/* SLV2 * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Dave Robillard * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "slv2-config.h" #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "slv2/types.h" #include "slv2/world.h" #include "slv2/slv2.h" #include "slv2/util.h" #include "slv2_internal.h" #ifdef SLV2_DYN_MANIFEST #include #endif /* private */ static SLV2World slv2_world_new_internal(SLV2World world) { assert(world); assert(world->world); world->storage = slv2_world_new_storage(world); if (!world->storage) goto fail; world->model = librdf_new_model(world->world, world->storage, NULL); if (!world->model) goto fail; world->parser = librdf_new_parser(world->world, "turtle", NULL, NULL); if (!world->parser) goto fail; world->plugin_classes = slv2_plugin_classes_new(); world->plugins = slv2_plugins_new(); world->lv2_specification_node = librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world->world, (const unsigned char*)"http://lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core#Specification"); world->lv2_plugin_node = librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world->world, (const unsigned char*)"http://lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core#Plugin"); world->rdf_a_node = librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world->world, (const unsigned char*)"http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type"); world->xsd_integer_node = librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world->world, (const unsigned char*)"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer"); world->xsd_decimal_node = librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world->world, (const unsigned char*)"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal"); world->lv2_plugin_class = slv2_plugin_class_new(world, NULL, librdf_node_get_uri(world->lv2_plugin_node), "Plugin"); return world; fail: /* keep on rockin' in the */ free(world); return NULL; } /* private */ librdf_storage* slv2_world_new_storage(SLV2World world) { static bool warned = false; librdf_hash* options = librdf_new_hash_from_string(world->world, NULL, "index-spo='yes',index-ops='yes'"); librdf_storage* ret = librdf_new_storage_with_options( world->world, "trees", NULL, options); if (!ret) { warned = true; SLV2_WARN("Warning: Unable to create \"trees\" RDF storage.\n" "Performance can be improved by upgrading librdf.\n"); ret = librdf_new_storage(world->world, "hashes", NULL, "hash-type='memory'"); } librdf_free_hash(options); return ret; } SLV2World slv2_world_new() { SLV2World world = (SLV2World)malloc(sizeof(struct _SLV2World)); world->world = librdf_new_world(); if (!world->world) { free(world); return NULL; } world->local_world = true; librdf_world_open(world->world); return slv2_world_new_internal(world); } SLV2World slv2_world_new_using_rdf_world(librdf_world* rdf_world) { if (rdf_world == NULL) return slv2_world_new(); SLV2World world = (SLV2World)malloc(sizeof(struct _SLV2World)); world->world = rdf_world; world->local_world = false; return slv2_world_new_internal(world); } void slv2_world_free(SLV2World world) { slv2_plugin_class_free(world->lv2_plugin_class); world->lv2_plugin_class = NULL; librdf_free_node(world->lv2_specification_node); librdf_free_node(world->lv2_plugin_node); librdf_free_node(world->rdf_a_node); librdf_free_node(world->xsd_integer_node); librdf_free_node(world->xsd_decimal_node); for (int i=0; i < raptor_sequence_size(world->plugins); ++i) slv2_plugin_free(raptor_sequence_get_at(world->plugins, i)); raptor_free_sequence(world->plugins); world->plugins = NULL; raptor_free_sequence(world->plugin_classes); world->plugin_classes = NULL; librdf_free_parser(world->parser); world->parser = NULL; librdf_free_model(world->model); world->model = NULL; librdf_free_storage(world->storage); world->storage = NULL; if (world->local_world) librdf_free_world(world->world); world->world = NULL; free(world); } /** Load the entire contents of a file into the world model. */ void slv2_world_load_file(SLV2World world, librdf_uri* file_uri) { librdf_parser_parse_into_model(world->parser, file_uri, file_uri, world->model); } void slv2_world_load_bundle(SLV2World world, SLV2Value bundle_uri) { if (!slv2_value_is_uri(bundle_uri)) { SLV2_ERROR("Bundle 'URI' is not a URI\n"); return; } librdf_uri* manifest_uri = librdf_new_uri_relative_to_base( bundle_uri->val.uri_val, (const unsigned char*)"manifest.ttl"); /* Parse the manifest into a temporary model */ librdf_storage* manifest_storage = slv2_world_new_storage(world); librdf_model* manifest_model = librdf_new_model(world->world, manifest_storage, NULL); librdf_parser_parse_into_model(world->parser, manifest_uri, manifest_uri, manifest_model); #ifdef SLV2_DYN_MANIFEST typedef void* LV2_Dyn_Manifest_Handle; LV2_Dyn_Manifest_Handle handle = NULL; const unsigned char* const query_str = (const unsigned char* const) "PREFIX : \n" "PREFIX dynman: \n" "SELECT DISTINCT ?dynman ?binary WHERE {\n" "?dynman a dynman:DynManifest ;\n" " :binary ?binary .\n" "}"; librdf_query* query = librdf_new_query(world->world, "sparql", NULL, query_str, NULL); librdf_query_results* query_results = librdf_query_execute(query, manifest_model); for (; !librdf_query_results_finished(query_results); librdf_query_results_next(query_results)) { librdf_node* binary_node = librdf_query_results_get_binding_value(query_results, 1); if (librdf_node_get_type(binary_node) != LIBRDF_NODE_TYPE_RESOURCE) continue; const unsigned char* lib_uri = librdf_uri_as_string(librdf_node_get_uri(binary_node)); const char* lib_path = slv2_uri_to_path((const char*)lib_uri); if (!lib_path) continue; void* lib = dlopen(lib_path, RTLD_LAZY); if (!lib) continue; // Open dynamic manifest typedef int (*OpenFunc)(LV2_Dyn_Manifest_Handle*, const LV2_Feature *const *); OpenFunc open_func = (OpenFunc)dlsym(lib, "lv2_dyn_manifest_open"); if (open_func) open_func(&handle, &dman_features); // Get subjects (the data that would be in manifest.ttl) typedef int (*GetSubjectsFunc)(LV2_Dyn_Manifest_Handle, FILE*); GetSubjectsFunc get_subjects_func = (GetSubjectsFunc)dlsym(lib, "lv2_dyn_manifest_get_subjects"); if (!get_subjects_func) continue; librdf_storage* dyn_manifest_storage = slv2_world_new_storage(world); librdf_model* dyn_manifest_model = librdf_new_model(world->world, dyn_manifest_storage, NULL); FILE* fd = tmpfile(); get_subjects_func(handle, fd); rewind(fd); librdf_parser_parse_file_handle_into_model(world->parser, fd, 0, bundle_uri->val.uri_val, dyn_manifest_model); fclose(fd); // Query plugins from dynamic manifest librdf_query* dyn_query = librdf_new_query(world->world, "sparql", NULL, (const unsigned char*) "PREFIX : \n" "PREFIX dynman: \n" "SELECT DISTINCT ?plugin WHERE {\n" " ?plugin a :Plugin .