path: root/src/gui/GraphCanvas.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/gui/GraphCanvas.cpp')
1 files changed, 912 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/GraphCanvas.cpp b/src/gui/GraphCanvas.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..931cc23f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gui/GraphCanvas.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,912 @@
+ This file is part of Ingen.
+ Copyright 2007-2016 David Robillard <>
+ Ingen is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+ terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
+ Ingen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+ A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ along with Ingen. If not, see <>.
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include <string>
+#include <boost/optional.hpp>
+#include <gtkmm/stock.h>
+#include "ganv/Canvas.hpp"
+#include "ganv/Circle.hpp"
+#include "ingen/ClashAvoider.hpp"
+#include "ingen/Configuration.hpp"
+#include "ingen/Interface.hpp"
+#include "ingen/Log.hpp"
+#include "ingen/Serialiser.hpp"
+#include "ingen/World.hpp"
+#include "ingen/client/BlockModel.hpp"
+#include "ingen/client/ClientStore.hpp"
+#include "ingen/client/GraphModel.hpp"
+#include "ingen/client/PluginModel.hpp"
+#include "ingen/ingen.h"
+#include "lv2/atom/atom.h"
+#include "App.hpp"
+#include "Arc.hpp"
+#include "GraphCanvas.hpp"
+#include "GraphPortModule.hpp"
+#include "GraphWindow.hpp"
+#include "LoadPluginWindow.hpp"
+#include "NewSubgraphWindow.hpp"
+#include "NodeModule.hpp"
+#include "PluginMenu.hpp"
+#include "Port.hpp"
+#include "SubgraphModule.hpp"
+#include "ThreadedLoader.hpp"
+#include "WidgetFactory.hpp"
+#include "WindowFactory.hpp"
+using std::string;
+namespace ingen {
+using namespace client;
+namespace gui {
+static int
+port_order(const GanvPort* a, const GanvPort* b, void* data)
+ const Port* pa = dynamic_cast<const Port*>(Glib::wrap(a));
+ const Port* pb = dynamic_cast<const Port*>(Glib::wrap(b));
+ if (pa && pb) {
+ return ((int)pa->model()->index() - (int)pb->model()->index());
+ }
+ return 0;
+GraphCanvas::GraphCanvas(App& app,
+ SPtr<const GraphModel> graph,
+ int width,
+ int height)
+ : Canvas(width, height)
+ , _app(app)
+ , _graph(std::move(graph))
+ , _auto_position_count(0)
+ , _menu_x(0)
+ , _menu_y(0)
+ , _paste_count(0)
+ , _menu(nullptr)
+ , _internal_menu(nullptr)
+ , _plugin_menu(nullptr)
+ , _human_names(true)
+ , _show_port_names(true)
+ , _menu_dirty(false)
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Builder> xml = WidgetFactory::create("canvas_menu");
+ xml->get_widget("canvas_menu", _menu);
+ xml->get_widget("canvas_menu_add_audio_input", _menu_add_audio_input);
+ xml->get_widget("canvas_menu_add_audio_output", _menu_add_audio_output);
+ xml->get_widget("canvas_menu_add_cv_input", _menu_add_cv_input);
+ xml->get_widget("canvas_menu_add_cv_output", _menu_add_cv_output);
+ xml->get_widget("canvas_menu_add_control_input", _menu_add_control_input);
+ xml->get_widget("canvas_menu_add_control_output", _menu_add_control_output);
+ xml->get_widget("canvas_menu_add_event_input", _menu_add_event_input);
+ xml->get_widget("canvas_menu_add_event_output", _menu_add_event_output);
+ xml->get_widget("canvas_menu_load_plugin", _menu_load_plugin);
+ xml->get_widget("canvas_menu_load_graph", _menu_load_graph);
+ xml->get_widget("canvas_menu_new_graph", _menu_new_graph);
+ xml->get_widget("canvas_menu_edit", _menu_edit);
+ xml->get_widget("canvas_menu_properties", _menu_properties);
+ const URIs& uris = _app.uris();
+ // Add port menu items
