#!/usr/bin/env python from waflib import Build, Logs, Options from waflib.extras import autowaf as autowaf # Version of this package (even if built as a child) JALV_VERSION = '1.6.7' # Mandatory waf variables APPNAME = 'jalv' # Package name for waf dist VERSION = JALV_VERSION # Package version for waf dist top = '.' # Source directory out = 'build' # Build directory # Release variables uri = 'http://drobilla.net/sw/jalv' dist_pattern = 'http://download.drobilla.net/jalv-%d.%d.%d.tar.bz2' post_tags = ['Hacking', 'LAD', 'LV2', 'Jalv'] def options(ctx): ctx.load('compiler_c') ctx.load('compiler_cxx') ctx.add_flags( ctx.configuration_options(), {'portaudio': 'use PortAudio backend, not JACK', 'no-gui': 'do not build any GUIs', 'no-gtk': 'do not build Gtk GUI', 'no-gtkmm': 'do not build Gtkmm GUI', 'no-gtk2': 'do not build Gtk2 GUI', 'no-gtk3': 'do not build Gtk3 GUI', 'no-qt': 'do not build Qt GUI', 'no-qt5': 'do not build Qt5 GUI'}) def configure(conf): conf.load('compiler_c', cache=True) conf.load('compiler_cxx', cache=True) conf.load('autowaf', cache=True) autowaf.set_c_lang(conf, 'c99') autowaf.set_cxx_lang(conf, 'c++14') if Options.options.strict: # Check for programs used by lint target conf.find_program("flake8", var="FLAKE8", mandatory=False) conf.find_program("clang-tidy", var="CLANG_TIDY", mandatory=False) conf.find_program("iwyu_tool", var="IWYU_TOOL", mandatory=False) if Options.options.ultra_strict: autowaf.add_compiler_flags(conf.env, 'c', { 'clang': [ '-Wno-bad-function-cast', '-Wno-missing-noreturn', ], 'gcc': [ '-Wno-bad-function-cast', '-Wno-c++-compat', ], }) autowaf.add_compiler_flags(conf.env, '*', { 'clang': [ '-Wno-atomic-implicit-seq-cst', '-Wno-c99-extensions', '-Wno-cast-align', '-Wno-cast-qual', '-Wno-disabled-macro-expansion', '-Wno-documentation-unknown-command', '-Wno-double-promotion', '-Wno-float-conversion', '-Wno-float-equal', '-Wno-format-nonliteral', '-Wno-implicit-fallthrough', '-Wno-implicit-float-conversion', '-Wno-nullability-extension', '-Wno-padded', '-Wno-redundant-parens', '-Wno-reserved-id-macro', '-Wno-reserved-identifier', '-Wno-shorten-64-to-32', '-Wno-sign-conversion', '-Wno-switch-enum', '-Wno-unused-macros', '-Wno-unused-parameter', '-Wno-vla', ], 'gcc': [ '-Wno-cast-align', '-Wno-cast-qual', '-Wno-conversion', '-Wno-double-promotion', '-Wno-float-conversion', '-Wno-float-equal', '-Wno-padded', '-Wno-pedantic', '-Wno-stack-protector', '-Wno-switch-enum', '-Wno-unused-macros', '-Wno-unused-parameter', '-Wno-vla', ], }) autowaf.add_compiler_flags(conf.env, 'cxx', { 'clang': [ '-Wno-extra-semi-stmt', '-Wno-old-style-cast', '-Wno-weak-vtables', '-Wno-zero-as-null-pointer-constant', ], 'gcc': [ '-Wno-effc++', ], }) conf.check_pkg('lv2 >= 1.18.0', uselib_store='LV2') conf.check_pkg('lilv-0 >= 0.24.0', uselib_store='LILV') conf.check_pkg('serd-0 >= 0.24.0', uselib_store='SERD') conf.check_pkg('sord-0 >= 0.14.0', uselib_store='SORD') conf.check_pkg('sratom-0 >= 0.6.0', uselib_store='SRATOM') if Options.options.portaudio: conf.check_pkg('portaudio-2.0 >= 2.0.0', uselib_store='PORTAUDIO', system=True, mandatory=False) else: