/* Copyright 2007-2011 David Robillard Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500 #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_WORDEXP #include #endif #include "lilv_internal.h" static void lilv_world_set_prefix(LilvWorld* world, const char* name, const char* uri) { const SerdNode name_node = serd_node_from_string(SERD_LITERAL, (const uint8_t*)name); const SerdNode uri_node = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, (const uint8_t*)uri); serd_env_add(world->namespaces, &name_node, &uri_node); } LILV_API LilvWorld* lilv_world_new() { LilvWorld* world = malloc(sizeof(struct LilvWorldImpl)); world->world = sord_world_new(); if (!world->world) goto fail; world->model = sord_new(world->world, SORD_SPO|SORD_OPS, true); if (!world->model) goto fail; world->specs = NULL; world->plugin_classes = lilv_plugin_classes_new(); world->plugins = lilv_plugins_new(); #define NS_DYNMAN (const uint8_t*)"http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/dynmanifest#" #define NS_DC (const uint8_t*)"http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-namespace/" #define NEW_URI(uri) sord_new_uri(world->world, (const uint8_t*)uri) #define NEW_URI_VAL(uri) lilv_new_uri(world, (const char*)(uri)); world->dc_replaces_node = NEW_URI(NS_DC "replaces"); world->dyn_manifest_node = NEW_URI(NS_DYNMAN "DynManifest"); world->lv2_binary_node = NEW_URI(LILV_NS_LV2 "binary"); world->lv2_default_node = NEW_URI(LILV_NS_LV2 "default"); world->lv2_index_node = NEW_URI(LILV_NS_LV2 "index"); world->lv2_maximum_node = NEW_URI(LILV_NS_LV2 "maximum"); world->lv2_minimum_node = NEW_URI(LILV_NS_LV2 "minimum"); world->lv2_plugin_node = NEW_URI(LILV_NS_LV2 "Plugin"); world->lv2_port_node = NEW_URI(LILV_NS_LV2 "port"); world->lv2_portproperty_node = NEW_URI(LILV_NS_LV2 "portProperty"); world->lv2_reportslatency_node = NEW_URI(LILV_NS_LV2 "reportsLatency"); world->lv2_specification_node = NEW_URI(LILV_NS_LV2 "Specification"); world->lv2_symbol_node = NEW_URI(LILV_NS_LV2 "symbol"); world->rdf_a_node = NEW_URI(LILV_NS_RDF "type"); world->rdf_value_node = NEW_URI(LILV_NS_RDF "value"); world->rdfs_class_node = NEW_URI(LILV_NS_RDFS "Class"); world->rdfs_label_node = NEW_URI(LILV_NS_RDFS "label"); world->rdfs_seealso_node = NEW_URI(LILV_NS_RDFS "seeAlso"); world->rdfs_subclassof_node = NEW_URI(LILV_NS_RDFS "subClassOf"); world->xsd_boolean_node = NEW_URI(LILV_NS_XSD "boolean"); world->xsd_decimal_node = NEW_URI(LILV_NS_XSD "decimal"); world->xsd_double_node = NEW_URI(LILV_NS_XSD "double"); world->xsd_integer_node = NEW_URI(LILV_NS_XSD "integer"); world->doap_name_val = NEW_URI_VAL(LILV_NS_DOAP "name"); world->lv2_name_val = NEW_URI_VAL(LILV_NS_LV2 "name"); world->lv2_optionalFeature_val = NEW_URI_VAL(LILV_NS_LV2 "optionalFeature"); world->lv2_requiredFeature_val = NEW_URI_VAL(LILV_NS_LV2 "requiredFeature"); world->lv2_plugin_class = lilv_plugin_class_new( world, NULL, world->lv2_plugin_node, "Plugin"); assert(world->lv2_plugin_class); world->namespaces = serd_env_new(); lilv_world_set_prefix(world, "rdf", "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"); lilv_world_set_prefix(world, "rdfs", "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#"); lilv_world_set_prefix(world, "doap", "http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#"); lilv_world_set_prefix(world, "foaf", "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/"); lilv_world_set_prefix(world, "lv2", "http://lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core#"); lilv_world_set_prefix(world, "lv2ev", "http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event#"); world->n_read_files = 0; world->opt.filter_language = true; world->opt.dyn_manifest = true; return world; fail: /* keep on rockin' in the */ free(world); return NULL; } LILV_API void lilv_world_free(LilvWorld* world) { lilv_plugin_class_free(world->lv2_plugin_class); world->lv2_plugin_class = NULL; lilv_node_free(world, world->dc_replaces_node); lilv_node_free(world, world->dyn_manifest_node); lilv_node_free(world, world->lv2_binary_node); lilv_node_free(world, world->lv2_default_node); lilv_node_free(world, world->lv2_index_node); lilv_node_free(world, world->lv2_maximum_node); lilv_node_free(world, world->lv2_minimum_node); lilv_node_free(world, world->lv2_plugin_node); lilv_node_free(world, world->lv2_port_node); lilv_node_free(world, world->lv2_portproperty_node); lilv_node_free(world, world->lv2_reportslatency_node); lilv_node_free(world, world->lv2_specification_node); lilv_node_free(world, world->lv2_symbol_node); lilv_node_free(world, world->rdf_a_node); lilv_node_free(world, world->rdf_value_node); lilv_node_free(world, world->rdfs_class_node); lilv_node_free(world, world->rdfs_label_node); lilv_node_free(world, world->rdfs_seealso_node); lilv_node_free(world, world->rdfs_subclassof_node); lilv_node_free(world, world->xsd_boolean_node); lilv_node_free(world, world->xsd_decimal_node); lilv_node_free(world, world->xsd_double_node); lilv_node_free(world, world->xsd_integer_node); lilv_value_free(world->doap_name_val); lilv_value_free(world->lv2_name_val); lilv_value_free(world->lv2_optionalFeature_val); lilv_value_free(world->lv2_requiredFeature_val); for (GSList* l = world->specs; l; l = l->next) { LilvSpec* spec = (LilvSpec*)l->data; lilv_node_free(world, spec->spec); lilv_node_free(world, spec->bundle); lilv_values_free(spec->data_uris); free(spec); } g_slist_free(world->specs); world->specs = NULL; LILV_FOREACH(plugins, i, world->plugins) { const LilvPlugin* p = lilv_plugins_get(world->plugins, i); lilv_plugin_free((LilvPlugin*)p); } g_sequence_free(world->plugins); world->plugins = NULL; g_sequence_free(world->plugin_classes); world->plugin_classes = NULL; sord_free(world->model); world->model = NULL; sord_world_free(world->world); world->world = NULL; serd_env_free(world->namespaces); free(world); } LILV_API void lilv_world_set_option(LilvWorld* world, const char* option, const LilvValue* value) { if (!strcmp(option, LILV_OPTION_DYN_MANIFEST)) { if (lilv_value_is_bool(value)) { world->opt.dyn_manifest = lilv_value_as_bool(value); return; } } else if (!strcmp(option, LILV_OPTION_FILTER_LANG)) { if (lilv_value_is_bool(value)) { world->opt.filter_language = lilv_value_as_bool(value); return; } } LILV_WARNF("Unrecognized or invalid option `%s'\n", option); } static LilvMatches lilv_world_find_statements(LilvWorld* world, SordModel* model, LilvNode subject, LilvNode predicate, LilvNode object, LilvNode graph) { SordQuad pat = { subject, predicate, object, graph }; return sord_find(model, pat); } LilvMatches lilv_world_query(LilvWorld* world, LilvNode subject, LilvNode predicate, LilvNode object) { return lilv_world_find_statements(world, world->model, subject, predicate, object, NULL); } LilvValues* lilv_world_query_values(LilvWorld* world, LilvNode subject, LilvNode