/* This file is part of Ingen. Copyright 2007-2016 David Robillard Ingen is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. Ingen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with Ingen. If not, see . */ #include "Delta.hpp" #include "BlockFactory.hpp" #include "BlockImpl.hpp" #include "Broadcaster.hpp" #include "CompiledGraph.hpp" #include "ControlBindings.hpp" #include "CreateBlock.hpp" #include "CreateGraph.hpp" #include "CreatePort.hpp" #include "Engine.hpp" #include "GraphImpl.hpp" #include "NodeImpl.hpp" #include "PluginImpl.hpp" #include "PortImpl.hpp" #include "PortType.hpp" #include "SetPortValue.hpp" #include "ingen/Atom.hpp" #include "ingen/FilePath.hpp" #include "ingen/Forge.hpp" #include "ingen/Interface.hpp" #include "ingen/Log.hpp" #include "ingen/Message.hpp" #include "ingen/Node.hpp" #include "ingen/Status.hpp" #include "ingen/Store.hpp" #include "ingen/URIs.hpp" #include "ingen/World.hpp" #include "ingen/paths.hpp" #include "lilv/lilv.h" #include "raul/Maid.hpp" #include "raul/Path.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace ingen { namespace server { class PreProcessContext; namespace events { Delta::Delta(Engine& engine, const std::shared_ptr& client, SampleCount timestamp, const ingen::Put& msg) : Event(engine, client, msg.seq, timestamp) , _create_event(nullptr) , _subject(msg.uri) , _properties(msg.properties) , _object(nullptr) , _graph(nullptr) , _binding(nullptr) , _state() , _context(msg.ctx) , _type(Type::PUT) , _block(false) { init(); } Delta::Delta(Engine& engine, const std::shared_ptr& client, SampleCount timestamp, const ingen::Delta& msg) : Event(engine, client, msg.seq, timestamp) , _create_event(nullptr) , _subject(msg.uri) , _properties(msg.add) , _remove(msg.remove) , _object(nullptr) , _graph(nullptr) , _binding(nullptr) , _state(nullptr) , _context(msg.ctx) , _type(Type::PATCH) , _block(false) { init(); } Delta::Delta(Engine& engine, const std::shared_ptr& client, SampleCount timestamp, const ingen::SetProperty& msg) : Event(engine, client, msg.seq, timestamp) , _subject(msg.subject) , _properties{{msg.predicate, msg.value}} , _object(nullptr) , _graph(nullptr) , _binding(nullptr) , _state(nullptr) , _context(msg.ctx) , _type(Type::SET) , _block(false) { init(); } void Delta::init() { if (_context != Resource::Graph::DEFAULT) { for (auto& p : _properties) { p.second.set_context(_context); } } // Set atomic execution if polyphony is to be changed const ingen::URIs& uris = _engine.world().uris(); if (_properties.count(uris.ingen_polyphonic) || _properties.count(uris.ingen_polyphony)) { _block = true; } } void Delta::add_set_event(const char* port_symbol, const void* value, uint32_t size, uint32_t type) { auto* block = dynamic_cast(_object); auto* port = block->port_by_symbol(port_symbol); if (!port) { _engine.log().warn("Unknown port `%1%' in state", port_symbol); return; } _set_events.emplace_back( std::make_unique( _engine, _request_client, _request_id, _time, port, Atom(size, type, value), false, true)); } static void s_add_set_event(const char* port_symbol, void* user_data, const void* value, uint32_t size, uint32_t type) { static_cast(user_data)->add_set_event(port_symbol, value, size, type); } static LilvNode* get_file_node(LilvWorld* lworld, const URIs& uris, const Atom& value) { if (value.type() == uris.atom_Path) { return lilv_new_file_uri(lworld, nullptr, value.ptr()); } else if (uris.forge.is_uri(value)) { const std::string str = uris.forge.str(value, false); if (str.substr(0, 5) == "file:") { return lilv_new_uri(lworld, value.ptr()); } } return nullptr; } bool Delta::pre_process(PreProcessContext& ctx) { const ingen::URIs& uris = _engine.world().uris(); const bool is_graph_object = uri_is_path(_subject); const bool is_client = (_subject == "ingen:/clients/this"); const bool is_engine = (_subject == "ingen:/"); const bool is_file = (_subject.scheme() == "file"); if (_type == Type::PUT && is_file) { // Ensure type is Preset, the only supported file put const auto t = _properties.find(uris.rdf_type); if (t == _properties.end() || t->second != uris.pset_Preset) { return Event::pre_process_done(Status::BAD_REQUEST, _subject); } // Get "prototype" for preset (node to save state for) const auto p = _properties.find(uris.lv2_prototype); if (p == _properties.end() || !