/* Copyright 2007-2020 David Robillard Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #undef NDEBUG #include "lilv_test_uri_map.h" #include "lilv_test_utils.h" #include "../src/filesystem.h" #include "lilv/lilv.h" #include "lv2/core/lv2.h" #include "lv2/state/state.h" #include "lv2/urid/urid.h" #include "serd/serd.h" #ifdef _WIN32 # include # define mkdir(path, flags) _mkdir(path) #else # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #define TEST_PLUGIN_URI "http://example.org/lilv-test-plugin" typedef struct { LilvTestEnv* env; LilvTestUriMap uri_map; LV2_URID_Map map; LV2_Feature map_feature; LV2_URID_Unmap unmap; LV2_Feature unmap_feature; LV2_State_Free_Path free_path; LV2_Feature free_path_feature; const LV2_Feature* features[4]; LV2_URID atom_Float; float in; float out; float control; } TestContext; typedef struct { char* top; ///< Temporary directory that contains everything char* shared; ///< Common parent for shared directoryes (top/shared) char* scratch; ///< Scratch file directory (top/shared/scratch) char* copy; ///< Copy directory (top/shared/scratch) char* link; ///< Link directory (top/shared/scratch) } TestDirectories; static void lilv_free_path(LV2_State_Free_Path_Handle handle, char* path) { (void)handle; lilv_free(path); } static TestContext* test_context_new(void) { TestContext* ctx = (TestContext*)calloc(1, sizeof(TestContext)); lilv_test_uri_map_init(&ctx->uri_map); ctx->env = lilv_test_env_new(); ctx->map.handle = &ctx->uri_map; ctx->map.map = map_uri; ctx->map_feature.URI = LV2_URID_MAP_URI; ctx->map_feature.data = &ctx->map; ctx->unmap.handle = &ctx->uri_map; ctx->unmap.unmap = unmap_uri; ctx->unmap_feature.URI = LV2_URID_UNMAP_URI; ctx->unmap_feature.data = &ctx->unmap; ctx->free_path.free_path = lilv_free_path; ctx->free_path_feature.URI = LV2_STATE__freePath; ctx->free_path_feature.data = &ctx->free_path; ctx->features[0] = &ctx->map_feature; ctx->features[1] = &ctx->unmap_feature; ctx->features[2] = &ctx->free_path_feature; ctx->features[3] = NULL; ctx->atom_Float = map_uri(&ctx->uri_map, "http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom#Float"); ctx->in = 1.0; ctx->out = 42.0; ctx->control = 1234.0; return ctx; } static void test_context_free(TestContext* ctx) { lilv_test_uri_map_clear(&ctx->uri_map); lilv_test_env_free(ctx->env); free(ctx); } static TestDirectories create_test_directories(void) { TestDirectories dirs; char* const top = lilv_create_temporary_directory("lilv_XXXXXX"); assert(top); /* On MacOS, temporary directories from mkdtemp involve symlinks, so resolve it here so that path comparisons in tests work. */ dirs.top = lilv_path_canonical(top); dirs.shared = lilv_path_join(dirs.top, "shared"); dirs.scratch = lilv_path_join(dirs.shared, "scratch"); dirs.copy = lilv_path_join(dirs.shared, "copy"); dirs.link = lilv_path_join(dirs.shared, "link"); assert(!mkdir(dirs.shared, 0700)); assert(!mkdir(dirs.scratch, 0700)); assert(!mkdir(dirs.copy, 0700)); assert(!mkdir(dirs.link, 0700)); free(top); return dirs; } static TestDirectories no_test_directories(void) { TestDirectories dirs = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}; return dirs; } static void remove_file(const char* path, const char* name, void* data) { (void)data; char* const full_path = lilv_path_join(path, name); assert(!lilv_remove(full_path)); free(full_path); } static void cleanup_test_directories(const TestDirectories dirs) { lilv_dir_for_each(dirs.scratch, NULL, remove_file); lilv_dir_for_each(dirs.copy, NULL, remove_file); lilv_dir_for_each(dirs.link, NULL, remove_file); assert(!lilv_remove(dirs.link)); assert(!lilv_remove(dirs.copy)); assert(!lilv_remove(dirs.scratch)); assert(!lilv_remove(dirs.shared)); assert(!lilv_remove(dirs.top)); free(dirs.link); free(dirs.copy); free(dirs.scratch); free(dirs.shared); free(dirs.top); } static const void* get_port_value(const char* port_symbol, void* user_data, uint32_t* size, uint32_t* type) { TestContext* ctx = (TestContext*)user_data; if (!strcmp(port_symbol, "input")) { *size = sizeof(float); *type = ctx->atom_Float; return &ctx->in; } else if (!strcmp(port_symbol, "output")) { *size = sizeof(float); *type = ctx->atom_Float; return &ctx->out; } else if (!strcmp(port_symbol, "control")) { *size = sizeof(float); *type = ctx->atom_Float; return &ctx->control; } else { fprintf( stderr, "error: get_port_value for nonexistent port `%s'\n", port_symbol); *size = *type = 0; return NULL; } } static void set_port_value(const char* port_symbol, void* user_data, const void* value, uint32_t size, uint32_t type) { (void)size; (void)type; TestContext* ctx = (TestContext*)user_data; if (!strcmp(port_symbol, "input")) { ctx->in = *(const float*)value; } else if (!strcmp(port_symbol, "output")) { ctx->out = *(const float*)value; } else if (!strcmp(port_symbol, "control")) { ctx->control = *(const float*)value; } else { fprintf( stderr, "error: set_port_value for nonexistent port `%s'\n", port_symbol); } } static char* make_scratch_path(LV2_State_Make_Path_Handle handle, const char* path) { TestDirectories* dirs = (TestDirectories*)handle; return lilv_path_join(dirs->scratch, path); } static const LilvPlugin* load_test_plugin(const TestContext* const ctx) { LilvWorld* world = ctx->env->world; char* abs_bundle = lilv_path_absolute(LILV_TEST_BUNDLE); SerdNode* bundle = serd_new_file_uri(NULL, serd_string(abs_bundle), serd_empty_string()); LilvNode* bundle_uri = lilv_new_uri(world, serd_node_string(bundle)); LilvNode* plugin_uri = lilv_new_uri(world, TEST_PLUGIN_URI); lilv_world_load_bundle(world, bundle_uri); const LilvPlugins* plugins = lilv_world_get_all_plugins(world); const LilvPlugin* plugin = lilv_plugins_get_by_uri(plugins, plugin_uri); lilv_node_free(plugin_uri); lilv_node_free(bundle_uri); serd_node_free(NULL, bundle); free(abs_bundle); assert(plugin); return plugin; } static LilvState* state_from_instance(const LilvPlugin* const plugin, LilvInstance* const instance, TestContext* const ctx, const TestDirectories* const dirs, const char* const bundle_path) { return lilv_state_new_from_instance(plugin, instance, &ctx->map, dirs->scratch, dirs->copy, dirs->link, bundle_path, get_port_value, ctx, 0, NULL); } static void test_instance_state(void) { TestContext* const ctx = test_context_new(); const TestDirectories dirs = no_test_directories(); const LilvPlugin* const plugin = load_test_plugin(ctx); LilvInstance* const instance = lilv_plugin_instantiate(plugin, 48000.0, ctx->features); assert(instance); // Get instance state LilvState* const state = state_from_instance(plugin, instance, ctx, &dirs, NULL); // Check that state contains properties saved by the plugin assert(lilv_state_get_num_properties(state) == 8); // Check that state has no URI assert(!lilv_state_get_uri(state)); // Check that state can't be saved without a URI assert(!lilv_state_to_string( ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, &ctx->unmap, state, NULL, NULL)); // Check that we can't delete unsaved state assert(lilv_state_delete(ctx->env->world, state)); lilv_state_free(state); lilv_instance_free(instance); test_context_free(ctx); } static void test_equal(void) { TestContext* const ctx = test_context_new(); const TestDirectories dirs = no_test_directories(); const LilvPlugin* const plugin = load_test_plugin(ctx); LilvInstance* const instance = lilv_plugin_instantiate(plugin, 48000.0, ctx->features); assert(instance); // Get instance state LilvState* const state_1 = state_from_instance(plugin, instance, ctx, &dirs, NULL); // Get another instance state LilvState* const state_2 = state_from_instance(plugin, instance, ctx, &dirs, NULL); // Ensure they are equal assert(lilv_state_equals(state_1, state_2)); // Set a label on the second state assert(lilv_state_get_label(state_2) == NULL); lilv_state_set_label(state_2, "Test State Old Label"); // Ensure they are no longer equal assert(!lilv_state_equals(state_1, state_2)); lilv_state_free(state_2); lilv_state_free(state_1); lilv_instance_free(instance); test_context_free(ctx); } static void test_changed_plugin_data(void) { TestContext* const ctx = test_context_new(); const TestDirectories dirs = no_test_directories(); const LilvPlugin* const plugin = load_test_plugin(ctx); LilvInstance* const instance = lilv_plugin_instantiate(plugin, 48000.0, ctx->features); assert(instance); // Get initial state LilvState* const initial_state = state_from_instance(plugin, instance, ctx, &dirs, NULL); // Run