/* Quicktime muxer plugin for GStreamer * Copyright (C) 2008 Thiago Sousa Santos <thiagoss@embedded.ufcg.edu.br> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "descriptors.h" /** * Some mp4 structures (descriptors) use a coding scheme for * representing its size. * It is grouped in bytes. The 1st bit set to 1 means we need another byte, * 0 otherwise. The remaining 7 bits are the useful values. * * The next set of functions handle those values */ /** * Gets an unsigned integer and packs it into a 'expandable size' format * (as used by mp4 descriptors) * @size: the integer to be parsed * @ptr: the array to place the result * @array_size: the size of ptr array */ static void expandable_size_parse (guint64 size, guint8 * ptr, guint32 array_size) { int index = 0; memset (ptr, 0, sizeof (array_size)); while (size > 0 && index < array_size) { ptr[index++] = (size > 0x7F ? 0x80 : 0x0) | (size & 0x7F); size = size >> 7; } } /** * Gets how many positions in an array holding an 'expandable size' * are really used * * @ptr: the array with the 'expandable size' * @array_size: the size of ptr array * * Returns: the number of really used positions */ static guint64 expandable_size_get_length (guint8 * ptr, guint32 array_size) { gboolean next = TRUE; guint32 index = 0; while (next && index < array_size) { next = ((ptr[index] & 0x80) == 1); index++; } return index; } /* * Initializers below */ static void desc_base_descriptor_init (BaseDescriptor * bd, guint8 tag, guint32 size) { bd->tag = tag; expandable_size_parse (size, bd->size, 4); } static void desc_dec_specific_info_init (DecoderSpecificInfoDescriptor * dsid) { desc_base_descriptor_init (&dsid->base, DECODER_SPECIFIC_INFO_TAG, 0); dsid->length = 0; dsid->data = NULL; } DecoderSpecificInfoDescriptor * desc_dec_specific_info_new () { DecoderSpecificInfoDescriptor *desc = g_new0 (DecoderSpecificInfoDescriptor, 1); desc_dec_specific_info_init (desc); return desc; } static void desc_dec_conf_desc_init (DecoderConfigDescriptor * dcd) { desc_base_descriptor_init (&dcd->base, DECODER_CONFIG_DESC_TAG, 0); dcd->dec_specific_info = NULL; } static void desc_sl_conf_desc_init (SLConfigDescriptor * sl) { desc_base_descriptor_init (&sl->base, SL_CONFIG_DESC_TAG, 0); sl->predefined = 0x2; } void desc_es_init (ESDescriptor * es) { desc_base_descriptor_init (&es->base, ES_DESCRIPTOR_TAG, 0); es->id = 0; es->flags = 0; es->depends_on_es_id = 0; es->ocr_es_id = 0; es->url_length = 0; es->url_string = NULL; desc_dec_conf_desc_init (&es->dec_conf_desc); desc_sl_conf_desc_init (&es->sl_conf_desc); } ESDescriptor * desc_es_descriptor_new () { ESDescriptor *es = g_new0 (ESDescriptor, 1); desc_es_init (es); return es; } /* * Deinitializers/Destructors below */ static void desc_base_descriptor_clear (BaseDescriptor * base) { } void desc_dec_specific_info_free (DecoderSpecificInfoDescriptor * dsid) { desc_base_descriptor_clear (&dsid->base); if (dsid->data) { g_free (dsid->data); dsid->data = NULL; } g_free (dsid); } static void desc_dec_conf_desc_clear (DecoderConfigDescriptor * dec) { desc_base_descriptor_clear (&dec->base); if (dec->dec_specific_info) { desc_dec_specific_info_free (dec->dec_specific_info); } } static void desc_sl_config_descriptor_clear (SLConfigDescriptor * sl) { desc_base_descriptor_clear (&sl->base); } void desc_es_descriptor_clear (ESDescriptor * es) { desc_base_descriptor_clear (&es->base); if (es->url_string) { g_free (es->url_string); es->url_string = NULL; } desc_dec_conf_desc_clear (&es->dec_conf_desc); desc_sl_config_descriptor_clear (&es->sl_conf_desc); } void desc_es_descriptor_free (ESDescriptor * es) { desc_es_descriptor_clear (es); g_free (es); } /* * Size handling functions below */ void desc_dec_specific_info_alloc_data (DecoderSpecificInfoDescriptor * dsid, guint32 size) { if (dsid->data) { g_free (dsid->data); } dsid->data = g_new0 (guint8, size); dsid->length = size; } static void desc_base_descriptor_set_size (BaseDescriptor * bd, guint32 size) { expandable_size_parse (size, bd->size, 4); } static guint64 desc_base_descriptor_get_size (BaseDescriptor * bd) { guint64 size = 0; size += sizeof (guint8); size += expandable_size_get_length (bd->size, 4) * sizeof (guint8); return size; } static guint64 desc_sl_config_descriptor_get_size (SLConfigDescriptor * sl_desc) { guint64 size = 0; guint64 extra_size = 0; size += desc_base_descriptor_get_size (&sl_desc->base); /* predefined */ extra_size += sizeof (guint8); desc_base_descriptor_set_size (&sl_desc->base, extra_size); return size + extra_size; } static guint64 desc_dec_specific_info_get_size (DecoderSpecificInfoDescriptor * dsid) { guint64 size = 0; guint64 extra_size = 0; size += desc_base_descriptor_get_size (&dsid->base); extra_size += sizeof (guint8) * dsid->length; desc_base_descriptor_set_size (&dsid->base, extra_size); return