_engine.world().forge().is_uri(p->second)) { return Event::pre_process_done(Status::BAD_REQUEST, _subject); } const URI prot(_engine.world().forge().str(p->second, false)); if (!uri_is_path(prot)) { return Event::pre_process_done(Status::BAD_URI, _subject); } Node* node = _engine.store()->get(uri_to_path(prot)); if (!node) { return Event::pre_process_done(Status::NOT_FOUND, prot); } auto* block = dynamic_cast(node); if (!block) { return Event::pre_process_done(Status::BAD_OBJECT_TYPE, prot); } if ((_preset = block->save_preset(_subject, _properties))) { return Event::pre_process_done(Status::SUCCESS); } else { return Event::pre_process_done(Status::FAILURE); } } std::lock_guard lock(_engine.store()->mutex()); _object = is_graph_object ? static_cast(_engine.store()->get(uri_to_path(_subject))) : static_cast(_engine.block_factory()->plugin(_subject)); if (!_object && !is_client && !is_engine && (!is_graph_object || _type != Type::PUT)) { return Event::pre_process_done(Status::NOT_FOUND, _subject); } if (is_graph_object && !_object) { raul::Path path(uri_to_path(_subject)); bool is_graph = false; bool is_block = false; bool is_port = false; bool is_output = false; ingen::Resource::type(uris, _properties, is_graph, is_block, is_port, is_output); if (is_graph) { _create_event = std::make_unique( _engine, _request_client, _request_id, _time, path, _properties); } else if (is_block) { _create_event = std::make_unique( _engine, _request_client, _request_id, _time, path, _properties); } else if (is_port) { _create_event = std::make_unique( _engine, _request_client, _request_id, _time, path, _properties); } if (_create_event) { if (_create_event->pre_process(ctx)) { _object = _engine.store()->get(path); // Get object for setting } else { return Event::pre_process_done(Status::CREATION_FAILED, _subject); } } else { return Event::pre_process_done(Status::BAD_OBJECT_TYPE, _subject); } } _types.reserve(_properties.size()); auto* obj = dynamic_cast(_object); // Remove any properties removed in delta for (const auto& r : _remove) { const URI& key = r.first; const Atom& value = r.second; if (key == uris.midi_binding && value == uris.patch_wildcard) { auto* port = dynamic_cast(_object); if (port) { _engine.control_bindings()->get_all(port->path(), _removed_bindings); } } if (_object) { _removed.emplace(key, value); _object->remove_property(key, value); } else if (is_engine && key == uris.ingen_loadedBundle) { LilvWorld* lworld = _engine.world().lilv_world(); LilvNode* bundle = get_file_node(lworld, uris, value); if (bundle) { for (const auto& p : _engine.block_factory()->plugins()) { if (p.second->bundle_uri() == lilv_node_as_string(bundle)) { p.second->set_is_zombie(true); _update.del(p.second->uri()); } } lilv_world_unload_bundle(lworld, bundle); _engine.block_factory()->refresh(); lilv_node_free(bundle); } else { _status = Status::BAD_VALUE; } } } // Remove all added properties if this is a put or set if (_object && (_type == Type::PUT || _type == Type::SET)) { for (auto p = _properties.begin(); p != _properties.end(); p = _properties.upper_bound(p->first)) { for (auto q = _object->properties().find(p->first); q != _object->properties().end() && q->first == p->first;) { auto next = q; ++next; if (!