/* Copyright 2007-2015 David Robillard Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include "lv2/lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets/presets.h" #include "lilv_internal.h" LILV_API LilvWorld* lilv_world_new(void) { LilvWorld* world = (LilvWorld*)malloc(sizeof(LilvWorld)); world->world = sord_world_new(); if (!world->world) goto fail; world->model = sord_new(world->world, SORD_SPO|SORD_OPS, true); if (!world->model) goto fail; world->specs = NULL; world->plugin_classes = lilv_plugin_classes_new(); world->plugins = lilv_plugins_new(); world->zombies = lilv_plugins_new(); world->loaded_files = zix_tree_new( false, lilv_resource_node_cmp, NULL, (ZixDestroyFunc)lilv_node_free); world->libs = zix_tree_new(false, lilv_lib_compare, NULL, NULL); #define NS_DCTERMS "http://purl.org/dc/terms/" #define NS_DYNMAN "http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/dynmanifest#" #define NS_OWL "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#" #define NEW_URI(uri) sord_new_uri(world->world, (const uint8_t*)uri) world->uris.dc_replaces = NEW_URI(NS_DCTERMS "replaces"); world->uris.dman_DynManifest = NEW_URI(NS_DYNMAN "DynManifest"); world->uris.doap_name = NEW_URI(LILV_NS_DOAP "name"); world->uris.lv2_Plugin = NEW_URI(LV2_CORE__Plugin); world->uris.lv2_Specification = NEW_URI(LV2_CORE__Specification); world->uris.lv2_appliesTo = NEW_URI(LV2_CORE__appliesTo); world->uris.lv2_binary = NEW_URI(LV2_CORE__binary); world->uris.lv2_default = NEW_URI(LV2_CORE__default); world->uris.lv2_designation = NEW_URI(LV2_CORE__designation); world->uris.lv2_extensionData = NEW_URI(LV2_CORE__extensionData); world->uris.lv2_index = NEW_URI(LV2_CORE__index); world->uris.lv2_latency = NEW_URI(LV2_CORE__latency); world->uris.lv2_maximum = NEW_URI(LV2_CORE__maximum); world->uris.lv2_microVersion = NEW_URI(LV2_CORE__microVersion); world->uris.lv2_minimum = NEW_URI(LV2_CORE__minimum); world->uris.lv2_minorVersion = NEW_URI(LV2_CORE__minorVersion); world->uris.lv2_name = NEW_URI(LV2_CORE__name); world->uris.lv2_optionalFeature = NEW_URI(LV2_CORE__optionalFeature); world->uris.lv2_port = NEW_URI(LV2_CORE__port); world->uris.lv2_portProperty = NEW_URI(LV2_CORE__portProperty); world->uris.lv2_reportsLatency = NEW_URI(LV2_CORE__reportsLatency); world->uris.lv2_requiredFeature = NEW_URI(LV2_CORE__requiredFeature); world->uris.lv2_symbol = NEW_URI(LV2_CORE__symbol); world->uris.lv2_prototype = NEW_URI(LV2_CORE__prototype); world->uris.owl_Ontology = NEW_URI(NS_OWL "Ontology"); world->uris.pset_value = NEW_URI(LV2_PRESETS__value); world->uris.rdf_a = NEW_URI(LILV_NS_RDF "type"); world->uris.rdf_value = NEW_URI(LILV_NS_RDF "value"); world->uris.rdfs_Class = NEW_URI(LILV_NS_RDFS "Class"); world->uris.rdfs_label = NEW_URI(LILV_NS_RDFS "label"); world->uris.rdfs_seeAlso = NEW_URI(LILV_NS_RDFS "seeAlso"); world->uris.rdfs_subClassOf = NEW_URI(LILV_NS_RDFS "subClassOf"); world->uris.xsd_base64Binary = NEW_URI(LILV_NS_XSD "base64Binary"); world->uris.xsd_boolean = NEW_URI(LILV_NS_XSD "boolean"); world->uris.xsd_decimal = NEW_URI(LILV_NS_XSD "decimal"); world->uris.xsd_double = NEW_URI(LILV_NS_XSD "double"); world->uris.xsd_integer = NEW_URI(LILV_NS_XSD "integer"); world->uris.null_uri = NULL; world->lv2_plugin_class = lilv_plugin_class_new( world, NULL, world->uris.lv2_Plugin, "Plugin"); assert(world->lv2_plugin_class); world->n_read_files = 0; world->opt.filter_language = true; world->opt.dyn_manifest = true; return world; fail: /* keep on rockin' in the */ free(world); return NULL; } LILV_API void lilv_world_free(LilvWorld* world) { if (!world) { return; } lilv_plugin_class_free(world->lv2_plugin_class); world->lv2_plugin_class = NULL; for (SordNode** n = (SordNode**)&world->uris; *n; ++n) { sord_node_free(world->world, *n); } for (LilvSpec* spec = world->specs; spec;) { LilvSpec* next = spec->next; sord_node_free(world->world, spec->spec); sord_node_free(world->world, spec->bundle); lilv_nodes_free(spec->data_uris); free(spec); spec = next; } world->specs = NULL; LILV_FOREACH(plugins, i, world->plugins) { const LilvPlugin* p = lilv_plugins_get(world->plugins, i); lilv_plugin_free((LilvPlugin*)p); } zix_tree_free((ZixTree*)world->plugins); world->plugins = NULL; LILV_FOREACH(plugins, i, world->zombies) { const LilvPlugin* p = lilv_plugins_get(world->zombies, i); lilv_plugin_free((LilvPlugin*)p); } zix_tree_free((ZixTree*)world->zombies); world->zombies = NULL; zix_tree_free((ZixTree*)world->loaded_files); world->loaded_files = NULL; zix_tree_free((ZixTree*)world->libs); world->libs = NULL; zix_tree_free((ZixTree*)world->plugin_classes); world->plugin_classes = NULL; sord_free(world->model); world->model = NULL; sord_world_free(world->world); world->world = NULL; free(world); } LILV_API void lilv_world_set_option(LilvWorld* world, const char* option, const LilvNode* value) { if (!strcmp(option, LILV_OPTION_DYN_MANIFEST)) { if (lilv_node_is_bool(value)) { world->opt.dyn_manifest = lilv_node_as_bool(value); return; } } else if (!strcmp(option, LILV_OPTION_FILTER_LANG)) { if (lilv_node_is_bool(value)) { world->opt.filter_language = lilv_node_as_bool(value); return; } } LILV_WARNF("Unrecognized or invalid option `%s'\n", option); } LILV_API LilvNodes* lilv_world_find_nodes(LilvWorld* world, const LilvNode* subject, const LilvNode* predicate, const LilvNode* object) { if (subject && !lilv_node_is_uri(subject) && !lilv_node_is_blank(subject)) { LILV_ERRORF("Subject `%s' is not a resource\n", sord_node_get_string(subject->node)); return NULL; } else if (!lilv_node_is_uri(predicate)) { LILV_ERRORF("Predicate `%s' is not a URI\n", sord_node_get_string(predicate->node)); return NULL; } else if (!subject && !object) { LILV_ERROR("Both subject and object are NULL\n"); return NULL; } return lilv_world_find_nodes_internal(world, subject ? subject->node : NULL, predicate->node, object ? object->node : NULL); } LILV_API LilvNode* lilv_world_get(LilvWorld* world, const LilvNode* subject, const LilvNode* predicate, const LilvNode* object) { SordNode* snode = sord_get(world->model, subject ? subject->node : NULL, predicate ? predicate->node : NULL, object ? object->node : NULL, NULL); LilvNode* lnode = lilv_node_new_from_node(world, snode); sord_node_free(world->world, snode); return lnode; } SordIter* lilv_world_query_internal(LilvWorld* world, const SordNode* subject, const SordNode* predicate, const SordNode* object) { return sord_search(world->model, subject, predicate, object, NULL); } bool lilv_world_ask_internal(LilvWorld* world, const SordNode* subject, const SordNode* predicate, const SordNode* object) { return sord_ask(world->model, subject, predicate, object, NULL); } LILV_API bool lilv_world_ask(LilvWorld* world, const LilvNode* subject, const LilvNode* predicate, const LilvNode* object) { return sord_ask(world->model, subject ? subject->node : NULL, predicate ? predicate->node : NULL, object ? object->node : NULL, NULL); } SordModel* lilv_world_filter_model(LilvWorld* world, SordModel* model, const SordNode* subject, const SordNode* predicate, const SordNode* object, const SordNode* graph) { SordModel* results = sord_new(world->world, SORD_SPO, false); SordIter* i = sord_search(model, subject, predicate, object, graph); for (; !sord_iter_end(i); sord_iter_next(i)) { SordQuad quad; sord_iter_get(i, quad); sord_add(results, quad); } sord_iter_free(i); return results; } LilvNodes* lilv_world_find_nodes_internal(LilvWorld* world, const SordNode* subject, const SordNode* predicate, const SordNode* object) { return lilv_nodes_from_stream_objects( world, lilv_world_query_internal(world, subject, predicate, object), (object == NULL) ? SORD_OBJECT : SORD_SUBJECT); } static SerdNode lilv_new_uri_relative_to_base(const uint8_t* uri_str, const uint8_t* base_uri_str) { SerdURI