+ _menu_add_audio_input->signal_activate().connect(
+ sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(this, &GraphCanvas::menu_add_port),
+ "audio_in", "Audio In", uris.lv2_AudioPort, false));
+ _menu_add_audio_output->signal_activate().connect(
+ sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(this, &GraphCanvas::menu_add_port),
+ "audio_out", "Audio Out", uris.lv2_AudioPort, true));
+ _menu_add_cv_input->signal_activate().connect(
+ sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(this, &GraphCanvas::menu_add_port),
+ "cv_in", "CV In", uris.lv2_CVPort, false));
+ _menu_add_cv_output->signal_activate().connect(
+ sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(this, &GraphCanvas::menu_add_port),
+ "cv_out", "CV Out", uris.lv2_CVPort, true));
+ _menu_add_control_input->signal_activate().connect(
+ sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(this, &GraphCanvas::menu_add_port),
+ "control_in", "Control In", uris.lv2_ControlPort, false));
+ _menu_add_control_output->signal_activate().connect(
+ sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(this, &GraphCanvas::menu_add_port),
+ "control_out", "Control Out", uris.lv2_ControlPort, true));
+ _menu_add_event_input->signal_activate().connect(
+ sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(this, &GraphCanvas::menu_add_port),
+ "event_in", "Event In", uris.atom_AtomPort, false));
+ _menu_add_event_output->signal_activate().connect(
+ sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(this, &GraphCanvas::menu_add_port),
+ "event_out", "Event Out", uris.atom_AtomPort, true));
+ signal_event.connect(
+ sigc::mem_fun(this, &GraphCanvas::on_event));
+ signal_connect.connect(
+ sigc::mem_fun(this, &GraphCanvas::connect));
+ signal_disconnect.connect(
+ sigc::mem_fun(this, &GraphCanvas::disconnect));
+ // Connect to model signals to track state
+ _graph->signal_new_block().connect(
+ sigc::mem_fun(this, &GraphCanvas::add_block));
+ _graph->signal_removed_block().connect(
+ sigc::mem_fun(this, &GraphCanvas::remove_block));
+ _graph->signal_new_port().connect(
+ sigc::mem_fun(this, &GraphCanvas::add_port));
+ _graph->signal_removed_port().connect(
+ sigc::mem_fun(this, &GraphCanvas::remove_port));
+ _graph->signal_new_arc().connect(
+ sigc::mem_fun(this, &GraphCanvas::connection));
+ _graph->signal_removed_arc().connect(
+ sigc::mem_fun(this, &GraphCanvas::disconnection));
+ sigc::mem_fun(this, &GraphCanvas::add_plugin));
+ sigc::mem_fun(this, &GraphCanvas::remove_plugin));
+ // Connect widget signals to do things
+ _menu_load_plugin->signal_activate().connect(
+ sigc::mem_fun(this, &GraphCanvas::menu_load_plugin));
+ _menu_load_graph->signal_activate().connect(
+ sigc::mem_fun(this, &GraphCanvas::menu_load_graph));
+ _menu_new_graph->signal_activate().connect(
+ sigc::mem_fun(this, &GraphCanvas::menu_new_graph));
+ _menu_properties->signal_activate().connect(
+ sigc::mem_fun(this, &GraphCanvas::menu_properties));
+ show_human_names(>conf().option("human-names").get<int32_t>());
+ show_port_names(>conf().option("port-labels").get<int32_t>());
+ set_port_order(port_order, nullptr);
+GraphCanvas::show_menu(bool position, unsigned button, uint32_t time)
+ _app.request_plugins_if_necessary();
+ if (!_internal_menu || _menu_dirty) {
+ build_menus();
+ }
+ if (position) {
+ _menu->popup(sigc::mem_fun(this, &GraphCanvas::auto_menu_position), button, time);
+ } else {
+ _menu->popup(button, time);
+ }
+ // Build (or clear existing) internal plugin menu
+ if (_internal_menu) {
+ _internal_menu->items().clear();
+ } else {
+ _menu->items().push_back(
