/* Copyright 2007-2016 David Robillard Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "lilv_config.h" #include "lilv_internal.h" #include "lv2/lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui/ui.h" #define NS_DOAP (const uint8_t*)"http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#" #define NS_FOAF (const uint8_t*)"http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/" static void lilv_plugin_init(LilvPlugin* plugin, LilvNode* bundle_uri) { plugin->bundle_uri = bundle_uri; plugin->binary_uri = NULL; #ifdef LILV_DYN_MANIFEST plugin->dynmanifest = NULL; #endif plugin->plugin_class = NULL; plugin->data_uris = lilv_nodes_new(); plugin->ports = NULL; plugin->num_ports = 0; plugin->loaded = false; plugin->parse_errors = false; plugin->replaced = false; } /** Ownership of `uri` and `bundle` is taken */ LilvPlugin* lilv_plugin_new(LilvWorld* world, LilvNode* uri, LilvNode* bundle_uri) { LilvPlugin* plugin = (LilvPlugin*)malloc(sizeof(LilvPlugin)); plugin->world = world; plugin->plugin_uri = uri; lilv_plugin_init(plugin, bundle_uri); return plugin; } void lilv_plugin_clear(LilvPlugin* plugin, LilvNode* bundle_uri) { lilv_node_free(plugin->bundle_uri); lilv_node_free(plugin->binary_uri); lilv_nodes_free(plugin->data_uris); lilv_plugin_init(plugin, bundle_uri); } static void lilv_plugin_free_ports(LilvPlugin* p) { if (p->ports) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < p->num_ports; ++i) { lilv_port_free(p, p->ports[i]); } free(p->ports); p->num_ports = 0; p->ports = NULL; } } void lilv_plugin_free(LilvPlugin* p) { #ifdef LILV_DYN_MANIFEST if (p->dynmanifest && --p->dynmanifest->refs == 0) { typedef int (*CloseFunc)(LV2_Dyn_Manifest_Handle); CloseFunc close_func = (CloseFunc)lilv_dlfunc(p->dynmanifest->lib, "lv2_dyn_manifest_close"); if (close_func) { close_func(p->dynmanifest->handle); } dlclose(p->dynmanifest->lib); lilv_node_free(p->dynmanifest->bundle); free(p->dynmanifest); } #endif lilv_node_free(p->plugin_uri); p->plugin_uri = NULL; lilv_node_free(p->bundle_uri); p->bundle_uri = NULL; lilv_node_free(p->binary_uri); p->binary_uri = NULL; lilv_plugin_free_ports(p); lilv_nodes_free(p->data_uris); p->data_uris = NULL; free(p); } static LilvNode* lilv_plugin_get_one(const LilvPlugin* p, const SordNode* subject, const SordNode* predicate) { LilvNode* ret = NULL; SordIter* stream = lilv_world_query_internal( p->world, subject, predicate, NULL); if (!sord_iter_end(stream)) { ret = lilv_node_new_from_node(p->world, sord_iter_get_node(stream, SORD_OBJECT)); } sord_iter_free(stream); return ret; } LilvNode* lilv_plugin_get_unique(const LilvPlugin* p, const SordNode* subject, const SordNode* predicate) { LilvNode* ret = lilv_plugin_get_one(p, subject, predicate); if (!ret) { LILV_ERRORF("No value found for (%s %s ...) property\n", sord_node_get_string(subject), sord_node_get_string(predicate)); } return ret; } static void lilv_plugin_load(LilvPlugin* p) { SordNode* bundle_uri_node = p->bundle_uri->node; const SerdNode* bundle_uri_snode = sord_node_to_serd_node(bundle_uri_node); SerdEnv* env = serd_env_new(bundle_uri_snode); SerdReader* reader = sord_new_reader(p->world->model, env, SERD_TURTLE, bundle_uri_node); SordModel* prots = lilv_world_filter_model(p->world, p->world->model, p->plugin_uri->node, p->world->uris.lv2_prototype, NULL, NULL); SordModel* skel = sord_new(p->world->world, SORD_SPO, false); SordIter* iter = sord_begin(prots); for (; !sord_iter_end(iter); sord_iter_next(iter)) { const SordNode* t = sord_iter_get_node(iter, SORD_OBJECT); LilvNode* prototype = lilv_node_new_from_node(p->world, t); lilv_world_load_resource(p->world, prototype); SordIter* statements = sord_search( p->world->model, prototype->node, NULL, NULL, NULL); FOREACH_MATCH(statements) { SordQuad quad; sord_iter_get(statements, quad); quad[0] = p->plugin_uri->node; sord_add(skel, quad); } sord_iter_free(statements); lilv_node_free(prototype); } sord_iter_free(iter); for (iter = sord_begin(skel); !sord_iter_end(iter); sord_iter_next(iter)) { SordQuad quad; sord_iter_get(iter, quad); sord_add(p->world->model, quad); } sord_iter_free(iter); sord_free(skel); sord_free(prots); // Parse all the plugin's data files into RDF model SerdStatus st = SERD_SUCCESS; LILV_FOREACH(nodes, i, p->data_uris) { const LilvNode* data_uri = lilv_nodes_get(p->data_uris, i); serd_env_set_base_uri(env, sord_node_to_serd_node(data_uri->node)); st = lilv_world_load_file(p->world, reader, data_uri); if (st > SERD_FAILURE) { break; } } if (st > SERD_FAILURE) { p->loaded = true; p->parse_errors = true; serd_reader_free(reader); serd_env_free(env); return; } #ifdef LILV_DYN_MANIFEST // Load and parse dynamic manifest data, if this is a library if (p->dynmanifest) { typedef int (*GetDataFunc)(LV2_Dyn_Manifest_Handle handle, FILE* fp, const char* uri); GetDataFunc get_data_func = (GetDataFunc)lilv_dlfunc( p->dynmanifest->lib, "lv2_dyn_manifest_get_data"); if (get_data_func) { const SordNode* bundle = p->dynmanifest->bundle->node; serd_env_set_base_uri(env, sord_node_to_serd_node(bundle)); FILE* fd = tmpfile(); get_data_func(p->dynmanifest->handle, fd, lilv_node_as_string(p->plugin_uri)); rewind(fd); serd_reader_add_blank_prefix( reader, lilv_world_blank_node_prefix(p->world)); serd_reader_read_file_handle( reader, fd, (const uint8_t*)"(dyn-manifest)"); fclose(fd); } } #endif serd_reader_free(reader); serd_env_free(env); p->loaded = true; } static bool is_symbol(const char* str) { for (const char* s = str; *s; ++s) { if (!((*s >= 'a' && *s <= 'z') || (*s >= 'A' && *s <= 'Z') || (s > str && *s >= '0' && *s <= '9') || *s == '_')) { return false; } } return true; } static void lilv_plugin_load_ports_if_necessary(const LilvPlugin* const_p) { LilvPlugin* p = (LilvPlugin*)const_p; lilv_plugin_load_if_necessary(p); if (!p->ports) { p->ports = (LilvPort**)malloc(sizeof(LilvPort*)); p->ports[0] = NULL; SordIter* ports = lilv_world_query_internal( p->world, p->plugin_uri->node, p->world->uris.lv2_port, NULL); FOREACH_MATCH(ports) { const SordNode* port = sord_iter_get_node(ports, SORD_OBJECT); LilvNode* index = lilv_plugin_get_unique( p, port, p->world->uris.lv2_index); LilvNode* symbol = lilv_plugin_get_unique( p, port, p->world->uris.lv2_symbol); if (!lilv_node_is_string(symbol) || !is_symbol((const char*)sord_node_get_string(symbol->node))) { LILV_ERRORF("Plugin <%s> port symbol `%s' is invalid\n", lilv_node_as_uri(p->plugin_uri), lilv_node_as_string(symbol)); lilv_node_free(symbol); lilv_node_free(index); lilv_plugin_free_ports(p); break; } if (!lilv_node_is_int(index)) { LILV_ERRORF("Plugin <%s> port index is not an integer\n", lilv_node_as_uri(p->plugin_uri)); lilv_node_free(symbol); lilv_node_free(index); lilv_plugin_free_ports(p); break; } uint32_t this_index = lilv_node_as_int(index); LilvPort* this_port = NULL; if (p->num_ports > this_index) { this_port = p->ports[this_index]; } else { p->ports = (LilvPort**)realloc( p->ports, (this_index + 1) * sizeof(LilvPort*)); memset(p->ports + p->num_ports, '\0', (this_index - p->num_ports) * sizeof(LilvPort*)); p->num_ports = this_index + 1; } // Havn't seen this port yet, add it to array if (!this_port) { this_port = lilv_port_new(p->world, port, this_index, lilv_node_as_string(symbol)); p->ports[this_index] = this_port; } SordIter* types = lilv_world_query_internal( p->world, port, p->world->uris.rdf_a, NULL); FOREACH_MATCH(types) { const SordNode* type = sord_iter_get_node(types, SORD_OBJECT); if (sord_node_get_type(type) == SORD_URI) { zix_tree_insert( (ZixTree*)this_port->classes, lilv_node_new_from_node(p->world, type), NULL); } else { LILV_WARNF("Plugin <%s> port type is not a URI\n", lilv_node_as_uri(p->plugin_uri)); } } sord_iter_free(types); lilv_node_free(symbol); lilv_node_free(index); } sord_iter_free(ports); // Check sanity for (uint32_t i = 0; i < p->num_ports; ++i) { if (!p->ports[i]) { LILV_ERRORF("Plugin <%s> is missing port %d/%d\n", lilv_node_as_uri(p->plugin_uri), i, p->num_ports); lilv_plugin_free_ports(p); break; } } } } void lilv_plugin_load_if_necessary(const LilvPlugin* p) { if (!p->loaded) { lilv_plugin_load((LilvPlugin*)p); } } LILV_API const LilvNode* lilv_plugin_get_uri(const LilvPlugin* p) { return p->plugin_uri; } LILV_API const LilvNode* lilv_plugin_get_bundle_uri(const LilvPlugin* p) { return p->bundle_uri; } LILV_API const LilvNode* lilv_plugin_get_library_uri(const LilvPlugin* const_p) { LilvPlugin* p = (LilvPlugin*)const_p; lilv_plugin_load_if_necessary(p); if (!p->binary_uri) { // lv2:binary ?binary SordIter* i = lilv_world_query_internal(p->world, p->plugin_uri->node, p->world->uris.lv2_binary, NULL); FOREACH_MATCH(i) { const SordNode* binary_node = sord_iter_get_node(i, SORD_OBJECT); if (sord_node_get_type(binary_node) == SORD_URI) { p->binary_uri = lilv_node_new_from_node(p->world, binary_node); break; } } sord_iter_free(i); } if (!p->binary_uri) { LILV_WARNF("Plugin <%s> has no lv2:binary\n", lilv_node_as_uri(lilv_plugin_get_uri(p))); } return p->binary_uri; } LILV_API const LilvNodes* lilv_plugin_get_data_uris(const LilvPlugin* p) { return p->data_uris; } LILV_API const LilvPluginClass* lilv_plugin_get_class(const LilvPlugin* const_p) { LilvPlugin* p = (LilvPlugin*)const_p; lilv_plugin_load_if_necessary(p); if (!p->plugin_class) { // a ?class SordIter* c = lilv_world_query_internal(p->world, p->plugin_uri->node, p->world->uris.rdf_a, NULL); FOREACH_MATCH(c) { const SordNode* class_node = sord_iter_get_node(c, SORD_OBJECT); if (sord_node_get_type(class_node) != SORD_URI) { continue; } LilvNode* klass = lilv_node_new_from_node(p->world, class_node); if (!lilv_node_equals(klass, p->world->lv2_plugin_class->uri)) { const LilvPluginClass* pclass = lilv_plugin_classes_get_by_uri( p->world->plugin_classes, klass); if (pclass) { p->plugin_class = pclass; lilv_node_free(klass); break; } } lilv_node_free(klass); } sord_iter_free(c); if (p->plugin_class == NULL) { p->plugin_class = p->world->lv2_plugin_class; } } return p->plugin_class; } static LilvNodes* lilv_plugin_get_value_internal(const LilvPlugin* p, const SordNode* predicate) { lilv_plugin_load_if_necessary(p); return lilv_world_find_nodes_internal( p->world, p->plugin_uri->node, predicate, NULL); } LILV_API bool lilv_plugin_verify(const LilvPlugin* plugin) { lilv_plugin_load_if_necessary(plugin); if (plugin->parse_errors) { return false; } LilvNode* rdf_type = lilv_new_uri(plugin->world, LILV_NS_RDF "type"); LilvNodes* results = lilv_plugin_get_value(plugin, rdf_type); lilv_node_free(rdf_type); if (!results) { return false; } lilv_nodes_free(results); results = lilv_plugin_get_value_internal(plugin, plugin->world->uris.doap_name); if (!results) { return false; } lilv_nodes_free(results); LilvNode* lv2_port = lilv_new_uri(plugin->world, LV2_CORE__port); results = lilv_plugin_get_value(plugin, lv2_port); lilv_node_free(lv2_port); if (!results) { return false; } lilv_nodes_free(results); return true; } LILV_API LilvNode* lilv_plugin_get_name(const LilvPlugin* plugin) { LilvNodes* results = lilv_plugin_get_value_internal( plugin, plugin->world->uris.doap_name); LilvNode* ret = NULL; if (results) { LilvNode* val = lilv_nodes_get_first(results); if (lilv_node_is_string(val)) { ret = lilv_node_duplicate(val); } lilv_nodes_free(results); } if (!ret) { LILV_WARNF("Plugin <%s> has no (mandatory) doap:name\n", lilv_node_as_string(lilv_plugin_get_uri(plugin))); } return ret; } LILV_API LilvNodes* lilv_plugin_get_value(const LilvPlugin* p, const LilvNode* predicate) { lilv_plugin_load_if_necessary(p); return lilv_world_find_nodes(p->world, p->plugin_uri, predicate, NULL); } LILV_API uint32_t lilv_plugin_get_num_ports(const LilvPlugin* p) { lilv_plugin_load_ports_if_necessary(p); return p->num_ports; } LILV_API void lilv_plugin_get_port_ranges_float(const LilvPlugin* p, float* min_values, float* max_values, float* def_values) { lilv_plugin_load_ports_if_necessary(p); LilvNode* min = NULL; LilvNode* max = NULL; LilvNode* def = NULL; LilvNode** minptr = min_values ? &min : NULL; LilvNode** maxptr = max_values ? &max : NULL; LilvNode** defptr = def_values ? &def : NULL; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < p->num_ports; ++i) { lilv_port_get_range(p, p->ports[i], defptr, minptr, maxptr); if (min_values) { if (lilv_node_is_float(min) || lilv_node_is_int(min)) { min_values[i] = lilv_node_as_float(min); } else { min_values[i] = NAN; } } if (max_values) { if (lilv_node_is_float(max) || lilv_node_is_int(max)) { max_values[i] = lilv_node_as_float(max); } else { max_values[i] = NAN; } } if (def_values) { if (lilv_node_is_float(def) || lilv_node_is_int(def)) { def_values[i] = lilv_node_as_float(def); } else { def_values[i] = NAN; } } lilv_node_free(def); lilv_node_free(min); lilv_node_free(max); } } LILV_API uint32_t lilv_plugin_get_num_ports_of_class_va(const LilvPlugin* p, const LilvNode* class_1, va_list args) { lilv_plugin_load_ports_if_necessary(p); uint32_t count = 0; // Build array of classes from args so we can walk it several times size_t n_classes = 0; const LilvNode** classes = NULL; for (LilvNode* c = NULL; (c = va_arg(args, LilvNode*)); ) { classes = (const LilvNode**)realloc( classes, ++n_classes * sizeof(LilvNode*)); classes[n_classes - 1] = c; } // Check each port against every type for (unsigned i = 0; i < p->num_ports; ++i) { LilvPort* port = p->ports[i]; if (port && lilv_port_is_a(p, port, class_1)) { bool matches = true; for (size_t j = 0; j < n_classes; ++j) { if (!lilv_port_is_a(p, port, classes[j])) { matches = false; break; } } if (matches) { ++count; } } } free(classes); return count; } LILV_API uint32_t lilv_plugin_get_num_ports_of_class(const LilvPlugin* p, const LilvNode* class_1, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, class_1); uint32_t count = lilv_plugin_get_num_ports_of_class_va(p, class_1, args); va_end(args); return count; } LILV_API bool lilv_plugin_has_latency(const LilvPlugin* p) { lilv_plugin_load_if_necessary(p); SordIter* ports = lilv_world_query_internal( p->world, p->plugin_uri->node, p->world->uris.lv2_port, NULL); bool ret = false; FOREACH_MATCH(ports) { const SordNode* port = sord_iter_get_node(ports, SORD_OBJECT); SordIter* prop = lilv_world_query_internal( p->world, port, p->world->uris.lv2_portProperty, p->world->uris.lv2_reportsLatency); SordIter* des = lilv_world_query_internal( p->world, port, p->world->uris.lv2_designation, p->world->uris.lv2_latency); const bool latent = !sord_iter_end(prop) || !sord_iter_end(des); sord_iter_free(prop); sord_iter_free(des); if (latent) { ret = true; break; } } sord_iter_free(ports); return ret; } static const LilvPort* lilv_plugin_get_port_by_property(const LilvPlugin* plugin, const