size + extra_size; } static guint64 desc_dec_config_descriptor_get_size (DecoderConfigDescriptor * dec_desc) { guint64 size = 0; guint64 extra_size = 0; size += desc_base_descriptor_get_size (&dec_desc->base); /* object type */ extra_size += sizeof (guint8); /* stream type */ extra_size += sizeof (guint8); /* buffer size */ extra_size += sizeof (guint8) * 3; /* max bitrate */ extra_size += sizeof (guint32); /* avg bitrate */ extra_size += sizeof (guint32); if (dec_desc->dec_specific_info) { extra_size += desc_dec_specific_info_get_size (dec_desc->dec_specific_info); } desc_base_descriptor_set_size (&dec_desc->base, extra_size); return size + extra_size; } static guint64 desc_es_descriptor_get_size (ESDescriptor * es) { guint64 size = 0; guint64 extra_size = 0; size += desc_base_descriptor_get_size (&es->base); /* id */ extra_size += sizeof (guint16); /* flags */ extra_size += sizeof (guint8); /* depends_on_es_id */ if (es->flags & 0x80) { extra_size += sizeof (guint16); } if (es->flags & 0x40) { /* url_length */ extra_size += sizeof (guint8); /* url */ extra_size += sizeof (gchar) * es->url_length; } if (es->flags & 0x20) { /* ocr_es_id */ extra_size += sizeof (guint16); } extra_size += desc_dec_config_descriptor_get_size (&es->dec_conf_desc); extra_size += desc_sl_config_descriptor_get_size (&es->sl_conf_desc); desc_base_descriptor_set_size (&es->base, extra_size); return size + extra_size; } static gboolean desc_es_descriptor_check_stream_dependency (ESDescriptor * es) { return es->flags & 0x80; } static gboolean desc_es_descriptor_check_url_flag (ESDescriptor * es) { return es->flags & 0x40; } static gboolean desc_es_descriptor_check_ocr (ESDescriptor * es) { return es->flags & 0x20; } /* Copy/Serializations Functions below */ static guint64 desc_base_descriptor_copy_data (BaseDescriptor * desc, guint8 ** buffer, guint64 * size, guint64 * offset) { guint64 original_offset = *offset; prop_copy_uint8 (desc->tag, buffer, size, offset); prop_copy_uint8_array (desc->size, expandable_size_get_length (desc->size, 4), buffer, size, offset); return original_offset - *offset; } static guint64 desc_sl_config_descriptor_copy_data (SLConfigDescriptor * desc, guint8 ** buffer, guint64 * size, guint64 * offset) { guint64 original_offset = *offset; if (!desc_base_descriptor_copy_data (&desc->base, buffer, size, offset)) { return 0; } /* predefined attribute */ prop_copy_uint8 (desc->predefined, buffer, size, offset); return *offset - original_offset; } static guint64 desc_dec_specific_info_copy_data (DecoderSpecificInfoDescriptor * desc, guint8 ** buffer, guint64 * size, guint64 * offset) { guint64 original_offset = *offset; if (!desc_base_descriptor_copy_data (&desc->base, buffer, size, offset)) { return 0; } prop_copy_uint8_array (desc->data, desc->length, buffer, size, offset); return *offset - original_offset; } static guint64 desc_dec_config_descriptor_copy_data (DecoderConfigDescriptor * desc, guint8 ** buffer, guint64 * size, guint64 * offset) { guint64 original_offset = *offset; if (!desc_base_descriptor_copy_data (&desc->base, buffer, size, offset)) { return 0; } prop_copy_uint8 (desc->object_type, buffer, size, offset); prop_copy_uint8 (desc->stream_type, buffer, size, offset); prop_copy_uint8_array (desc->buffer_size_DB, 3, buffer, size, offset); prop_copy_uint32 (desc->max_bitrate, buffer, size, offset); prop_copy_uint32 (desc->avg_bitrate, buffer, size, offset); if (desc->dec_specific_info) { if (!desc_dec_specific_info_copy_data (desc->dec_specific_info, buffer, size, offset)) { return 0; } } return *offset - original_offset; } guint64 desc_es_descriptor_copy_data (ESDescriptor * desc, guint8 ** buffer, guint64 * size, guint64 * offset) { guint64 desc_size; guint64 original_offset = *offset; /* must call this twice to have size fields of all contained descriptors set * correctly, and to have the size of the size fields taken into account */ desc_size = desc_es_descriptor_get_size (desc); desc_size = desc_es_descriptor_get_size (desc); if (!desc_base_descriptor_copy_data (&desc->base, buffer, size, offset)) { return 0; } /* id and flags */ prop_copy_uint16 (desc->id, buffer, size, offset); prop_copy_uint8 (desc->flags, buffer, size, offset); if (desc_es_descriptor_check_stream_dependency (desc)) { prop_copy_uint16 (desc->depends_on_es_id, buffer, size, offset); } if (desc_es_descriptor_check_url_flag (desc)) { prop_copy_size_string (desc->url_string, desc->url_length, buffer, size, offset); } if (desc_es_descriptor_check_ocr (desc)) { prop_copy_uint16 (desc->ocr_es_id, buffer, size, offset); } if (!desc_dec_config_descriptor_copy_data (&desc->dec_conf_desc, buffer, size, offset)) { return 0; } if (!desc_sl_config_descriptor_copy_data (&desc->sl_conf_desc, buffer, size, offset)) { return 0; } return *offset - original_offset; }