+ Gtk::Menu_Helpers::ImageMenuElem(
+ "In_ternal",
+ *(manage(new Gtk::Image(Gtk::Stock::EXECUTE, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_MENU)))));
+ Gtk::MenuItem* internal_menu_item = &(_menu->items().back());
+ _internal_menu = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Menu());
+ internal_menu_item->set_submenu(*_internal_menu);
+ _menu->reorder_child(*internal_menu_item, 4);
+ }
+ // Build skeleton LV2 plugin class heirarchy for 'Plugin' menu
+ if (_plugin_menu) {
+ _plugin_menu->clear();
+ } else {
+ _plugin_menu = Gtk::manage(new PluginMenu(*;
+ _menu->items().push_back(
+ Gtk::Menu_Helpers::ImageMenuElem(
+ "_Plugin",
+ *(manage(new Gtk::Image(Gtk::Stock::EXECUTE, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_MENU)))));
+ Gtk::MenuItem* plugin_menu_item = &(_menu->items().back());
+ plugin_menu_item->set_submenu(*_plugin_menu);
+ _menu->reorder_child(*plugin_menu_item, 5);
+ _plugin_menu->signal_load_plugin.connect(
+ sigc::mem_fun(this, &GraphCanvas::load_plugin));
+ }
+ // Add known plugins to menu heirarchy
+ SPtr<const ClientStore::Plugins> plugins =>plugins();
+ for (const auto& p : *plugins.get()) {
+ add_plugin(p.second);
+ }
+ _menu_dirty = false;
+ const Store::const_range kids =>children_range(_graph);
+ // Create modules for blocks
+ for (Store::const_iterator i = kids.first; i != kids.second; ++i) {
+ SPtr<BlockModel> block = dynamic_ptr_cast<BlockModel>(i->second);
+ if (block && block->parent() == _graph) {
+ add_block(block);
+ }
+ }
+ // Create pseudo modules for ports (ports on this canvas, not on our module)
+ for (const auto& p : _graph->ports()) {
+ add_port(p);
+ }
+ // Create arcs
+ for (const auto& a : _graph->arcs()) {
+ connection(dynamic_ptr_cast<ArcModel>(a.second));
+ }
+static void
+show_module_human_names(GanvNode* node, void* data)
+ bool b = *(bool*)data;
+ if (GANV_IS_MODULE(node)) {
+ Ganv::Module* module = Glib::wrap(GANV_MODULE(node));
+ NodeModule* nmod = dynamic_cast<NodeModule*>(module);
+ if (nmod) {
+ nmod->show_human_names(b);
+ }
+ GraphPortModule* pmod = dynamic_cast<GraphPortModule*>(module);
+ if (pmod) {
+ pmod->show_human_names(b);
+ }
+ }
+GraphCanvas::show_human_names(bool b)
+ _human_names = b;
+>conf().set("human-names", _app.forge().make(b));
+ for_each_node(show_module_human_names, &b);
+static void
+ensure_port_labels(GanvNode* node, void* data)
+ if (GANV_IS_MODULE(node)) {
+ Ganv::Module* module = Glib::wrap(GANV_MODULE(node));
+ for (Ganv::Port* p : *module) {
+ ingen::gui::Port* port = dynamic_cast<ingen::gui::Port*>(p);
+ if (port) {
+ port->ensure_label();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+GraphCanvas::show_port_names(bool b)
+ ganv_canvas_set_direction(gobj(), b ? GANV_DIRECTION_RIGHT : GANV_DIRECTION_DOWN);
+ for_each_node(ensure_port_labels, &b);
+GraphCanvas::add_plugin(SPtr<PluginModel> p)
+ if (_internal_menu && _app.uris().ingen_Internal == p->type()) {
+ _internal_menu->items().push_back(
+ Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(
+ std::string("_") + p->human_name(),
+ sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(this, &GraphCanvas::load_plugin), p)));
+ } else if (_plugin_menu) {
+ _plugin_menu->add_plugin(p);
+ }
+GraphCanvas::remove_plugin(const URI& uri)
+ // Flag menus as dirty so they will be rebuilt when needed next
+ _menu_dirty = true;
+GraphCanvas::add_block(SPtr<const BlockModel> bm)
+ SPtr<const GraphModel> pm = dynamic_ptr_cast<const GraphModel>(bm);
+ NodeModule* module;
+ if (pm) {
+ module = SubgraphModule::create(*this, pm, _human_names);
+ } else {
+ module = NodeModule::create(*this, bm, _human_names);