_properties.contains(q->first, q->second)) { const auto r = std::make_pair(q->first, q->second); _object->properties().erase(q); _object->on_property_removed(r.first, r.second); _removed.insert(r); } q = next; } } } for (const auto& p : _properties) { const URI& key = p.first; const Property& value = p.second; SpecialType op = SpecialType::NONE; if (obj) { Resource& resource = *obj; if (value != uris.patch_wildcard) { if (resource.add_property(key, value, value.context())) { _added.emplace(key, value); } } BlockImpl* block = nullptr; auto* port = dynamic_cast(_object); if (port) { if (key == uris.ingen_broadcast) { if (value.type() == uris.forge.Bool) { op = SpecialType::ENABLE_BROADCAST; } else { _status = Status::BAD_VALUE_TYPE; } } else if (key == uris.ingen_value || key == uris.ingen_activity) { _set_events.emplace_back( std::make_unique( _engine, _request_client, _request_id, _time, port, value, key == uris.ingen_activity)); } else if (key == uris.midi_binding) { if (port->is_a(PortType::CONTROL) || port->is_a(PortType::CV)) { if (value == uris.patch_wildcard) { _engine.control_bindings()->start_learn(port); } else if (value.type() == uris.atom_Object) { op = SpecialType::CONTROL_BINDING; _binding = new ControlBindings::Binding(); } else { _status = Status::BAD_VALUE_TYPE; } } else { _status = Status::BAD_OBJECT_TYPE; } } else if (key == uris.lv2_index) { op = SpecialType::PORT_INDEX; port->set_property(key, value); } } else if ((block = dynamic_cast(_object))) { if (key == uris.midi_binding && value == uris.patch_wildcard) { op = SpecialType::CONTROL_BINDING; // Internal block learn } else if (key == uris.ingen_enabled) { if (value.type() == uris.forge.Bool) { op = SpecialType::ENABLE; } else { _status = Status::BAD_VALUE_TYPE; } } else if (key == uris.pset_preset) { URI uri; if (uris.forge.is_uri(value)) { const std::string uri_str = uris.forge.str(value, false); if (URI::is_valid(uri_str)) { uri = URI(uri_str); } } else if (value.type() == uris.forge.Path) { uri = URI(FilePath(value.ptr())); } if (!uri.empty()) { op = SpecialType::PRESET; if ((_state = block->load_preset(uri))) { lilv_state_emit_port_values(_state.get(), s_add_set_event, this); } else { _engine.log().warn("Failed to load preset <%1%>\n", uri); } } else { _status = Status::BAD_VALUE; } } } if ((_graph = dynamic_cast(_object))) { if (key == uris.ingen_enabled) { if (value.type() == uris.forge.Bool) { op = SpecialType::ENABLE; // FIXME: defer this until all other metadata has been processed if (value.get() && !_graph->enabled()) { if (!(_compiled_graph = compile(*_engine.maid(), *_graph))) { _status = Status::COMPILATION_FAILED; } } } else { _status = Status::BAD_VALUE_TYPE; } } else if (key == uris.ingen_polyphony) { if (value.type() == uris.forge.Int) { if (value.get() < 1 || value.get() > 128) { _status = Status::INVALID_POLY; } else { op = SpecialType::POLYPHONY; _graph->prepare_internal_poly( *_engine.buffer_factory(), value.get()); } } else { _status = Status::BAD_VALUE_TYPE; } } } if (!_create_event && key == uris.ingen_polyphonic) { auto* parent = dynamic_cast(obj->parent()); if (!parent) { _status = Status::BAD_OBJECT_TYPE; } else if (value.type() != uris.forge.Bool) { _status = Status::BAD_VALUE_TYPE; } else { op = SpecialType::POLYPHONIC; obj->set_property(key, value, value.context()); if (block) { block->set_polyphonic(value.get()); } if (value.get()) { obj->prepare_poly(*_engine.buffer_factory(), parent->internal_poly()); } else { obj->prepare_poly(*_engine.buffer_factory(), 1); } } } } else if (is_client && key == uris.ingen_broadcast) { _engine.broadcaster()->set_broadcast( _request_client, value.get()); } else if (is_engine && key == uris.ingen_loadedBundle) { LilvWorld* lworld = _engine.world().lilv_world(); LilvNode* bundle = get_file_node(lworld, uris, value); if (bundle) { lilv_world_load_bundle(lworld, bundle); const auto new_plugins = _engine.block_factory()->refresh(); for (const auto& plugin : new_plugins) { if (plugin->bundle_uri() == lilv_node_as_string(bundle)) { _update.put_plugin(plugin.get()); } } lilv_node_free(bundle); } else { _status = Status::BAD_VALUE; } } if (_status != Status::NOT_PREPARED) { break; } _types.push_back(op); } for (auto& s : _set_events) { s->pre_process(ctx); } return Event::pre_process_done( _status == Status::NOT_PREPARED ? Status::SUCCESS : _status, _subject); } void Delta::execute(RunContext& ctx) { if (_status != Status::SUCCESS || _preset) { return; } const ingen::URIs& uris = _engine.world().uris(); if (_create_event) { _create_event->set_time(_time); _create_event->execute(ctx); } for (auto& s : _set_events) { s->set_time(_time); s->execute(ctx); } if (!