/* This file is part of Ingen. * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 David Robillard <http://drobilla.net> * * Ingen is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * Ingen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include <set> #include <locale.h> #include <glibmm/ustring.h> #include <glibmm/miscutils.h> #include <glibmm/fileutils.h> #include <glibmm/convert.h> #include "raul/log.hpp" #include "redlandmm/Model.hpp" #include "redlandmm/Node.hpp" #include "redlandmm/Query.hpp" #include "raul/TableImpl.hpp" #include "raul/Atom.hpp" #include "raul/AtomRDF.hpp" #include "interface/EngineInterface.hpp" #include "module/World.hpp" #include "shared/LV2URIMap.hpp" #include "Parser.hpp" #include "names.hpp" #define LOG(s) s << "[Parser] " using namespace std; using namespace Raul; using namespace Ingen::Shared; namespace Ingen { namespace Serialisation { static Glib::ustring relative_uri(Glib::ustring base, const Glib::ustring uri, bool leading_slash) { raptor_uri* base_uri = raptor_new_uri((const unsigned char*)base.c_str()); raptor_uri* full_uri = raptor_new_uri((const unsigned char*)uri.c_str()); Glib::ustring ret((const char*)raptor_uri_to_relative_uri_string(base_uri, full_uri)); raptor_free_uri(base_uri); raptor_free_uri(full_uri); if (leading_slash && ret[0] != '/') ret = Glib::ustring("/") + ret; return ret; } static void normalise_uri(Glib::ustring& uri) { size_t dotslash = string::npos; while ((dotslash = uri.find("./")) != string::npos) uri = uri.substr(0, dotslash) + uri.substr(dotslash + 2); } Parser::PatchRecords Parser::find_patches( Ingen::Shared::World* world, const Glib::ustring& manifest_uri) { Redland::Model model(*world->rdf_world(), manifest_uri, manifest_uri); Redland::Query query(*world->rdf_world(), "SELECT DISTINCT ?patch ?file WHERE {\n" "?patch a ingen:Patch ;\n" " rdfs:seeAlso ?file .\n" "}"); std::list<PatchRecord> records; SharedPtr<Redland::QueryResults> results(query.run(*world->rdf_world(), model, manifest_uri)); for (; !results->finished(); results->next()) { const Redland::Node& patch(results->get("patch")); const Redland::Node& file(results->get("file")); records.push_back(PatchRecord(patch.to_c_string(), file.to_c_string())); } return records; } /** Parse a patch from RDF into a CommonInterface (engine or client). * @return whether or not load was successful. */ bool Parser::parse_document( Ingen::Shared::World* world, Ingen::Shared::CommonInterface* target, Glib::ustring document_uri, boost::optional<Raul::Path> data_path, boost::optional<Raul::Path> parent, boost::optional<Raul::Symbol> symbol, boost::optional<GraphObject::Properties> data) { normalise_uri(document_uri); const std::string filename(Glib::filename_from_uri(document_uri)); const size_t ext = filename.find(INGEN_BUNDLE_EXT); const size_t ext_len = strlen(INGEN_BUNDLE_EXT); if (ext == filename.length() - ext_len || (ext == filename.length() - ext_len - 1 && filename[filename.length() - 1] == '/')) { std::string basename(Glib::path_get_basename(filename)); basename = basename.substr(0, basename.find('.')); document_uri += "/" + basename + INGEN_PATCH_FILE_EXT; } Redland::Model model(*world->rdf_world(), document_uri, document_uri); LOG(info) << "Parsing " << document_uri << endl; if (data_path) LOG(info) << "Path: " << *data_path << endl; if (parent) LOG(info) << "Parent: " << *parent << endl; if (symbol) LOG(info) << "Symbol: " << *symbol << endl; boost::optional<Path> parsed_path = parse(world, target, model, document_uri, data_path, parent, symbol, data); if (parsed_path) { target->set_property(*parsed_path, "http://drobilla.net/ns/ingen#document", Atom(Atom::URI, document_uri.c_str())); } else { LOG(warn) << "Document URI lost" << endl; } return parsed_path; } bool Parser::parse_string( Ingen::Shared::World* world, Ingen::Shared::CommonInterface* target, const Glib::ustring& str, const Glib::ustring& base_uri, boost::optional<Raul::Path> data_path, boost::optional<Raul::Path> parent, boost::optional<Raul::Symbol> symbol, boost::optional<GraphObject::Properties> data) { Redland::Model model(*world->rdf_world(), str.c_str(), str.length(), base_uri); LOG(info) << "Parsing " << (data_path ? data_path->str() : "*") << " from string"; if (!base_uri.empty()) info << " (base " << base_uri << ")"; info << endl; bool ret = parse(world, target, model, base_uri, data_path, parent, symbol, data); Redland::Resource subject(*world->rdf_world(), base_uri); parse_connections(world, target, model, subject, parent ? *parent : "/"); return ret; } bool Parser::parse_update( Ingen::Shared::World* world, Shared::CommonInterface* target, const Glib::ustring& str, const Glib::ustring& base_uri, boost::optional<Raul::Path> data_path, boost::optional<Raul::Path> parent, boost::optional<Raul::Symbol> symbol, boost::optional<GraphObject::Properties> data) { Redland::Model model(*world->rdf_world(), str.c_str(), str.length(), base_uri); // Delete anything explicitly declared to not exist Glib::ustring query_str = Glib::ustring("SELECT DISTINCT ?o WHERE { ?o a owl:Nothing }"); Redland::Query query(*world->rdf_world(), query_str); SharedPtr<Redland::QueryResults> results(query.run(*world->rdf_world(), model, base_uri)); for (; !results->finished(); results->next()) { const Redland::Node& object = results->get("o"); target->del(object.to_string()); } // Properties query = Redland::Query(*world->rdf_world(), "SELECT DISTINCT ?s ?p ?o WHERE {\n" "?s ?p ?o .\n" "}"); results = query.run(*world->rdf_world(), model, base_uri); for (; !results->finished(); results->next()) { Glib::Mutex::Lock lock(world->rdf_world()->mutex()); string obj_uri(results->get("s").to_string()); const string key(results->get("p").to_string()); const Redland::Node& val_node(results->get("o")); const Atom a(AtomRDF::node_to_atom(model, val_node)); if (obj_uri.find(":") == string::npos) obj_uri = Path(obj_uri).str(); obj_uri = relative_uri(base_uri, obj_uri, true); if (!key.empty()) target->set_property(string("path:") + obj_uri, key, a); } // Connections Redland::Resource subject(*world->rdf_world(), base_uri); parse_connections(world, target, model, subject, "/"); // Port values query = Redland::Query(*world->rdf_world(), "SELECT DISTINCT ?path ?value WHERE {\n" "?path ingen:value ?value .\n" "}"); results = query.run(*world->rdf_world(), model, base_uri); for (; !results->finished(); results->next()) { Glib::Mutex::Lock lock(world->rdf_world()->mutex()); const string obj_path = results->get("path").to_string(); const Redland::Node& val_node = results->get("value"); const Atom a(AtomRDF::node_to_atom(model, val_node)); target->set_property(obj_path, world->uris()->ingen_value, a); } return parse(world, target, model, base_uri, data_path, parent, symbol, data); } boost::optional<Path> Parser::parse( Ingen::Shared::World* world, Ingen::Shared::CommonInterface* target, Redland::Model& model, Glib::ustring document_uri, boost::optional<Raul::Path> data_path, boost::optional<Raul::Path> parent, boost::optional<Raul::Symbol> symbol, boost::optional<GraphObject::Properties> data) { const Redland::Node::Type res = Redland::Node::RESOURCE; const Glib::ustring query_str = data_path ? Glib::ustring("SELECT DISTINCT ?t WHERE { <") + data_path->chop_start("/") + "> a ?t . }" : Glib::ustring("SELECT DISTINCT ?s ?t WHERE { ?s a ?t . }"); Redland::Query query(*world->rdf_world(), query_str); SharedPtr<Redland::QueryResults> results(query.run(*world->rdf_world(), model, document_uri)); #define NS_INGEN "http://drobilla.net/ns/ingen#" #define NS_LV2 "http://lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core#" const Redland::Node patch_class (*world->rdf_world(), res, NS_INGEN "Patch"); const Redland::Node node_class (*world->rdf_world(), res, NS_INGEN "Node"); const Redland::Node internal_class (*world->rdf_world(), res, NS_INGEN "Internal"); const Redland::Node ladspa_class (*world->rdf_world(), res, NS_INGEN "LADSPAPlugin"); const Redland::Node in_port_class (*world->rdf_world(), res, NS_LV2 "InputPort"); const Redland::Node out_port_class (*world->rdf_world(), res, NS_LV2 "OutputPort"); const Redland::Node lv2_class (*world->rdf_world(), res, NS_LV2 "Plugin"); const Redland::Node subject_node = (data_path && !data_path->is_root()) ? Redland::Node(*world->rdf_world(), res, data_path->chop_start("/")) : model.base_uri(); std::string path_str; boost::optional<Path> ret; boost::optional<Path> root_path; for (; !results->finished(); results->next()) { const Redland::Node& subject = (data_path ? subject_node : results->get("s")); const Redland::Node& rdf_class = results->get("t"); if (!data_path) path_str = relative_uri(document_uri, subject.to_c_string(), true); const bool is_plugin = (rdf_class == ladspa_class) || (rdf_class == lv2_class) || (rdf_class == internal_class); const bool is_object = (rdf_class == patch_class) || (rdf_class == node_class) || (rdf_class == in_port_class) || (rdf_class == out_port_class); const Glib::ustring subject_uri_tok = Glib::ustring("<").append(subject).append(">"); if (is_object) { if (path_str.empty() || path_str[0] != '/') path_str = "/" + path_str; if (!Path::is_valid(path_str)) { LOG(warn) << "Invalid path '" << path_str << "', object skipped" << endl; continue; } string path = (parent && symbol) ? parent->child(*symbol).str() : (parent ? *parent : Path("/")).child(path_str.substr(path_str.find("/")+1)).str(); if (!Path::is_valid(path)) { LOG(warn) << "Invalid path '" << path << "' transformed to /" << endl; path = "/"; } if (rdf_class == patch_class) { ret = parse_patch(world, target, model, subject, parent, symbol, data); } else if (rdf_class == node_class) { ret = parse_node(world, target, model, subject, path, data); } else if (rdf_class == in_port_class || rdf_class == out_port_class) { parse_properties(world, target, model, subject, path, data); ret = path; } if (!ret) { LOG(error) << "Failed to parse object " << path << endl; return boost::optional<Path>(); } if (data_path && subject.to_string() == data_path->str()) root_path = ret; } else if (is_plugin) { string subject_str = subject.to_string(); if (URI::is_valid(subject_str)) { if (subject == document_uri) subject_str = Path::root().str(); parse_properties(world, target, model, subject, subject_str); } } } return root_path; } boost::optional<Path> Parser::parse_patch( Ingen::Shared::World* world, Ingen::Shared::CommonInterface* target, Redland::Model& model, const Redland::Node& subject_node, boost::optional<Raul::Path> parent, boost::optional<Raul::Symbol> a_symbol, boost::optional<GraphObject::Properties> data) { const LV2URIMap& uris = *world->uris().get(); uint32_t patch_poly = 0; typedef Redland::QueryResults Results; /* Use parameter overridden polyphony, if given */ if (data) { GraphObject::Properties::iterator poly_param = data.get().find(uris.ingen_polyphony); if (poly_param != data.get().end() && poly_param->second.type() == Atom::INT) patch_poly = poly_param->second.get_int32(); } const Glib::ustring subject = subject_node.to_turtle_token(); /* Load polyphony from file if necessary */ if (patch_poly == 0) { Redland::Query query(*world->rdf_world(), Glib::ustring( "SELECT DISTINCT ?poly WHERE { ") + subject + " ingen:polyphony ?poly }"); SharedPtr<Redland::QueryResults> results(query.run(*world->rdf_world(), model)); if (!results->finished()) { const Redland::Node& poly_node = results->get("poly"); if (poly_node.is_int()) patch_poly = poly_node.to_int(); else LOG(warn) << "Patch has non-integer polyphony, assuming 1" << endl; } } /* No polyphony value anywhere, 1 it is */ if (patch_poly == 0) patch_poly = 1; const Glib::ustring base_uri = model.base_uri().to_string(); Raul::Symbol symbol = "_"; if (a_symbol) { symbol = *a_symbol; } else { const std::string basename = Glib::path_get_basename(base_uri); symbol = Raul::Symbol::symbolify(basename.substr(0, basename.find('.'))); } string patch_path_str = relative_uri(base_uri, subject_node.to_string(), true); if (parent && a_symbol) patch_path_str = parent->child(*a_symbol).str(); if (!Path::is_valid(patch_path_str)) { LOG(error) << "Patch has invalid path: " << patch_path_str << endl; return boost::optional<Raul::Path>(); } /* Create patch */ Path patch_path(patch_path_str); Resource::Properties props; props.insert(make_pair(uris.rdf_type, Raul::URI(uris.ingen_Patch))); props.insert(make_pair(uris.ingen_polyphony, Raul::Atom(int32_t(patch_poly)))); target->put(patch_path, props); /* Find patches in document */ Redland::Query query(*world->rdf_world(), Glib::ustring( "SELECT DISTINCT ?patch WHERE {\n") + "?patch a ingen:Patch .\n" "}"); set<string> patches; SharedPtr<Redland::QueryResults> results(query.run(*world->rdf_world(), model, base_uri)); for (; !results->finished(); results->next()) { Glib::Mutex::Lock lock(world->rdf_world()->mutex()); patches.insert(results->get("patch").to_string()); } typedef multimap<Raul::URI, Raul::Atom> Properties; typedef map<string, Redland::Node> Resources; typedef map<string, Properties> Objects; typedef map<string, string> Types; /* Find nodes on this patch */ query = Redland::Query(*world->rdf_world(), Glib::ustring( "SELECT DISTINCT ?node ?type WHERE {\n") + subject + " ingen:node ?node .\n" "?node rdf:instanceOf ?type .\n" "}"); Objects patch_nodes; Objects plugin_nodes; Resources resources; Types types; results = query.run(*world->rdf_world(), model, base_uri); for (; !results->finished(); results->next()) { Glib::Mutex::Lock lock(world->rdf_world()->mutex()); const Redland::Node& node = results->get("node"); const Redland::Node& type = results->get("type"); if (node.type() == Redland::Node::RESOURCE && type.type() == Redland::Node::RESOURCE) { types.insert(make_pair(node.to_string(), type.to_string())); if (patches.find(type.to_string()) != patches.end()) { patch_nodes.insert(make_pair(node.to_string(), Properties())); resources.insert(make_pair(type.to_string(), type)); } else { plugin_nodes.insert(make_pair(node.to_string(), Properties())); } } } /* Load nodes on this patch */ query = Redland::Query(*world->rdf_world(), Glib::ustring( "SELECT DISTINCT ?node ?predicate ?object WHERE {\n") + subject + " ingen:node ?node .\n" "?node ?predicate ?object .