base_uri; if (serd_uri_parse(base_uri_str, &base_uri)) { return SERD_NODE_NULL; } SerdURI ignored; return serd_node_new_uri_from_string(uri_str, &base_uri, &ignored); } const uint8_t* lilv_world_blank_node_prefix(LilvWorld* world) { static char str[32]; snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%d", world->n_read_files++); return (const uint8_t*)str; } /** Comparator for sequences (e.g. world->plugins). */ int lilv_header_compare_by_uri(const void* a, const void* b, void* user_data) { const struct LilvHeader* const header_a = (const struct LilvHeader*)a; const struct LilvHeader* const header_b = (const struct LilvHeader*)b; return strcmp(lilv_node_as_uri(header_a->uri), lilv_node_as_uri(header_b->uri)); } /** Comparator for libraries (world->libs). Libraries do have a LilvHeader, but we must also compare the bundle to handle the case where the same library is loaded with different bundles, and consequently different contents (mainly plugins). */ int lilv_lib_compare(const void* a, const void* b, void* user_data) { const LilvLib* const lib_a = (const LilvLib*)a; const LilvLib* const lib_b = (const LilvLib*)b; int cmp = strcmp(lilv_node_as_uri(lib_a->uri), lilv_node_as_uri(lib_b->uri)); return cmp ? cmp : strcmp(lib_a->bundle_path, lib_b->bundle_path); } /** Get an element of a collection of any object with an LilvHeader by URI. */ static ZixTreeIter* lilv_collection_find_by_uri(const ZixTree* seq, const LilvNode* uri) { if (!lilv_node_is_uri(uri)) { return NULL; } struct LilvHeader key = { NULL, (LilvNode*)uri }; ZixTreeIter* i = NULL; const ZixStatus st = zix_tree_find(seq, &key, &i); return st ? NULL : i; } /** Get an element of a collection of any object with an LilvHeader by URI. */ struct LilvHeader* lilv_collection_get_by_uri(const ZixTree* seq, const LilvNode* uri) { ZixTreeIter* const i = lilv_collection_find_by_uri(seq, uri); return i ? (struct LilvHeader*)zix_tree_get(i) : NULL; } static void lilv_world_add_spec(LilvWorld* world, const SordNode* specification_node, const SordNode* bundle_node) { LilvSpec* spec = (LilvSpec*)malloc(sizeof(LilvSpec)); spec->spec = sord_node_copy(specification_node); spec->bundle = sord_node_copy(bundle_node); spec->data_uris = lilv_nodes_new(); // Add all data files (rdfs:seeAlso) SordIter* files = sord_search(world->model, specification_node, world->uris.rdfs_seeAlso, NULL, NULL); FOREACH_MATCH(files) { const SordNode* file_node = sord_iter_get_node(files, SORD_OBJECT); zix_tree_insert((ZixTree*)spec->data_uris, lilv_node_new_from_node(world, file_node), NULL); } sord_iter_free(files); // Add specification to world specification list spec->next = world->specs; world->specs = spec; } static void lilv_world_add_plugin(LilvWorld* world, const SordNode* plugin_node, const LilvNode* manifest_uri, void* dynmanifest, const SordNode* bundle) { LilvNode* plugin_uri = lilv_node_new_from_node(world, plugin_node); ZixTreeIter* z = NULL; LilvPlugin* plugin = (LilvPlugin*)lilv_plugins_get_by_uri( world->plugins, plugin_uri); if (plugin) { // Existing plugin, if this is different bundle, ignore it // (use the first plugin found in LV2_PATH) const LilvNode* last_bundle = lilv_plugin_get_bundle_uri(plugin); const char* plugin_uri_str = lilv_node_as_uri(plugin_uri); if (sord_node_equals(bundle, last_bundle->node)) { LILV_WARNF("Reloading plugin <%s>\n", plugin_uri_str); plugin->loaded = false; lilv_node_free(plugin_uri); } else { LILV_WARNF("Duplicate plugin <%s>\n", plugin_uri_str); LILV_WARNF("... found in %s\n", lilv_node_as_string(last_bundle)); LILV_WARNF("... and %s (ignored)\n", sord_node_get_string(bundle)); lilv_node_free(plugin_uri); return; } } else if ((z = lilv_collection_find_by_uri(world->zombies, plugin_uri))) { // Plugin bundle has been re-loaded, move from zombies to plugins plugin = zix_tree_get(z); zix_tree_remove(world->zombies, z); zix_tree_insert((ZixTree*)world->plugins, plugin, NULL); lilv_node_free(plugin_uri); plugin->loaded = false; } else { // Add new plugin to the world plugin = lilv_plugin_new( world, plugin_uri, lilv_node_new_from_node(world, bundle)); // Add manifest as plugin data file (as if it were rdfs:seeAlso) zix_tree_insert((ZixTree*)plugin->data_uris, lilv_node_duplicate(manifest_uri), NULL); // Add plugin to world plugin sequence zix_tree_insert((ZixTree*)world->plugins, plugin, NULL); } #ifdef LILV_DYN_MANIFEST // Set dynamic manifest library URI, if applicable if (dynmanifest) { plugin->dynmanifest = (LilvDynManifest*)dynmanifest; ++((LilvDynManifest*)dynmanifest)->refs; } #endif // Add all plugin data files (rdfs:seeAlso) SordIter* files = sord_search(world->model, plugin_node, world->uris.rdfs_seeAlso, NULL, NULL); FOREACH_MATCH(files) { const SordNode* file_node = sord_iter_get_node(files, SORD_OBJECT); zix_tree_insert((ZixTree*)plugin->data_uris, lilv_node_new_from_node(world, file_node), NULL); } sord_iter_free(files); } SerdStatus lilv_world_load_graph(LilvWorld* world, SordNode* graph, const LilvNode* uri) { const SerdNode* base = sord_node_to_serd_node(uri->node); SerdEnv* env = serd_env_new(base); SerdReader* reader = sord_new_reader( world->model, env, SERD_TURTLE, graph); const SerdStatus st = lilv_world_load_file(world, reader, uri); serd_env_free(env); serd_reader_free(reader); return st; } static void lilv_world_load_dyn_manifest(LilvWorld* world, SordNode* bundle_node, const LilvNode* manifest) { #ifdef LILV_DYN_MANIFEST if (!world->opt.dyn_manifest) { return; } typedef void* LV2_Dyn_Manifest_Handle; LV2_Dyn_Manifest_Handle handle = NULL; // ?dman a dynman:DynManifest bundle_node SordModel* model = lilv_world_filter_model(world, world->model, NULL, world->uris.rdf_a, world->uris.dman_DynManifest, bundle_node); SordIter* iter = sord_begin(model); for (; !sord_iter_end(iter); sord_iter_next(iter)) { const SordNode* dmanifest = sord_iter_get_node(iter, SORD_SUBJECT); // ?dman lv2:binary ?binary SordIter* binaries = sord_search(world->model, dmanifest, world->uris.lv2_binary, NULL, bundle_node); if (sord_iter_end(binaries)) { sord_iter_free(binaries); LILV_ERRORF("Dynamic manifest in <%s> has no binaries, ignored\n", sord_node_get_string(bundle_node)); continue; } // Get binary path const SordNode* binary = sord_iter_get_node(binaries, SORD_OBJECT); const uint8_t* lib_uri = sord_node_get_string(binary); char* lib_path = lilv_file_uri_parse((const char*)lib_uri, 0); if (!lib_path) { LILV_ERROR("No dynamic manifest library path\n"); sord_iter_free(binaries); continue; } // Open library dlerror(); void* lib = dlopen(lib_path, RTLD_LAZY); if (!lib) { LILV_ERRORF("Failed to open dynmanifest library `%s' (%s)\n", lib_path, dlerror()); sord_iter_free(binaries); lilv_free(lib_path); continue; } // Open dynamic manifest typedef int (*OpenFunc)(LV2_Dyn_Manifest_Handle*, const LV2_Feature *const *); OpenFunc dmopen = (OpenFunc)lilv_dlfunc(lib, "lv2_dyn_manifest_open"); if (!dmopen || dmopen(&handle, &dman_features)) { LILV_ERRORF("No `lv2_dyn_manifest_open' in `%s'\n", lib_path); sord_iter_free(binaries); dlclose(lib); lilv_free(lib_path); continue; } // Get subjects (the data that would be in manifest.ttl) typedef int (*GetSubjectsFunc)(LV2_Dyn_Manifest_Handle, FILE*); GetSubjectsFunc get_subjects_func = (GetSubjectsFunc)lilv_dlfunc( lib, "lv2_dyn_manifest_get_subjects"); if (!get_subjects_func) { LILV_ERRORF("No `lv2_dyn_manifest_get_subjects' in `%s'\n", lib_path); sord_iter_free(binaries); dlclose(lib); lilv_free(lib_path); continue; } LilvDynManifest* desc = malloc(sizeof(LilvDynManifest)); desc->bundle = lilv_node_new_from_node(world, bundle_node); desc->lib = lib; desc->handle = handle; desc->refs = 0; sord_iter_free(binaries); // Generate data file FILE* fd = tmpfile(); get_subjects_func(handle, fd); rewind(fd); // Parse generated data file into temporary model // FIXME const SerdNode* base = sord_node_to_serd_node(dmanifest); SerdEnv* env = serd_env_new(base); SerdReader* reader = sord_new_reader( world->model, env, SERD_TURTLE, sord_node_copy(dmanifest)); serd_reader_add_blank_prefix(reader, lilv_world_blank_node_prefix(world)); serd_reader_read_file_handle(reader, fd, (const uint8_t*)"(dyn-manifest)"); serd_reader_free(reader); serd_env_free(env); // Close (and automatically delete) temporary data file fclose(fd); // ?plugin a lv2:Plugin SordModel* plugins = lilv_world_filter_model(world, world->model, NULL, world->uris.rdf_a, world->uris.lv2_Plugin, dmanifest); SordIter* p = sord_begin(plugins); FOREACH_MATCH(p) { const SordNode* plug = sord_iter_get_node(p, SORD_SUBJECT); lilv_world_add_plugin(world, plug, manifest, desc, bundle_node); } sord_iter_free(p); sord_free(plugins); lilv_free(lib_path); } sord_iter_free(iter); sord_free(model); #endif // LILV_DYN_MANIFEST } LilvNode* lilv_world_get_manifest_uri(LilvWorld* world, const LilvNode* bundle_uri) { SerdNode manifest_uri = lilv_new_uri_relative_to_base( (const uint8_t*)"manifest.ttl", (const uint8_t*)sord_node_get_string(bundle_uri->node)); LilvNode* manifest = lilv_new_uri(world, (const char*)manifest_uri.buf); serd_node_free(&manifest_uri); return manifest; } static SordModel* load_plugin_model(LilvWorld* world, const LilvNode* bundle_uri, const LilvNode* plugin_uri) { // Create model and reader for loading into it SordNode* bundle_node = bundle_uri->node; SordModel* model = sord_new(world->world, SORD_SPO|SORD_OPS, false); SerdEnv* env = serd_env_new(sord_node_to_serd_node(bundle_node)); SerdReader* reader = sord_new_reader(model, env, SERD_TURTLE, NULL); // Load manifest LilvNode* manifest_uri = lilv_world_get_manifest_uri(world, bundle_uri); serd_reader_add_blank_prefix(reader, lilv_world_blank_node_prefix(world)); serd_reader_read_file( reader, (const uint8_t*)lilv_node_as_string(manifest_uri)); // Load any seeAlso files SordModel* files = lilv_world_filter_model( world, model, plugin_uri->node, world->uris.rdfs_seeAlso, NULL, NULL); SordIter* f = sord_begin(files); FOREACH_MATCH(f) { const SordNode* file = sord_iter_get_node(f, SORD_OBJECT); const uint8_t* file_str = sord_node_get_string(file); if (sord_node_get_type(file) == SORD_URI) { serd_reader_add_blank_prefix( reader, lilv_world_blank_node_prefix(world)); serd_reader_read_file(reader, file_str); } } sord_iter_free(f); sord_free(files); serd_reader_free(reader); serd_env_free(env); lilv_node_free(manifest_uri); return model; } static LilvVersion get_version(LilvWorld* world, SordModel* model, const LilvNode* subject) { const SordNode* minor_node = sord_get( model, subject->node, world->uris.lv2_minorVersion, NULL, NULL); const SordNode* micro_node = sord_get( model, subject->node, world->uris.lv2_microVersion, NULL, NULL); LilvVersion version = { 0, 0 }; if (minor_node && micro_node) { version.minor = atoi((const char*)sord_node_get_string(minor_node)); version.micro = atoi((const char*)sord_node_get_string(micro_node)); } return version; } LILV_API void lilv_world_load_bundle(LilvWorld* world, const LilvNode* bundle_uri) { if (!lilv_node_is_uri(bundle_uri)) { LILV_ERRORF("Bundle URI `%s' is not a URI\n", sord_node_get_string(bundle_uri->node)); return; } SordNode* bundle_node = bundle_uri->node; LilvNode* manifest = lilv_world_get_manifest_uri(world, bundle_uri); // Read manifest into model with graph = bundle_node SerdStatus st = lilv_world_load_graph(world, bundle_node, manifest); if (st > SERD_FAILURE) { LILV_ERRORF("Error reading %s\n", lilv_node_as_string(manifest)); lilv_node_free(manifest); return; } // ?plugin a lv2:Plugin SordIter* plug_results = sord_search(world->model, NULL, world->uris.rdf_a, world->uris.lv2_Plugin, bundle_node); // Find any loaded plugins that will be replaced with a newer version LilvNodes* unload_uris = lilv_nodes_new(); FOREACH_MATCH(plug_results) { const SordNode* plug = sord_iter_get_node(plug_results, SORD_SUBJECT); LilvNode* plugin_uri = lilv_node_new_from_node(world, plug); const LilvPlugin* plugin = lilv_plugins_get_by_uri(world->plugins, plugin_uri); const LilvNode* last_bundle = plugin ? lilv_plugin_get_bundle_uri(plugin) : NULL; if (!plugin || sord_node_equals(bundle_node, last_bundle->node)) { // No previously loaded version, or it's from the same bundle lilv_node_free(plugin_uri); continue; } // Compare versions SordModel* this_model = load_plugin_model(world, bundle_uri, plugin_uri); LilvVersion this_version = get_version(world, this_model, plugin_uri); SordModel* last_model = load_plugin_model(world, last_bundle, plugin_uri); LilvVersion last_version = get_version(world, last_model, plugin_uri); sord_free(this_model); sord_free(last_model); if (lilv_version_cmp(&this_version, &last_version) > 0) { zix_tree_insert((ZixTree*)unload_uris, lilv_node_duplicate(plugin_uri), NULL); LILV_WARNF("Version %d.%d of <%s> in <%s> replaces %d.%d in <%s>\n", this_version.minor, this_version.micro, sord_node_get_string(plug), sord_node_get_string(bundle_node), last_version.minor, last_version.micro, sord_node_get_string(last_bundle->node)); } lilv_node_free(plugin_uri); } sord_iter_free(plug_results); // Unload any old conflicting plugins LilvNodes* unload_bundles = lilv_nodes_new(); LILV_FOREACH(nodes, i, unload_uris) { const LilvNode* uri = lilv_nodes_get(unload_uris, i); const LilvPlugin* plugin = lilv_plugins_get_by_uri(world->plugins, uri); const LilvNode* bundle = lilv_plugin_get_bundle_uri(plugin); // Unload plugin and record bundle for later unloading lilv_world_unload_resource(world, uri); zix_tree_insert((ZixTree*)unload_bundles, lilv_node_duplicate(bundle), NULL); // Remove plugin from zombies list ZixTreeIter* z; if ((z = lilv_collection_find_by_uri(world->zombies, uri))) { lilv_plugin_free((LilvPlugin*)zix_tree_get(z)); zix_tree_remove(world->zombies, z); } } lilv_nodes_free(unload_uris); // Now unload the associated bundles // This must be done last since several plugins could be in the same bundle LILV_FOREACH(nodes, i, unload_bundles) { lilv_world_unload_bundle(world, lilv_nodes_get(unload_bundles, i)); } lilv_nodes_free(unload_bundles); // Re-search for plugin results now that old plugins are gone plug_results = sord_search(world->model, NULL, world->uris.rdf_a, world->uris.lv2_Plugin, bundle_node); FOREACH_MATCH(plug_results) { const SordNode* plug = sord_iter_get_node(plug_results, SORD_SUBJECT); lilv_world_add_plugin(world, plug, manifest, NULL, bundle_node); } sord_iter_free(plug_results); lilv_world_load_dyn_manifest(world, bundle_node, manifest); // ?spec a lv2:Specification // ?spec a owl:Ontology const SordNode* spec_preds[] = { world->uris.lv2_Specification, world->uris.owl_Ontology, NULL }; for (const SordNode** p = spec_preds; *p; ++p) { SordIter* i = sord_search( world->model, NULL, world->uris.rdf_a, *p, bundle_node); FOREACH_MATCH(i) { const SordNode* spec = sord_iter_get_node(i, SORD_SUBJECT); lilv_world_add_spec(world, spec, bundle_node); } sord_iter_free(i); } lilv_node_free(manifest); } static int lilv_world_drop_graph(LilvWorld* world, const LilvNode* graph) { SordIter* i = sord_search(world->model, NULL, NULL, NULL, graph->node); while (!sord_iter_end(i)) { const SerdStatus st = sord_erase(world->model, i); if (st) { LILV_ERRORF("Error removing statement from <%s> (%s)\n", lilv_node_as_uri(graph), serd_strerror(st)); return st; } } sord_iter_free(i); return 0; } /** Remove loaded_files entry so file will be reloaded if requested. */ static int lilv_world_unload_file(LilvWorld* world, const LilvNode* file) { ZixTreeIter* iter; if (!zix_tree_find((ZixTree*)world->loaded_files, file, &iter)) { zix_tree_remove((ZixTree*)world->loaded_files, iter); return 0; } return 1; } LILV_API int lilv_world_unload_bundle(LilvWorld* world, const