/* This file is part of Ingen.
 * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Dave Robillard <http://drobilla.net>
 * Ingen is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
 * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
 * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
 * version.
 * Ingen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
 * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

#ifndef PORTIMPL_H
#define PORTIMPL_H

#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include "raul/Array.hpp"
#include "raul/Atom.hpp"
#include "interface/Port.hpp"
#include "types.hpp"
#include "GraphObjectImpl.hpp"
#include "interface/PortType.hpp"
#include "Buffer.hpp"
#include "Context.hpp"

namespace Raul { class Maid; }

namespace Ingen {

class NodeImpl;
class Buffer;
class ProcessContext;
class BufferFactory;

/** A port on a Node.
 * This is a non-template abstract base class, which basically exists so
 * things can pass around Port pointers and not have to worry about type,
 * templates, etc.
 * \ingroup engine
class PortImpl : public GraphObjectImpl, public Ingen::Shared::Port
	/** A port's parent is always a node, so static cast should be safe */
	NodeImpl* parent_node() const { return (NodeImpl*)_parent; }

	bool set_polyphonic(Raul::Maid& maid, bool p);

	/** Prepare for a new (external) polyphony value.
	 * Preprocessor thread, poly is actually applied by apply_poly.
	virtual bool prepare_poly(BufferFactory& bufs, uint32_t poly);

	/** Apply a new polyphony value.
	 * Audio thread.
	 * \a poly Must be < the most recent value passed to prepare_poly.
	virtual bool apply_poly(Raul::Maid& maid, uint32_t poly);

	const Raul::Atom& value() const { return _value; }
	void              set_value(const Raul::Atom& v) { _value = v; }

	inline BufferFactory::Ref buffer(uint32_t voice) const {
		return _buffers->at(voice);
	inline BufferFactory::Ref prepared_buffer(uint32_t voice) const {
		return _prepared_buffers->at(voice);

	/** Called once per process cycle */
	virtual void pre_process(Context& context) = 0;
	virtual void process(ProcessContext& context) {};
	virtual void post_process(Context& context) = 0;

	/** Empty buffer contents completely (ie silence) */
	virtual void clear_buffers();
	virtual void connect_buffers();

	virtual bool is_input()  const = 0;
	virtual bool is_output() const = 0;

	uint32_t         index()       const { return _index; }
	uint32_t         poly()        const { return _poly; }
	Shared::PortType type()        const { return _type; }
	size_t           buffer_size() const {
		return (_type == Shared::PortType::CONTROL) ? 1 : _buffer_size;

	void set_buffer_size(BufferFactory& factory, size_t size);

	void broadcast(bool b) { _broadcast = b; }
	bool broadcast()       { return _broadcast; }

	void broadcast_value(Context& context, bool force=false);

	void raise_set_by_user_flag() { _set_by_user = true; }

	Context::ID context() const            { return _context; }
	void        set_context(Context::ID c);

	PortImpl(BufferFactory&     bufs,
	         NodeImpl*          node,
	         const std::string& name,
	         uint32_t           index,
	         uint32_t           poly,
	         Shared::PortType   type,
	         const Raul::Atom&  value,
	         size_t             buffer_size);

	BufferFactory&   _bufs;
	uint32_t         _index;
	uint32_t         _poly;
	uint32_t         _buffer_size;
	Shared::PortType _type;
	Raul::Atom       _value;
	bool             _broadcast;
	bool             _set_by_user;
	Raul::Atom       _last_broadcasted_value;

	Context::ID                      _context;
	Raul::Array<BufferFactory::Ref>* _buffers;

	// Dynamic polyphony
	Raul::Array<BufferFactory::Ref>* _prepared_buffers;

	friend class Engine;
	virtual ~PortImpl();

} // namespace Ingen

#endif // PORTIMPL_H