plugin to change internal state lilv_instance_activate(instance); lilv_instance_connect_port(instance, 0, &ctx->in); lilv_instance_connect_port(instance, 1, &ctx->out); lilv_instance_run(instance, 1); assert(ctx->in == 1.0); assert(ctx->out == 1.0); // Get a new instance state (which should now differ) LilvState* const changed_state = state_from_instance(plugin, instance, ctx, &dirs, NULL); // Ensure state has changed assert(!lilv_state_equals(initial_state, changed_state)); lilv_state_free(changed_state); lilv_state_free(initial_state); lilv_instance_free(instance); test_context_free(ctx); } static void test_changed_metadata(void) { TestContext* const ctx = test_context_new(); const TestDirectories dirs = no_test_directories(); LV2_URID_Map* const map = &ctx->map; const LilvPlugin* const plugin = load_test_plugin(ctx); LilvInstance* const instance = lilv_plugin_instantiate(plugin, 48000.0, ctx->features); assert(instance); // Get initial state LilvState* const initial_state = state_from_instance(plugin, instance, ctx, &dirs, NULL); // Save initial state to a string char* const initial_string = lilv_state_to_string(ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, &ctx->unmap, initial_state, "http://example.org/initial", NULL); // Get another state LilvState* const changed_state = state_from_instance(plugin, instance, ctx, &dirs, NULL); // Set a metadata property const LV2_URID key = map->map(map->handle, "http://example.org/extra"); const int32_t value = 1; const LV2_URID type = map->map(map->handle, "http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom#Int"); lilv_state_set_metadata(changed_state, key, &value, sizeof(value), type, LV2_STATE_IS_PORTABLE | LV2_STATE_IS_POD); // Save changed state to a string char* const changed_string = lilv_state_to_string(ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, &ctx->unmap, changed_state, "http://example.org/changed", NULL); // Ensure that strings differ (metadata does not affect state equality) assert(strcmp(initial_string, changed_string)); free(changed_string); lilv_state_free(changed_state); free(initial_string); lilv_state_free(initial_state); lilv_instance_free(instance); test_context_free(ctx); } static void test_to_string(void) { TestContext* const ctx = test_context_new(); const TestDirectories dirs = no_test_directories(); const LilvPlugin* const plugin = load_test_plugin(ctx); LilvInstance* const instance = lilv_plugin_instantiate(plugin, 48000.0, ctx->features); assert(instance); // Get initial state LilvState* const initial_state = state_from_instance(plugin, instance, ctx, &dirs, NULL); // Run plugin to change internal state lilv_instance_activate(instance); lilv_instance_connect_port(instance, 0, &ctx->in); lilv_instance_connect_port(instance, 1, &ctx->out); lilv_instance_run(instance, 1); assert(ctx->in == 1.0); assert(ctx->out == 1.0); // Restore instance state to original state lilv_state_restore(initial_state, instance, set_port_value, ctx, 0, NULL); // Take a new snapshot of the state LilvState* const restored = state_from_instance(plugin, instance, ctx, &dirs, NULL); // Check that new state matches the initial state assert(lilv_state_equals(initial_state, restored)); lilv_state_free(restored); lilv_state_free(initial_state); lilv_instance_free(instance); test_context_free(ctx); } static void test_string_round_trip(void) { TestContext* const ctx = test_context_new(); const TestDirectories dirs = no_test_directories(); const LilvPlugin* const plugin = load_test_plugin(ctx); LilvInstance* const instance = lilv_plugin_instantiate(plugin, 48000.0, ctx->features); assert(instance); // Get initial state LilvState* const initial_state = state_from_instance(plugin, instance, ctx, &dirs, NULL); // Save state to a string char* const string = lilv_state_to_string(ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, &ctx->unmap, initial_state, "http://example.org/string", NULL); // Restore from string LilvState* const restored = lilv_state_new_from_string(ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, string); // Ensure they are equal assert(lilv_state_equals(initial_state, restored)); // Check that the restored state refers to the correct plugin const