predicate, LilvNode object) { return lilv_values_from_stream_objects(world, lilv_world_query(world, subject, predicate, object)); } static SerdNode lilv_new_uri_relative_to_base(const uint8_t* uri_str, const uint8_t* base_uri_str) { SerdURI base_uri; if (!serd_uri_parse(base_uri_str, &base_uri)) { return SERD_NODE_NULL; } SerdURI ignored; return serd_node_new_uri_from_string(uri_str, &base_uri, &ignored); } const uint8_t* lilv_world_blank_node_prefix(LilvWorld* world) { static char str[32]; snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%d", world->n_read_files++); return (const uint8_t*)str; } /** Comparator for sequences (e.g. world->plugins). */ int lilv_header_compare_by_uri(const void* a, const void* b, void* user_data) { const struct LilvHeader* const header_a = (const struct LilvHeader*)a; const struct LilvHeader* const header_b = (const struct LilvHeader*)b; return strcmp(lilv_value_as_uri(header_a->uri), lilv_value_as_uri(header_b->uri)); } /** Get an element of a sequence of any object with an LilvHeader by URI. */ struct LilvHeader* lilv_sequence_get_by_uri(const GSequence* const_seq, const LilvValue* uri) { GSequence* seq = (GSequence*)const_seq; struct LilvHeader key = { NULL, (LilvValue*)uri }; GSequenceIter* i = g_sequence_search( seq, &key, lilv_header_compare_by_uri, NULL); // i points to where plugin would be inserted (not necessarily a match) if (!g_sequence_iter_is_end(i)) { LilvPlugin* p = g_sequence_get(i); if (lilv_value_equals(lilv_plugin_get_uri(p), uri)) { return (struct LilvHeader*)p; } } if (!g_sequence_iter_is_begin(i)) { // Check if i is just past a match i = g_sequence_iter_prev(i); LilvPlugin* p = g_sequence_get(i); if (lilv_value_equals(lilv_plugin_get_uri(p), uri)) { return (struct LilvHeader*)p; } } return NULL; } static void lilv_world_add_spec(LilvWorld* world, LilvNode specification_node, LilvNode bundle_node) { LilvSpec* spec = malloc(sizeof(struct LilvSpecImpl)); spec->spec = lilv_node_copy(specification_node); spec->bundle = lilv_node_copy(bundle_node); spec->data_uris = lilv_values_new(); // Add all plugin data files (rdfs:seeAlso) LilvMatches files = lilv_world_find_statements( world, world->model, specification_node, world->rdfs_seealso_node, NULL, NULL); FOREACH_MATCH(files) { LilvNode file_node = lilv_match_object(files); lilv_array_append(spec->data_uris, lilv_value_new_from_node(world, file_node)); } lilv_match_end(files); // Add specification to world specification sequence world->specs = g_slist_prepend(world->specs, spec); } static void lilv_world_add_plugin(LilvWorld* world, LilvNode plugin_node, SerdNode* manifest_uri, LilvNode dyn_manifest_lib, LilvNode bundle_node) { LilvValue* plugin_uri = lilv_value_new_from_node(world, plugin_node); const LilvPlugin* last = lilv_plugins_get_by_uri(world->plugins, plugin_uri); if (last) { LILV_ERRORF("Duplicate plugin <%s>\n", lilv_value_as_uri(plugin_uri)); LILV_ERRORF("... found in %s\n", lilv_value_as_string( lilv_plugin_get_bundle_uri(last))); LILV_ERRORF("... and %s\n", sord_node_get_string(bundle_node)); lilv_value_free(plugin_uri); return; } // Create LilvPlugin LilvValue* bundle_uri = lilv_value_new_from_node(world, bundle_node); LilvPlugin* plugin = lilv_plugin_new(world, plugin_uri, bundle_uri); // Add manifest as plugin data file (as if it were rdfs:seeAlso) lilv_array_append(plugin->data_uris, lilv_new_uri(world, (const char*)manifest_uri->buf)); // Set dynamic