/* SLV2 * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 David Robillard <http://drobilla.net> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500 #include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <wordexp.h> #ifdef SLV2_DYN_MANIFEST #include <dlfcn.h> #endif #include "slv2_internal.h" static void slv2_world_set_prefix(SLV2World world, const char* name, const char* uri) { const SerdNode name_node = serd_node_from_string(SERD_LITERAL, (const uint8_t*)name); const SerdNode uri_node = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, (const uint8_t*)uri); serd_env_add(world->namespaces, &name_node, &uri_node); } SLV2_API SLV2World slv2_world_new() { SLV2World world = (SLV2World)malloc(sizeof(struct _SLV2World)); world->world = sord_world_new(); if (!world->world) goto fail; world->model = sord_new(world->world, SORD_SPO|SORD_OPS, true); if (!world->model) goto fail; world->plugin_classes = slv2_plugin_classes_new(); world->plugins = slv2_plugins_new(); #define NS_DYNMAN (const uint8_t*)"http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/dynmanifest#" #define NEW_URI(uri) sord_new_uri(world->world, uri) #define NEW_URI_VAL(uri) slv2_value_new_from_node( \ world, sord_new_uri(world->world, uri)); world->dyn_manifest_node = NEW_URI(NS_DYNMAN "DynManifest"); world->lv2_specification_node = NEW_URI(SLV2_NS_LV2 "Specification"); world->lv2_plugin_node = NEW_URI(SLV2_NS_LV2 "Plugin"); world->lv2_binary_node = NEW_URI(SLV2_NS_LV2 "binary"); world->lv2_default_node = NEW_URI(SLV2_NS_LV2 "default"); world->lv2_minimum_node = NEW_URI(SLV2_NS_LV2 "minimum"); world->lv2_maximum_node = NEW_URI(SLV2_NS_LV2 "maximum"); world->lv2_port_node = NEW_URI(SLV2_NS_LV2 "port"); world->lv2_portproperty_node = NEW_URI(SLV2_NS_LV2 "portProperty"); world->lv2_reportslatency_node = NEW_URI(SLV2_NS_LV2 "reportsLatency"); world->lv2_index_node = NEW_URI(SLV2_NS_LV2 "index"); world->lv2_symbol_node = NEW_URI(SLV2_NS_LV2 "symbol"); world->rdf_a_node = NEW_URI(SLV2_NS_RDF "type"); world->rdf_value_node = NEW_URI(SLV2_NS_RDF "value"); world->rdfs_class_node = NEW_URI(SLV2_NS_RDFS "Class"); world->rdfs_label_node = NEW_URI(SLV2_NS_RDFS "label"); world->rdfs_seealso_node = NEW_URI(SLV2_NS_RDFS "seeAlso"); world->rdfs_subclassof_node = NEW_URI(SLV2_NS_RDFS "subClassOf"); world->slv2_bundleuri_node = NEW_URI(SLV2_NS_SLV2 "bundleURI"); world->slv2_dmanifest_node = NEW_URI(SLV2_NS_SLV2 "dynamic-manifest"); world->xsd_boolean_node = NEW_URI(SLV2_NS_XSD "boolean"); world->xsd_decimal_node = NEW_URI(SLV2_NS_XSD "decimal"); world->xsd_integer_node = NEW_URI(SLV2_NS_XSD "integer"); world->doap_name_val = NEW_URI_VAL(SLV2_NS_DOAP "name"); world->lv2_name_val = NEW_URI_VAL(SLV2_NS_LV2 "name"); world->lv2_plugin_class = slv2_plugin_class_new( world, NULL, world->lv2_plugin_node, "Plugin"); assert(world->lv2_plugin_class); world->namespaces = serd_env_new(); slv2_world_set_prefix(world, "rdf", "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"); slv2_world_set_prefix(world, "rdfs", "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#"); slv2_world_set_prefix(world, "doap", "http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#"); slv2_world_set_prefix(world, "foaf", "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/"); slv2_world_set_prefix(world, "lv2", "http://lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core#"); slv2_world_set_prefix(world, "lv2ev", "http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event#"); world->n_read_files = 0; world->filter_language = true; return world; fail: /* keep on rockin' in the */ free(world); return NULL; } SLV2_API void slv2_world_free(SLV2World