/* This file is part of Ingen. Copyright 2007-2012 David Robillard <http://drobilla.net/> Ingen is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. Ingen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with Ingen. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <stdint.h> #include <cassert> #include <cmath> #include "lv2/lv2plug.in/ns/ext/morph/morph.h" #include "lv2/lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options/options.h" #include "lv2/lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port/resize-port.h" #include "raul/Maid.hpp" #include "raul/Array.hpp" #include "ingen/Log.hpp" #include "ingen/URIMap.hpp" #include "ingen/URIs.hpp" #include "Buffer.hpp" #include "Driver.hpp" #include "Engine.hpp" #include "GraphImpl.hpp" #include "InputPort.hpp" #include "LV2Block.hpp" #include "LV2Plugin.hpp" #include "OutputPort.hpp" #include "ProcessContext.hpp" using namespace std; namespace Ingen { namespace Server { /** Partially construct a LV2Block. * * Object is not usable until instantiate() is called with success. * (It _will_ crash!) */ LV2Block::LV2Block(LV2Plugin* plugin, const Raul::Symbol& symbol, bool polyphonic, GraphImpl* parent, SampleRate srate) : BlockImpl(plugin, symbol, polyphonic, parent, srate) , _lv2_plugin(plugin) , _instances(NULL) , _prepared_instances(NULL) , _worker_iface(NULL) { assert(_lv2_plugin); } LV2Block::~LV2Block() { delete _instances; } SharedPtr<LilvInstance> LV2Block::make_instance(URIs& uris, SampleRate rate, uint32_t voice, bool preparing) { LilvInstance* inst = lilv_plugin_instantiate( _lv2_plugin->lilv_plugin(), rate, _features->array()); if (!inst) { parent_graph()->engine().log().error( Raul::fmt("Failed to instantiate <%1%>\n") % _lv2_plugin->uri().c_str()); return SharedPtr<LilvInstance>(); } const LV2_Options_Interface* options_iface = (const LV2_Options_Interface*) lilv_instance_get_extension_data(inst, LV2_OPTIONS__interface); for (uint32_t p = 0; p < num_ports(); ++p) { PortImpl* const port = _ports->at(p); Buffer* const buffer = (preparing) ? port->prepared_buffer(voice).get() : port->buffer(voice).get(); if (port->is_morph() && port->is_a(PortType::CV)) { if (options_iface) { const LV2_URID port_type = uris.lv2_CVPort; const LV2_Options_Option options[] = { { LV2_OPTIONS_PORT, p, uris.morph_currentType, sizeof(LV2_URID), uris.atom_URID, &port_type }, { LV2_OPTIONS_INSTANCE, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL } }; options_iface->set(inst->lv2_handle, options); } } if (buffer) { if (port->is_a(PortType::CV) || port->is_a(PortType::CONTROL)) { buffer->set_block(port->value().get_float(), 0, buffer->nframes()); } else { buffer->clear(); } } } if (options_iface) { for (uint32_t p = 0; p < num_ports(); ++p) { PortImpl* const port = _ports->at(p); if (port->is_auto_morph()) { LV2_Options_Option options[] = { { LV2_OPTIONS_PORT, p, uris.morph_currentType, 0, 0, NULL }, { LV2_OPTIONS_INSTANCE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; options_iface->get(inst->lv2_handle, options); if (options[0].value) { LV2_URID type = *(LV2_URID*)options[0].value; if (type == _uris.lv2_ControlPort) { port->set_type(PortType::CONTROL, 0); } else if (type == _uris.lv2_CVPort) { port->set_type(PortType::CV, 0); } else { parent_graph()->engine().log().error( Raul::fmt("%1% auto-morphed to unknown type %2%\n") % port->path().c_str() % type); return SharedPtr<LilvInstance>(); } } else { parent_graph()->engine().log().error( Raul::fmt("Failed to get auto-morphed type of %1%\n") % port->path().c_str()); } } } } return SharedPtr<LilvInstance>(inst, lilv_instance_free); } bool LV2Block::prepare_poly(BufferFactory& bufs, uint32_t poly) { if (!_polyphonic) poly = 1; BlockImpl::prepare_poly(bufs, poly); if (_polyphony == poly) return true; const SampleRate rate = bufs.engine().driver()->sample_rate(); assert(!_prepared_instances); _prepared_instances = new Instances(poly, *_instances, SharedPtr<void>()); for (uint32_t i = _polyphony; i < _prepared_instances->size(); ++i) { SharedPtr<LilvInstance> inst = make_instance(bufs.uris(), rate, i, true); if (!inst) { return false; } _prepared_instances->at(i) = inst; if (_activated) { lilv_instance_activate(inst.get()); } } return true; } bool LV2Block::apply_poly(ProcessContext& context, Raul::Maid& maid, uint32_t poly) { if (!