manifest library URI, if applicable if (dyn_manifest_lib) { plugin->dynman_uri = lilv_value_new_from_node(world, dyn_manifest_lib); } // Add all plugin data files (rdfs:seeAlso) LilvMatches files = lilv_world_find_statements( world, world->model, plugin_node, world->rdfs_seealso_node, NULL, NULL); FOREACH_MATCH(files) { LilvNode file_node = lilv_match_object(files); lilv_array_append(plugin->data_uris, lilv_value_new_from_node(world, file_node)); } lilv_match_end(files); // Add plugin to world plugin sequence lilv_sequence_insert(world->plugins, plugin); } static void lilv_world_load_dyn_manifest(LilvWorld* world, SordNode* bundle_node, SerdNode manifest_uri) { #ifdef LILV_DYN_MANIFEST if (!world->opt.dyn_manifest) { return; } typedef void* LV2_Dyn_Manifest_Handle; LV2_Dyn_Manifest_Handle handle = NULL; // ?dman a dynman:DynManifest LilvMatches dmanifests = lilv_world_find_statements( world, world->model, NULL, world->rdf_a_node, world->dyn_manifest_node, bundle_node); FOREACH_MATCH(dmanifests) { LilvNode dmanifest = lilv_match_subject(dmanifests); // ?dman lv2:binary ?binary LilvMatches binaries = lilv_world_find_statements( world, world->model, dmanifest, world->lv2_binary_node, NULL, bundle_node); if (lilv_matches_end(binaries)) { lilv_match_end(binaries); LILV_ERRORF("Dynamic manifest in <%s> has no binaries, ignored\n", sord_node_get_string(bundle_node)); continue; } // Get binary path LilvNode binary = lilv_match_object(binaries); const uint8_t* lib_uri = sord_node_get_string(binary); const char* lib_path = lilv_uri_to_path((const char*)lib_uri); if (!lib_path) { LILV_ERROR("No dynamic manifest library path\n"); continue; } // Open library void* lib = dlopen(lib_path, RTLD_LAZY); if (!lib) { LILV_ERRORF("Failed to open dynamic manifest library `%s'\n", lib_path); continue; } // Open dynamic manifest typedef int (*OpenFunc)(LV2_Dyn_Manifest_Handle*, const LV2_Feature *const *); OpenFunc open_func = (OpenFunc)lilv_dlfunc(lib, "lv2_dyn_manifest_open"); if (!open_func || open_func(&handle, &dman_features)) { LILV_ERRORF("Missing lv2_dyn_manifest_open in `%s'\n", lib_path); dlclose(lib); continue; } // Get subjects (the data that would be in manifest.ttl) typedef int (*GetSubjectsFunc)(LV2_Dyn_Manifest_Handle, FILE*); GetSubjectsFunc get_subjects_func = (GetSubjectsFunc)lilv_dlfunc( lib, "lv2_dyn_manifest_get_subjects"); if (!get_subjects_func) { LILV_ERRORF("Missing lv2_dyn_manifest_get_subjects in `%s'\n", lib_path); dlclose(lib); continue; } // Generate data file FILE* fd = tmpfile(); get_subjects_func(handle, fd); rewind(fd); // Parse generated data file sord_read_file_handle(world->model, fd, lib_uri, bundle_node, lilv_world_blank_node_prefix(world)); // Close (and automatically delete) temporary data file fclose(fd); // ?plugin a lv2:Plugin LilvMatches plug_results = lilv_world_find_statements( world, world->model, NULL, world->rdf_a_node, world->lv2_plugin_node, bundle_node); FOREACH_MATCH(plug_results) { LilvNode plugin_node = lilv_match_subject(plug_results); lilv_world_add_plugin(world, plugin_node, &manifest_uri, binary, bundle_node); } lilv_match_end(plug_results); dlclose(lib); } lilv_match_end(dmanifests); #endif // LILV_DYN_MANIFEST } LILV_API void lilv_world_load_bundle(LilvWorld* world, LilvValue* bundle_uri) { if (!lilv_value_is_uri(bundle_uri)) { LILV_ERROR("Bundle 'URI' is not a URI\n"); return; } SordNode* bundle_node = bundle_uri->val.uri_val; SerdNode