SordNode* port_property) { lilv_plugin_load_ports_if_necessary(plugin); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < plugin->num_ports; ++i) { LilvPort* port = plugin->ports[i]; SordIter* iter = lilv_world_query_internal( plugin->world, port->node->node, plugin->world->uris.lv2_portProperty, port_property); const bool found = !sord_iter_end(iter); sord_iter_free(iter); if (found) { return port; } } return NULL; } LILV_API const LilvPort* lilv_plugin_get_port_by_designation(const LilvPlugin* plugin, const LilvNode* port_class, const LilvNode* designation) { LilvWorld* world = plugin->world; lilv_plugin_load_ports_if_necessary(plugin); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < plugin->num_ports; ++i) { LilvPort* port = plugin->ports[i]; SordIter* iter = lilv_world_query_internal( world, port->node->node, world->uris.lv2_designation, designation->node); const bool found = !sord_iter_end(iter) && (!port_class || lilv_port_is_a(plugin, port, port_class)); sord_iter_free(iter); if (found) { return port; } } return NULL; } LILV_API uint32_t lilv_plugin_get_latency_port_index(const LilvPlugin* p) { const LilvPort* prop_port = lilv_plugin_get_port_by_property( p, p->world->uris.lv2_reportsLatency); const LilvPort* des_port = lilv_plugin_get_port_by_property( p, p->world->uris.lv2_latency); if (prop_port) { return prop_port->index; } else if (des_port) { return des_port->index; } else { return (uint32_t)-1; } } LILV_API bool lilv_plugin_has_feature(const LilvPlugin* p, const LilvNode* feature) { lilv_plugin_load_if_necessary(p); const SordNode* predicates[] = { p->world->uris.lv2_requiredFeature, p->world->uris.lv2_optionalFeature, NULL }; for (const SordNode** pred = predicates; *pred; ++pred) { if (lilv_world_ask_internal( p->world, p->plugin_uri->node, *pred, feature->node)) { return true; } } return false; } LILV_API LilvNodes* lilv_plugin_get_supported_features(const LilvPlugin* p) { LilvNodes* optional = lilv_plugin_get_optional_features(p); LilvNodes* required = lilv_plugin_get_required_features(p); LilvNodes* result = lilv_nodes_merge(optional, required); lilv_nodes_free(optional); lilv_nodes_free(required); return result; } LILV_API LilvNodes* lilv_plugin_get_optional_features(const LilvPlugin* p) { lilv_plugin_load_if_necessary(p); return lilv_world_find_nodes_internal(p->world, p->plugin_uri->node, p->world->uris.lv2_optionalFeature, NULL); } LILV_API LilvNodes* lilv_plugin_get_required_features(const LilvPlugin* p) { lilv_plugin_load_if_necessary(p); return lilv_world_find_nodes_internal(p->world, p->plugin_uri->node, p->world->uris.lv2_requiredFeature, NULL); } LILV_API bool lilv_plugin_has_extension_data(const LilvPlugin* p, const LilvNode* uri) { if (!lilv_node_is_uri(uri)) { LILV_ERRORF("Extension data `%s' is not a URI\n", sord_node_get_string(uri->node)); return false; } lilv_plugin_load_if_necessary(p); return lilv_world_ask_internal( p->world, p->plugin_uri->node, p->world->uris.lv2_extensionData, uri->node); } LILV_API LilvNodes* lilv_plugin_get_extension_data(const LilvPlugin* p) { return lilv_plugin_get_value_internal(p, p->world->uris.lv2_extensionData); } LILV_API const LilvPort* lilv_plugin_get_port_by_index(const LilvPlugin* p, uint32_t index) { lilv_plugin_load_ports_if_necessary(p); if (index < p->num_ports) { return p->ports[index]; } else { return NULL; } } LILV_API const LilvPort* lilv_plugin_get_port_by_symbol(const LilvPlugin* p, const LilvNode* symbol) { lilv_plugin_load_ports_if_necessary(p); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < p->num_ports; ++i) { LilvPort* port = p->ports[i]; if (lilv_node_equals(port->symbol, symbol)) { return