# Copyright 2020-2022 David Robillard # SPDX-License-Identifier: 0BSD OR ISC project('jalv', ['c', 'cpp'], version: '1.6.9', license: 'ISC', meson_version: '>= 0.56.0', default_options: [ 'b_ndebug=if-release', 'buildtype=release', 'c_std=c99', 'cpp_std=c++14', ]) jalv_src_root = meson.current_source_dir() major_version = meson.project_version().split('.')[0] version_suffix = '@0@-@1@'.format(meson.project_name(), major_version) ####################### # Compilers and Flags # ####################### # Required tools cc = meson.get_compiler('c') # Optional C++ support if add_languages(['cpp'], native: false, required: get_option('cxx')) cpp = meson.get_compiler('cpp') endif # Set global warning flags if get_option('strict') and not meson.is_subproject() subdir('meson/warnings') endif # Set global warning suppressions subdir('meson/suppressions') add_project_arguments(c_suppressions, language: ['c']) if is_variable('cpp') add_project_arguments(cpp_suppressions, language: ['cpp']) endif ####################### # Common Dependencies # ####################### m_dep = cc.find_library('m', required: false) thread_dep = dependency('threads') zix_dep = dependency( 'zix-0', default_options: [ 'benchmarks=disabled', 'docs=disabled', 'tests=disabled', 'tests_cpp=disabled', ], fallback: ['zix', 'zix_dep'], version: '>= 0.3.0', ) serd_dep = dependency( 'serd-0', fallback: ['serd', 'serd_dep'], version: '>= 0.30.0', ) sord_dep = dependency( 'sord-0', fallback: ['sord', 'sord_dep'], version: '>= 0.14.0', ) lv2_dep = dependency( 'lv2', fallback: ['lv2', 'lv2_dep'], version: '>= 1.18.0', ) lilv_dep = dependency( 'lilv-0', fallback: ['lilv', 'lilv_dep'], version: '>= 0.24.0', ) sratom_dep = dependency( 'sratom-0', fallback: ['sratom', 'sratom_dep'], version: '>= 0.6.4', ) suil_dep = dependency( 'suil-0', fallback: ['suil', 'suil_dep'], required: get_option('suil'), version: '>= 0.10.0', ) ########### # Drivers # ########### portaudio_dep = dependency('portaudio-2.0', version: '>= 2.0.0', include_type: 'system', required: get_option('portaudio')) jack_dep = dependency('jack', version: '>= 0.120.0', include_type: 'system', required: get_option('jack')) backend_sources = files() if get_option('jack').enabled() and get_option('portaudio').enabled() error('Only one of jack and portaudio can be enabled') elif get_option('jack').enabled() backend_dep = jack_dep backend_sources += files('src/jack.c') elif get_option('portaudio').enabled() backend_dep = portaudio_dep backend_sources += files('src/portaudio.c') elif jack_dep.found() backend_dep = jack_dep backend_sources += files('src/jack.c') else backend_dep = portaudio_dep backend_sources += files('src/portaudio.c') endif if not backend_dep.found() error('No backend found, either jack or portaudio is required') endif ########################## # Platform Configuration # ########################## platform_defines = [ '-DJALV_VERSION="@0@"'.format(meson.project_version()), ] suil_defines = ['-DHAVE_SUIL=@0@'.format(suil_dep.found().to_int())] # Determine whether to use POSIX no_posix = get_option('posix').disabled() or host_machine.system() == 'windows' if no_posix platform_defines += ['-DJALV_NO_POSIX'] elif host_machine.system() == 'darwin' platform_defines += [ '-D_DARWIN_C_SOURCE', '-D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809L', '-D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600', ] else platform_defines += [ '-D_BSD_SOURCE', '-D_DEFAULT_SOURCE', '-D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809L', '-D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600', ] endif # Check for platform features with the build system if get_option('checks') platform_defines += [ '-DJALV_NO_DEFAULT_CONFIG', ] if no_posix platform_defines += ['-DHAVE_FILENO=0'] platform_defines += ['-DHAVE_ISATTY=0'] platform_defines += ['-DHAVE_MLOCK=0'] platform_defines += ['-DHAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN=0'] platform_defines += ['-DHAVE_SIGACTION=0'] else fileno_code = '''#include int main(void) { return fileno(stdin); }''' isatty_code = '''#include int main(void) { return isatty(0); }''' mlock_code = '''#include int main(void) { return mlock(0, 0); }''' posix_memalign_code = '''#include int main(void) { void* mem; posix_memalign(&mem, 8, 8); }''' sigaction_code = '''#include int main(void) { return sigaction(SIGINT, 0, 0); }''' platform_defines += '-DHAVE_FILENO=@0@'.format( cc.compiles(fileno_code, args: platform_defines, name: 'fileno').to_int()) platform_defines += '-DHAVE_ISATTY=@0@'.format( cc.compiles(isatty_code, args: platform_defines, name: 'isatty').to_int()) platform_defines += '-DHAVE_MLOCK=@0@'.format( cc.compiles(mlock_code, args: platform_defines, name: 'mlock').to_int()) platform_defines += '-DHAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN=@0@'.format( cc.compiles(posix_memalign_code, args: platform_defines, name: 'posix_memalign').to_int()) platform_defines += '-DHAVE_SIGACTION=@0@'.format( cc.compiles(sigaction_code, args: platform_defines, name: 'sigaction').to_int()) endif jack_metadata_code = '''#include int main(void) { return !!