\n" "}", NULL); // Add ?plugin rdfs:seeAlso ?binary to dynamic model librdf_query_results* r = librdf_query_execute(dyn_query, dyn_manifest_model); for (; !librdf_query_results_finished(r); librdf_query_results_next(r)) { librdf_node* plugin = librdf_query_results_get_binding_value(r, 0); librdf_node* predicate = librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world->world, (const unsigned char*)(SLV2_NS_RDFS "seeAlso")); librdf_node* object = librdf_new_node_from_node(binary_node); librdf_model_add(manifest_model, plugin, predicate, object); } librdf_free_query_results(r); librdf_free_query(dyn_query); // Merge dynamic model into main manifest model librdf_stream* dyn_manifest_stream = librdf_model_as_stream(dyn_manifest_model); librdf_model_add_statements(manifest_model, dyn_manifest_stream); librdf_free_stream(dyn_manifest_stream); librdf_free_model(dyn_manifest_model); librdf_free_storage(dyn_manifest_storage); } librdf_free_query_results(query_results); librdf_free_query(query); #endif // SLV2_DYN_MANIFEST /* ?plugin a lv2:Plugin */ librdf_statement* q = librdf_new_statement_from_nodes(world->world, NULL, librdf_new_node_from_node(world->rdf_a_node), librdf_new_node_from_node(world->lv2_plugin_node)); librdf_stream* results = librdf_model_find_statements(manifest_model, q); while (!librdf_stream_end(results)) { librdf_statement* s = librdf_stream_get_object(results); librdf_node* plugin_node = librdf_new_node_from_node(librdf_statement_get_subject(s)); /* Add ?plugin rdfs:seeAlso */ librdf_node* subject = plugin_node; librdf_node* predicate = librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world->world, (const unsigned char*)(SLV2_NS_RDFS "seeAlso")); librdf_node* object = librdf_new_node_from_uri(world->world, manifest_uri); librdf_model_add(world->model, subject, predicate, object); /* Add ?plugin slv2:bundleURI */ subject = librdf_new_node_from_node(plugin_node); predicate = librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world->world, (const unsigned char*)(SLV2_NS_SLV2 "bundleURI")); object = librdf_new_node_from_uri(world->world, bundle_uri->val.uri_val); librdf_model_add(world->model, subject, predicate, object); librdf_stream_next(results); } librdf_free_stream(results); librdf_free_statement(q); /* ?specification a lv2:Specification */ q = librdf_new_statement_from_nodes(world->world, NULL, librdf_new_node_from_node(world->rdf_a_node), librdf_new_node_from_node(world->lv2_specification_node)); results = librdf_model_find_statements(manifest_model, q); while (!librdf_stream_end(results)) { librdf_statement* s = librdf_stream_get_object(results); librdf_node* spec_node = librdf_new_node_from_node(librdf_statement_get_subject(s)); /* Add ?specification rdfs:seeAlso */ librdf_node* subject = spec_node; librdf_node* predicate = librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world->world, (const unsigned char*)(SLV2_NS_RDFS "seeAlso")); librdf_node* object = librdf_new_node_from_uri(world->world, manifest_uri); librdf_model_add(world->model, subject, predicate, object); /* Add ?specification slv2:bundleURI */ subject = librdf_new_node_from_node(spec_node); predicate = librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world->world, (const unsigned char*)(SLV2_NS_SLV2 "bundleURI")); object = librdf_new_node_from_uri(world->world, bundle_uri->val.uri_val); librdf_model_add(world->model, subject, predicate, object); librdf_stream_next(results); } librdf_free_stream(results); librdf_free_statement(q); /* Join the temporary model to the main model */ librdf_stream* manifest_stream = librdf_model_as_stream(manifest_model); librdf_model_add_statements(world->model, manifest_stream); librdf_free_stream(manifest_stream); librdf_free_model(manifest_model); librdf_free_storage(manifest_storage); librdf_free_uri(manifest_uri); } /** Load all bundles under a directory. * Private. */ void slv2_world_load_directory(SLV2World world, const char* dir) { DIR* pdir = opendir(dir); if (!pdir) return; struct dirent* pfile; while ((pfile = readdir(pdir))) { if (!strcmp(pfile->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(pfile->d_name, "..")) continue; char* uri = slv2_strjoin("file://", dir, "/", pfile->d_name, "/", NULL); // FIXME: Probably a better way to check if a dir exists DIR* bundle_dir = opendir(uri + 7); if (bundle_dir != NULL) { closedir(bundle_dir); SLV2Value uri_val = slv2_value_new_uri(world, uri); slv2_world_load_bundle(world, uri_val); slv2_value_free(uri_val); } free(uri); } closedir(pdir); } void slv2_world_load_path(SLV2World world, const char* lv2_path) { char* path = slv2_strjoin(lv2_path, ":", NULL); char* dir = path; // Pointer into path // Go through string replacing ':' with '\0', using the substring, // then replacing it with 'X' and moving on. i.e. strtok on crack. while (strchr(path, ':') != NULL) { char* delim = strchr(path, ':'); *delim = '\0'; slv2_world_load_directory(world, dir); *delim = 'X'; dir = delim + 1; } free(path); } /** Comparator for sorting SLV2Plugins */ int slv2_plugin_compare_by_uri(const void* a, const void* b) { SLV2Plugin plugin_a = *(SLV2Plugin*)a; SLV2Plugin plugin_b = *(SLV2Plugin*)b; return strcmp(slv2_value_as_uri(plugin_a->plugin_uri), slv2_value_as_uri(plugin_b->plugin_uri)); } /** Comparator for sorting SLV2PluginClasses */ int slv2_plugin_class_compare_by_uri(const void* a, const void* b) { SLV2PluginClass class_a = *(SLV2PluginClass*)a; SLV2PluginClass class_b = *(SLV2PluginClass*)b; return strcmp(slv2_value_as_uri(class_a->uri), slv2_value_as_uri(class_b->uri)); } void slv2_world_load_specifications(SLV2World world) { unsigned char* query_string = (unsigned char*) "PREFIX : \n" "PREFIX rdfs: \n" "SELECT DISTINCT ?spec ?data WHERE {\n" " ?spec a :Specification ;\n" " rdfs:seeAlso ?data .\n" "}\n"; librdf_query* q = librdf_new_query(world->world, "sparql", NULL, query_string, NULL); librdf_query_results* results = librdf_query_execute(q, world->model); while (!librdf_query_results_finished(results)) { librdf_node* spec_node = librdf_query_results_get_binding_value(results, 0); librdf_node* data_node = librdf_query_results_get_binding_value(results, 1); librdf_uri* data_uri = librdf_node_get_uri(data_node); slv2_world_load_file(world, data_uri); librdf_free_node(spec_node); librdf_free_node(data_node); librdf_query_results_next(results); } librdf_free_query_results(results); librdf_free_query(q); } void slv2_world_load_plugin_classes(SLV2World world) { // FIXME: This will need to be a bit more clever when more data is around // than the ontology (ie classes which aren't LV2 plugin_classes), it // currently loads things that aren't actually plugin classes unsigned char* query_string = (unsigned char*) "PREFIX : \n" "PREFIX rdfs: \n" "SELECT DISTINCT ?class ?parent ?label WHERE {\n" " ?class a rdfs:Class; rdfs:subClassOf ?parent; rdfs:label ?label\n" "}\n"; librdf_query* q = librdf_new_query(world->world, "sparql", NULL, query_string, NULL); librdf_query_results* results = librdf_query_execute(q, world->model); while (!librdf_query_results_finished(results)) { librdf_node* class_node = librdf_query_results_get_binding_value(results, 0); librdf_uri* class_uri = librdf_node_get_uri(class_node); librdf_node* parent_node = librdf_query_results_get_binding_value(results, 1); librdf_uri* parent_uri = librdf_node_get_uri(parent_node); librdf_node* label_node = librdf_query_results_get_binding_value(results, 