_polyphonic) poly = 1; if (_prepared_instances) { maid.dispose(_instances); _instances = _prepared_instances; _prepared_instances = NULL; } assert(poly <= _instances->size()); return BlockImpl::apply_poly(context, maid, poly); } /** Instantiate self from LV2 plugin descriptor. * * Implemented as a seperate function (rather than in the constructor) to * allow graceful error-catching of broken plugins. * * Returns whether or not plugin was successfully instantiated. If return * value is false, this object may not be used. */ bool LV2Block::instantiate(BufferFactory& bufs) { const Ingen::URIs& uris = bufs.uris(); SharedPtr<LV2Info> info = _lv2_plugin->lv2_info(); const LilvPlugin* plug = _lv2_plugin->lilv_plugin(); Ingen::Forge& forge = bufs.forge(); const uint32_t num_ports = lilv_plugin_get_num_ports(plug); _ports = new Raul::Array<PortImpl*>(num_ports, NULL); bool ret = true; float* min_values = new float[num_ports]; float* max_values = new float[num_ports]; float* def_values = new float[num_ports]; lilv_plugin_get_port_ranges_float(plug, min_values, max_values, def_values); // Get all the necessary information about ports for (uint32_t j = 0; j < num_ports; ++j) { const LilvPort* id = lilv_plugin_get_port_by_index(plug, j); /* LV2 port symbols are guaranteed to be unique, valid C identifiers, and Lilv guarantees that lilv_port_get_symbol() is valid. */ const Raul::Symbol port_sym( lilv_node_as_string(lilv_port_get_symbol(plug, id))); // Get port type Raul::Atom val; PortType port_type = PortType::UNKNOWN; LV2_URID buffer_type = 0; bool is_morph = false; bool is_auto_morph = false; if (lilv_port_is_a(plug, id, info->lv2_ControlPort)) { if (lilv_port_is_a(plug, id, info->morph_MorphPort)) { is_morph = true; LilvNodes* types = lilv_port_get_value( plug, id, info->morph_supportsType); LILV_FOREACH(nodes, i, types) { const LilvNode* type = lilv_nodes_get(types, i); if (lilv_node_equals(type, info->lv2_CVPort)) { port_type = PortType::CV; buffer_type = uris.atom_Sound; } } lilv_nodes_free(types); } if (port_type == PortType::UNKNOWN) { port_type = PortType::CONTROL; buffer_type = uris.atom_Float; } } else if (lilv_port_is_a(plug, id, info->lv2_CVPort)) { port_type = PortType::CV; buffer_type = uris.atom_Sound; } else if (lilv_port_is_a(plug, id, info->lv2_AudioPort)) { port_type = PortType::AUDIO; buffer_type = uris.atom_Sound; } else if (lilv_port_is_a(plug, id, info->atom_AtomPort)) { port_type = PortType::ATOM; } if (lilv_port_is_a(plug, id, info->morph_AutoMorphPort)) { is_auto_morph = true; } // Get buffer type if necessary (atom ports) if (!buffer_type) { LilvNodes* types = lilv_port_get_value( plug, id, info->atom_bufferType); LILV_FOREACH(nodes, i, types) { const LilvNode* type = lilv_nodes_get(types, i); if (lilv_node_is_uri(type)) { buffer_type = bufs.engine().world()->uri_map().map_uri( lilv_node_as_uri(type)); } } lilv_nodes_free(types); } uint32_t port_buffer_size = bufs.default_size(buffer_type); if (port_type == PortType::ATOM) { // Get default value, and its length LilvNodes* defaults = lilv_port_get_value(plug, id, info->lv2_default); LILV_FOREACH(nodes, i, defaults) { const LilvNode* d = lilv_nodes_get(defaults, i); if (lilv_node_is_string(d)) { const char* str_val = lilv_node_as_string(d); const uint32_t str_val_len = strlen(str_val); val = forge.alloc(str_val); port_buffer_size = std::max(port_buffer_size, str_val_len); } } lilv_nodes_free(defaults); // Get minimum size, if set in data LilvNodes* sizes = lilv_port_get_value(plug, id, info->rsz_minimumSize); LILV_FOREACH(nodes, i, sizes) { const LilvNode* d = lilv_nodes_get(sizes, i); if (lilv_node_is_int(d)) { uint32_t size_val = lilv_node_as_int(d); port_buffer_size = std::max(port_buffer_size, size_val); } } lilv_nodes_free(sizes); } enum { UNKNOWN, INPUT, OUTPUT } direction = UNKNOWN; if (lilv_port_is_a(plug, id, info->lv2_InputPort)) { direction = INPUT; } else if (lilv_port_is_a(plug, id, info->lv2_OutputPort)) { direction = OUTPUT; } if (port_type == PortType::UNKNOWN || direction == UNKNOWN) { parent_graph()->engine().log().error( Raul::fmt("<%1%> port %2% has unknown type or direction\n") % _lv2_plugin->uri().c_str() % port_sym.c_str()); ret = false; break; } if (!val.type()) val = forge.make(isnan(def_values[j]) ? 