/* This file is part of Ingen. Copyright 2007-2017 David Robillard Ingen is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. Ingen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with Ingen. If not, see . */ #ifndef INGEN_GUI_APP_HPP #define INGEN_GUI_APP_HPP #include "ingen/Atom.hpp" #include "ingen/Message.hpp" #include "ingen/Resource.hpp" #include "ingen/Status.hpp" #include "ingen/World.hpp" #include "ingen/ingen.h" #include "ingen/memory.hpp" #include "lilv/lilv.h" #include "raul/Deletable.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include namespace ingen { class Interface; class Log; class Serialiser; class StreamWriter; class World; namespace client { class ClientStore; class GraphModel; class PluginModel; class PortModel; class SigClientInterface; } // namespace client namespace gui { class ConnectWindow; class GraphCanvas; class GraphTreeView; class GraphTreeWindow; class MessagesWindow; class Port; class Style; class ThreadedLoader; class WindowFactory; /** Ingen Gtk Application. * \ingroup GUI */ class INGEN_API App { public: ~App(); void error_message(const std::string& str); void attach(const SPtr& client); void detach(); void request_plugins_if_necessary(); void register_callbacks(); bool gtk_main_iteration(); void show_about(); bool quit(Gtk::Window* dialog_parent); void port_activity(Port* port); void activity_port_destroyed(Port* port); bool can_control(const client::PortModel* port) const; bool signal() const { return _enable_signal; } void enable_signals(bool b) { _enable_signal = b; } bool disable_signals() { bool old = _enable_signal; _enable_signal = false; return old; } void set_property(const URI& subject, const URI& key, const Atom& value, Resource::Graph ctx = Resource::Graph::DEFAULT); /** Set the tooltip for a widget from its RDF documentation. */ void set_tooltip(Gtk::Widget* widget, const LilvNode* node); uint32_t sample_rate() const; bool is_plugin() const { return _is_plugin; } void set_is_plugin(bool b) { _is_plugin = b; } ConnectWindow* connect_window() const { return _connect_window; } MessagesWindow* messages_dialog() const { return _messages_window; } GraphTreeWindow* graph_tree() const { return _graph_tree_window; } Style* style() const { return _style; } WindowFactory* window_factory() const { return _window_factory; } ingen::Forge& forge() const { return _world.forge(); } SPtr interface() const { return _world.interface(); } SPtr client() const { return _client; } SPtr store() const { return _store; } SPtr loader() const { return _loader; } SPtr sig_client(); SPtr serialiser(); static SPtr create(ingen::World& world); void run(); std::string status_text() const; sigc::signal signal_status_text_changed; inline ingen::World& world() const { return _world; } inline ingen::URIs& uris() const { return _world.uris(); } inline ingen::Log& log() const { return _world.log(); } protected: explicit App(ingen::World& world); void message(const ingen::Message& msg); bool animate(); void response(int32_t id, ingen::Status status, const std::string& subject); void put(const URI& uri, const Properties& properties, Resource::Graph ctx); void property_change(const URI& subject, const URI& key, const Atom& value, Resource::Graph ctx = Resource::Graph::DEFAULT); static Gtk::Main* _main; SPtr _client; SPtr _store; SPtr _loader; SPtr _dumper; Style* _style; ConnectWindow* _connect_window = nullptr; MessagesWindow* _messages_window = nullptr; GraphTreeWindow* _graph_tree_window = nullptr; Gtk::AboutDialog* _about_dialog = nullptr; WindowFactory* _window_factory = nullptr; ingen::World& _world; int32_t _sample_rate; int32_t _block_length; int32_t _n_threads; float _mean_run_load; float _min_run_load; float _max_run_load; std::string _status_text; using ActivityPorts = std::unordered_map; ActivityPorts _activity_ports; bool _enable_signal; bool _requested_plugins; bool _is_plugin; }; } // namespace gui } // namespace ingen #endif // INGEN_GUI_APP_HPP