2); const char* label = (const char*)librdf_node_get_literal_value(label_node); if (class_uri && parent_uri) { SLV2PluginClass plugin_class = NULL; // Check if this is another match for the last plugin (avoid search) SLV2PluginClasses classes = world->plugin_classes; const unsigned n_classes = raptor_sequence_size(classes); if (n_classes >= 1) { SLV2PluginClass prev = raptor_sequence_get_at(classes, n_classes - 1); if (librdf_uri_equals(class_uri, prev->uri->val.uri_val)) plugin_class = prev; } // If this class differs from the last, append a new one if (!plugin_class) { if (n_classes == 0) { plugin_class = slv2_plugin_class_new(world, parent_uri, class_uri, label); raptor_sequence_push(classes, plugin_class); } else { SLV2PluginClass first = raptor_sequence_get_at(classes, 0); SLV2PluginClass prev = raptor_sequence_get_at(classes, n_classes - 1); // If the URI is > the last in the list, just append (avoid sort) if (strcmp( slv2_value_as_string(slv2_plugin_class_get_uri(prev)), (const char*)librdf_uri_as_string(class_uri)) < 0) { plugin_class = slv2_plugin_class_new(world, parent_uri, class_uri, label); raptor_sequence_push(classes, plugin_class); // If the URI is < the first in the list, just prepend (avoid sort) } else if (strcmp( slv2_value_as_string(slv2_plugin_class_get_uri(first)), (const char*)librdf_uri_as_string(class_uri)) > 0) { plugin_class = slv2_plugin_class_new(world, parent_uri, class_uri, label); raptor_sequence_shift(classes, plugin_class); // Otherwise the query engine is giving us unsorted results :/ } else { SLV2Value uri = slv2_value_new_librdf_uri(world, class_uri); plugin_class = slv2_plugin_classes_get_by_uri(classes, uri); if (!plugin_class) { plugin_class = slv2_plugin_class_new(world, parent_uri, class_uri, label); raptor_sequence_push(classes, plugin_class); raptor_sequence_sort(classes, slv2_plugin_class_compare_by_uri); } slv2_value_free(uri); } } } else { // TODO: Support classes with several parents } } librdf_free_node(class_node); librdf_free_node(parent_node); librdf_free_node(label_node); librdf_query_results_next(results); } librdf_free_query_results(results); librdf_free_query(q); } void slv2_world_load_all(SLV2World world) { char* lv2_path = getenv("LV2_PATH"); /* 1. Read all manifest files into model */ if (lv2_path) { slv2_world_load_path(world, lv2_path); } else { char default_path[sizeof(SLV2_DEFAULT_LV2_PATH)]; memcpy(default_path, SLV2_DEFAULT_LV2_PATH, sizeof(SLV2_DEFAULT_LV2_PATH)); char* dir = default_path; size_t lv2_path_len = 0; while (*dir != '\0') { char* colon = strchr(dir, ':'); if (colon) *colon = '\0'; wordexp_t p; wordexp(dir, &p, 0); for (unsigned i = 0; i < p.we_wordc; i++) { const size_t word_len = strlen(p.we_wordv[i]); if (!lv2_path) { lv2_path = strdup(p.we_wordv[i]); lv2_path_len = word_len; } else { lv2_path = (char*)realloc(lv2_path, lv2_path_len + word_len + 2); *(lv2_path + lv2_path_len) = ':'; strcpy(lv2_path + lv2_path_len + 1, p.we_wordv[i]); lv2_path_len += word_len + 1; } } wordfree(&p); if (colon) dir = colon + 1; else *dir = '\0'; } slv2_world_load_path(world, lv2_path); free(lv2_path); } /* 2. Query out things to cache */ slv2_world_load_specifications(world); slv2_world_load_plugin_classes(world); // Find all plugins and associated data files const unsigned char* query_string = (unsigned char*) "PREFIX : \n" "PREFIX rdfs: \n" "PREFIX slv2: \n" "SELECT DISTINCT ?plugin ?data ?bundle WHERE {\n" " ?plugin a :Plugin ;\n" " slv2:bundleURI ?bundle ;\n" " rdfs:seeAlso ?data .