LilvNode* state_plugin_uri = lilv_state_get_plugin_uri(restored); assert(!strcmp(lilv_node_as_string(state_plugin_uri), TEST_PLUGIN_URI)); lilv_state_free(restored); free(string); lilv_state_free(initial_state); lilv_instance_free(instance); test_context_free(ctx); } static SerdStatus count_func(void* const handle, const SerdEvent* const event) { size_t* const n_statements = (size_t*)handle; if (event->type == SERD_STATEMENT) { ++(*n_statements); } return SERD_SUCCESS; } static size_t count_statements(const char* path) { size_t n_statements = 0; SerdWorld* const world = serd_world_new(NULL); const SerdStringView path_view = serd_string(path); SerdNode* const base = serd_new_file_uri(NULL, path_view, serd_empty_string()); SerdEnv* const env = serd_env_new(world, serd_node_string_view(base)); SerdSink* const sink = serd_sink_new(world, &n_statements, count_func, NULL); SerdReader* const reader = serd_reader_new(world, SERD_TURTLE, 0, env, sink, 4096); SerdInputStream in = serd_open_input_file(path); SerdStatus st = SERD_SUCCESS; assert(!(st = serd_reader_start(reader, &in, NULL, 4096))); assert(!(st = serd_reader_read_document(reader))); serd_close_input(&in); serd_sink_free(sink); serd_env_free(env); serd_node_free(NULL, base); serd_world_free(world); return n_statements; } static void test_to_files(void) { TestContext* const ctx = test_context_new(); TestDirectories dirs = create_test_directories(); const LilvPlugin* const plugin = load_test_plugin(ctx); LV2_State_Make_Path make_path = {&dirs, make_scratch_path}; LV2_Feature make_path_feature = {LV2_STATE__makePath, &make_path}; const LV2_Feature* const instance_features[] = { &ctx->map_feature, &ctx->free_path_feature, &make_path_feature, NULL}; LilvInstance* const instance = lilv_plugin_instantiate(plugin, 48000.0, instance_features); assert(instance); // Run plugin to generate some recording file data lilv_instance_activate(instance); lilv_instance_connect_port(instance, 0, &ctx->in); lilv_instance_connect_port(instance, 1, &ctx->out); lilv_instance_run(instance, 1); lilv_instance_run(instance, 2); assert(ctx->in == 1.0); assert(ctx->out == 1.0); // Check that the test plugin has made its recording scratch file char* const recfile_path = lilv_path_join(dirs.scratch, "recfile"); assert(lilv_path_exists(recfile_path)); // Get state char* const bundle_1_path = lilv_path_join(dirs.top, "state1.lv2"); LilvState* const state_1 = state_from_instance(plugin, instance, ctx, &dirs, bundle_1_path); // Check that state contains properties saved by the plugin (with files) assert(lilv_state_get_num_properties(state_1) == 10); // Check that a snapshop of the recfile was created char* const recfile_copy_1 = lilv_path_join(dirs.copy, "recfile"); assert(lilv_path_exists(recfile_copy_1)); // Save state to a bundle assert(!lilv_state_save(ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, &ctx->unmap, state_1, "http://example.org/state1", bundle_1_path, "state.ttl")); // Check that a manifest exists char* const manifest_path = lilv_path_join(bundle_1_path, "manifest.ttl"); assert(lilv_path_exists(manifest_path)); // Check that the expected statements are in the manifest file assert(count_statements(manifest_path) == 3); // Check that a link to the recfile exists in the saved bundle char* const recfile_link_1 = lilv_path_join(bundle_1_path, "recfile"); assert(lilv_path_exists(recfile_link_1)); // Check that link points to the corresponding copy assert(lilv_file_equals(recfile_link_1, recfile_copy_1)); // Run plugin again to modify recording file data lilv_instance_run(instance, 2); // Get updated state char* const bundle_2_path = lilv_path_join(dirs.top, "state2.lv2"); LilvState* const state_2 = state_from_instance(plugin, instance, ctx, &dirs, bundle_2_path); // Save updated state to a bundle assert(!lilv_state_save(ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, &ctx->unmap, state_2, NULL, bundle_2_path, "state.ttl")); // Check that a new snapshop of the recfile was created char* const recfile_copy_2 = lilv_path_join(dirs.copy, "recfile.2"); assert(lilv_path_exists(recfile_copy_2)); // Check that a link to the recfile exists in the updated bundle char* const recfile_link_2 = lilv_path_join(bundle_2_path, "recfile"); assert(lilv_path_exists(recfile_link_2)); // Check that link points to the corresponding copy assert(lilv_file_equals(recfile_link_2, recfile_copy_2)); lilv_instance_free(instance); lilv_dir_for_each(bundle_2_path, NULL, remove_file); lilv_dir_for_each(bundle_1_path, NULL, remove_file); assert(!lilv_remove(bundle_2_path)); assert(!lilv_remove(bundle_1_path)); cleanup_test_directories(dirs); free(recfile_link_2); free(recfile_copy_2); lilv_state_free(state_2); free(bundle_2_path); free(recfile_link_1); free(manifest_path); free(recfile_copy_1); lilv_state_free(state_1); free(bundle_1_path); free(recfile_path); test_context_free(ctx); } static void test_multi_save(void) { TestContext* const ctx = test_context_new(); TestDirectories dirs = create_test_directories(); const LilvPlugin* const plugin = load_test_plugin(ctx); LV2_State_Make_Path make_path = {&dirs, make_scratch_path}; LV2_Feature make_path_feature = {LV2_STATE__makePath, &make_path}; const LV2_Feature* const instance_features[] = { &ctx->map_feature, &ctx->free_path_feature, &make_path_feature, NULL}; LilvInstance* const instance = lilv_plugin_instantiate(plugin, 48000.0, instance_features); assert(instance); // Get state char* const bundle_1_path = lilv_path_join(dirs.top, "state1.lv2"); LilvState* const state_1 = state_from_instance(plugin, instance, ctx, &dirs, bundle_1_path); // Save state to a bundle assert(!lilv_state_save(ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, &ctx->unmap, state_1, "http://example.org/state1", bundle_1_path, "state.ttl")); // Check that a manifest exists char* const manifest_path = lilv_path_join(bundle_1_path, "manifest.ttl"); assert(lilv_path_exists(manifest_path)); // Check that the state file exists char* const state_path = lilv_path_join(bundle_1_path, "state.ttl"); assert(lilv_path_exists(state_path)); // Check that the expected statements are in the files assert(count_statements(manifest_path) == 3); assert(count_statements(state_path) == 21); // Save state again to the same bundle assert(!lilv_state_save(ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, &ctx->unmap, state_1, "http://example.org/state1", bundle_1_path, "state.ttl")); // Check that everything is the same assert(lilv_path_exists(manifest_path)); assert(lilv_path_exists(state_path)); assert(count_statements(manifest_path) == 3); assert(count_statements(state_path) == 21); lilv_instance_free(instance); lilv_dir_for_each(bundle_1_path, NULL, remove_file); lilv_remove(bundle_1_path); cleanup_test_directories(dirs); free(state_path); free(manifest_path); lilv_state_free(state_1); free(bundle_1_path); test_context_free(ctx); } static void test_files_round_trip(void) { TestContext* const ctx = test_context_new(); TestDirectories dirs = create_test_directories(); const LilvPlugin* const plugin = load_test_plugin(ctx); LV2_State_Make_Path make_path = {&dirs, make_scratch_path}; LV2_Feature make_path_feature = {LV2_STATE__makePath, &make_path}; const LV2_Feature* const instance_features[] = { &ctx->map_feature, &ctx->free_path_feature, &make_path_feature, NULL}; LilvInstance* const instance = lilv_plugin_instantiate(plugin, 48000.0, instance_features); assert(instance); // Run plugin to generate some recording file data lilv_instance_activate(instance); lilv_instance_connect_port(instance, 0, &ctx->in); lilv_instance_connect_port(instance, 1, &ctx->out); lilv_instance_run(instance, 1); lilv_instance_run(instance, 2); assert(ctx->in == 1.0); assert(ctx->out == 1.0); // Save first state to a bundle char* const bundle_1_1_path = lilv_path_join(dirs.top, "state1_1.lv2"); LilvState* const state_1_1 = state_from_instance(plugin, instance, ctx, &dirs, bundle_1_1_path); assert(!lilv_state_save(ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, &ctx->unmap, state_1_1, NULL, bundle_1_1_path, "state.ttl")); // Save first state to another bundle char* const bundle_1_2_path = lilv_path_join(dirs.top, "state1_2.lv2"); LilvState* const state_1_2 = state_from_instance(plugin, instance, ctx, &dirs, bundle_1_2_path); assert(!lilv_state_save(ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, &ctx->unmap, state_1_2, NULL, bundle_1_2_path, "state.ttl")); // Load both