/* * This source code is public domain. * * Authors: Olivier Lapicque <olivierl@jps.net> */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "sndfile.h" // AWE32: cutoff = reg[0-255] * 31.25 + 100 -> [100Hz-8060Hz] // EMU10K1 docs: cutoff = reg[0-127]*62+100 #define FILTER_PRECISION 8192 #ifndef NO_FILTER #ifdef MSC_VER #define _ASM_MATH #endif #ifdef _ASM_MATH // pow(a,b) returns a^^b -> 2^^(b.log2(a)) static float pow(float a, float b) { long tmpint; float result; _asm { fld b // Load b fld a // Load a fyl2x // ST(0) = b.log2(a) fist tmpint // Store integer exponent fisub tmpint // ST(0) = -1 <= (b*log2(a)) <= 1 f2xm1 // ST(0) = 2^(x)-1 fild tmpint // load integer exponent fld1 // Load 1 fscale // ST(0) = 2^ST(1) fstp ST(1) // Remove the integer from the stack fmul ST(1), ST(0) // multiply with fractional part faddp ST(1), ST(0) // add integer_part fstp result // Store the result } return result; } #else #include <math.h> #endif // _ASM_MATH DWORD CSoundFile::CutOffToFrequency(UINT nCutOff, int flt_modifier) const //----------------------------------------------------------------------- { float Fc; if (m_dwSongFlags & SONG_EXFILTERRANGE) Fc = 110.0f * pow(2.0f, 0.25f + ((float)(nCutOff*(flt_modifier+256)))/(21.0f*512.0f)); else Fc = 110.0f * pow(2.0f, 0.25f + ((float)(nCutOff*(flt_modifier+256)))/(24.0f*512.0f)); LONG freq = (LONG)Fc; if (freq < 120) return 120; if (freq > 10000) return 10000; if (freq*2 > (LONG)gdwMixingFreq) freq = gdwMixingFreq>>1; return (DWORD)freq; } // Simple 2-poles resonant filter void CSoundFile::SetupChannelFilter(MODCHANNEL *pChn, BOOL bReset, int flt_modifier) const //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { float fc = (float)CutOffToFrequency(pChn->nCutOff, flt_modifier); float fs = (float)gdwMixingFreq; float fg, fb0, fb1; fc *= (float)(2.0*3.14159265358/fs); float dmpfac = pow(10.0f, -((24.0f / 128.0f)*(float)pChn->nResonance) / 20.0f); float d = (1.0f-2.0f*dmpfac)* fc; if (d>2.0) d = 2.0; d = (2.0f*dmpfac - d)/fc; float e = pow(1.0f/fc, 2); fg=1/(1+d+e); fb0=(d+e+e)/(1+d+e); fb1=-e/(1+d+e); pChn->nFilter_A0 = (int)(fg * FILTER_PRECISION); pChn->nFilter_B0 = (int)(fb0 * FILTER_PRECISION); pChn->nFilter_B1 = (int)(fb1 * FILTER_PRECISION); if (bReset) { pChn->nFilter_Y1 = pChn->nFilter_Y2 = 0; pChn->nFilter_Y3 = pChn->nFilter_Y4 = 0; } pChn->dwFlags |= CHN_FILTER; } #endif // NO_FILTER