+ }
+ module->show();
+ _views.emplace(bm, module);
+ if (_pastees.find(bm->path()) != _pastees.end()) {
+ module->set_selected(true);
+ }
+GraphCanvas::remove_block(SPtr<const BlockModel> bm)
+ auto i = _views.find(bm);
+ if (i != _views.end()) {
+ const guint n_ports = i->second->num_ports();
+ for (gint p = n_ports - 1; p >= 0; --p) {
+ delete i->second->get_port(p);
+ }
+ delete i->second;
+ _views.erase(i);
+ }
+GraphCanvas::add_port(SPtr<const PortModel> pm)
+ GraphPortModule* view = GraphPortModule::create(*this, pm);
+ _views.emplace(pm, view);
+ view->show();
+GraphCanvas::remove_port(SPtr<const PortModel> pm)
+ auto i = _views.find(pm);
+ // Port on this graph
+ if (i != _views.end()) {
+ delete i->second;
+ _views.erase(i);
+ } else {
+ NodeModule* module = dynamic_cast<NodeModule*>(_views[pm->parent()]);
+ module->delete_port_view(pm);
+ }
+ assert(_views.find(pm) == _views.end());
+GraphCanvas::get_port_view(SPtr<PortModel> port)
+ Ganv::Module* module = _views[port];
+ // Port on this graph
+ if (module) {
+ GraphPortModule* ppm = dynamic_cast<GraphPortModule*>(module);
+ return ppm
+ ? *ppm->begin()
+ : dynamic_cast<Ganv::Port*>(module);
+ } else {
+ module = dynamic_cast<NodeModule*>(_views[port->parent()]);
+ if (module) {
+ for (const auto& p : *module) {
+ gui::Port* pv = dynamic_cast<gui::Port*>(p);
+ if (pv && pv->model() == port) {
+ return pv;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+/** Called when a connection is added to the model. */
+GraphCanvas::connection(SPtr<const ArcModel> arc)
+ Ganv::Port* const tail = get_port_view(arc->tail());
+ Ganv::Port* const head = get_port_view(arc->head());
+ if (tail && head) {
+ new gui::Arc(*this, arc, tail, head);
+ } else {
+ _app.log().error(fmt("Unable to find ports to connect %1% => %2%\n")
+ % arc->tail_path() % arc->head_path());
+ }
+/** Called when a connection is removed from the model. */
+GraphCanvas::disconnection(SPtr<const ArcModel> arc)
+ Ganv::Port* const tail = get_port_view(arc->tail());
+ Ganv::Port* const head = get_port_view(arc->head());
+ if (tail && head) {
+ remove_edge_between(tail, head);
+ if (arc->head()->is_a(_app.uris().lv2_AudioPort)) {
+ gui::Port* const h = dynamic_cast<gui::Port*>(head);
+ if (h) {
+ h->activity(_app.forge().make(0.0f)); // Reset peaks
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ _app.log().error(fmt("Unable to find ports to disconnect %1% => %2%\n")
+ % arc->tail_path() % arc->head_path());
+ }
+/** Called when the user connects ports on the canvas. */
+GraphCanvas::connect(Ganv::Node* tail, Ganv::Node* head)
+ const gui::Port* const t = dynamic_cast<gui::Port*>(tail);
+ const gui::Port* const h = dynamic_cast<gui::Port*>(head);
+ if (t && h) {
+ _app.interface()->connect(t->model()->path(), h->model()->path());
+ }
+/** Called when the user disconnects ports on the canvas. */
+GraphCanvas::disconnect(Ganv::Node* tail, Ganv::Node* head)
+ const gui::Port* const t = dynamic_cast<gui::Port*>(tail);
+ const gui::Port* const h = dynamic_cast<gui::Port*>(head);
+ if (t && h) {
+ _app.interface()->disconnect(t->model()->path(), h->model()->path());
+ }
+GraphCanvas::auto_menu_position(int& x, int& y, bool& push_in)
+ std::pair<int, int> scroll_offsets;
+ get_scroll_offsets(scroll_offsets.first, scroll_offsets.second);
+ if (_auto_position_count > 1 && scroll_offsets != _auto_position_scroll_offsets) {
+ // Scroll changed since last auto position, reset
+ _menu_x = 0;
+ _menu_y = 0;
+ _auto_position_count = 0;
+ }
+ if (_menu_x == 0 && _menu_y == 0) {
+ // No menu position set, start near top left of canvas