first state bundles and check that the results are equal char* const state_1_1_path = lilv_path_join(bundle_1_1_path, "state.ttl"); char* const state_1_2_path = lilv_path_join(bundle_1_2_path, "state.ttl"); LilvState* state_1_1_loaded = lilv_state_new_from_file(ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, NULL, state_1_1_path); LilvState* state_1_2_loaded = lilv_state_new_from_file(ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, NULL, state_1_2_path); assert(state_1_1_loaded); assert(state_1_2_loaded); assert(lilv_state_equals(state_1_1_loaded, state_1_2_loaded)); // Run plugin again to modify recording file data lilv_instance_run(instance, 2); // Save updated state to a bundle char* const bundle_2_path = lilv_path_join(dirs.top, "state2.lv2"); LilvState* const state_2 = state_from_instance(plugin, instance, ctx, &dirs, bundle_2_path); assert(!lilv_state_save(ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, &ctx->unmap, state_2, NULL, bundle_2_path, "state.ttl")); // Load updated state bundle and check that it differs from the others char* const state_2_path = lilv_path_join(bundle_2_path, "state.ttl"); LilvState* state_2_loaded = lilv_state_new_from_file(ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, NULL, state_2_path); assert(state_2_loaded); assert(!lilv_state_equals(state_1_1_loaded, state_2_loaded)); lilv_instance_free(instance); lilv_dir_for_each(bundle_1_1_path, NULL, remove_file); lilv_dir_for_each(bundle_1_2_path, NULL, remove_file); lilv_dir_for_each(bundle_2_path, NULL, remove_file); lilv_remove(bundle_1_1_path); lilv_remove(bundle_1_2_path); lilv_remove(bundle_2_path); cleanup_test_directories(dirs); lilv_state_free(state_2_loaded); free(state_2_path); lilv_state_free(state_2); free(bundle_2_path); lilv_state_free(state_1_2_loaded); lilv_state_free(state_1_1_loaded); free(state_1_2_path); free(state_1_1_path); lilv_state_free(state_1_2); free(bundle_1_2_path); lilv_state_free(state_1_1); free(bundle_1_1_path); test_context_free(ctx); } static void test_world_round_trip(void) { TestContext* const ctx = test_context_new(); LilvWorld* const world = ctx->env->world; TestDirectories dirs = create_test_directories(); const LilvPlugin* const plugin = load_test_plugin(ctx); static const char* const state_uri = "http://example.org/worldState"; LV2_State_Make_Path make_path = {&dirs, make_scratch_path}; LV2_Feature make_path_feature = {LV2_STATE__makePath, &make_path}; const LV2_Feature* const instance_features[] = { &ctx->map_feature, &ctx->free_path_feature, &make_path_feature, NULL}; LilvInstance* const instance = lilv_plugin_instantiate(plugin, 48000.0, instance_features); assert(instance); // Run plugin to generate some recording file data lilv_instance_activate(instance); lilv_instance_connect_port(instance, 0, &ctx->in); lilv_instance_connect_port(instance, 1, &ctx->out); lilv_instance_run(instance, 1); lilv_instance_run(instance, 2); assert(ctx->in == 1.0); assert(ctx->out == 1.0); // Save state to a bundle char* const bundle_path = lilv_path_join(dirs.top, "state.lv2/"); LilvState* const start_state = state_from_instance(plugin, instance, ctx, &dirs, bundle_path); assert(!lilv_state_save(ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, &ctx->unmap, start_state, state_uri, bundle_path, "state.ttl")); // Load state bundle into world SerdNode* bundle_uri = serd_new_file_uri(NULL, serd_string(bundle_path), serd_empty_string()); LilvNode* const bundle_node = lilv_new_uri(world, serd_node_string(bundle_uri)); LilvNode* const state_node = lilv_new_uri(world, state_uri); lilv_world_load_bundle(world, bundle_node); lilv_world_load_resource(world, state_node); // Ensure the state loaded from the world matches LilvState* const restored = lilv_state_new_from_world(world, &ctx->map, state_node); assert(lilv_state_equals(start_state, restored)); // Unload state from world lilv_world_unload_resource(world, state_node); lilv_world_unload_bundle(world, bundle_node); // Ensure that it is no longer present assert(!lilv_state_new_from_world(world, &ctx->map, state_node)); lilv_instance_free(instance); lilv_state_delete(world, start_state); cleanup_test_directories(dirs); lilv_state_free(restored); lilv_node_free(state_node); lilv_node_free(bundle_node); serd_node_free(NULL, bundle_uri); lilv_state_free(start_state); free(bundle_path); test_context_free(ctx); } static