/* This file is part of Ingen. Copyright 2007-2012 David Robillard <http://drobilla.net/> Ingen is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. Ingen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with Ingen. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <utility> #include "ingen/AtomReader.hpp" #include "ingen/URIMap.hpp" #include "lv2/lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom/util.h" #include "raul/Path.hpp" #include "raul/log.hpp" namespace Ingen { AtomReader::AtomReader(URIMap& map, URIs& uris, Forge& forge, Interface& iface) : _map(map) , _uris(uris) , _forge(forge) , _iface(iface) { } void AtomReader::get_atom(const LV2_Atom* in, Raul::Atom& out) { if (in) { if (in->type == _uris.atom_URID) { const LV2_Atom_URID* urid = (const LV2_Atom_URID*)in; const char* uri = _map.unmap_uri(urid->body); if (uri) { out = _forge.alloc_uri(_map.unmap_uri(urid->body)); } else { Raul::error(Raul::fmt("Unable to unmap URID %1%\n") % urid->body); } } else { out = _forge.alloc(in->size, in->type, LV2_ATOM_BODY(in)); } } } void AtomReader::get_props(const LV2_Atom_Object* obj, Ingen::Resource::Properties& props) { if (obj->body.otype) { props.insert( std::make_pair(_uris.rdf_type, _forge.alloc_uri(_map.unmap_uri(obj->body.otype)))); } LV2_ATOM_OBJECT_FOREACH(obj, p) { Raul::Atom val; get_atom(&p->value, val); props.insert(std::make_pair(_map.unmap_uri(p->key), val)); } } const char* AtomReader::atom_to_uri(const LV2_Atom* atom) { if (atom && atom->type == _uris.atom_URI) { return (const char*)LV2_ATOM_BODY(atom); } else if (atom && atom->type == _uris.atom_URID) { return _map.unmap_uri(((LV2_Atom_URID*)atom)->body); } else { return NULL; } } bool AtomReader::is_message(URIs& uris, const LV2_Atom* msg) { if (msg->type != uris.atom_Blank && msg->type != uris.atom_Resource) { return false; } const LV2_Atom_Object* obj = (const LV2_Atom_Object*)msg; return (obj->body.otype == uris.patch_Get || obj->body.otype == uris.patch_Delete || obj->body.otype == uris.patch_Put || obj->body.otype == uris.patch_Patch || obj->body.otype == uris.patch_Move || obj->body.otype == uris.patch_Response); } bool AtomReader::write(const LV2_Atom* msg) { if (msg->type != _uris.atom_Blank && msg->type != _uris.atom_Resource) { Raul::warn << (Raul::fmt("Unknown message type <%1%>\n") % _map.unmap_uri(msg->type)).str(); return false; } const LV2_Atom_Object* obj = (const LV2_Atom_Object*)msg; const LV2_Atom* subject = NULL; lv2_atom_object_get(obj, (LV2_URID)_uris.patch_subject, &subject, NULL); const char* subject_uri = atom_to_uri(subject); if (obj->body.otype == _uris.patch_Get) { _iface.set_response_id(obj->body.id); _iface.get(subject_uri); } else if (obj->body.otype == _uris.patch_Delete) { const LV2_Atom_Object* body = NULL; lv2_atom_object_get(obj, (LV2_URID)_uris.patch_body, &body, 0); if (subject_uri && !body) { _iface.del(subject_uri); return true; } else if (body && body->body.otype == _uris.ingen_Edge) { const LV2_Atom* tail = NULL; const LV2_Atom* head = NULL; const LV2_Atom* incidentTo = NULL; lv2_atom_object_get(body, (LV2_URID)_uris.ingen_tail, &tail, (LV2_URID)_uris.ingen_head, &head, (LV2_URID)_uris.ingen_incidentTo, &incidentTo, NULL); Raul::Atom tail_atom; Raul::Atom head_atom; Raul::Atom incidentTo_atom; get_atom(tail, tail_atom); get_atom(head, head_atom); get_atom(incidentTo, incidentTo_atom); if (tail_atom.is_valid() && head_atom.is_valid()) { _iface.disconnect(Raul::Path(tail_atom.get_uri()), Raul::Path(head_atom.get_uri())); } else if (incidentTo_atom.is_valid()) { _iface.disconnect_all(subject_uri, Raul::Path(incidentTo_atom.get_uri())); } else { Raul::warn << "Delete of unknown object." << std::endl; return false; } } } else if (obj->body.otype == _uris.patch_Put) { const LV2_Atom_Object* body = NULL; lv2_atom_object_get(obj, (LV2_URID)_uris.patch_body, &body, 0); if (!body) { Raul::warn << "Put message has no body" << std::endl; return false; } else if (!subject_uri) { Raul::warn << "Put message has no subject" << std::endl; return false; } if (body->body.otype == _uris.ingen_Edge) { LV2_Atom* tail = NULL; LV2_Atom* head = NULL; lv2_atom_object_get(body, (LV2_URID)_uris.ingen_tail, &tail, (LV2_URID)_uris.ingen_head, &head, NULL); if (!tail || !head) { Raul::warn << "Edge has no tail or head" << std::endl; return false; } Raul::Atom tail_atom; Raul::Atom head_atom; get_atom(tail, tail_atom); get_atom(head, head_atom); _iface.connect(Raul::Path(tail_atom.get_uri()), Raul::Path(head_atom.get_uri())); } else { Ingen::Resource::Properties props; get_props(body, props); _iface.set_response_id(obj->body.id); _iface.put(subject_uri, props); } } else if (obj->body.otype == _uris.patch_Set) { const LV2_Atom_Object* body = NULL; lv2_atom_object_get(obj, (LV2_URID)_uris.patch_body, &body, 0); if (!body) { Raul::warn << "Set message has no body" << std::endl; return false; } else if (!subject_uri) { Raul::warn << "Set message has no subject" << std::endl; return false; } LV2_ATOM_OBJECT_FOREACH(body, p) { Raul::Atom val; get_atom(&p->value, val); _iface.set_property(subject_uri, _map.unmap_uri(p->key), val); } } else if (obj->body.otype == _uris.patch_Patch) { if (!subject_uri) { Raul::warn << "Put message has no subject" << std::endl; return false; } const LV2_Atom_Object* remove = NULL; lv2_atom_object_get(obj, (LV2_URID)_uris.patch_remove, &remove, 0); if (!remove) { Raul::warn << "Patch message has no remove" << std::endl; return false; } const LV2_Atom_Object* add = NULL; lv2_atom_object_get(obj, (LV2_URID)_uris.patch_add, &add, 0); if (!add) { Raul::warn << "Patch message has no add" << std::endl; return false; } Ingen::Resource::Properties add_props; get_props(remove, add_props); Ingen::Resource::Properties remove_props; get_props(remove, remove_props); _iface.delta(subject_uri, remove_props, add_props); } else if (obj->body.otype == _uris.patch_Move) { if (!subject_uri) { Raul::warn << "Move message has no subject" << std::endl; return false; } const LV2_Atom* dest = NULL; lv2_atom_object_get(obj, (LV2_URID)_uris.patch_destination, &dest, 0); if (!dest) { Raul::warn << "Move message has no destination" << std::endl; return false; } const char* dest_uri = atom_to_uri(dest); if (!dest_uri) { Raul::warn << "Move message destination is not a URI" << std::endl; return false; } _iface.move(subject_uri, dest_uri); } else if (obj->body.otype == _uris.patch_Response) { const LV2_Atom* request = NULL; const LV2_Atom* body = NULL; lv2_atom_object_get(obj, (LV2_URID)_uris.patch_request, &request, (LV2_URID)_uris.patch_body, &body, 0); if (!request || request->type != _uris.atom_Int) { Raul::warn << "Response message has no request" << std::endl; return false; } else if (!body || body->type != _uris.atom_Int) { Raul::warn << "Response message body is not integer" << std::endl; return false; } _iface.response(((LV2_Atom_Int*)request)->body, (Ingen::Status)((LV2_Atom_Int*)body)->body, subject_uri ? subject_uri : ""); } else { Raul::warn << "Unknown object type <" << _map.unmap_uri(obj->body.otype) << ">" << std::endl; } return true; } } // namespace Ingen