0.0f : def_values[j]); PortImpl* port = (direction == INPUT) ? static_cast<PortImpl*>( new InputPort(bufs, this, port_sym, j, _polyphony, port_type, buffer_type, val)) : static_cast<PortImpl*>( new OutputPort(bufs, this, port_sym, j, _polyphony, port_type, buffer_type, val)); port->set_morphable(is_morph, is_auto_morph); if (direction == INPUT && (port_type == PortType::CONTROL || port_type == PortType::CV)) { port->set_value(val); if (!isnan(min_values[j])) { port->set_property(uris.lv2_minimum, forge.make(min_values[j])); port->set_minimum(forge.make(min_values[j])); } if (!isnan(max_values[j])) { port->set_property(uris.lv2_maximum, forge.make(max_values[j])); port->set_maximum(forge.make(max_values[j])); } } // Inherit certain properties from plugin port LilvNode* preds[] = { info->lv2_portProperty, info->atom_supports, 0 }; for (int p = 0; preds[p]; ++p) { LilvNodes* values = lilv_port_get_value(plug, id, preds[p]); LILV_FOREACH(nodes, v, values) { const LilvNode* val = lilv_nodes_get(values, v); if (lilv_node_is_uri(val)) { port->add_property(Raul::URI(lilv_node_as_uri(preds[p])), forge.alloc_uri(lilv_node_as_uri(val))); } } lilv_nodes_free(values); } port->cache_properties(); _ports->at(j) = port; } delete[] min_values; delete[] max_values; delete[] def_values; if (!ret) { delete _ports; _ports = NULL; return ret; } _features = info->world().lv2_features().lv2_features(&info->world(), this); // Actually create plugin instances and port buffers. const SampleRate rate = bufs.engine().driver()->sample_rate(); _instances = new Instances(_polyphony, SharedPtr<void>()); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _polyphony; ++i) { _instances->at(i) = make_instance(bufs.uris(), rate, i, false); if (!_instances->at(i)) { return false; } } // FIXME: Polyphony + worker? if (lilv_plugin_has_feature(plug, info->work_schedule)) { _worker_iface = (const LV2_Worker_Interface*) lilv_instance_get_extension_data(instance(0), LV2_WORKER__interface); } return ret; } void LV2Block::activate(BufferFactory& bufs) { BlockImpl::activate(bufs); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _polyphony; ++i) lilv_instance_activate(instance(i)); } void LV2Block::deactivate() { BlockImpl::deactivate(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _polyphony; ++i) lilv_instance_deactivate(instance(i)); } LV2_Worker_Status LV2Block::work_respond(LV2_Worker_Respond_Handle handle, uint32_t size, const void* data) { LV2Block* block = (LV2Block*)handle; LV2Block::Response* r = new LV2Block::Response(size, data); block->_responses.push_back(*r); return LV2_WORKER_SUCCESS; } void LV2Block::work(uint32_t size, const void* data) { if (_worker_iface) { LV2_Handle inst = lilv_instance_get_handle(instance(0)); if (_worker_iface->work(inst, work_respond, this, size, data)) { parent_graph()->engine().log().error( Raul::fmt("Error calling %1% work method\n") % _path); } } } void LV2Block::process(ProcessContext& context) { BlockImpl::pre_process(context); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _polyphony; ++i) lilv_instance_run(instance(i), context.nframes()); if (_worker_iface) { LV2_Handle inst = lilv_instance_get_handle(instance(0)); while (!_responses.empty()) { Response& r = _responses.front(); _worker_iface->work_response(inst, r.size, r.data); _responses.pop_front(); context.engine().maid()->dispose(&r); } if (_worker_iface->end_run) { _worker_iface->end_run(inst); } } BlockImpl::post_process(context); } void LV2Block::set_port_buffer(uint32_t voice, uint32_t port_num, BufferRef buf) { BlockImpl::set_port_buffer(voice, port_num, buf); lilv_instance_connect_port( instance(voice), port_num, buf ? buf->port_data(_ports->at(port_num)->type()) : NULL); } } // namespace Server } // namespace Ingen