port; } } return NULL; } LILV_API LilvNode* lilv_plugin_get_project(const LilvPlugin* p) { lilv_plugin_load_if_necessary(p); SordNode* lv2_project = sord_new_uri(p->world->world, (const uint8_t*)LV2_CORE__project); SordIter* projects = lilv_world_query_internal(p->world, p->plugin_uri->node, lv2_project, NULL); sord_node_free(p->world->world, lv2_project); if (sord_iter_end(projects)) { sord_iter_free(projects); return NULL; } const SordNode* project = sord_iter_get_node(projects, SORD_OBJECT); sord_iter_free(projects); return lilv_node_new_from_node(p->world, project); } static const SordNode* lilv_plugin_get_author(const LilvPlugin* p) { lilv_plugin_load_if_necessary(p); SordNode* doap_maintainer = sord_new_uri( p->world->world, NS_DOAP "maintainer"); SordIter* maintainers = lilv_world_query_internal( p->world, p->plugin_uri->node, doap_maintainer, NULL); if (sord_iter_end(maintainers)) { sord_iter_free(maintainers); LilvNode* project = lilv_plugin_get_project(p); if (!project) { sord_node_free(p->world->world, doap_maintainer); return NULL; } maintainers = lilv_world_query_internal( p->world, project->node, doap_maintainer, NULL); lilv_node_free(project); } sord_node_free(p->world->world, doap_maintainer); if (sord_iter_end(maintainers)) { sord_iter_free(maintainers); return NULL; } const SordNode* author = sord_iter_get_node(maintainers, SORD_OBJECT); sord_iter_free(maintainers); return author; } static LilvNode* lilv_plugin_get_author_property(const LilvPlugin* plugin, const uint8_t* uri) { const SordNode* author = lilv_plugin_get_author(plugin); if (author) { SordWorld* sworld = plugin->world->world; SordNode* pred = sord_new_uri(sworld, uri); LilvNode* ret = lilv_plugin_get_one(plugin, author, pred); sord_node_free(sworld, pred); return ret; } return NULL; } LILV_API LilvNode* lilv_plugin_get_author_name(const LilvPlugin* plugin) { return lilv_plugin_get_author_property(plugin, NS_FOAF "name"); } LILV_API LilvNode* lilv_plugin_get_author_email(const LilvPlugin* plugin) { return lilv_plugin_get_author_property(plugin, NS_FOAF "mbox"); } LILV_API LilvNode* lilv_plugin_get_author_homepage(const LilvPlugin* plugin) { return lilv_plugin_get_author_property(plugin, NS_FOAF "homepage"); } LILV_API bool lilv_plugin_is_replaced(const LilvPlugin* plugin) { return plugin->replaced; } LILV_API LilvUIs* lilv_plugin_get_uis(const LilvPlugin* p) { lilv_plugin_load_if_necessary(p); SordNode* ui_ui_node = sord_new_uri(p->world->world, (const uint8_t*)LV2_UI__ui); SordNode* ui_binary_node = sord_new_uri(p->world->world, (const uint8_t*)LV2_UI__binary); LilvUIs* result = lilv_uis_new(); SordIter* uis = lilv_world_query_internal(p->world, p->plugin_uri->node, ui_ui_node, NULL); FOREACH_MATCH(uis) { const SordNode* ui = sord_iter_get_node(uis, SORD_OBJECT); LilvNode* type = lilv_plugin_get_unique(p, ui, p->world->uris.rdf_a); LilvNode* binary = lilv_plugin_get_one(p, ui, p->world->uris.lv2_binary); if (!binary) { binary = lilv_plugin_get_unique(p, ui, ui_binary_node); } if (sord_node_get_type(ui) != SORD_URI || !lilv_node_is_uri(type) || !lilv_node_is_uri(binary)) { lilv_node_free(binary); lilv_node_free(type); LILV_ERRORF("Corrupt UI <%s>\n", sord_node_get_string(ui)); continue; } LilvUI* lilv_ui = lilv_ui_new( p->world, lilv_node_new_from_node(p->world, ui), type, binary); zix_tree_insert((ZixTree*)result, lilv_ui, NULL); } sord_iter_free(uis); sord_node_free(p->world->world, ui_binary_node); sord_node_free(p->world->world, ui_ui_node); if (lilv_uis_size(result) > 0) { return result; } else { lilv_uis_free(result); return NULL; } } LILV_API LilvNodes* lilv_plugin_get_related(const LilvPlugin* plugin, const