+ widget().translate_coordinates(
+ *_app.window_factory()->graph_window(_graph),
+ 64, 64, _menu_x, _menu_y);
+ int origin_x;
+ int origin_y;
+ widget().get_window()->get_origin(origin_x, origin_y);
+ _menu_x += origin_x;
+ _menu_y += origin_y;
+ }
+ const int cascade = _auto_position_count * 32;
+ x = _menu_x + cascade;
+ y = _menu_y + cascade;
+ push_in = true;
+ ++_auto_position_count;
+ _auto_position_scroll_offsets = scroll_offsets;
+GraphCanvas::on_event(GdkEvent* event)
+ assert(event);
+ bool ret = false;
+ switch (event->type) {
+ if (event->button.button == 3) {
+ _auto_position_count = 1;
+ _menu_x = (int)event->button.x_root;
+ _menu_y = (int)event->button.y_root;
+ show_menu(false, event->button.button, event->button.time);
+ ret = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ switch (event->key.keyval) {
+ case GDK_Delete:
+ destroy_selection();
+ ret = true;
+ break;
+ case GDK_Home:
+ scroll_to(0, 0);
+ break;
+ case GDK_space:
+ case GDK_Menu:
+ show_menu(true, 3, event->key.time);
+ default: break;
+ }
+ break;
+ _paste_count = 0;
+ break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ GraphWindow* win = _app.window_factory()->graph_window(_graph);
+ if (win) {
+ win->set_documentation("", false);
+ }
+ Ganv::Canvas::clear_selection();
+static void
+destroy_node(GanvNode* node, void* data)
+ if (!GANV_IS_MODULE(node)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ App* app = (App*)data;
+ Ganv::Module* module = Glib::wrap(GANV_MODULE(node));
+ NodeModule* node_module = dynamic_cast<NodeModule*>(module);
+ if (node_module) {
+ app->interface()->del(node_module->block()->uri());
+ } else {
+ GraphPortModule* port_module = dynamic_cast<GraphPortModule*>(module);
+ if (port_module &&
+ strcmp(port_module->port()->path().symbol(), "control") &&
+ strcmp(port_module->port()->path().symbol(), "notify")) {
+ app->interface()->del(port_module->port()->uri());
+ }
+ }
+static void
+destroy_arc(GanvEdge* arc, void* data)
+ App* app = (App*)data;
+ Ganv::Edge* arcmm = Glib::wrap(arc);
+ Port* tail = dynamic_cast<Port*>(arcmm->get_tail());
+ Port* head = dynamic_cast<Port*>(arcmm->get_head());
+ app->interface()->disconnect(tail->model()->path(), head->model()->path());
+ _app.interface()->bundle_begin();
+ for_each_selected_edge(destroy_arc, &_app);
+ for_each_selected_node(destroy_node, &_app);
+ _app.interface()->bundle_end();
+static void
+serialise_node(GanvNode* node, void* data)
+ Serialiser* serialiser = (Serialiser*)data;
+ if (!GANV_IS_MODULE(node)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Ganv::Module* module = Glib::wrap(GANV_MODULE(node));
+ NodeModule* node_module = dynamic_cast<NodeModule*>(module);
+ if (node_module) {
+ serialiser->serialise(node_module->block());
+ } else {
+ GraphPortModule* port_module = dynamic_cast<GraphPortModule*>(module);
+ if (port_module) {
+ serialiser->serialise(port_module->port());
+ }
+ }
+static void
+serialise_arc(GanvEdge* arc, void* data)
+ Serialiser* serialiser = (Serialiser*)data;
+ if (!GANV_IS_EDGE(arc)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ gui::Arc* garc = dynamic_cast<gui::Arc*>(Glib::wrap(GANV_EDGE(arc)));
+ if (garc) {
+ serialiser->serialise_arc(Sord::Node(), garc->model());
+ }
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(>rdf_mutex());
+ Serialiser serialiser(*;
+ serialiser.start_to_string(_graph->path(), _graph->base_uri());
+ for_each_selected_node(serialise_node, &serialiser);
+ for_each_selected_edge(serialise_arc, &serialiser);
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Clipboard> clipboard = Gtk::Clipboard::get();
