width = _w; \ clip->height = _h; \ clip->data = NULL; \ } while (0); static void gst_xwin_set_clips (GstXWindowListener * xwin) { Window root, rroot, parent, *kids, me; XWindowAttributes attr; guint numkids; gint i; gint x1, y1, w1, h1; XErrorHandler old_handler; old_handler = XSetErrorHandler (x11_error_dev_null); if (xwin->num_clips != 0) xwin->ov_conf = TRUE; xwin->num_clips = 0; root = DefaultRootWindow (xwin->display); XGetWindowAttributes (xwin->display, root, &attr); if (xwin->x < 0) ADD_CLIP (0, 0, -xwin->x, xwin->h); if (xwin->y < 0) ADD_CLIP (0, 0, xwin->w, -xwin->y); if ((xwin->x + xwin->w) > attr.width) ADD_CLIP (attr.width - xwin->x, 0, xwin->w, xwin->h); if ((xwin->y + xwin->h) > attr.height) ADD_CLIP (0, attr.height - xwin->y, xwin->w, xwin->h); me = xwin->child; while (1) { XQueryTree (xwin->display, me, &rroot, &parent, &kids, &numkids); if (numkids) XFree (kids); if (root == parent) break; me = parent; } XQueryTree (xwin->display, root, &rroot, &parent, &kids, &numkids); for (i = 0; i < numkids; i++) if (kids[i] == me) break; for (i++; i < numkids; i++) { XGetWindowAttributes (xwin->display, kids[i], &attr); if (attr.map_state != IsViewable) continue; x1 = attr.x - xwin->x; y1 = attr.y - xwin->y; w1 = attr.width + 2 * attr.border_width; h1 = attr.height + 2 * attr.border_width; if (((x1 + w1) < 0) || (x1 > xwin->w) || ((y1 + h1) < 0) || (y1 > xwin->h)) continue; if (x1 < 0) x1 = 0; if (y1 < 0) y1 = 0; ADD_CLIP (x1, y1, w1, h1); } XFree (kids); if (xwin->num_clips != 0) xwin->ov_conf = TRUE; XSetErrorHandler (old_handler); } static gboolean gst_xwin_window (GstXWindowListener * xwin) { if (xwin->ov_map && xwin->ov_wmmap && xwin->ov_visibility != VisibilityFullyObscured) { /* visible */ if (xwin->ov_visibility == VisibilityPartiallyObscured) { /* set clips */ gst_xwin_set_clips (xwin); } if (xwin->ov_conf) { xwin->set_window_func (xwin->private_data, xwin->x, xwin->y, xwin->w, xwin->h, xwin->clips, xwin->num_clips); if (!xwin->ov_visible) gst_xwin_set_overlay (xwin, TRUE); g_mutex_lock (xwin->main_lock); if (xwin->ov_refresh_id) g_source_remove (xwin->ov_refresh_id); xwin->ov_refresh_id = g_timeout_add (200, (GSourceFunc) gst_xwin_refresh, (gpointer) xwin); xwin->ov_conf = FALSE; g_mutex_unlock (xwin->main_lock); } } else { /* not visible */ if (xwin->ov_conf && xwin->ov_visible) { gst_xwin_set_overlay (xwin, FALSE); g_mutex_lock (xwin->main_lock); if (xwin->ov_refresh_id) g_source_remove (xwin->ov_refresh_id); xwin->ov_refresh_id = g_timeout_add (200, (GSourceFunc) gst_xwin_refresh, (gpointer) xwin); xwin->ov_conf = FALSE; g_mutex_unlock (xwin->main_lock); } } xwin->ov_conf_id = 0; /* once is enough */ return FALSE; } static void gst_xwin_configure (GstXWindowListener * xwin) { #if 0 /* This part is disabled, because the idle task will be done * in the main thread instead of here. */ if (!xwin->ov_conf_id) xwin->ov_conf_id = g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) gst_rec_xoverlay_window, (gpointer) xwin); #endif gst_xwin_window ((gpointer) xwin); } static void gst_xwin_resize (GstXWindowListener * xwin) { Drawable drawable, parent, *kids, root; guint numkids; XWindowAttributes attr; XGetWindowAttributes (xwin->display, xwin->xwindow_id, &attr); XMoveResizeWindow (xwin->display, xwin->child, 0, 0, attr.width, attr.height); /* set the video window - the first clip is our own window */ xwin->x = 0; xwin->y = 0; xwin->w = attr.width; xwin->h = attr.height; drawable = xwin->child; while (1) { XQueryTree (xwin->display, drawable, &root, &parent, &kids, &numkids); if (numkids) XFree (kids); drawable = parent; XGetWindowAttributes (xwin->display, drawable, &attr); xwin->x += attr.x; xwin->y += attr.y; if (parent == attr.root) break; } xwin->ov_conf = TRUE; xwin->ov_move = TRUE; gst_xwin_configure (xwin); } static void gst_xwin_init_window (GstXWindowListener * xwin) { XWindowAttributes attr; /* start values */ xwin->ov_conf = TRUE; xwin->ov_map = xwin->ov_wmmap = TRUE; xwin->ov_move = TRUE; xwin->ov_refresh = FALSE; g_mutex_lock (xwin->main_lock); xwin->ov_conf_id = xwin->ov_refresh_id = 0; g_mutex_unlock (xwin->main_lock); xwin->ov_visibility = VisibilityFullyObscured; /* start the memory that we'll use */ xwin->clips = g_malloc (sizeof (GstXWindowClip) * NUM_CLIPS); xwin->num_clips = 0; /* open connection to X server */ xwin->display = XOpenDisplay (xwin->display_name); /* window */ XGetWindowAttributes (xwin->display, xwin->xwindow_id, &attr); xwin->child = XCreateSimpleWindow (xwin->display, xwin->xwindow_id, 0, 0, attr.width, attr.height, 0, 0, 0); /* listen to certain X events */ XSelectInput (xwin->display, xwin->xwindow_id, StructureNotifyMask); XSelectInput (xwin->display, xwin->child, VisibilityChangeMask | StructureNotifyMask); XSelectInput (xwin->display, DefaultRootWindow (xwin->display), VisibilityChangeMask | StructureNotifyMask | SubstructureNotifyMask); /* show */ XMapWindow (xwin->display, xwin->child); gst_xwin_resize (xwin); } static void gst_xwin_exit_window (GstXWindowListener * xwin) { /* disable overlay */ gst_xwin_set_overlay (xwin, FALSE); /* delete idle funcs */ if (xwin->ov_conf_id != 0) g_source_remove (xwin->ov_conf_id); g_mutex_lock (xwin->main_lock); if (xwin->ov_refresh_id != 0) g_source_remove (xwin->ov_refresh_id); g_mutex_unlock (xwin->main_lock); /* get away from X and free mem */ XDestroyWindow (xwin->display, xwin->child); XCloseDisplay (xwin->display); g_free (xwin->clips); } static gpointer gst_xwin_thread (gpointer data) { GstXWindowListener *xwin = GST_X_WINDOW_LISTENER (data); XEvent event; /* Hi, I'm GStreamer. What's your name? */ gst_xwin_init_window (xwin); while (xwin->cycle) { XNextEvent (xwin->display, &event); if (!xwin->cycle) break; if ((event.type == ConfigureNotify && event.xconfigure.window == xwin->xwindow_id) || (event.type == MapNotify && event.xmap.window == xwin->xwindow_id) || (event.type == UnmapNotify && event.xunmap.window == xwin->xwindow_id)) { /* the 'parent' window, i.e. the widget provided by client */ switch (event.type) { case MapNotify: xwin->ov_map = TRUE; xwin->ov_conf = TRUE; gst_xwin_configure (xwin); break; case UnmapNotify: xwin->ov_map = FALSE; xwin->ov_conf = TRUE; gst_xwin_configure (xwin); break; case ConfigureNotify: gst_xwin_resize (xwin); break; default: /* nothing */ break; } } else if (event.xany.window == xwin->child) { /* our own private window */ switch (event.type) { case Expose: if (!event.xexpose.count) { if (xwin->ov_refresh) { xwin->ov_refresh = FALSE; } else { xwin->ov_conf = TRUE; gst_xwin_configure (xwin); } } break; case VisibilityNotify: xwin->ov_visibility = event.xvisibility.state; if (xwin->ov_refresh) { if (event.xvisibility.state != VisibilityFullyObscured) xwin->ov_refresh = FALSE; } else { xwin->ov_conf = TRUE; gst_xwin_configure (xwin); } break; default: /* nothing */ break; } } else { /* root window */ switch (event.type) { case MapNotify: case UnmapNotify: /* are we still visible? */ if (!xwin->ov_refresh) { XWindowAttributes attr; gboolean on; XGetWindowAttributes (xwin->display, xwin->xwindow_id, &attr); on = (attr.map_state == IsViewable); xwin->ov_wmmap = on; xwin->ov_conf = TRUE; gst_xwin_configure (xwin); } break; case ConfigureNotify: if (!xwin->ov_refresh) { gst_xwin_resize (xwin); } break; default: /* nothing */ break; } } } /* Nice to have met you, see you later */ gst_xwin_exit_window (xwin); g_thread_exit (NULL); return NULL; } static void gst_xwin_start (GstXWindowListener * xwin) { DEBUG ("Starting XWindow listener"); xwin->cycle = TRUE; /* we use this main_display for two things: first of all, * the window needs to be 'refreshed' to remove artifacts * after every move. Secondly, we use this to 'unhang' the * event handler after we've stopped it */ xwin->main_lock = g_mutex_new (); xwin->main_display = XOpenDisplay (xwin->display_name); xwin->thread = g_thread_create (gst_xwin_thread, (gpointer) xwin, TRUE, NULL); DEBUG ("Started X-overlay"); } static void gst_xwin_stop (GstXWindowListener * xwin) { DEBUG ("Stopping XWindow listener"); xwin->cycle = FALSE; /* now, the event loop will hang. To prevent this from hanging * our app, app, we re-do our refresh hack. Oh man, this is * ugly. But it works. :). */ g_mutex_lock (xwin->main_lock); if (xwin->ov_refresh_id) g_source_remove (xwin->ov_refresh_id); g_mutex_unlock (xwin->main_lock); gst_xwin_refresh ((gpointer) xwin); g_thread_join (xwin->thread); XCloseDisplay (xwin->main_display); g_mutex_free (xwin->main_lock); DEBUG ("Stopped X-overlay"); } /* * End of code inspired by XawTV. */ static gboolean plugin_init (GstPlugin * plugin) { return TRUE; } GST_PLUGIN_DEFINE (GST_VERSION_MAJOR, GST_VERSION_MINOR, "xwindowlistener", "X11-based XWindow event/motion listener", plugin_init, VERSION, GST_LICENSE, GST_PACKAGE, GST_ORIGIN)