\n" "}"); results = query.run(*world->rdf_world(), model, base_uri); for (; !results->finished(); results->next()) { Glib::Mutex::Lock lock(world->rdf_world()->mutex()); const Redland::Node& node = results->get("node"); const Redland::Node& predicate = results->get("predicate"); const Redland::Node& object = results->get("object"); Objects::iterator patch_i = patch_nodes.find(node.to_string()); Objects::iterator plug_i = plugin_nodes.find(node.to_string()); Types::iterator type_i = types.find(node.to_string()); if (node.type() == Redland::Node::RESOURCE && type_i != types.end()) { if (skip_property(predicate)) continue; const string key = predicate.to_string(); if (patch_i != patch_nodes.end()) { patch_i->second.insert(make_pair(key, AtomRDF::node_to_atom(model, object))); } else if (plug_i != plugin_nodes.end()) { plug_i->second.insert(make_pair(key, AtomRDF::node_to_atom(model, object))); } else { LOG(warn) << "Unrecognized node: " << node.to_string() << endl; } } } /* Create patch nodes */ for (Objects::iterator i = patch_nodes.begin(); i != patch_nodes.end(); ++i) { const Path node_path = patch_path.child(relative_uri(base_uri, i->first, false)); Types::iterator type_i = types.find(i->first); if (type_i == types.end()) continue; Resources::iterator res_i = resources.find(type_i->second); if (res_i == resources.end()) continue; parse_patch(world, target, model, res_i->second, patch_path, Symbol(node_path.symbol())); Glib::Mutex::Lock lock(world->rdf_world()->mutex()); target->put(node_path, i->second); } /* Create plugin nodes */ for (Objects::iterator i = plugin_nodes.begin(); i != plugin_nodes.end(); ++i) { Types::iterator type_i = types.find(i->first); if (type_i == types.end()) continue; const Path node_path = patch_path.child(relative_uri(base_uri, i->first, false)); Resource::Properties props; props.insert(make_pair(uris.rdf_type, Raul::URI(uris.ingen_Node))); props.insert(make_pair(uris.rdf_instanceOf, Raul::URI(type_i->second))); props.insert(i->second.begin(), i->second.end()); target->put(node_path, props); } /* Load node ports */ query = Redland::Query(*world->rdf_world(), Glib::ustring( "SELECT DISTINCT ?node ?port ?key ?val WHERE {\n") + subject + " ingen:node ?node .\n" "?node lv2:port ?port .\n" "?port ?key ?val .\n" "}"); Objects node_ports; results = query.run(*world->rdf_world(), model, base_uri); for (; !results->finished(); results->next()) { Glib::Mutex::Lock lock(world->rdf_world()->mutex()); const string node_uri = results->get("node").to_string(); const string port_uri = results->get("port").to_string(); if (port_uri.length() <= node_uri.length()) { LOG(warn) << "Port on " << node_uri << " has bad URI: " << port_uri << endl; continue; } Objects::iterator p = node_ports.find(port_uri); if (p == node_ports.end()) p = node_ports.insert(make_pair(port_uri, Properties())).first; const Path node_path = patch_path.child(relative_uri(base_uri, node_uri, false)); const Symbol port_sym = port_uri.substr(node_uri.length() + 1); const Path port_path = node_path.child(port_sym); const string key = results->get("key").to_string(); p->second.insert(make_pair(key, AtomRDF::node_to_atom(model, results->get("val")))); } for (Objects::iterator i = node_ports.begin(); i != node_ports.end(); ++i) { target->put(patch_path.child(relative_uri(base_uri, i->first, false)), i->second); } /* Find ports on this patch */ query = Redland::Query(*world->rdf_world(), Glib::ustring( "SELECT DISTINCT ?port ?type WHERE {\n") + subject + " lv2:port ?port .\n" "?port rdf:instanceOf ?type .\n" "}"); Objects patch_ports; results = query.run(*world->rdf_world(), model, base_uri); for (; !results->finished(); results->next()) { Glib::Mutex::Lock lock(world->rdf_world()->mutex()); const Redland::Node& port = results->get("port"); const Redland::Node& type = results->get("type"); if (port.type() == Redland::Node::RESOURCE && type.type() == Redland::Node::RESOURCE) { types.insert(make_pair(port.to_string(), type.to_string())); patch_ports.insert(make_pair(port.to_string(), Properties())); } } /* Load patch ports */ query = Redland::Query(*world->rdf_world(), Glib::ustring( "SELECT DISTINCT ?port ?key ?val WHERE {\n") + subject + " lv2:port ?port .