manifest_uri = lilv_new_uri_relative_to_base( (const uint8_t*)"manifest.ttl", (const uint8_t*)sord_node_get_string(bundle_node)); sord_read_file(world->model, manifest_uri.buf, bundle_node, lilv_world_blank_node_prefix(world)); // ?plugin a lv2:Plugin LilvMatches plug_results = lilv_world_find_statements( world, world->model, NULL, world->rdf_a_node, world->lv2_plugin_node, bundle_node); FOREACH_MATCH(plug_results) { LilvNode plugin_node = lilv_match_subject(plug_results); lilv_world_add_plugin(world, plugin_node, &manifest_uri, NULL, bundle_node); } lilv_match_end(plug_results); lilv_world_load_dyn_manifest(world, bundle_node, manifest_uri); // ?specification a lv2:Specification LilvMatches spec_results = lilv_world_find_statements( world, world->model, NULL, world->rdf_a_node, world->lv2_specification_node, bundle_node); FOREACH_MATCH(spec_results) { LilvNode spec = lilv_match_subject(spec_results); lilv_world_add_spec(world, spec, bundle_node); } lilv_match_end(spec_results); serd_node_free(&manifest_uri); } /** Expand variables (e.g. POSIX ~ or $FOO, Windows %FOO%) in @a path. */ static char* expand(const char* path) { #ifdef HAVE_WORDEXP char* ret = NULL; wordexp_t p; wordexp(path, &p, 0); if (p.we_wordc == 0) { /* Literal directory path (e.g. no variables or ~) */ ret = lilv_strdup(path); } else if (p.we_wordc == 1) { /* Directory path expands (e.g. contains ~ or $FOO) */ ret = lilv_strdup(p.we_wordv[0]); } else { /* Multiple expansions in a single directory path? */ LILV_ERRORF("malformed path `%s' ignored\n", path); } wordfree(&p); #elif defined(__WIN32__) static const size_t len = 32767; char* ret = malloc(len); ExpandEnvironmentStrings(path, ret, len); #else char* ret = lilv_strdup(path); #endif return ret; } /** Load all bundles in the directory at @a dir_path. */ static void lilv_world_load_directory(LilvWorld* world, const char* dir_path) { char* path = expand(dir_path); if (!path) { LILV_WARNF("empty path `%s'\n", path); return; } DIR* pdir = opendir(path); if (!pdir) { free(path); return; } #ifdef __WIN32__ static const char* const file_scheme = "file:///"; #else static const char* const file_scheme = "file://"; #endif const size_t file_scheme_len = strlen(file_scheme); struct dirent* pfile; while ((pfile = readdir(pdir))) { if (!strcmp(pfile->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(pfile->d_name, "..")) continue; char* uri = lilv_strjoin(file_scheme, path, "/", pfile->d_name, "/", NULL); DIR* const bundle_dir = opendir(uri + file_scheme_len); if (bundle_dir) { closedir(bundle_dir); LilvValue* uri_val = lilv_new_uri(world, uri); lilv_world_load_bundle(world, uri_val); lilv_value_free(uri_val); } else { LILV_WARNF("failed to open bundle `%s'\n", uri); } free(uri); } free(path); closedir(pdir); } static bool is_path_sep(char c) { return c == LILV_PATH_SEP[0]; } static const char* first_path_sep(const char* path) { for (const char* p = path; *p != '\0'; ++p) { if (is_path_sep(*p)) { return p; } } return NULL; } /** Load all bundles found in @a lv2_path. * @param lv2_path A colon-delimited list of directories. These directories * should contain LV2 bundle directories (ie the search path is a list of * parent directories of bundles, not a list of bundle directories). */ static void lilv_world_load_path(LilvWorld* world, const char* lv2_path) { while (lv2_path[0] != '\0') { const char* const sep = first_path_sep(lv2_path); if (sep) { const