world) { slv2_plugin_class_free(world->lv2_plugin_class); world->lv2_plugin_class = NULL; slv2_node_free(world->dyn_manifest_node); slv2_node_free(world->lv2_specification_node); slv2_node_free(world->lv2_plugin_node); slv2_node_free(world->lv2_binary_node); slv2_node_free(world->lv2_default_node); slv2_node_free(world->lv2_minimum_node); slv2_node_free(world->lv2_maximum_node); slv2_node_free(world->lv2_port_node); slv2_node_free(world->lv2_portproperty_node); slv2_node_free(world->lv2_reportslatency_node); slv2_node_free(world->lv2_index_node); slv2_node_free(world->lv2_symbol_node); slv2_node_free(world->rdf_a_node); slv2_node_free(world->rdf_value_node); slv2_node_free(world->rdfs_label_node); slv2_node_free(world->rdfs_seealso_node); slv2_node_free(world->rdfs_subclassof_node); slv2_node_free(world->rdfs_class_node); slv2_node_free(world->slv2_bundleuri_node); slv2_node_free(world->slv2_dmanifest_node); slv2_node_free(world->xsd_boolean_node); slv2_node_free(world->xsd_decimal_node); slv2_node_free(world->xsd_integer_node); slv2_value_free(world->doap_name_val); slv2_value_free(world->lv2_name_val); #define SLV2_FOREACH(iter, seq) \ for (GSequenceIter* (iter) = g_sequence_get_begin_iter(seq); \ (iter) != g_sequence_get_end_iter(seq); \ (iter) = g_sequence_iter_next(iter)) SLV2_FOREACH(i, world->plugins) { SLV2Plugin p = g_sequence_get(i); slv2_plugin_free(p); } g_sequence_free(world->plugins); world->plugins = NULL; g_sequence_free(world->plugin_classes); world->plugin_classes = NULL; sord_free(world->model); world->model = NULL; sord_world_free(world->world); world->world = NULL; serd_env_free(world->namespaces); free(world); } SLV2_API void slv2_world_set_option(SLV2World world, const char* option, const SLV2Value value) { if (!strcmp(option, SLV2_OPTION_FILTER_LANG)) { if (slv2_value_is_bool(value)) { world->filter_language = slv2_value_as_bool(value); return; } } else { SLV2_WARNF("Unrecognized or invalid option `%s'\n", option); } } static SLV2Matches slv2_world_find_statements(SLV2World world, SordModel model, SLV2Node subject, SLV2Node predicate, SLV2Node object, SLV2Node graph) { SordQuad pat = { subject, predicate, object, graph }; return sord_find(model, pat); } static SerdNode slv2_new_uri_relative_to_base(const uint8_t* uri_str, const uint8_t* base_uri_str) { SerdURI base_uri; if (!serd_uri_parse(base_uri_str, &base_uri)) { return SERD_NODE_NULL; } SerdURI ignored; return serd_node_new_uri_from_string(uri_str, &base_uri, &ignored); } const uint8_t* slv2_world_blank_node_prefix(SLV2World world) { static char str[32]; snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%d", world->n_read_files++); return (const uint8_t*)str; } /** Comparator for sequences (e.g. world->plugins). */ int slv2_header_compare_by_uri(const void* a, const void* b, void* user_data) { const struct _SLV2Header* const header_a = (const struct _SLV2Header*)a; const struct _SLV2Header* const header_b = (const struct _SLV2Header*)b; return strcmp(slv2_value_as_uri(header_a->uri), slv2_value_as_uri(header_b->uri)); } /** Get an element of a sequence of any object with an SLV2Header by URI. */ struct _SLV2Header* slv2_sequence_get_by_uri(GSequence* seq, SLV2Value uri) { struct _SLV2Header key = { NULL, uri }; GSequenceIter* i = g_sequence_search( seq, &key, slv2_header_compare_by_uri, NULL); // i points to where plugin would be inserted (not necessarily a match) if (!g_sequence_iter_is_end(i)) { SLV2Plugin p = g_sequence_get(i); if (slv2_value_equals(slv2_plugin_get_uri(p), uri)) { return (struct _SLV2Header*)p; } } if (!g_sequence_iter_is_begin(i)) { // Check if i is just past a match i = g_sequence_iter_prev(i); SLV2Plugin