/* GStreamer * Copyright (C) <1999> Erik Walthinsen <omega@cse.ogi.edu> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /*#define GST_DEBUG_ENABLED */ #include "gstmp1videoparse.h" /* Start codes. */ #define SEQ_START_CODE 0x000001b3 #define GOP_START_CODE 0x000001b8 #define PICTURE_START_CODE 0x00000100 #define SLICE_MIN_START_CODE 0x00000101 #define SLICE_MAX_START_CODE 0x000001af #define EXT_START_CODE 0x000001b5 #define USER_START_CODE 0x000001b2 #define SEQUENCE_ERROR_CODE 0x000001b4 #define SEQ_END_CODE 0x000001b7 /* elementfactory information */ static GstElementDetails mp1videoparse_details = { "MPEG 1 Video Parser", "Filter/Parser/Video", "Parses and frames MPEG 1 video streams, provides seek", VERSION, "Wim Taymans <wim.taymans@chello.be>", "(C) 2000", }; static GstPadTemplate* src_factory (void) { return gst_padtemplate_new ( "src", GST_PAD_SRC, GST_PAD_ALWAYS, gst_caps_new ( "mp1videoparse_src", "video/mpeg", gst_props_new ( "mpegversion", GST_PROPS_INT (1), "systemstream", GST_PROPS_BOOLEAN (FALSE), "sliced", GST_PROPS_BOOLEAN (TRUE), NULL)), NULL); } static GstPadTemplate* sink_factory (void) { return gst_padtemplate_new ( "sink", GST_PAD_SINK, GST_PAD_ALWAYS, gst_caps_new ( "mp1videoparse_sink", "video/mpeg", gst_props_new ( "mpegversion", GST_PROPS_INT (1), "systemstream", GST_PROPS_BOOLEAN (FALSE), NULL)), NULL); } /* Mp1VideoParse signals and args */ enum { /* FILL ME */ LAST_SIGNAL }; enum { ARG_0, /* FILL ME */ }; static void gst_mp1videoparse_class_init (Mp1VideoParseClass *klass); static void gst_mp1videoparse_init (Mp1VideoParse *mp1videoparse); static void gst_mp1videoparse_chain (GstPad *pad, GstBuffer *buf); static void gst_mp1videoparse_real_chain (Mp1VideoParse *mp1videoparse, GstBuffer *buf, GstPad *outpad); static void gst_mp1videoparse_flush (Mp1VideoParse *mp1videoparse); static GstPadTemplate *src_template, *sink_template; static GstElementClass *parent_class = NULL; /*static guint gst_mp1videoparse_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 }; */ GType mp1videoparse_get_type (void) { static GType mp1videoparse_type = 0; if (!mp1videoparse_type) { static const GTypeInfo mp1videoparse_info = { sizeof(Mp1VideoParseClass), NULL, NULL, (GClassInitFunc)gst_mp1videoparse_class_init, NULL, NULL, sizeof(Mp1VideoParse), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc)gst_mp1videoparse_init, }; mp1videoparse_type = g_type_register_static(GST_TYPE_ELEMENT, "Mp1VideoParse", &mp1videoparse_info, 0); } return mp1videoparse_type; } static void gst_mp1videoparse_class_init (Mp1VideoParseClass *klass) { GstElementClass *gstelement_class; gstelement_class = (GstElementClass*)klass; parent_class = g_type_class_ref(GST_TYPE_ELEMENT); } static void gst_mp1videoparse_init (Mp1VideoParse *mp1videoparse) { mp1videoparse->sinkpad = gst_pad_new_from_template (sink_template, "sink"); gst_element_add_pad(GST_ELEMENT(mp1videoparse),mp1videoparse->sinkpad); gst_pad_set_chain_function(mp1videoparse->sinkpad,gst_mp1videoparse_chain); mp1videoparse->srcpad = gst_pad_new_from_template (src_template, "src"); gst_element_add_pad(GST_ELEMENT(mp1videoparse),mp1videoparse->srcpad); mp1videoparse->partialbuf = NULL; mp1videoparse->need_resync = FALSE; mp1videoparse->last_pts = 0; mp1videoparse->picture_in_buffer = 0; } static gboolean mp1videoparse_valid_sync (gulong head) { if (head == SEQ_START_CODE) return TRUE; if (head == GOP_START_CODE) return TRUE; if (head == PICTURE_START_CODE) return TRUE; if (head >= SLICE_MIN_START_CODE && head <= SLICE_MAX_START_CODE) return TRUE; if (head == USER_START_CODE) return TRUE; if (head == EXT_START_CODE) return TRUE; return FALSE; } static gint mp1videoparse_find_next_gop (Mp1VideoParse *mp1videoparse, GstBuffer *buf) { guchar *data = GST_BUFFER_DATA(buf); gulong size = GST_BUFFER_SIZE(buf); gulong offset = 0; gint sync_zeros = 0; gboolean have_sync = FALSE; while (offset < size) { guchar byte = *(data+offset); offset++; if (byte == 0) { sync_zeros++; } else if (byte == 1 && sync_zeros >=2 ) { sync_zeros = 0; have_sync = TRUE; } else if (have_sync) { if (byte == (SEQ_START_CODE & 0xff) || byte == (GOP_START_CODE & 0xff)) return offset-4; else { sync_zeros = 0; have_sync = FALSE; } } else { sync_zeros = 0; } } return -1; } static void gst_mp1videoparse_flush (Mp1VideoParse *mp1videoparse) { GST_DEBUG (0,"mp1videoparse: flushing"); if (mp1videoparse->partialbuf) { gst_buffer_unref(mp1videoparse->partialbuf); mp1videoparse->partialbuf= NULL; } mp1videoparse->need_resync = TRUE; mp1videoparse->in_flush = TRUE; mp1videoparse->picture_in_buffer = 0; } static void gst_mp1videoparse_chain (GstPad *pad,GstBuffer *buf) { Mp1VideoParse *mp1videoparse; g_return_if_fail (pad != NULL); g_return_if_fail (GST_IS_PAD (pad)); g_return_if_fail (buf != NULL); mp1videoparse = GST_MP1VIDEOPARSE (GST_OBJECT_PARENT (pad)); gst_mp1videoparse_real_chain(mp1videoparse, buf, mp1videoparse->srcpad); } static void gst_mp1videoparse_real_chain (Mp1VideoParse *mp1videoparse, GstBuffer *buf, GstPad *outpad) { guchar *data; gulong size, offset = 0; GstBuffer *outbuf; gint sync_state; gboolean have_sync; guchar sync_byte; gulong head; gint sync_pos; guint64 time_stamp; GstBuffer *temp; /* g_return_if_fail(GST_IS_BUFFER(buf)); */ time_stamp = GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP(buf); /* FIXME, handle events here */ /* gst_mp1videoparse_flush(mp1videoparse); */ if (mp1videoparse->partialbuf) { offset = GST_BUFFER_SIZE(mp1videoparse->partialbuf); mp1videoparse->partialbuf = gst_buffer_append(mp1videoparse->partialbuf, buf); gst_buffer_unref(buf); } else { mp1videoparse->partialbuf = buf; offset = 0; } data = GST_BUFFER_DATA(mp1videoparse->partialbuf); size = GST_BUFFER_SIZE(mp1videoparse->partialbuf); GST_DEBUG (0,"mp1videoparse: received buffer of %ld bytes %lld",size, GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP(buf)); head = GULONG_FROM_BE(*((gulong *)data)); GST_DEBUG (0,"mp1videoparse: head is %08lx", head); if (!mp1videoparse_valid_sync(head) || mp1videoparse->need_resync) { sync_pos = mp1videoparse_find_next_gop(mp1videoparse, mp1videoparse->partialbuf); if (sync_pos != -1) { mp1videoparse->need_resync = FALSE; GST_DEBUG (0,"mp1videoparse: found new gop at %d", sync_pos); if (sync_pos != 0) { temp = gst_buffer_create_sub(mp1videoparse->partialbuf, sync_pos, size-sync_pos); g_assert(temp != NULL); gst_buffer_unref(mp1videoparse->partialbuf); mp1videoparse->partialbuf = temp; data = GST_BUFFER_DATA(mp1videoparse->partialbuf); size = GST_BUFFER_SIZE(mp1videoparse->partialbuf); offset = 0; } } else { GST_DEBUG (0,"mp1videoparse: could not sync"); gst_buffer_unref(mp1videoparse->partialbuf); mp1videoparse->partialbuf = NULL; return; } } if (mp1videoparse->picture_in_buffer == 1) { mp1videoparse->last_pts = time_stamp; } sync_state = 0; have_sync = FALSE; GST_DEBUG (0,"mp1videoparse: searching sync"); while (offset < size-1) { sync_byte = *(data + offset); /*printf(" %d %02x\n", offset, sync_byte); */ if (sync_byte == 0) { sync_state++; } else if ((sync_byte == 1) && (sync_state >=2)) { GST_DEBUG (0,"mp1videoparse: code 0x000001%02x",data[offset+1]); if (data[offset+1] == (PICTURE_START_CODE & 0xff)) { mp1videoparse->picture_in_buffer++; if (mp1videoparse->picture_in_buffer == 1) { mp1videoparse->last_pts = time_stamp; sync_state = 0; } else if (mp1videoparse->picture_in_buffer == 2) { have_sync = TRUE; break; } else { GST_DEBUG (0,"mp1videoparse: %d in buffer", mp1videoparse->picture_in_buffer); g_assert_not_reached(); } } else sync_state = 0; } /* something else... */ else sync_state = 0; /* go down the buffer */ offset++; } if (have_sync) { offset -= 2; GST_DEBUG (0,"mp1videoparse: synced at %ld code 0x000001%02x",offset,data[offset+3]); outbuf = gst_buffer_create_sub(mp1videoparse->partialbuf, 0, offset+4); g_assert(outbuf != NULL); GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP(outbuf) = mp1videoparse->last_pts; if (mp1videoparse->in_flush) { /* FIXME, send a flush event here */ mp1videoparse->in_flush = FALSE; } GST_DEBUG (0,"mp1videoparse: pushing %d bytes %llu", GST_BUFFER_SIZE(outbuf), GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP(outbuf)); gst_pad_push(outpad, outbuf); GST_DEBUG (0,"mp1videoparse: pushing done"); mp1videoparse->picture_in_buffer = 0; temp = gst_buffer_create_sub(mp1videoparse->partialbuf, offset, size-offset); gst_buffer_unref(mp1videoparse->partialbuf); mp1videoparse->partialbuf = temp; } else { mp1videoparse->last_pts = time_stamp; } } /* FIXME static GstElementStateReturn gst_mp1videoparse_change_state (GstElement *element) { Mp1VideoParse *mp1videoparse; g_return_val_if_fail(GST_IS_MP1VIDEOPARSE(element),GST_STATE_FAILURE); mp1videoparse = GST_MP1VIDEOPARSE(element); GST_DEBUG (0,"mp1videoparse: state pending %d", GST_STATE_PENDING(element)); * if going down into NULL state, clear out buffers * if (GST_STATE_PENDING(element) == GST_STATE_READY) { gst_mp1videoparse_flush(mp1videoparse); } * if we haven't failed already, give the parent class a chance to ;-) * if (GST_ELEMENT_CLASS(parent_class)->change_state) return GST_ELEMENT_CLASS(parent_class)->change_state(element); return GST_STATE_SUCCESS; } */ static gboolean plugin_init (GModule *module, GstPlugin *plugin) { GstElementFactory *factory; /* create an elementfactory for the mp1videoparse element */ factory = gst_elementfactory_new("mp1videoparse",GST_TYPE_MP1VIDEOPARSE, &mp1videoparse_details); g_return_val_if_fail(factory != NULL, FALSE); src_template = src_factory (); gst_elementfactory_add_padtemplate (factory, src_template); sink_template = sink_factory (); gst_elementfactory_add_padtemplate (factory, sink_template); gst_plugin_add_feature (plugin, GST_PLUGIN_FEATURE (factory)); return TRUE; } GstPluginDesc plugin_desc = { GST_VERSION_MAJOR, GST_VERSION_MINOR, "mp1videoparse", plugin_init };