LilvNode* bundle_uri) { if (!bundle_uri) { return 0; } // Find all loaded files that are inside the bundle LilvNodes* files = lilv_nodes_new(); LILV_FOREACH(nodes, i, world->loaded_files) { const LilvNode* file = lilv_nodes_get(world->loaded_files, i); if (!strncmp(lilv_node_as_string(file), lilv_node_as_string(bundle_uri), strlen(lilv_node_as_string(bundle_uri)))) { zix_tree_insert((ZixTree*)files, lilv_node_duplicate(file), NULL); } } // Unload all loaded files in the bundle LILV_FOREACH(nodes, i, files) { const LilvNode* file = lilv_nodes_get(world->plugins, i); lilv_world_unload_file(world, file); } lilv_nodes_free(files); /* Remove any plugins in the bundle from the plugin list. Since the application may still have a pointer to the LilvPlugin, it can not be destroyed here. Instead, we move it to the zombie plugin list, so it will not be in the list returned by lilv_world_get_all_plugins() but can still be used. */ ZixTreeIter* i = zix_tree_begin(world->plugins); while (i != zix_tree_end(world->plugins)) { LilvPlugin* p = (LilvPlugin*)zix_tree_get(i); ZixTreeIter* next = zix_tree_iter_next(i); if (lilv_node_equals(lilv_plugin_get_bundle_uri(p), bundle_uri)) { zix_tree_remove(world->plugins, i); zix_tree_insert(world->zombies, p, NULL); } i = next; } // Drop everything in bundle graph return lilv_world_drop_graph(world, bundle_uri); } static void load_dir_entry(const char* dir, const char* name, void* data) { LilvWorld* world = (LilvWorld*)data; if (!strcmp(name, ".") || !strcmp(name, "..")) return; char* path = lilv_strjoin(dir, "/", name, "/", NULL); SerdNode suri = serd_node_new_file_uri((const uint8_t*)path, 0, 0, true); LilvNode* node = lilv_new_uri(world, (const char*)suri.buf); lilv_world_load_bundle(world, node); lilv_node_free(node); serd_node_free(&suri); free(path); } /** Load all bundles in the directory at `dir_path`. */ static void lilv_world_load_directory(LilvWorld* world, const char* dir_path) { char* path = lilv_expand(dir_path); if (path) { lilv_dir_for_each(path, world, load_dir_entry); free(path); } } static const char* first_path_sep(const char* path) { for (const char* p = path; *p != '\0'; ++p) { if (*p == LILV_PATH_SEP[0]) { return p; } } return NULL; } /** Load all bundles found in `lv2_path`. * @param lv2_path A colon-delimited list of directories. These directories * should contain LV2 bundle directories (ie the search path is a list of * parent directories of bundles, not a list of bundle directories). */ static void lilv_world_load_path(LilvWorld* world, const char* lv2_path) { while (lv2_path[0] != '\0') { const char* const sep = first_path_sep(lv2_path); if (sep) { const size_t dir_len = sep - lv2_path; char* const dir = (char*)malloc(dir_len + 1); memcpy(dir, lv2_path, dir_len); dir[dir_len] = '\0'; lilv_world_load_directory(world, dir); free(dir); lv2_path += dir_len + 1; } else { lilv_world_load_directory(world, lv2_path); lv2_path = "\0"; } } } void lilv_world_load_specifications(LilvWorld* world) { for (LilvSpec* spec = world->specs; spec; spec = spec->next) { LILV_FOREACH(nodes, f, spec->data_uris) { LilvNode* file = (LilvNode*)lilv_collection_get(spec->data_uris, f); lilv_world_load_graph(world, NULL, file); } } } void lilv_world_load_plugin_classes(LilvWorld* world) { /* FIXME: This loads all classes, not just lv2:Plugin subclasses. However, if the host gets all the classes via lilv_plugin_class_get_children starting with lv2:Plugin as the root (which is e.g. how a host would build a menu), they won't be seen anyway... */ SordIter* classes = sord_search(world->model, NULL, world->uris.rdf_a, world->uris.rdfs_Class, NULL); FOREACH_MATCH(classes) { const SordNode* class_node = sord_iter_get_node(classes, SORD_SUBJECT); SordNode* parent = sord_get( world->model, class_node, world->uris.rdfs_subClassOf, NULL, NULL); if (!parent || sord_node_get_type(parent) != SORD_URI) { continue; } SordNode* label = sord_get( world->model, class_node, world->uris.rdfs_label, NULL, NULL); if (!label) { sord_node_free(world->world, parent); continue; } LilvPluginClass* pclass = lilv_plugin_class_new( world, parent, class_node, (const char*)sord_node_get_string(label)); if (pclass) { zix_tree_insert((ZixTree*)world->plugin_classes, pclass, NULL); } sord_node_free(world->world, label); sord_node_free(world->world, parent); } sord_iter_free(classes); } LILV_API void lilv_world_load_all(LilvWorld* world) { const char* lv2_path = getenv("LV2_PATH"); if (!lv2_path) lv2_path = LILV_DEFAULT_LV2_PATH; // Discover bundles and read all manifest files into model lilv_world_load_path(world, lv2_path); LILV_FOREACH(plugins, p, world->plugins) { const LilvPlugin* plugin = (const LilvPlugin*)lilv_collection_get( (ZixTree*)world->plugins, p); // ?new dc:replaces plugin if (sord_ask(world->model, NULL, world->uris.dc_replaces, lilv_plugin_get_uri(plugin)->node, NULL)) { // TODO: Check if replacement is a known plugin? (expensive) ((LilvPlugin*)plugin)->replaced = true; } } // Query out things to cache lilv_world_load_specifications(world); lilv_world_load_plugin_classes(world); } SerdStatus lilv_world_load_file(LilvWorld* world, SerdReader* reader, const LilvNode* uri) { ZixTreeIter* iter; if (!zix_tree_find((ZixTree*)world->loaded_files, uri, &iter)) { return SERD_FAILURE; // File has already been loaded } serd_reader_add_blank_prefix(reader, lilv_world_blank_node_prefix(world)); const SerdStatus st = serd_reader_read_file( reader, sord_node_get_string(uri->node)); if (st) { LILV_ERRORF("Error loading file `%s'\n", lilv_node_as_string(uri)); return st; } zix_tree_insert((ZixTree*)world->loaded_files, lilv_node_duplicate(uri), NULL); return SERD_SUCCESS; } LILV_API int lilv_world_load_resource(LilvWorld* world, const LilvNode* resource) { if (!lilv_node_is_uri(resource) && !lilv_node_is_blank(resource)) { LILV_ERRORF("Node `%s' is not a resource\n", sord_node_get_string(resource->node)); return -1; } SordModel* files = lilv_world_filter_model(world, world->model, resource->node, world->uris.rdfs_seeAlso, NULL, NULL); SordIter* f = sord_begin(files); int n_read = 0; FOREACH_MATCH(f) { const SordNode* file = sord_iter_get_node(f, SORD_OBJECT); const uint8_t* file_str = sord_node_get_string(file); LilvNode* file_node = lilv_node_new_from_node(world, file); if (sord_node_get_type(file) != SORD_URI) { LILV_ERRORF("rdfs:seeAlso node `%s' is not a URI\n", file_str); } else if (!lilv_world_load_graph(world, (SordNode*)file, file_node)) { ++n_read; } lilv_node_free(file_node); } sord_iter_free(f); sord_free(files); return n_read; } LILV_API int lilv_world_unload_resource(LilvWorld* world, const LilvNode* resource) { if (!lilv_node_is_uri(resource) && !lilv_node_is_blank(resource)) { LILV_ERRORF("Node `%s' is not a resource\n", sord_node_get_string(resource->node)); return -1; } SordModel* files = lilv_world_filter_model(world, world->model, resource->node, world->uris.rdfs_seeAlso, NULL, NULL); SordIter* f = sord_begin(files); int n_dropped = 0; FOREACH_MATCH(f) { const SordNode* file = sord_iter_get_node(f, SORD_OBJECT); LilvNode* file_node = lilv_node_new_from_node(world, file); if (sord_node_get_type(file) != SORD_URI) { LILV_ERRORF("rdfs:seeAlso node `%s' is not a URI\n", sord_node_get_string(file)); } else if (!lilv_world_drop_graph(world, file_node)) { lilv_world_unload_file(world, file_node); ++n_dropped; } lilv_node_free(file_node); } sord_iter_free(f); sord_free(files); return n_dropped; } LILV_API const LilvPluginClass* lilv_world_get_plugin_class(const LilvWorld* world) { return world->lv2_plugin_class; } LILV_API const LilvPluginClasses* lilv_world_get_plugin_classes(const LilvWorld* world) { return world->plugin_classes; } LILV_API const LilvPlugins* lilv_world_get_all_plugins(const LilvWorld* world) { return world->plugins; }