+ clipboard->set_text(serialiser.finish());
+ _paste_count = 0;
+ typedef Properties::const_iterator PropIter;
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(>rdf_mutex());
+ const Glib::ustring str = Gtk::Clipboard::get()->wait_for_text();
+ SPtr<Parser> parser = _app.loader()->parser();
+ const URIs& uris = _app.uris();
+ const Raul::Path& parent = _graph->path();
+ if (!parser) {
+ _app.log().error("Unable to load parser, paste unavailable\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Prepare for paste
+ clear_selection();
+ _pastees.clear();
+ ++_paste_count;
+ // Make a client store to serve as clipboard
+ ClientStore clipboard(>uris(), _app.log());
+ clipboard.set_plugins(>plugins());
+ clipboard.put(main_uri(),
+ {{uris.rdf_type, Property(uris.ingen_Graph)}});
+ // Parse clipboard text into clipboard store
+ boost::optional<URI> base_uri = parser->parse_string(
+, &clipboard, str, main_uri());
+ // Figure out the copy graph base path
+ Raul::Path copy_root("/");
+ if (base_uri) {
+ std::string base = *base_uri;
+ if (base[base.size() - 1] == '/') {
+ base = base.substr(0, base.size() - 1);
+ }
+ copy_root = uri_to_path(URI(base));
+ }
+ // Find the minimum x and y coordinate of objects to be pasted
+ float min_x = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
+ float min_y = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
+ for (const auto& c : clipboard) {
+ if (c.first.parent() == Raul::Path("/")) {
+ const Atom& x = c.second->get_property(uris.ingen_canvasX);
+ const Atom& y = c.second->get_property(uris.ingen_canvasY);
+ if (x.type() == uris.atom_Float) {
+ min_x = std::min(min_x, x.get<float>());
+ }
+ if (y.type() == uris.atom_Float) {
+ min_y = std::min(min_y, y.get<float>());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Find canvas paste origin based on pointer position
+ int widget_point_x, widget_point_y, scroll_x, scroll_y;
+ widget().get_pointer(widget_point_x, widget_point_y);
+ get_scroll_offsets(scroll_x, scroll_y);
+ const int paste_x = widget_point_x + scroll_x + (20.0f * _paste_count);
+ const int paste_y = widget_point_y + scroll_y + (20.0f * _paste_count);
+ _app.interface()->bundle_begin();
+ // Put each top level object in the clipboard store
+ ClashAvoider avoider(*;
+ for (const auto& c : clipboard) {
+ if (c.first.is_root() || c.first.parent() != Raul::Path("/")) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const SPtr<Node> node = c.second;
+ const Raul::Path& old_path = copy_root.child(node->path());
+ const URI& old_uri = path_to_uri(old_path);
+ const Raul::Path& new_path = avoider.map_path(parent.child(node->path()));
+ // Copy properties, except those that should not be inherited in copies
+ Properties props = node->properties();
+ for (const auto& prop : {uris.lv2_prototype,
+ uris.ingen_canvasX,
+ uris.ingen_canvasY,
+ uris.lv2_index,
+ uris.lv2_symbol}) {
+ props.erase(prop);
+ }
+ // Store the old URI as a prototype (keeps provenance around)
+ props.emplace(uris.lv2_prototype, _app.forge().make_urid(old_uri));
+ // Adjust numeric suffix on name if appropriate
+ auto n = props.find(uris.lv2_name);
+ if (n != props.end()) {
+ n->second = _app.forge().alloc(ClashAvoider::adjust_name(
+ old_path, new_path, n->second.ptr<char>()));
+ }
+ // Set coordinates so paste origin is at the mouse pointer
+ PropIter xi = node->properties().find(uris.ingen_canvasX);
+ PropIter yi = node->properties().find(uris.ingen_canvasY);
+ if (xi != node->properties().end()) {
+ const float x = xi->second.get<float>() - min_x + paste_x;