void test_label_round_trip(void) { TestContext* const ctx = test_context_new(); const TestDirectories dirs = create_test_directories(); const LilvPlugin* const plugin = load_test_plugin(ctx); LilvInstance* const instance = lilv_plugin_instantiate(plugin, 48000.0, ctx->features); assert(instance); // Get initial state LilvState* const state = state_from_instance(plugin, instance, ctx, &dirs, NULL); // Set a label lilv_state_set_label(state, "Monopoly on violence"); // Save to a bundle char* const bundle_path = lilv_path_join(dirs.top, "state.lv2/"); assert(!lilv_state_save(ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, &ctx->unmap, state, NULL, bundle_path, "state.ttl")); // Load bundle and check the label and that the states are equal char* const state_path = lilv_path_join(bundle_path, "state.ttl"); LilvState* const loaded = lilv_state_new_from_file(ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, NULL, state_path); assert(loaded); assert(lilv_state_equals(state, loaded)); assert(!strcmp(lilv_state_get_label(loaded), "Monopoly on violence")); lilv_instance_free(instance); lilv_state_delete(ctx->env->world, state); cleanup_test_directories(dirs); lilv_state_free(loaded); free(state_path); free(bundle_path); lilv_state_free(state); test_context_free(ctx); } static void test_bad_subject(void) { TestContext* const ctx = test_context_new(); LilvNode* const string = lilv_new_string(ctx->env->world, "Not a URI"); LilvState* const file_state = lilv_state_new_from_file( ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, string, "/I/do/not/matter"); assert(!file_state); LilvState* const world_state = lilv_state_new_from_world(ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, string); assert(!world_state); lilv_node_free(string); test_context_free(ctx); } static void count_file(const char* path, const char* name, void* data) { (void)path; (void)name; *(unsigned*)data += 1; } static void test_delete(void) { TestContext* const ctx = test_context_new(); TestDirectories dirs = create_test_directories(); const LilvPlugin* const plugin = load_test_plugin(ctx); LV2_State_Make_Path make_path = {&dirs, make_scratch_path}; LV2_Feature make_path_feature = {LV2_STATE__makePath, &make_path}; const LV2_Feature* const instance_features[] = { &ctx->map_feature, &ctx->free_path_feature, &make_path_feature, NULL}; LilvInstance* const instance = lilv_plugin_instantiate(plugin, 48000.0, instance_features); assert(instance); // Run plugin to generate some recording file data lilv_instance_activate(instance); lilv_instance_connect_port(instance, 0, &ctx->in); lilv_instance_connect_port(instance, 1, &ctx->out); lilv_instance_run(instance, 1); lilv_instance_run(instance, 2); assert(ctx->in == 1.0); assert(ctx->out == 1.0); // Save state to a bundle char* const bundle_path = lilv_path_join(dirs.top, "state.lv2/"); LilvState* const state = state_from_instance(plugin, instance, ctx, &dirs, bundle_path); assert(!lilv_state_save(ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, &ctx->unmap, state, NULL, bundle_path, "state.ttl")); // Count the number of shared files before doing anything unsigned n_shared_files_before = 0; lilv_dir_for_each(dirs.shared, &n_shared_files_before, count_file); lilv_instance_free(instance); // Delete the state assert(!lilv_state_delete(ctx->env->world, state)); // Ensure the number of shared files is the same after deletion unsigned n_shared_files_after = 0; lilv_dir_for_each(dirs.shared, &n_shared_files_after, count_file); assert(n_shared_files_before == n_shared_files_after); // Ensure the state directory has been deleted assert(!lilv_path_exists(bundle_path)); cleanup_test_directories(dirs); lilv_state_free(state); free(bundle_path); test_context_free(ctx); } int main(void) { test_instance_state(); test_equal(); test_changed_plugin_data(); test_changed_metadata(); test_to_string(); test_string_round_trip(); test_to_files(); test_multi_save(); test_files_round_trip(); test_world_round_trip(); test_label_round_trip(); test_bad_subject(); test_delete(); return 0; }