&jack_set_property; }''' jack_port_type_get_buffer_size_code = '''#include int main(void) { return !!&jack_port_type_get_buffer_size; }''' platform_defines += '-DHAVE_JACK_METADATA=@0@'.format( cc.compiles(jack_metadata_code, args: platform_defines, name: 'jack_metadata').to_int()) platform_defines += '-DHAVE_JACK_PORT_TYPE_GET_BUFFER_SIZE=@0@'.format( cc.compiles(jack_port_type_get_buffer_size_code, args: platform_defines, name: 'jack_port_type_get_buffer_size').to_int()) endif ############ # Programs # ############ sources = backend_sources + files( 'src/control.c', 'src/jalv.c', 'src/log.c', 'src/lv2_evbuf.c', 'src/state.c', 'src/symap.c', 'src/worker.c', ) common_dependencies = [ backend_dep, lilv_dep, m_dep, serd_dep, sratom_dep, suil_dep, thread_dep, zix_dep, ] # Internal JACK client library if jack_dep.found() shared_library( 'jalv', sources + files('src/jalv_console.c'), c_args: c_suppressions + platform_defines + ['-DHAVE_SUIL=0'], dependencies: common_dependencies, include_directories: include_directories('src'), install: true, install_dir: get_option('prefix') / get_option('libdir') / 'jack', name_prefix: '', ) endif # Console version executable( 'jalv', sources + files('src/jalv_console.c'), c_args: c_suppressions + platform_defines + suil_defines, dependencies: common_dependencies + [suil_dep], include_directories: include_directories('src'), install: true, ) # Gtk 2.0 GUI version if not get_option('gtk2').disabled() gdk2_dep = dependency('gdk-2.0', version: '>= 2.18.0', include_type: 'system', required: get_option('gtk2')) gtk2_dep = dependency('gtk+-2.0', version: '>= 2.18.0', include_type: 'system', required: get_option('gtk2')) if gdk2_dep.found() and gtk2_dep.found() executable( 'jalv.gtk', sources + files('src/jalv_gtk.c'), c_args: c_suppressions + platform_defines + suil_defines, dependencies: common_dependencies + [gdk2_dep, gtk2_dep, suil_dep], include_directories: include_directories('src'), install: true, ) endif endif # Gtk 3.0 GUI version if not get_option('gtk3').disabled() gdk3_dep = dependency( 'gdk-3.0', include_type: 'system', required: get_option('gtk3'), version: '>= 3.0.0', ) gtk3_dep = dependency( 'gtk+-3.0', include_type: 'system', required: get_option('gtk3'), version: '>= 3.0.0', ) if gdk3_dep.found() and gtk3_dep.found() config = configuration_data() config.set('APP_INSTALL_NAME', 'jalv.gtk3') config.set('APP_HUMAN_NAME', 'Jalv') config.set('BINDIR', get_option('prefix') / get_option('bindir')) configure_file(configuration: config, input: files('jalv.desktop.in'), output: 'jalv.desktop', install: true, install_dir: get_option('datadir') / 'applications') executable( 'jalv.gtk3', sources + files('src/jalv_gtk.c'), c_args: c_suppressions + platform_defines + suil_defines, dependencies: common_dependencies + [gdk3_dep, gtk3_dep, suil_dep], include_directories: include_directories('src'), install: true, ) endif endif # Qt 5 GUI version if not get_option('qt5').disabled() qt5_dep = dependency( 'Qt5Widgets', include_type: 'system', required: get_option('qt5'), version: '>= 5.1.0', ) moc = find_program('moc-qt5', required: false) if not moc.found() moc = find_program('moc', required: get_option('qt5')) endif if moc.found() qt_args = [] if cpp.get_id() in ['clang', 'gcc'] qt_args = ['-fPIC'] endif jalv_qt_hpp = files(jalv_src_root / 'src' / 'jalv_qt.hpp') jalv_qt5_meta_cpp = custom_target( 'jalv_qt5_meta.cpp', capture: true, command: [moc, '@INPUT@'], input: jalv_qt_hpp, output: 'jalv_qt5_meta.cpp', ) executable( 'jalv.qt5', sources + files('src/jalv_qt.cpp') + [jalv_qt5_meta_cpp], c_args: c_suppressions + platform_defines + suil_defines, cpp_args: cpp_suppressions + platform_defines + suil_defines + qt_args, dependencies: common_dependencies + [qt5_dep, suil_dep], include_directories: include_directories('src'), install: true, ) endif endif ################# # Documentation # ################# subdir('doc') ######### # Tests # ######### if not get_option('tests').disabled() subdir('test') endif if not meson.is_subproject() summary('Install prefix', get_option('prefix')) summary('Executables', get_option('prefix') / get_option('bindir')) summary('Man pages', get_option('prefix') / get_option('mandir')) summary('Backend', backend_dep.name()) endif