+ props.insert({xi->first, Property(_app.forge().make(x),
+ xi->second.context())});
+ }
+ if (yi != node->properties().end()) {
+ const float y = yi->second.get<float>() - min_y + paste_y;
+ props.insert({yi->first, Property(_app.forge().make(y),
+ yi->second.context())});
+ }
+ _app.interface()->put(path_to_uri(new_path), props);
+ _pastees.insert(new_path);
+ }
+ // Connect objects
+ for (auto a : clipboard.object(Raul::Path("/"))->arcs()) {
+ _app.interface()->connect(
+ avoider.map_path(parent.child(a.second->tail_path())),
+ avoider.map_path(parent.child(a.second->head_path())));
+ }
+ _app.interface()->bundle_end();
+ const string& sym_base, string& symbol,
+ const string& name_base, string& name)
+ symbol = sym_base;
+ name = name_base;
+ char num_buf[5];
+ uint32_t i = 1;
+ for ( ; i < 9999; ++i) {
+ snprintf(num_buf, sizeof(num_buf), "%u", i);
+ symbol = sym_base + "_";
+ symbol += num_buf;
+ if (!_graph->get_port(Raul::Symbol::symbolify(symbol))) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ assert(Raul::Path::is_valid(string("/") + symbol));
+ name.append(" ").append(num_buf);
+GraphCanvas::menu_add_port(const string& sym_base,
+ const string& name_base,
+ const URI& type,
+ bool is_output)
+ string sym, name;
+ generate_port_name(sym_base, sym, name_base, name);
+ const Raul::Path& path = _graph->path().child(Raul::Symbol(sym));
+ const URIs& uris = _app.uris();
+ Properties props = get_initial_data(Resource::Graph::INTERNAL);
+ props.emplace(uris.rdf_type, _app.forge().make_urid(type));
+ if (type == uris.atom_AtomPort) {
+ props.emplace(uris.atom_bufferType, Property(uris.atom_Sequence));
+ }
+ props.emplace(
+ uris.rdf_type,
+ Property(is_output ? uris.lv2_OutputPort : uris.lv2_InputPort));
+ props.emplace(uris.lv2_index,
+ _app.forge().make(int32_t(_graph->num_ports())));
+ props.emplace(uris.lv2_name, _app.forge().alloc(name.c_str()));
+ _app.interface()->put(path_to_uri(path), props);
+GraphCanvas::load_plugin(WPtr<PluginModel> weak_plugin)
+ SPtr<PluginModel> plugin = weak_plugin.lock();
+ if (!plugin) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Raul::Symbol symbol = plugin->default_block_symbol();
+ unsigned offset =>child_name_offset(_graph->path(), symbol);
+ if (offset != 0) {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << symbol << "_" << offset;
+ symbol = Raul::Symbol(ss.str());
+ }
+ const URIs& uris = _app.uris();
+ const Raul::Path path = _graph->path().child(symbol);
+ // FIXME: polyphony?
+ Properties props = get_initial_data();
+ props.emplace(uris.rdf_type, Property(uris.ingen_Block));
+ props.emplace(uris.lv2_prototype, uris.forge.make_urid(plugin->uri()));
+ _app.interface()->put(path_to_uri(path), props);
+/** Try to guess a suitable location for a new module.
+ */
+GraphCanvas::get_new_module_location(double& x, double& y)
+ int scroll_x;
+ int scroll_y;
+ get_scroll_offsets(scroll_x, scroll_y);
+ x = scroll_x + 20;
+ y = scroll_y + 20;
+GraphCanvas::get_initial_data(Resource::Graph ctx)
+ Properties result;
+ const URIs& uris = _app.uris();
+ result.emplace(uris.ingen_canvasX,
+ Property(_app.forge().make((float)_menu_x), ctx));
+ result.emplace(uris.ingen_canvasY,
+ Property(_app.forge().make((float)_menu_y), ctx));
+ return result;
+ _app.window_factory()->present_load_plugin(_graph, get_initial_data());
+ _app.window_factory()->present_load_subgraph(
+ _graph, get_initial_data(Resource::Graph::EXTERNAL));
+ _app.window_factory()->present_new_subgraph(
+ _graph, get_initial_data(Resource::Graph::EXTERNAL));
+ _app.window_factory()->present_properties(_graph);
+} // namespace gui
+} // namespace ingen