LilvNode* type) { lilv_plugin_load_if_necessary(plugin); LilvWorld* const world = plugin->world; LilvNodes* const related = lilv_world_find_nodes_internal( world, NULL, world->uris.lv2_appliesTo, lilv_plugin_get_uri(plugin)->node); if (!type) { return related; } LilvNodes* matches = lilv_nodes_new(); LILV_FOREACH(nodes, i, related) { LilvNode* node = (LilvNode*)lilv_collection_get((ZixTree*)related, i); if (lilv_world_ask_internal( world, node->node, world->uris.rdf_a, type->node)) { zix_tree_insert((ZixTree*)matches, lilv_node_new_from_node(world, node->node), NULL); } } lilv_nodes_free(related); return matches; } static SerdEnv* new_lv2_env(const SerdNode* base) { SerdEnv* env = serd_env_new(base); #define USTR(s) ((const uint8_t*)(s)) serd_env_set_prefix_from_strings(env, USTR("doap"), USTR(LILV_NS_DOAP)); serd_env_set_prefix_from_strings(env, USTR("foaf"), USTR(LILV_NS_FOAF)); serd_env_set_prefix_from_strings(env, USTR("lv2"), USTR(LILV_NS_LV2)); serd_env_set_prefix_from_strings(env, USTR("owl"), USTR(LILV_NS_OWL)); serd_env_set_prefix_from_strings(env, USTR("rdf"), USTR(LILV_NS_RDF)); serd_env_set_prefix_from_strings(env, USTR("rdfs"), USTR(LILV_NS_RDFS)); serd_env_set_prefix_from_strings(env, USTR("xsd"), USTR(LILV_NS_XSD)); return env; } static void maybe_write_prefixes(SerdWriter* writer, SerdEnv* env, FILE* file) { fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); if (ftell(file) == 0) { serd_env_foreach( env, (SerdPrefixSink)serd_writer_set_prefix, writer); } else { fprintf(file, "\n"); } } LILV_API void lilv_plugin_write_description(LilvWorld* world, const LilvPlugin* plugin, const LilvNode* base_uri, FILE* plugin_file) { const LilvNode* subject = lilv_plugin_get_uri(plugin); const uint32_t num_ports = lilv_plugin_get_num_ports(plugin); const SerdNode* base = sord_node_to_serd_node(base_uri->node); SerdEnv* env = new_lv2_env(base); SerdWriter* writer = serd_writer_new( SERD_TURTLE, (SerdStyle)(SERD_STYLE_ABBREVIATED|SERD_STYLE_CURIED), env, NULL, serd_file_sink, plugin_file); // Write prefixes if this is a new file maybe_write_prefixes(writer, env, plugin_file); // Write plugin description SordIter* plug_iter = lilv_world_query_internal( world, subject->node, NULL, NULL); sord_write_iter(plug_iter, writer); // Write port descriptions for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_ports; ++i) { const LilvPort* port = plugin->ports[i]; SordIter* port_iter = lilv_world_query_internal( world, port->node->node, NULL, NULL); sord_write_iter(port_iter, writer); } serd_writer_free(writer); serd_env_free(env); } LILV_API void lilv_plugin_write_manifest_entry(LilvWorld* world, const LilvPlugin* plugin, const LilvNode* base_uri, FILE* manifest_file, const char* plugin_file_path) { const LilvNode* subject = lilv_plugin_get_uri(plugin); const SerdNode* base = sord_node_to_serd_node(base_uri->node); SerdEnv* env = new_lv2_env(base); SerdWriter* writer = serd_writer_new( SERD_TURTLE, (SerdStyle)(SERD_STYLE_ABBREVIATED|SERD_STYLE_CURIED), env, NULL, serd_file_sink, manifest_file); // Write prefixes if this is a new file maybe_write_prefixes(writer, env, manifest_file); // Write manifest entry serd_writer_write_statement( writer, 0, NULL, sord_node_to_serd_node(subject->node), sord_node_to_serd_node(plugin->world->uris.rdf_a), sord_node_to_serd_node(plugin->world->uris.lv2_Plugin), 0, 0); const SerdNode file_node = serd_node_from_string( SERD_URI, (const uint8_t*)plugin_file_path); serd_writer_write_statement( writer, 0, NULL, sord_node_to_serd_node(subject->node), sord_node_to_serd_node(plugin->world->uris.rdfs_seeAlso), &file_node, 0, 0); serd_writer_free(writer); serd_env_free(env); }