conf.check_pkg('jack >= 0.120.0', uselib_store='JACK', system=True) if not Options.options.no_gui and not Options.options.no_gtk: if not Options.options.no_gtk2: conf.check_pkg('gtk+-2.0 >= 2.18.0', uselib_store='GTK2', system=True, mandatory=False) if not Options.options.no_gtkmm: conf.check_pkg('gtkmm-2.4 >= 2.20.0', uselib_store='GTKMM2', system=True, mandatory=False) if not Options.options.no_gtk3: conf.check_pkg('gtk+-3.0 >= 3.0.0', uselib_store='GTK3', system=True, mandatory=False) if not Options.options.no_gui and not Options.options.no_qt: if not Options.options.no_qt5: conf.check_pkg('Qt5Widgets >= 5.1.0', uselib_store='QT5', system=True, mandatory=False) if conf.env.HAVE_QT5: if not conf.find_program('moc-qt5', var='MOC5', mandatory=False): conf.find_program('moc', var='MOC5') have_gui = (conf.env.HAVE_GTK2 or conf.env.HAVE_GTKMM2 or conf.env.HAVE_GTK3 or conf.env.HAVE_QT5) if have_gui: conf.check_pkg('suil-0 >= 0.10.0', uselib_store='SUIL') if conf.env.HAVE_JACK: conf.check_function( 'c', 'jack_port_type_get_buffer_size', header_name = 'jack/jack.h', define_name = 'HAVE_JACK_PORT_TYPE_GET_BUFFER_SIZE', uselib = 'JACK', return_type = 'size_t', arg_types = 'jack_client_t*,const char*', mandatory = False) conf.check_function('c', 'jack_set_property', header_name = 'jack/metadata.h', define_name = 'HAVE_JACK_METADATA', uselib = 'JACK', return_type = 'int', arg_types = '''jack_client_t*, jack_uuid_t, const char*, const char*, const char*''', mandatory = False) defines = ['_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809L'] conf.check_function('c', 'isatty', header_name = 'unistd.h', defines = defines, define_name = 'HAVE_ISATTY', return_type = 'int', arg_types = 'int', mandatory = False) conf.check_function('c', 'fileno', header_name = 'stdio.h', defines = defines, define_name = 'HAVE_FILENO', return_type = 'int', arg_types = 'FILE*', mandatory = False) conf.check_function('c', 'mlock', header_name = 'sys/mman.h', defines = defines, define_name = 'HAVE_MLOCK', return_type = 'int', arg_types = 'const void*,size_t', mandatory = False) conf.check_function('c', 'sigaction', header_name = 'signal.h', defines = defines, define_name = 'HAVE_SIGACTION', return_type = 'int', arg_types = '''int, const struct sigaction*, struct sigaction*''', mandatory = False) conf.write_config_header('jalv_config.h', remove=False) autowaf.display_summary( conf, {'Backend': 'Jack' if conf.env.HAVE_JACK else 'PortAudio', 'Jack metadata support': conf.is_defined('HAVE_JACK_METADATA'), 'Gtk 2.0 support': bool(conf.env.HAVE_GTK2), 'Gtk 3.0 support': bool(conf.env.HAVE_GTK3), 'Gtkmm 2.0 support': bool(conf.env.HAVE_GTKMM2), 'Qt 5.0 support': bool(conf.env.HAVE_QT5), 'Color output': bool(conf.env.JALV_WITH_COLOR)}) def build(bld): libs = 'LILV SUIL JACK SERD SORD SRATOM LV2 PORTAUDIO' source = ''' src/control.c src/jalv.c src/log.c src/lv2_evbuf.c src/state.c src/symap.c src/worker.c src/zix/ring.c ''' if bld.env.HAVE_JACK: source += 'src/jack.c' # Non-GUI internal JACK client library obj = bld(features = 'c cshlib', source = source + ' src/jalv_console.c', target = 'jalv', includes = ['.', 'src'], lib = ['pthread'], uselib = libs, install_path = '${LIBDIR}/jack') obj.env.cshlib_PATTERN = '%s.so' elif bld.env.HAVE_PORTAUDIO: source += 'src/portaudio.c' # Non-GUI version obj = bld(features = 'c cprogram', source = source + ' src/jalv_console.c', target = 'jalv', includes = ['.', 'src'], lib = ['pthread'], uselib = libs, install_path = '${BINDIR}') # Gtk2 version if bld.env.HAVE_GTK2: obj = bld(features = 'c cprogram', source = source + ' src/jalv_gtk.c', target = 'jalv.gtk', includes = ['.', 'src'], lib = ['pthread', 'm'], uselib = libs + ' GTK2', install_path = '${BINDIR}') # Gtk3 version if bld.env.HAVE_GTK3: obj = bld(features = 'c cprogram', source = source + ' src/jalv_gtk.c', target = 'jalv.gtk3', includes = ['.', 'src'], lib = ['pthread', 'm'], uselib = libs + ' GTK3', install_path = '${BINDIR}') # Gtkmm version if bld.env.HAVE_GTKMM2: obj = bld(features = 'c cxx cxxprogram', source = source + ' src/jalv_gtkmm2.cpp', target = 'jalv.gtkmm', includes = ['.', 'src'], lib = ['pthread'], uselib = libs + ' GTKMM2', install_path = '${BINDIR}') # Qt5 version if bld.env.HAVE_QT5: obj = bld(rule = '${MOC5} ${SRC} > ${TGT}', source = 'src/jalv_qt.cpp', target = 'jalv_qt5_meta.hpp') obj = bld(features = 'c cxx cxxprogram', source = source + ' src/jalv_qt.cpp', target = 'jalv.qt5', includes = ['.', 'src'], lib = ['pthread'], uselib = libs + ' QT5', install_path = '${BINDIR}', cxxflags = ['-fPIC']) # Man pages bld.install_files('${MANDIR}/man1', bld.path.ant_glob('doc/*.1')) class LintContext(Build.BuildContext): fun = cmd = 'lint' def lint(ctx): "checks code for style issues" import os import subprocess import sys st = 0 if "FLAKE8" in ctx.env: Logs.info("Running flake8") st = subprocess.call([ctx.env.FLAKE8[0], "wscript", "--ignore", "E101,E129,W191,E221,W504,E251,E241,E741"]) else: Logs.warn("Not running flake8") if "IWYU_TOOL" in ctx.env: Logs.info("Running include-what-you-use") qt_mapping_file = "/usr/share/include-what-you-use/qt5_11.imp" extra_args = [] if os.path.exists(qt_mapping_file): extra_args += ["--", "-Xiwyu", "--mapping_file=" + qt_mapping_file] cmd = [ctx.env.IWYU_TOOL[0], "-o", "clang", "-p", "build"] + extra_args output = subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode('utf-8') if 'error: ' in output: sys.stdout.write(output) st += 1 else: Logs.warn("Not running include-what-you-use") if "CLANG_TIDY" in ctx.env and "clang" in ctx.env.CXX[0]: Logs.info("Running clang-tidy") import json with open('build/compile_commands.json', 'r') as db: commands = json.load(db) files = [c['file'] for c in commands] for step_files in zip(*(iter(files),) * Options.options.jobs): procs = [] for f in step_files: cmd = [ctx.env.CLANG_TIDY[0], '--quiet', '-p=.', f] procs += [subprocess.Popen(cmd, cwd='build')] for proc in procs: proc.communicate() st += proc.returncode else: Logs.warn("Not running clang-tidy") if st != 0: Logs.warn("Lint checks failed") sys.exit(st) def dist(ctx): ctx.base_path = ctx.path ctx.excl = ctx.get_excl() + ' .gitmodules'