/* This file is part of Om. Copyright (C) 2006 Dave Robillard. * * Om is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * Om is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "ConnectionEvent.h" #include <string> #include "Responder.h" #include "Om.h" #include "OmApp.h" #include "ConnectionBase.h" #include "InputPort.h" #include "OutputPort.h" #include "Patch.h" #include "ClientBroadcaster.h" #include "Port.h" #include "Maid.h" #include "ObjectStore.h" #include "util/Path.h" using std::string; namespace Om { //// ConnectionEvent //// ConnectionEvent::ConnectionEvent(CountedPtr<Responder> responder, const string& src_port_path, const string& dst_port_path) : QueuedEvent(responder), m_src_port_path(src_port_path), m_dst_port_path(dst_port_path), m_patch(NULL), m_src_port(NULL), m_dst_port(NULL), m_typed_event(NULL), m_error(NO_ERROR) { } ConnectionEvent::~ConnectionEvent() { delete m_typed_event; } void ConnectionEvent::pre_process() { if (m_src_port_path.parent().parent() != m_dst_port_path.parent().parent()) { m_error = PARENT_PATCH_DIFFERENT; QueuedEvent::pre_process(); return; } /*m_patch = om->object_store()->find_patch(m_src_port_path.parent().parent()); if (m_patch == NULL) { m_error = PORT_NOT_FOUND; QueuedEvent::pre_process(); return; }*/ Port* port1 = om->object_store()->find_port(m_src_port_path); Port* port2 = om->object_store()->find_port(m_dst_port_path); if (port1 == NULL || port2 == NULL) { m_error = PORT_NOT_FOUND; QueuedEvent::pre_process(); return; } if (port1->type() != port2->type()) { m_error = TYPE_MISMATCH; QueuedEvent::pre_process(); return; } if (port1->is_output() && port2->is_input()) { m_src_port = port1; m_dst_port = port2; } else if (port2->is_output() && port1->is_input()) { m_src_port = port2; m_dst_port = port1; } else { m_error = TYPE_MISMATCH; QueuedEvent::pre_process(); return; } // Create the typed event to actually do the work const DataType type = port1->type(); if (type == DataType::FLOAT) { m_typed_event = new TypedConnectionEvent<sample>(m_responder, (OutputPort<sample>*)m_src_port, (InputPort<sample>*)m_dst_port); } else if (type == DataType::MIDI) { m_typed_event = new TypedConnectionEvent<MidiMessage>(m_responder, (OutputPort<MidiMessage>*)m_src_port, (InputPort<MidiMessage>*)m_dst_port); } else { m_error = TYPE_MISMATCH; QueuedEvent::pre_process(); return; } m_typed_event->pre_process(); QueuedEvent::pre_process(); } void ConnectionEvent::execute(samplecount offset) { QueuedEvent::execute(offset); if (m_error == NO_ERROR) m_typed_event->execute(offset); } void ConnectionEvent::post_process() { if (m_error == NO_ERROR) { m_typed_event->post_process(); } else { // FIXME: better error messages string msg = "Unable to make connection "; msg.append(m_src_port_path + " -> " + m_dst_port_path); m_responder->respond_error(msg); } } //// TypedConnectionEvent //// template <typename T> TypedConnectionEvent<T>::TypedConnectionEvent(CountedPtr<Responder> responder, OutputPort<T>* src_port, InputPort<T>* dst_port) : QueuedEvent(responder), m_src_port(src_port), m_dst_port(dst_port), m_patch(NULL), m_process_order(NULL), m_connection(NULL), m_port_listnode(NULL), m_succeeded(true) { assert(src_port != NULL); assert(dst_port != NULL); } template <typename T> TypedConnectionEvent<T>::~TypedConnectionEvent() { // FIXME: haaaack, prevent a double delete // this class is unusable by anything other than ConnectionEvent because of this //m_responder = NULL; } template <typename T> void TypedConnectionEvent<T>::pre_process() { Node* const src_node = m_src_port->parent_node(); Node* const dst_node = m_dst_port->parent_node(); m_patch = src_node->parent_patch(); if (src_node == NULL || dst_node == NULL) { m_succeeded = false; QueuedEvent::pre_process(); return; } if (src_node->parent() != m_patch || dst_node->parent() != m_patch) { m_succeeded = false; QueuedEvent::pre_process(); return; } m_connection = new ConnectionBase<T>(m_src_port, m_dst_port); m_port_listnode = new ListNode<ConnectionBase<T>*>(m_connection); m_patch_listnode = new ListNode<Connection*>(m_connection); dst_node->providers()->push_back(new ListNode<Node*>(src_node)); src_node->dependants()->push_back(new ListNode<Node*>(dst_node)); if (m_patch->process()) m_process_order = m_patch->build_process_order(); } template <typename T> void TypedConnectionEvent<T>::execute(samplecount offset) { if (m_succeeded) { // These must be inserted here, since they're actually used by the audio thread m_dst_port->add_connection(m_port_listnode); m_patch->add_connection(m_patch_listnode); if (m_patch->process_order() != NULL) om->maid()->push(m_patch->process_order()); m_patch->process_order(m_process_order); } } template <typename T> void TypedConnectionEvent<T>::post_process() { if (m_succeeded) { assert(m_connection != NULL); m_responder->respond_ok(); om->client_broadcaster()->send_connection(m_connection); } else { m_responder->respond_error("Unable to make connection."); } } } // namespace Om