p = g_sequence_get(i); if (slv2_value_equals(slv2_plugin_get_uri(p), uri)) { return (struct _SLV2Header*)p; } } return NULL; } static void slv2_world_add_plugin(SLV2World world, SLV2Node plugin_node, SerdNode* manifest_uri, SLV2Node dyn_manifest_lib, SLV2Node bundle_node) { SLV2Value plugin_uri = slv2_value_new_from_node(world, plugin_node); SLV2Plugin last = slv2_plugins_get_by_uri(world->plugins, plugin_uri); if (last) { SLV2_ERRORF("Duplicate plugin <%s>\n", slv2_value_as_uri(plugin_uri)); SLV2_ERRORF("... found in %s\n", slv2_value_as_string( slv2_plugin_get_bundle_uri(last))); SLV2_ERRORF("... and %s\n", sord_node_get_string(bundle_node)); slv2_value_free(plugin_uri); return; } // Create SLV2Plugin SLV2Value bundle_uri = slv2_value_new_from_node(world, bundle_node); SLV2Plugin plugin = slv2_plugin_new(world, plugin_uri, bundle_uri); // Add manifest as plugin data file (as if it were rdfs:seeAlso) slv2_array_append(plugin->data_uris, slv2_value_new_uri(world, (const char*)manifest_uri->buf)); // Set dynamic manifest library URI, if applicable if (dyn_manifest_lib) { plugin->dynman_uri = slv2_value_new_from_node(world, dyn_manifest_lib); } // Add all plugin data files (rdfs:seeAlso) SLV2Matches files = slv2_world_find_statements( world, world->model, plugin_node, world->rdfs_seealso_node, NULL, NULL); FOREACH_MATCH(files) { SLV2Node file_node = slv2_match_object(files); slv2_array_append(plugin->data_uris, slv2_value_new_from_node(world, file_node)); } // Add plugin to world plugin sequence slv2_sequence_insert(world->plugins, plugin); } SLV2_API void slv2_world_load_bundle(SLV2World world, SLV2Value bundle_uri) { if (!slv2_value_is_uri(bundle_uri)) { SLV2_ERROR("Bundle 'URI' is not a URI\n"); return; } const SordNode bundle_node = bundle_uri->val.uri_val; SerdNode manifest_uri = slv2_new_uri_relative_to_base( (const uint8_t*)"manifest.ttl", (const uint8_t*)sord_node_get_string(bundle_node)); sord_read_file(world->model, manifest_uri.buf, bundle_node, slv2_world_blank_node_prefix(world)); // ?plugin a lv2:Plugin SLV2Matches plug_results = slv2_world_find_statements( world, world->model, NULL, world->rdf_a_node, world->lv2_plugin_node, bundle_node); FOREACH_MATCH(plug_results) { SLV2Node plugin_node = slv2_match_subject(plug_results); slv2_world_add_plugin(world, plugin_node, &manifest_uri, NULL, bundle_node); } slv2_match_end(plug_results); #ifdef SLV2_DYN_MANIFEST typedef void* LV2_Dyn_Manifest_Handle; LV2_Dyn_Manifest_Handle handle = NULL; // ?dman a dynman:DynManifest SLV2Matches dmanifests = slv2_world_find_statements( world, world->model, NULL, world->rdf_a_node, world->dyn_manifest_node, bundle_node); FOREACH_MATCH(dmanifests) { SLV2Node dmanifest = slv2_match_subject(dmanifests); // ?dman lv2:binary ?binary SLV2Matches binaries = slv2_world_find_statements( world, world->model, dmanifest, world->lv2_binary_node, NULL, bundle_node); if (slv2_matches_end(binaries)) { slv2_match_end(binaries); SLV2_ERRORF("Dynamic manifest in <%s> has no binaries, ignored\n", slv2_value_as_uri(bundle_uri)); continue; } // Get binary path SLV2Node binary = slv2_node_copy(slv2_match_object(binaries)); const uint8_t* lib_uri = sord_node_get_string(binary); const char* lib_path = slv2_uri_to_path((const char*)lib_uri); if (!lib_path) { SLV2_ERROR("No dynamic manifest library path\n"); continue; } // Open library void* lib = dlopen(lib_path, RTLD_LAZY); if (!lib) { SLV2_ERRORF("Failed to open dynamic manifest library `%s'\n", lib_path); continue; } // Open dynamic manifest typedef int (*OpenFunc)(LV2_Dyn_Manifest_Handle*, const LV2_Feature *const *); OpenFunc open_func = (OpenFunc)slv2_dlfunc(lib, "lv2_dyn_manifest_open"); if (open_func) open_func(&handle, &dman_features); // Get subjects (the data that would be in manifest.ttl) typedef int (*GetSubjectsFunc)(LV2_Dyn_Manifest_Handle, FILE*); GetSubjectsFunc get_subjects_func = (GetSubjectsFunc)slv2_dlfunc(lib, "lv2_dyn_manifest_get_subjects"); if (!get_subjects_func) continue; // Generate data file FILE* fd = tmpfile(); get_subjects_func(handle, fd); rewind(fd); // Parse generated data file sord_read_file_handle(world->model, fd, lib_uri, bundle_node, slv2_world_blank_node_prefix(world)); // Close (and automatically delete) temporary data file fclose(fd); // ?plugin a lv2:Plugin SLV2Matches plug_results = slv2_world_find_statements( world, world->model, NULL, world->rdf_a_node, world->lv2_plugin_node, bundle_node); FOREACH_MATCH(plug_results) { SLV2Node plugin_node = slv2_match_subject(plug_results); slv2_world_add_plugin(world, plugin_node, &manifest_uri, binary, bundle_node); } slv2_match_end(plug_results); } slv2_match_end(dmanifests); #endif // SLV2_DYN_MANIFEST // ?specification a lv2:Specification SLV2Matches spec_results = slv2_world_find_statements( world, world->model, NULL, world->rdf_a_node, world->lv2_specification_node, bundle_node); FOREACH_MATCH(spec_results) { SLV2Node spec = slv2_match_subject(spec_results); // Add ?specification rdfs:seeAlso <manifest.ttl> SordQuad see_also_tup = { slv2_node_copy(spec), world->rdfs_seealso_node, sord_new_uri(world->world, manifest_uri.buf), NULL }; sord_add(world->model, see_also_tup); // Add ?specification slv2:bundleURI <file://some/path> SordQuad bundle_uri_tup = { slv2_node_copy(spec), slv2_node_copy(world->slv2_bundleuri_node), slv2_node_copy(bundle_uri->val.uri_val), NULL }; sord_add(world->model, bundle_uri_tup); } slv2_match_end(spec_results); serd_node_free(&manifest_uri); } // Expand POSIX things in path (particularly ~) static char* expand(const char* path) { char* ret = NULL; wordexp_t p; wordexp(path, &p, 0); if (p.we_wordc == 0) { // Literal directory path (e.g. no variables or ~) ret = strdup(path); } else if (p.we_wordc == 1) { // Directory path expands (e.g. contains ~ or $FOO) ret = strdup(p.we_wordv[0]); } else { // Multiple expansions in a single directory path? fprintf(stderr, "lv2config: malformed path `%s' ignored\n", path); } wordfree(&p); return ret; } /** Load all bundles in the directory at @a dir_path. */ static void slv2_world_load_directory(SLV2World world, const char* dir_path) { char* path = expand(dir_path); if (!path) { return; } DIR* pdir = opendir(path); if (!pdir) { free(path); return; } struct dirent* pfile; while ((pfile = readdir(pdir))) { if (!strcmp(pfile->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(pfile->d_name, "..")) continue; char* uri = slv2_strjoin("file://", path, SLV2_DIR_SEP, pfile->d_name, SLV2_DIR_SEP, NULL); DIR* const bundle_dir = opendir(uri + 7); if (bundle_dir) { closedir(bundle_dir); SLV2Value uri_val = slv2_value_new_uri(world, uri); slv2_world_load_bundle(world, uri_val); slv2_value_free(uri_val); } free(uri); } free(path); closedir(pdir); } /** Load all bundles found in @a lv2_path. * @param lv2_path A colon-delimited list of directories. These directories * should contain LV2 bundle directories (ie the search path is a list of * parent directories of bundles, not a list of bundle directories). */ static void slv2_world_load_path(SLV2World world, const char* lv2_path) { while (lv2_path[0] != '\0') { const char* const sep = strchr(lv2_path, SLV2_PATH_SEP[0]); if (sep) { const size_t dir_len = sep - lv2_path; char* const dir = malloc(dir_len + 1); memcpy(dir, lv2_path, dir_len); dir[dir_len] = '\0'; slv2_world_load_directory(world, dir); free(dir); lv2_path += dir_len + 1; } else { slv2_world_load_directory(world, lv2_path); lv2_path = "\0"; } } } static void slv2_world_load_specifications(SLV2World world) { SLV2Matches specs = slv2_world_find_statements( world, world->model, NULL, world->rdf_a_node, world->lv2_specification_node, NULL); FOREACH_MATCH(specs) { SLV2Node spec_node = slv2_match_subject(specs); SLV2Matches files = slv2_world_find_statements( world, world->model, spec_node, world->rdfs_seealso_node, NULL, NULL); FOREACH_MATCH(files) { SLV2Node file_node = slv2_match_object(files); sord_read_file(world->model, (const uint8_t*)sord_node_get_string(file_node), NULL, slv2_world_blank_node_prefix(world)); } slv2_match_end(files); } slv2_match_end(specs); } static void slv2_world_load_plugin_classes(SLV2World world) { /* FIXME: This loads all classes, not just lv2:Plugin subclasses. However, if the host gets all the classes via slv2_plugin_class_get_children starting with lv2:Plugin as the root (which is e.g. how a host would build a menu), they won't be seen anyway... */ SLV2Matches classes = slv2_world_find_statements( world, world->model, NULL, world->rdf_a_node, world->rdfs_class_node, NULL); FOREACH_MATCH(classes) { SLV2Node class_node = slv2_match_subject(classes); // Get parents (superclasses) SLV2Matches parents = slv2_world_find_statements( world, world->model, class_node, world->rdfs_subclassof_node, NULL, NULL); if (slv2_matches_end(parents)) { slv2_match_end(parents); continue; } SLV2Node parent_node = slv2_node_copy(slv2_match_object(parents)); slv2_match_end(parents); if (!sord_node_get_type(parent_node) == SORD_URI) { // Class parent is not a resource, ignore (e.g. owl restriction) continue; } // Get labels SLV2Matches labels = slv2_world_find_statements( world, world->model, class_node, world->rdfs_label_node, NULL, NULL); if (slv2_matches_end(labels)) { slv2_match_end(labels); continue; } SLV2Node label_node = slv2_node_copy(slv2_match_object(labels)); const uint8_t* label = (const uint8_t*)sord_node_get_string(label_node); slv2_match_end(labels); SLV2PluginClasses classes = world->plugin_classes; SLV2PluginClass pclass = slv2_plugin_class_new( world, parent_node, class_node, (const char*)label); if (pclass) { slv2_sequence_insert(classes, pclass); } slv2_node_free(parent_node); slv2_node_free(label_node); } slv2_match_end(classes); } SLV2_API void slv2_world_load_all(SLV2World world) { const char* lv2_path = getenv("LV2_PATH"); if (!lv2_path) lv2_path = SLV2_DEFAULT_LV2_PATH; // Discover bundles and read all manifest files into model slv2_world_load_path(world, lv2_path); // Query out things to cache slv2_world_load_specifications(world); slv2_world_load_plugin_classes(world); } SLV2_API SLV2PluginClass slv2_world_get_plugin_class(SLV2World world) { return world->lv2_plugin_class; } SLV2_API SLV2PluginClasses slv2_world_get_plugin_classes(SLV2World world) { return world->plugin_classes; } SLV2_API SLV2Plugins slv2_world_get_all_plugins(SLV2World world) { return world->plugins; } SLV2_API SLV2Plugins slv2_world_get_plugins_by_filter(SLV2World world, bool (*include)(SLV2Plugin)) { SLV2Plugins result = slv2_plugins_new(); const unsigned n = slv2_plugins_size(world->plugins); for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i) { SLV2Plugin p = slv2_plugins_get_at(world->plugins, i); if (include(p)) slv2_sequence_insert(result, p); } return result; } SLV2_API SLV2Plugin slv2_world_get_plugin_by_uri_string(SLV2World world, const char* uri) { SLV2Value uri_val = slv2_value_new_uri(world, uri); SLV2Plugin plugin = slv2_plugins_get_by_uri(world->plugins, uri_val); slv2_value_free(uri_val); return plugin; }