_removed_bindings.empty()) { _engine.control_bindings()->remove(ctx, _removed_bindings); } auto* const object = dynamic_cast(_object); auto* const block = dynamic_cast(_object); auto* const port = dynamic_cast(_object); std::vector::const_iterator t = _types.begin(); for (const auto& p : _properties) { const URI& key = p.first; const Atom& value = p.second; switch (*t++) { case SpecialType::ENABLE_BROADCAST: if (port) { port->enable_monitoring(value.get()); } break; case SpecialType::ENABLE: if (_graph) { if (value.get()) { if (_compiled_graph) { _graph->set_compiled_graph(std::move(_compiled_graph)); } _graph->enable(); } else { _graph->disable(ctx); } } else if (block) { block->set_enabled(value.get()); } break; case SpecialType::POLYPHONIC: { if (object) { if (value.get()) { auto* parent = reinterpret_cast(object->parent()); object->apply_poly(ctx, parent->internal_poly_process()); } else { object->apply_poly(ctx, 1); } } } break; case SpecialType::POLYPHONY: if (_graph && !_graph->apply_internal_poly(ctx, *_engine.buffer_factory(), *_engine.maid(), value.get())) { _status = Status::INTERNAL_ERROR; } break; case SpecialType::PORT_INDEX: if (port) { port->set_index(ctx, value.get()); } break; case SpecialType::CONTROL_BINDING: if (port) { if (!_engine.control_bindings()->set_port_binding(ctx, port, _binding, value)) { _status = Status::BAD_VALUE; } } else if (block) { if (uris.ingen_Internal == block->plugin_impl()->type()) { block->learn(); } } break; case SpecialType::PRESET: if (block) { block->set_enabled(false); } break; case SpecialType::NONE: if (port) { if (key == uris.lv2_minimum) { port->set_minimum(value); } else if (key == uris.lv2_maximum) { port->set_maximum(value); } } break; case SpecialType::LOADED_BUNDLE: break; } } } void Delta::post_process() { if (_state) { auto* block = dynamic_cast(_object); if (block) { block->apply_state(_engine.sync_worker(), _state.get()); block->set_enabled(true); } _state.reset(); } Broadcaster::Transfer t(*_engine.broadcaster()); if (_create_event) { _create_event->post_process(); if (_create_event->status() != Status::SUCCESS) { return; // Creation failed, nothing else to do } } for (auto& s : _set_events) { if (s->synthetic() || s->status() != Status::SUCCESS) { s->post_process(); // Set failed, report error } } if (respond() == Status::SUCCESS) { _update.send(*_engine.broadcaster()); switch (_type) { case Type::SET: /* Kludge to avoid feedback for set events only. The GUI depends on put responses to e.g. initially place blocks. Some more sensible way of controlling this is needed. */ if (_mode == Mode::NORMAL) { _engine.broadcaster()->set_ignore_client(_request_client); } _engine.broadcaster()->set_property( _subject, _properties.begin()->first, _properties.begin()->second); if (_mode == Mode::NORMAL) { _engine.broadcaster()->clear_ignore_client(); } break; case Type::PUT: if (_type == Type::PUT && _subject.scheme() == "file") { // Preset save ClientUpdate response; response.put(_preset->uri(), _preset->properties()); response.send(*_engine.broadcaster()); } else { // Graph object put _engine.broadcaster()->put(_subject, _properties, _context); } break; case Type::PATCH: _engine.broadcaster()->delta(_subject, _remove, _properties, _context); break; } } } void Delta::undo(Interface& target) { if (_create_event) { _create_event->undo(target); } else if (_type == Type::PATCH) { target.delta(_subject, _added, _removed, _context); } else if (_type == Type::SET || _type == Type::PUT) { if (_removed.size() == 1) { target.set_property(_subject, _removed.begin()->first, _removed.begin()->second, _context); } else if (_removed.empty()) { target.delta(_subject, _added, {}, _context); } else { target.put(_subject, _removed, _context); } } } Event::Execution Delta::get_execution() const { return _block ? Execution::ATOMIC : Execution::NORMAL; } } // namespace events } // namespace server } // namespace ingen