AC_PREREQ(2.59) AC_INIT([slv2],0.3.1,[]) AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR([config]) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([src/plugin.c]) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([slv2/plugin.h]) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([utils/lv2_list.c]) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([swig/slv2.i]) AC_CONFIG_HEADER([config/config.h]) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE # SLV2 interface version (libtool shared library versioning) # # current = incremented whenever the public API is changed # revision = incremented when the implementation of current is changed # age = current library is both source and binary compatible with # interfaces: current,current-1,...,current-age # # See libtool documentation for detailed documentation # # Version history: # 0.0.1 = 0,0,0 # 0.1.0 = 2,0,0 # 0.2.0 = 3,0,0 # 0.3.0 = 4,0,0 # current svn = 0.3.1 = 4,0,0 SLV2_VERSION="0.3.1" SLV2_API_CURRENT="4" SLV2_API_REVISION="0" SLV2_API_AGE="0" AC_SUBST(SLV2_API_CURRENT) AC_SUBST(SLV2_API_REVISION) AC_SUBST(SLV2_API_AGE) SLV2_SO_VERSION="${SLV2_API_CURRENT}:${SLV2_API_REVISION}:${SLV2_API_AGE}" AC_SUBST(SLV2_SO_VERSION) AC_SUBST(SLV2_VERSION) # This is cute... autohell FTW builddir=`pwd` cd $srcdir abs_srcdir=`pwd` cd $builddir SLV2_CFLAGS="-I$abs_srcdir" SLV2_LIBS="$abs_srcdir/src/.libs/" AC_SUBST(SLV2_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(SLV2_LIBS) CONFIG_H_PATH="$builddir/config/config.h" # Checks for compiler AM_PROG_CC_C_O # Library building stuff AC_PROG_LIBTOOL # Check for debugging flag debug="no" AC_ARG_ENABLE(debug, [AS_HELP_STRING(--enable-debug, [Enable debugging (false)])], [debug="$enableval"]) if test "$debug" = "yes"; then CFLAGS="-O0 -g -DDEBUG -DLIBRDF_DEBUG" CXXFLAGS="-O0 -g -DDEBUG -DLIBRDF_DEBUG" else CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DNDEBUG -DLIBRDF_DEBUG" CXXFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DNDEBUG -DLIBRDF_DEBUG" fi # Check for strict flag strict="no" AC_ARG_ENABLE(strict, [AS_HELP_STRING(--enable-strict, [Enable strict compiler warnings and errors (false)])], [strict="$enableval"]) if test "$strict" = "yes"; then CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -std=c99 -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -Winit-self" CXXFLAGS="$CFLAGS -ansi -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -Wconversion -Winit-self" fi # SWIG bindings bindings="no" AC_ARG_ENABLE(bindings, [AS_HELP_STRING(--enable-bindings, [Build language bindings via SWIG (false)])], [bindings="$enableval"]) if test "$bindings" = "yes"; then AC_CHECK_PROGS(SWIG, swig) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_SWIG, [test "$bindings" = "yes"]) # Check for Redland PKG_CHECK_MODULES(REDLAND, redland >= 1.0.0) # Check for JACK build_jack="yes" AC_ARG_ENABLE(jack, [AS_HELP_STRING(--enable-jack, [Build JACK clients (true)])], [ if test x$enable_jack = xno ; then build_jack=no ; fi ]) if test "$build_jack" = "yes"; then PKG_CHECK_MODULES(JACK, jack >= 0.102.29, build_jack="yes", build_jack="no") AC_DEFINE(HAVE_JACK, 1, [Has JACK]) AC_JACK_MIDI_NFRAMES_CHECK() if test "$jackmidi_nframes" == "yes"; then AC_DEFINE([JACK_MIDI_NEEDS_NFRAMES], 1, [Defined if we JACK MIDI functions need nframes parameter.]) fi else AC_MSG_WARN("Sufficiently recent JACK not found, JACK clients will not be built.") fi AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_JACK, [test "$build_jack" = "yes"]) # Doxygen is required to make dist AC_CHECK_PROG(HAVE_DOXYGEN, doxygen, true, false) if test $HAVE_DOXYGEN = "false"; then AC_MSG_WARN([Doxygen not found, documentation will not be built]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_DOXYGEN, $HAVE_DOXYGEN) # Bolt on a few specific flags to CFLAGS that should always be used CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -ansi -pipe -fmessage-length=999 -DCONFIG_H_PATH=\\\"$CONFIG_H_PATH\\\"" CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -std=c99 -pipe -fmessage-length=999 -DCONFIG_H_PATH=\\\"$CONFIG_H_PATH\\\"" # Write output files AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([src/Makefile]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([slv2/Makefile]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([utils/Makefile]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([hosts/Makefile]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([swig/Makefile]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([data/Makefile]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([data/lv2core.lv2/Makefile]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([libslv2.pc]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([doc/Makefile]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([doc/reference.doxygen]) AC_OUTPUT AC_MSG_RESULT([]) AC_MSG_RESULT([**********************************************************************]) AC_MSG_RESULT([SLV2 build configuration:]) AC_MSG_RESULT([]) AC_MSG_RESULT([Building JACK clients: $build_jack]) AC_MSG_RESULT([**********************************************************************]) AC_MSG_RESULT([])