\n" "?port ?key ?val .\n" "}"); results = query.run(*world->rdf_world(), model, base_uri); for (; !results->finished(); results->next()) { Glib::Mutex::Lock lock(world->rdf_world()->mutex()); const string port_uri = results->get("port").to_string(); const Path port_path = patch_path.child(relative_uri(base_uri, port_uri, false)); const string key = results->get("key").to_string(); Objects::iterator ports_i = patch_ports.find(port_uri); if (ports_i == patch_ports.end()) ports_i = patch_ports.insert(make_pair(port_uri, Properties())).first; ports_i->second.insert(make_pair(key, AtomRDF::node_to_atom(model, results->get("val")))); } std::vector<Objects::iterator> ports_by_index(patch_ports.size(), patch_ports.end()); for (Objects::iterator i = patch_ports.begin(); i != patch_ports.end(); ++i) { Properties::const_iterator index_i = i->second.lower_bound(uris.lv2_index); if (index_i == i->second.end()) { error << "Patch port has no index" << endl; return boost::optional<Raul::Path>(); } if (index_i->second.type() != Atom::INT) { error << "Patch port index has non-integer type" << endl; return boost::optional<Raul::Path>(); } const int32_t index = index_i->second.get_int32(); ++index_i; if (index_i != i->second.end() && index_i->first == uris.lv2_index) { error << "Patch port has multiple indices" << endl; return boost::optional<Raul::Path>(); } if (index < 0 || static_cast<size_t>(index) >= patch_ports.size()) { error << "Patch port index out of range" << endl; return boost::optional<Raul::Path>(); } if (ports_by_index[index] != patch_ports.end()) { error << "Patch has several ports with index " << index << endl; return boost::optional<Raul::Path>(); } ports_by_index[index] = i; } for (uint32_t index = 0; index < patch_ports.size(); ++index) { Objects::iterator i = ports_by_index[index]; Glib::Mutex::Lock lock(world->rdf_world()->mutex()); const Path port_path = patch_path.child(relative_uri(base_uri, i->first, false)); std::pair<Properties::iterator,Properties::iterator> types_range = i->second.equal_range(uris.rdf_type); if (types_range.first == i->second.end()) { LOG(warn) << "Patch port has no types" << endl; continue; } bool is_input = false; bool is_output = false; Raul::Atom* type = 0; for (Properties::iterator t = types_range.first; t != types_range.second; ++t) { if (t->second.type() != Atom::URI) { continue; } else if (!strcmp(t->second.get_uri(), uris.lv2_InputPort.c_str())) { is_input = true; } else if (!strcmp(t->second.get_uri(), uris.lv2_OutputPort.c_str())) { is_output = true; } else if (!type) { type = &t->second; } else { LOG(error) << "Port has several data types" << endl; continue; } } if ((is_input && is_output) || !type) { LOG(error) << "Corrupt patch port" << endl; continue; } target->put(port_path, i->second); } parse_properties(world, target, model, subject_node, patch_path, data); parse_connections(world, target, model, subject_node, patch_path); /* Enable */ query = Redland::Query(*world->rdf_world(), Glib::ustring( "SELECT DISTINCT ?enabled WHERE {\n") + subject + " ingen:enabled ?enabled .