\n" "}\n"; librdf_query* q = librdf_new_query(world->world, "sparql", NULL, query_string, NULL); librdf_query_results* results = librdf_query_execute(q, world->model); while (!librdf_query_results_finished(results)) { librdf_node* plugin_node = librdf_query_results_get_binding_value(results, 0); librdf_uri* plugin_uri = librdf_node_get_uri(plugin_node); librdf_node* data_node = librdf_query_results_get_binding_value(results, 1); librdf_uri* data_uri = librdf_node_get_uri(data_node); librdf_node* bundle_node = librdf_query_results_get_binding_value(results, 2); librdf_uri* bundle_uri = librdf_node_get_uri(bundle_node); if (plugin_uri && data_uri) { SLV2Plugin plugin = NULL; // Check if this is another match for the last plugin (avoid search) const unsigned n_plugins = raptor_sequence_size(world->plugins); if (n_plugins >= 1) { SLV2Plugin prev = raptor_sequence_get_at(world->plugins, n_plugins - 1); if (librdf_uri_equals(plugin_uri, prev->plugin_uri->val.uri_val)) plugin = prev; } // If this plugin differs from the last, append a new one if (!plugin) { SLV2Value uri = slv2_value_new_librdf_uri(world, plugin_uri); if (n_plugins == 0) { plugin = slv2_plugin_new(world, uri, bundle_uri); raptor_sequence_push(world->plugins, plugin); } else { SLV2Plugin first = raptor_sequence_get_at(world->plugins, 0); SLV2Plugin prev = raptor_sequence_get_at(world->plugins, n_plugins - 1); // If the URI is > the last in the list, just append (avoid sort) if (strcmp( slv2_value_as_string(slv2_plugin_get_uri(prev)), (const char*)librdf_uri_as_string(plugin_uri)) < 0) { plugin = slv2_plugin_new(world, uri, bundle_uri); raptor_sequence_push(world->plugins, plugin); // If the URI is < the first in the list, just prepend (avoid sort) } else if (strcmp( slv2_value_as_string(slv2_plugin_get_uri(first)), (const char*)librdf_uri_as_string(plugin_uri)) > 0) { plugin = slv2_plugin_new(world, uri, bundle_uri); raptor_sequence_shift(world->plugins, plugin); // Otherwise the query engine is giving us unsorted results :/ } else { plugin = slv2_plugins_get_by_uri(world->plugins, uri); if (!plugin) { plugin = slv2_plugin_new(world, uri, bundle_uri); raptor_sequence_push(world->plugins, plugin); raptor_sequence_sort(world->plugins, slv2_plugin_compare_by_uri); } else { slv2_value_free(uri); } } } } plugin->world = world; #ifdef SLV2_DYN_MANIFEST const char* const data_uri_str = (const char*)librdf_uri_as_string(data_uri); void* lib = dlopen(slv2_uri_to_path(data_uri_str), RTLD_LAZY); if (lib) { plugin->dynman_uri = slv2_value_new_librdf_uri(world, data_uri); librdf_query_results_next(results); } else #endif if (data_uri) { assert(plugin->data_uris); // FIXME: check for duplicates raptor_sequence_push(plugin->data_uris, slv2_value_new_librdf_uri(plugin->world, data_uri)); } } librdf_free_node(plugin_node); librdf_free_node(data_node); librdf_free_node(bundle_node); librdf_query_results_next(results); } if (results) librdf_free_query_results(results); librdf_free_query(q); } SLV2PluginClass slv2_world_get_plugin_class(SLV2World world) { return world->lv2_plugin_class; } SLV2PluginClasses slv2_world_get_plugin_classes(SLV2World world) { return world->plugin_classes; } SLV2Plugins slv2_world_get_all_plugins(SLV2World world) { return world->plugins; } SLV2Plugins slv2_world_get_plugins_by_filter(SLV2World world, bool (*include)(SLV2Plugin)) { SLV2Plugins result = slv2_plugins_new(); for (int i=0; i < raptor_sequence_size(world->plugins); ++i) { SLV2Plugin p = raptor_sequence_get_at(world->plugins, i); if (include(p)) raptor_sequence_push(result, p); } return result; }