path: root/src/gui/LoadPluginWindow.cpp
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2019-04-13WIP: Port to serd1David Robillard1-1/+1
2019-03-09Clean up includes and forward declarationsDavid Robillard1-13/+10
2018-09-23Use lowercase namespace namesDavid Robillard1-5/+5
2018-09-16Remove checks for ancient GtkmmDavid Robillard1-4/+0
2018-01-21Add URI class and remove use of Raul::URIDavid Robillard1-4/+4
2018-01-21Replace insert(make_pair(...)) with emplaceDavid Robillard1-7/+4
2017-12-25Remove superfluous using namespace declarationsDavid Robillard1-1/+1
2017-12-25Always use bracesDavid Robillard1-8/+15
2017-12-25Use nullptrDavid Robillard1-1/+1
2017-02-26Fix filtering by type in plugin selectorDavid Robillard1-2/+6
2017-02-15Move Properties out of ResourceDavid Robillard1-4/+4
2017-02-15Move static path stuff to its own headerDavid Robillard1-1/+1
2015-10-26Use URIDs almost everywhereDavid Robillard1-1/+1
2015-08-12Server-side presets.David Robillard1-11/+6
2015-04-04Update copyright dates.David Robillard1-1/+1
2015-04-03Use lv2:prototype and deprecate ingen:prototype.David Robillard1-1/+1
2014-01-24Fix various whitespace and formatting issues.David Robillard1-1/+0
2013-02-23Move Atom implementation out of Raul so it can depend on LV2.David Robillard1-8/+8
2013-02-02More generic Atom class.David Robillard1-5/+5
2013-01-12Remove Raul::SharedPtr and switch to std::shared_ptr.David Robillard1-18/+18
2013-01-11Use range-based for loops where possible.David Robillard1-7/+5
2013-01-11Use type safe enumerations.David Robillard1-15/+13
2013-01-11C++11-safe conversions.David Robillard1-1/+1
2012-11-22Show project and author information in plugin dialog (#241).David Robillard1-7/+75
2012-11-22Remove unused icon column from plugin window.David Robillard1-5/+4
2012-11-22Tidy.David Robillard1-28/+21
2012-08-19GraphObject => NodeDavid Robillard1-2/+2
2012-08-19Patch => GraphDavid Robillard1-19/+19
2012-08-18Node => BlockDavid Robillard1-18/+18
2012-08-16Remove all 'using namespace Raul'.David Robillard1-13/+12
2012-08-14Saner/faster Store interface for finding children.David Robillard1-1/+2
2012-08-14Update for latest Raul.David Robillard1-9/+7
2012-08-12Use ingen:root as the path for the root patch, opening up path space for engi...David Robillard1-1/+1
2012-08-12Remove redundant Path::is_valid_name and Path::nameify.David Robillard1-2/+2
2012-07-31Merge Ingen::Shared namespace into Ingen namespace and core libingen library.David Robillard1-1/+0
2012-07-26Fix creation of polyphonic nodes from plugin dialog.David Robillard1-4/+3
2012-05-11Add missing includes.David Robillard1-0/+2
2012-05-11Use more reasonable names for the world's interface and engine (if present).David Robillard1-1/+1
2012-05-10LV2URIMap => URIMap.David Robillard1-1/+0
2012-05-02Preliminary socket control interface, and ingen_cmd command line interface wh...David Robillard1-1/+1
2012-04-28Lint.David Robillard1-4/+6
2012-04-28Remove using declarations from headers.David Robillard1-0/+4
2012-03-27Fix load plugin window.David Robillard1-4/+8
2012-03-27Switch to AGPL3+.David Robillard1-16/+15
2012-03-19Partially functioning communication between Ingen LV2 plugin and UI.David Robillard1-4/+4
2012-03-16Merge ClientInterface and ServerInterface.David Robillard1-1/+1
2012-03-12Centralise atom creation in forge object.David Robillard1-4/+3
2012-03-10Rename ingen:canvas-x and ingen:canvas-y to ingen:canvasX and ingen:canvasY t...David Robillard1-2/+2
2012-01-18Use consistent *_config.h rather than *-config.h.David Robillard1-1/+1
2011-11-02Use ingen namespace for canvas-x and canvas-y and remove ingenuity namespace.David Robillard1-2/+2