size_t dir_len = sep - lv2_path; char* const dir = malloc(dir_len + 1); memcpy(dir, lv2_path, dir_len); dir[dir_len] = '\0'; lilv_world_load_directory(world, dir); free(dir); lv2_path += dir_len + 1; } else { lilv_world_load_directory(world, lv2_path); lv2_path = "\0"; } } } static void lilv_world_load_specifications(LilvWorld* world) { for (GSList* l = world->specs; l; l = l->next) { LilvSpec* spec = (LilvSpec*)l->data; LILV_FOREACH(values, f, spec->data_uris) { LilvValue* file = lilv_collection_get(spec->data_uris, f); sord_read_file(world->model, (const uint8_t*)lilv_value_as_uri(file), NULL, lilv_world_blank_node_prefix(world)); } } } static void lilv_world_load_plugin_classes(LilvWorld* world) { /* FIXME: This loads all classes, not just lv2:Plugin subclasses. However, if the host gets all the classes via lilv_plugin_class_get_children starting with lv2:Plugin as the root (which is e.g. how a host would build a menu), they won't be seen anyway... */ LilvMatches classes = lilv_world_find_statements( world, world->model, NULL, world->rdf_a_node, world->rdfs_class_node, NULL); FOREACH_MATCH(classes) { LilvNode class_node = lilv_match_subject(classes); // Get parents (superclasses) LilvMatches parents = lilv_world_find_statements( world, world->model, class_node, world->rdfs_subclassof_node, NULL, NULL); if (lilv_matches_end(parents)) { lilv_match_end(parents); continue; } LilvNode parent_node = lilv_match_object(parents); lilv_match_end(parents); if (!sord_node_get_type(parent_node) == SORD_URI) { // Class parent is not a resource, ignore (e.g. owl restriction) continue; } // Get labels LilvMatches labels = lilv_world_find_statements( world, world->model, class_node, world->rdfs_label_node, NULL, NULL); if (lilv_matches_end(labels)) { lilv_match_end(labels); continue; } LilvNode label_node = lilv_match_object(labels); const uint8_t* label = (const uint8_t*)sord_node_get_string(label_node); lilv_match_end(labels); LilvPluginClasses* classes = world->plugin_classes; LilvPluginClass* pclass = lilv_plugin_class_new( world, parent_node, class_node, (const char*)label); if (pclass) { lilv_sequence_insert(classes, pclass); } } lilv_match_end(classes); } LILV_API void lilv_world_load_all(LilvWorld* world) { const char* lv2_path = getenv("LV2_PATH"); if (!lv2_path) lv2_path = LILV_DEFAULT_LV2_PATH; // Discover bundles and read all manifest files into model lilv_world_load_path(world, lv2_path); LILV_FOREACH(plugins, p, world->plugins) { const LilvPlugin* plugin = lilv_collection_get(world->plugins, p); const LilvValue* plugin_uri = lilv_plugin_get_uri(plugin); // ?new dc:replaces plugin LilvMatches replacement = lilv_world_find_statements( world, world->model, NULL, world->dc_replaces_node, lilv_value_as_node(plugin_uri), NULL); if (!sord_iter_end(replacement)) { /* TODO: Check if replacement is actually a known plugin, though this is expensive... */ ((LilvPlugin*)plugin)->replaced = true; } lilv_match_end(replacement); } // Query out things to cache lilv_world_load_specifications(world); lilv_world_load_plugin_classes(world); } LILV_API const LilvPluginClass* lilv_world_get_plugin_class(const LilvWorld* world) { return world->lv2_plugin_class; } LILV_API const LilvPluginClasses* lilv_world_get_plugin_classes(const LilvWorld* world) { return world->plugin_classes; } LILV_API const LilvPlugins* lilv_world_get_all_plugins(const LilvWorld* world) { return world->plugins; }