\n" "}"); results = query.run(*world->rdf_world(), model, base_uri); for (; !results->finished(); results->next()) { Glib::Mutex::Lock lock(world->rdf_world()->mutex()); const Redland::Node& enabled_node = results->get("enabled"); if (enabled_node.is_bool() && enabled_node) { target->set_property(patch_path, uris.ingen_enabled, (bool)true); break; } else { LOG(warn) << "Unknown type for ingen:enabled" << endl; } } return patch_path; } boost::optional<Path> Parser::parse_node( Ingen::Shared::World* world, Ingen::Shared::CommonInterface* target, Redland::Model& model, const Redland::Node& subject, const Raul::Path& path, boost::optional<GraphObject::Properties> data) { const LV2URIMap& uris = *world->uris().get(); /* Get plugin */ Redland::Query query(*world->rdf_world(), Glib::ustring( "SELECT DISTINCT ?plug WHERE {\n") + subject.to_turtle_token() + " rdf:instanceOf ?plug .\n" "}"); SharedPtr<Redland::QueryResults> results(query.run(*world->rdf_world(), model)); if (results->finished()) { LOG(error) << "Node missing mandatory rdf:instanceOf property" << endl; return boost::optional<Path>(); } const Redland::Node& plugin_node = results->get("plug"); if (plugin_node.type() != Redland::Node::RESOURCE) { LOG(error) << "Node's rdf:instanceOf property is not a resource" << endl; return boost::optional<Path>(); } const string plugin_uri = world->rdf_world()->expand_uri(plugin_node.to_c_string()); Resource::Properties props; props.insert(make_pair(uris.rdf_type, Raul::URI(uris.ingen_Node))); props.insert(make_pair(uris.rdf_instanceOf, Raul::Atom(Raul::Atom::URI, plugin_uri))); target->put(path, props); parse_properties(world, target, model, subject, path, data); return path; } bool Parser::parse_connections( Ingen::Shared::World* world, Ingen::Shared::CommonInterface* target, Redland::Model& model, const Redland::Node& subject, const Raul::Path& parent) { Redland::Query query(*world->rdf_world(), Glib::ustring( "SELECT DISTINCT ?src ?dst WHERE {\n") + subject.to_turtle_token() + " ingen:connection ?connection .\n" "?connection ingen:source ?src ;\n" " ingen:destination ?dst .\n" "}"); const Glib::ustring& base_uri = model.base_uri().to_string(); SharedPtr<Redland::QueryResults> results(query.run(*world->rdf_world(), model)); for (; !results->finished(); results->next()) { Glib::Mutex::Lock lock(world->rdf_world()->mutex()); const Path src_path(parent.child(relative_uri(base_uri, results->get("src").to_string(), false))); const Path dst_path(parent.child(relative_uri(base_uri, results->get("dst").to_string(), false))); target->connect(src_path, dst_path); } return true; } bool Parser::parse_properties( Ingen::Shared::World* world, Ingen::Shared::CommonInterface* target, Redland::Model& model, const Redland::Node& subject_node, const Raul::URI& uri, boost::optional<GraphObject::Properties> data) { const Glib::ustring& subject = subject_node.to_turtle_token(); Redland::Query query(*world->rdf_world(), Glib::ustring( "SELECT DISTINCT ?key ?val WHERE {\n") + subject + " ?key ?val .\n" "}"); Resource::Properties properties; SharedPtr<Redland::QueryResults> results(query.run(*world->rdf_world(), model)); for (; !results->finished(); results->next()) { Glib::Mutex::Lock lock(world->rdf_world()->mutex()); const string key = string(results->get("key")); const Redland::Node& val = results->get("val"); if (skip_property(results->get("key"))) continue; if (!key.empty() && val.type() != Redland::Node::BLANK) properties.insert(make_pair(key, AtomRDF::node_to_atom(model, val))); } target->put(uri, properties); // Set passed properties last to override any loaded values if (data) target->put(uri, data.get()); return true; } bool Parser::skip_property(const Redland::Node& predicate) { return (predicate.to_string() == "http://drobilla.net/ns/ingen#node" || predicate.to_string() == "http://lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core#port"); } } // namespace Serialisation } // namespace Ingen