/* This file is part of Ingen. Copyright 2007-2015 David Robillard <http://drobilla.net/> Ingen is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. Ingen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with Ingen. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "internals/Note.hpp" #include "Buffer.hpp" #include "InputPort.hpp" #include "InternalPlugin.hpp" #include "OutputPort.hpp" #include "RunContext.hpp" #include "ingen/Forge.hpp" #include "ingen/URIs.hpp" #include "lv2/atom/util.h" #include "lv2/midi/midi.h" #include "raul/Array.hpp" #include "raul/Maid.hpp" #include <cassert> #include <cmath> #include <utility> // #define NOTE_DEBUG 1 namespace ingen { namespace server { namespace internals { InternalPlugin* NoteNode::internal_plugin(URIs& uris) { return new InternalPlugin( uris, URI(NS_INTERNALS "Note"), Raul::Symbol("note")); } NoteNode::NoteNode(InternalPlugin* plugin, BufferFactory& bufs, const Raul::Symbol& symbol, bool polyphonic, GraphImpl* parent, SampleRate srate) : InternalBlock(plugin, symbol, polyphonic, parent, srate) , _voices(bufs.maid().make_managed<Voices>(_polyphony)) , _sustain(false) { const ingen::URIs& uris = bufs.uris(); _ports = bufs.maid().make_managed<Ports>(8); const Atom zero = bufs.forge().make(0.0f); const Atom one = bufs.forge().make(1.0f); _midi_in_port = new InputPort(bufs, this, Raul::Symbol("input"), 0, 1, PortType::ATOM, uris.atom_Sequence, Atom()); _midi_in_port->set_property(uris.lv2_name, bufs.forge().alloc("Input")); _midi_in_port->set_property(uris.atom_supports, bufs.forge().make_urid(uris.midi_MidiEvent)); _ports->at(0) = _midi_in_port; _freq_port = new OutputPort(bufs, this, Raul::Symbol("frequency"), 1, _polyphony, PortType::ATOM, uris.atom_Sequence, bufs.forge().make(440.0f)); _freq_port->set_property(uris.atom_supports, bufs.uris().atom_Float); _freq_port->set_property(uris.lv2_name, bufs.forge().alloc("Frequency")); _freq_port->set_property(uris.lv2_minimum, bufs.forge().make(16.0f)); _freq_port->set_property(uris.lv2_maximum, bufs.forge().make(25088.0f)); _ports->at(1) = _freq_port; _num_port = new OutputPort(bufs, this, Raul::Symbol("number"), 1, _polyphony, PortType::ATOM, uris.atom_Sequence, zero); _num_port->set_property(uris.atom_supports, bufs.uris().atom_Float); _num_port->set_property(uris.lv2_minimum, zero); _num_port->set_property(uris.lv2_maximum, bufs.forge().make(127.0f)); _num_port->set_property(uris.lv2_portProperty, uris.lv2_integer); _num_port->set_property(uris.lv2_name, bufs.forge().alloc("Number")); _ports->at(2) = _num_port; _vel_port = new OutputPort(bufs, this, Raul::Symbol("velocity"), 2, _polyphony, PortType::ATOM, uris.atom_Sequence, zero); _vel_port->set_property(uris.atom_supports, bufs.uris().atom_Float); _vel_port->set_property(uris.lv2_minimum, zero); _vel_port->set_property(uris.lv2_maximum, one); _vel_port->set_property(uris.lv2_name, bufs.forge().alloc("Velocity")); _ports->at(3) = _vel_port; _gate_port = new OutputPort(bufs, this, Raul::Symbol("gate"), 3, _polyphony, PortType::ATOM, uris.atom_Sequence, zero); _gate_port->set_property(uris.atom_supports, bufs.uris().atom_Float); _gate_port->set_property(uris.lv2_portProperty, uris.lv2_toggled); _gate_port->set_property(uris.lv2_name, bufs.forge().alloc("Gate")); _ports->at(4) = _gate_port; _trig_port = new OutputPort(bufs, this, Raul::Symbol("trigger"), 4, _polyphony, PortType::ATOM, uris.atom_Sequence, zero); _trig_port->set_property(uris.atom_supports, bufs.uris().atom_Float); _trig_port->set_property(uris.lv2_portProperty, uris.lv2_toggled); _trig_port->set_property(uris.lv2_name, bufs.forge().alloc("Trigger")); _ports->at(5) = _trig_port; _bend_port = new OutputPort(bufs, this, Raul::Symbol("bend"), 5, _polyphony, PortType::ATOM, uris.atom_Sequence, zero); _bend_port->set_property(uris.atom_supports, bufs.uris().atom_Float); _bend_port->set_property(uris.lv2_name, bufs.forge().alloc("Bender")); _bend_port->set_property(uris.lv2_default, zero); _bend_port->set_property(uris.lv2_minimum, bufs.forge().make(-1.0f)); _bend_port->set_property(uris.lv2_maximum, one); _ports->at(6) = _bend_port; _pressure_port = new OutputPort(bufs, this, Raul::Symbol("pressure"), 6, _polyphony, PortType::ATOM, uris.atom_Sequence, zero); _pressure_port->set_property(uris.atom_supports, bufs.uris().atom_Float); _pressure_port->set_property(uris.lv2_name, bufs.forge().alloc("Pressure")); _pressure_port->set_property(uris.lv2_default, zero); _pressure_port->set_property(uris.lv2_minimum, zero); _pressure_port->set_property(uris.lv2_maximum, one); _ports->at(7) = _pressure_port; } bool NoteNode::prepare_poly(BufferFactory& bufs, uint32_t poly) { if (!_polyphonic) { return true; } BlockImpl::prepare_poly(bufs, poly); if (_prepared_voices && poly <= _prepared_voices->size()) { return true; } _prepared_voices = bufs.maid().make_managed<Voices>( poly, *_voices, Voice()); return true; } bool NoteNode::apply_poly(RunContext& context, uint32_t poly) { if (!BlockImpl::apply_poly(context, poly)) { return false; } if (_prepared_voices) { assert(_polyphony <= _prepared_voices->size()); _voices = std::move(_prepared_voices); } assert(_polyphony <= _voices->size()); return true; } void NoteNode::run(RunContext& context) { Buffer* const midi_in = _midi_in_port->buffer(0).get(); LV2_Atom_Sequence* seq = midi_in->get<LV2_Atom_Sequence>(); LV2_ATOM_SEQUENCE_FOREACH(seq, ev) { const uint8_t* buf = (const uint8_t*)LV2_ATOM_BODY_CONST(&ev->body); const FrameTime time = context.start() + (FrameTime)ev->time.frames; if (ev->body.type == _midi_in_port->bufs().uris().midi_MidiEvent && ev->body.size >= 3) { switch (lv2_midi_message_type(buf)) { case LV2_MIDI_MSG_NOTE_ON: if (buf[2] == 0) { note_off(context, buf[1], time); } else { note_on(context, buf[1], buf[2], time); } break; case LV2_MIDI_MSG_NOTE_OFF: note_off(context, buf[1], time); break; case LV2_MIDI_MSG_CONTROLLER: switch (buf[1]) { case LV2_MIDI_CTL_ALL_NOTES_OFF: case LV2_MIDI_CTL_ALL_SOUNDS_OFF: all_notes_off(context, time); break; case LV2_MIDI_CTL_SUSTAIN: if (buf[2] > 63) { sustain_on(context, time); } else { sustain_off(context, time); } break; } break; case LV2_MIDI_MSG_BENDER: bend(context, time, (((((uint16_t)buf[2] << 7) | buf[1]) - 8192.0f) / 8192.0f)); break; case LV2_MIDI_MSG_CHANNEL_PRESSURE: channel_pressure(context, time, buf[1] / 127.0f); break; case LV2_MIDI_MSG_NOTE_PRESSURE: note_pressure(context, time, buf[1], buf[2] / 127.0f); break; default: break; } } } } static inline float note_to_freq(uint8_t num) { static const float A4 = 440.0f; return A4 * powf(2.0f, (float)(num - 57.0f) / 12.0f); } void NoteNode::note_on(RunContext& context, uint8_t note_num, uint8_t velocity, FrameTime time) { assert(time >= context.start() && time <= context.end()); assert(note_num <= 127); Key* key = &_keys[note_num]; Voice* voice = nullptr; uint32_t voice_num = 0; if (key->state != Key::State::OFF) { return; } // Look for free voices for (uint32_t i=0; i < _polyphony; ++i) { if ((*_voices)[i].state == Voice::State::FREE) { voice = &(*_voices)[i]; voice_num = i; break; } } // If we didn't find a free one, steal the oldest if (voice == nullptr) { voice_num = 0; voice = &(*_voices)[0]; FrameTime oldest_time = (*_voices)[0].time; for (uint32_t i=1; i < _polyphony; ++i) { if ((*_voices)[i].time < oldest_time) { voice = &(*_voices)[i]; voice_num = i; oldest_time = voice->time; } } } assert(voice != nullptr); assert(voice == &(*_voices)[voice_num]); // Update stolen key, if applicable if (voice->state == Voice::State::ACTIVE) { assert(_keys[voice->note].state == Key::State::ON_ASSIGNED); assert(_keys[voice->note].voice == voice_num); _keys[voice->note].state = Key::State::ON_UNASSIGNED; } // Store key information for later reallocation on note off key->state = Key::State::ON_ASSIGNED; key->voice = voice_num; key->time = time; // Check if we just triggered this voice at the same time // (Double note-on at the same sample on the same voice) const bool double_trigger = (voice->state == Voice::State::ACTIVE && voice->time == time); // Trigger voice voice->state = Voice::State::ACTIVE; voice->note = note_num; voice->time = time; assert(_keys[voice->note].state == Key::State::ON_ASSIGNED); assert(_keys[voice->note].voice == voice_num); _freq_port->set_voice_value(context, voice_num, time, note_to_freq(note_num)); _num_port->set_voice_value(context, voice_num, time, (float)note_num); _vel_port->set_voice_value(context, voice_num, time, velocity / 127.0f); _gate_port->set_voice_value(context, voice_num, time, 1.0f); if (!double_trigger) { _trig_port->set_voice_value(context, voice_num, time, 1.0f); _trig_port->set_voice_value(context, voice_num, time + 1, 0.0f); } assert(key->state == Key::State::ON_ASSIGNED); assert(voice->state == Voice::State::ACTIVE); assert(key->voice == voice_num); assert((*_voices)[key->voice].note == note_num); } void NoteNode::note_off(RunContext& context, uint8_t note_num, FrameTime time) { assert(time >= context.start() && time <= context.end()); Key* key = &_keys[note_num]; if (key->state == Key::State::ON_ASSIGNED) { // Assigned key, turn off voice and key if ((*_voices)[key->voice].state == Voice::State::ACTIVE) { assert((*_voices)[key->voice].note == note_num); if ( ! _sustain) { free_voice(context, key->voice, time); } else { (*_voices)[key->voice].state = Voice::State::HOLDING; } } } key->state = Key::State::OFF; } void NoteNode::free_voice(RunContext& context, uint32_t voice, FrameTime time) { assert(time >= context.start() && time <= context.end()); // Find a key to reassign to the freed voice (the newest, if there is one) Key* replace_key = nullptr; uint8_t replace_key_num = 0; for (uint8_t i = 0; i <= 127; ++i) { if (_keys[i].state == Key::State::ON_UNASSIGNED) { if (replace_key == nullptr || _keys[i].time > replace_key->time) { replace_key = &_keys[i]; replace_key_num = i; } } } if (replace_key != nullptr) { // Found a key to assign to freed voice assert(&_keys[replace_key_num] == replace_key); assert(replace_key->state == Key::State::ON_UNASSIGNED); // Change the freq but leave the gate high and don't retrigger _freq_port->set_voice_value(context, voice, time, note_to_freq(replace_key_num)); _num_port->set_voice_value(context, voice, time, replace_key_num); replace_key->state = Key::State::ON_ASSIGNED; replace_key->voice = voice; _keys[(*_voices)[voice].note].state = Key::State::ON_UNASSIGNED; (*_voices)[voice].note = replace_key_num; (*_voices)[voice].state = Voice::State::ACTIVE; } else { // No new note for voice, deactivate (set gate low) _gate_port->set_voice_value(context, voice, time, 0.0f); (*_voices)[voice].state = Voice::State::FREE; } } void NoteNode::all_notes_off(RunContext& context, FrameTime time) { assert(time >= context.start() && time <= context.end()); // FIXME: set all keys to Key::OFF? for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _polyphony; ++i) { _gate_port->set_voice_value(context, i, time, 0.0f); (*_voices)[i].state = Voice::State::FREE; } } void NoteNode::sustain_on(RunContext& context, FrameTime time) { _sustain = true; } void NoteNode::sustain_off(RunContext& context, FrameTime time) { assert(time >= context.start() && time <= context.end()); _sustain = false; for (uint32_t i=0; i < _polyphony; ++i) { if ((*_voices)[i].state == Voice::State::HOLDING) { free_voice(context, i, time); } } } void NoteNode::bend(RunContext& context, FrameTime time, float amount) { _bend_port->set_control_value(context, time, amount); } void NoteNode::note_pressure(RunContext& context, FrameTime time, uint8_t note_num, float amount) { for (uint32_t i=0; i < _polyphony; ++i) { if ((*_voices)[i].state != Voice::State::FREE && (*_voices)[i].note == note_num) { _pressure_port->set_voice_value(context, i, time, amount); return; } } } void NoteNode::channel_pressure(RunContext& context, FrameTime time, float amount) { _pressure_port->set_control_value(context, time, amount); } } // namespace internals } // namespace server } // namespace ingen