/* This file is part of Patchage. * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Dave Robillard <http://drobilla.net> * * Patchage is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * Patchage is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include <cassert> #include <cstring> #include <string> #include <set> #include <iostream> #include "patchage-config.h" #include <jack/jack.h> #include <jack/statistics.h> #include <jack/thread.h> #include "raul/SharedPtr.hpp" #include "PatchageCanvas.hpp" #include "PatchageEvent.hpp" #include "JackDriver.hpp" #include "Patchage.hpp" #include "PatchageModule.hpp" using namespace std; using namespace FlowCanvas; JackDriver::JackDriver(Patchage* app) : Driver(128) , _app(app) , _client(NULL) , _is_activated(false) , _xruns(0) , _xrun_delay(0) { _last_pos.frame = 0; _last_pos.valid = (jack_position_bits_t)0; } JackDriver::~JackDriver() { detach(); } /** Connect to Jack. */ void JackDriver::attach(bool launch_daemon) { // Already connected if (_client) return; jack_set_error_function(error_cb); jack_options_t options = (!launch_daemon) ? JackNoStartServer : JackNullOption; _client = jack_client_open("Patchage", options, NULL); if (_client == NULL) { _app->status_msg("[JACK] Unable to create client"); _is_activated = false; } else { jack_client_t* const client = _client; jack_set_error_function(error_cb); jack_on_shutdown(client, jack_shutdown_cb, this); jack_set_client_registration_callback(client, jack_client_registration_cb, this); jack_set_port_registration_callback(client, jack_port_registration_cb, this); jack_set_port_connect_callback(client, jack_port_connect_cb, this); jack_set_graph_order_callback(client, jack_graph_order_cb, this); jack_set_buffer_size_callback(client, jack_buffer_size_cb, this); jack_set_xrun_callback(client, jack_xrun_cb, this); _buffer_size = jack_get_buffer_size(client); if (!jack_activate(client)) { _is_activated = true; signal_attached.emit(); _app->status_msg("[JACK] Attached"); } else { _app->status_msg("[JACK] ERROR: Failed to attach"); _is_activated = false; } } } void JackDriver::detach() { Glib::Mutex::Lock lock(_shutdown_mutex); if (_client) { jack_deactivate(_client); jack_client_close(_client); _client = NULL; } _is_activated = false; signal_detached.emit(); _app->status_msg("[JACK] Detached"); } /** Destroy all JACK (canvas) ports. */ void JackDriver::destroy_all() { ItemList modules = _app->canvas()->items(); // copy for (ItemList::iterator m = modules.begin(); m != modules.end(); ++m) { SharedPtr<Module> module = PtrCast<Module>(*m); if (!module) continue; PortVector ports = module->ports(); // copy for (PortVector::iterator p = ports.begin(); p != ports.end(); ++p) { boost::shared_ptr<PatchagePort> port = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<PatchagePort>(*p); if ((port && port->type() == JACK_AUDIO) || (port->type() == JACK_MIDI)) { module->remove_port(port); port->hide(); } } if (module->ports().empty()) _app->canvas()->remove_item(module); else _app->enqueue_resize(module); } } boost::shared_ptr<PatchagePort> JackDriver::create_port_view(Patchage* patchage, const PortID& id) { jack_port_t* jack_port = NULL; if (id.type == PortID::JACK_ID) jack_port = jack_port_by_id(_client, id.id.jack_id); if (jack_port == NULL) return boost::shared_ptr<PatchagePort>(); const int jack_flags = jack_port_flags(jack_port); string module_name, port_name; port_names(id, module_name, port_name); ModuleType type = InputOutput; if (_app->state_manager()->get_module_split(module_name, (jack_flags & JackPortIsTerminal))) { if (jack_flags & JackPortIsInput) { type = Input; } else { type = Output; } } boost::shared_ptr<PatchageModule> parent = _app->canvas()->find_module(module_name, type); bool resize = false; if (!parent) { parent = boost::shared_ptr<PatchageModule>( new PatchageModule(patchage, module_name, type)); parent->load_location(); patchage->canvas()->add_item(parent); parent->show(); resize = true; } boost::shared_ptr<PatchagePort> port = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<PatchagePort>(parent->get_port(port_name)); if (!port) { port = create_port(parent, jack_port); port->show(); parent->add_port(port); resize = true; } if (resize) _app->enqueue_resize(parent); return port; } boost::shared_ptr<PatchagePort> JackDriver::create_port(boost::shared_ptr<PatchageModule> parent, jack_port_t* port) { assert(port); const char* const type_str = jack_port_type(port); PortType port_type; if (!strcmp(type_str, JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE)) { port_type = JACK_AUDIO; #ifdef HAVE_JACK_MIDI } else if (!strcmp(type_str, JACK_DEFAULT_MIDI_TYPE)) { port_type = JACK_MIDI; #endif } else { cerr << "WARNING: " << jack_port_name(port) << " has unknown type \'" << type_str << "\'" << endl; return boost::shared_ptr<PatchagePort>(); } boost::shared_ptr<PatchagePort> ret( new PatchagePort(parent, port_type, jack_port_short_name(port), (jack_port_flags(port) & JackPortIsInput), _app->state_manager()->get_port_color(port_type))); return ret; } void JackDriver::shutdown() { signal_detached.emit(); } /** Refresh all Jack audio ports/connections. * To be called from GTK thread only. */ void JackDriver::refresh() { const char** ports; jack_port_t* port; // Jack can take _client away from us at any time throughout here :/ // Shortest locks possible is the best solution I can figure out Glib::Mutex::Lock lock(_shutdown_mutex); if (_client == NULL) { shutdown(); return; } ports = jack_get_ports(_client, NULL, NULL, 0); // get all existing ports if (!ports) { return; } string client1_name; string port1_name; string client2_name; string port2_name; // Add all ports for (int i=0; ports[i]; ++i) { port = jack_port_by_name(_client, ports[i]); client1_name = ports[i]; client1_name = client1_name.substr(0, client1_name.find(":")); ModuleType type = InputOutput; if (_app->state_manager()->get_module_split(client1_name, (jack_port_flags(port) & JackPortIsTerminal))) { if (jack_port_flags(port) & JackPortIsInput) { type = Input; } else { type = Output; } } boost::shared_ptr<PatchageModule> m = _app->canvas()->find_module(client1_name, type); if (!m) { m = boost::shared_ptr<PatchageModule>(new PatchageModule(_app, client1_name, type)); m->load_location(); _app->canvas()->add_item(m); } // FIXME: leak? jack docs don't say const char* const type_str = jack_port_type(port); PortType port_type; if (!strcmp(type_str, JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE)) { port_type = JACK_AUDIO; #ifdef HAVE_JACK_MIDI } else if (!strcmp(type_str, JACK_DEFAULT_MIDI_TYPE)) { port_type = JACK_MIDI; #endif } else { cerr << "WARNING: " << ports[i] << " has unknown type \'" << type_str << "\'" << endl; continue; } if (!m->get_port(jack_port_short_name(port))) m->add_port(create_port(m, port)); _app->enqueue_resize(m); } // Add all connections for (int i=0; ports[i]; ++i) { port = jack_port_by_name(_client, ports[i]); const char** connected_ports = jack_port_get_all_connections(_client, port); if (connected_ports) { for (int j=0; connected_ports[j]; ++j) { client1_name = ports[i]; size_t colon = client1_name.find(':'); port1_name = client1_name.substr(colon+1); client1_name = client1_name.substr(0, colon); client2_name = connected_ports[j]; colon = client2_name.find(':'); port2_name = client2_name.substr(colon+1); client2_name = client2_name.substr(0, colon); boost::shared_ptr<Port> port1 = _app->canvas()->get_port(client1_name, port1_name); boost::shared_ptr<Port> port2 = _app->canvas()->get_port(client2_name, port2_name); if (!port1 || !port2) continue; boost::shared_ptr<Port> src; boost::shared_ptr<Port> dst; if (port1->is_output() && port2->is_input()) { src = port1; dst = port2; } else { src = port2; dst = port1; } if (src && dst && !src->is_connected_to(dst)) _app->canvas()->add_connection(src, dst, port1->color() + 0x22222200); } free(connected_ports); } } free(ports); } bool JackDriver::port_names(const PortID& id, string& module_name, string& port_name) { jack_port_t* jack_port = NULL; if (id.type == PortID::JACK_ID) jack_port = jack_port_by_id(_client, id.id.jack_id); if (!jack_port) { module_name.clear(); port_name.clear(); return false; } const string full_name = jack_port_name(jack_port); module_name = full_name.substr(0, full_name.find(":")); port_name = full_name.substr(full_name.find(":")+1); return true; } /** Connects two Jack audio ports. * To be called from GTK thread only. * \return Whether connection succeeded. */ bool JackDriver::connect(boost::shared_ptr<PatchagePort> src_port, boost::shared_ptr<PatchagePort> dst_port) { if (_client == NULL) return false; int result = jack_connect(_client, src_port->full_name().c_str(), dst_port->full_name().c_str()); if (result == 0) _app->status_msg(string("[JACK] Connected ") + src_port->full_name() + " -> " + dst_port->full_name()); else _app->status_msg(string("[JACK] Unable to connect ") + src_port->full_name() + " -> " + dst_port->full_name()); return (!result); } /** Disconnects two Jack audio ports. * To be called from GTK thread only. * \return Whether disconnection succeeded. */ bool JackDriver::disconnect(boost::shared_ptr<PatchagePort> const src_port, boost::shared_ptr<PatchagePort> const dst_port) { if (_client == NULL) return false; int result = jack_disconnect(_client, src_port->full_name().c_str(), dst_port->full_name().c_str()); if (result == 0) _app->status_msg(string("[JACK] Disconnected ") + src_port->full_name() + " -> " + dst_port->full_name()); else _app->status_msg(string("[JACK] Unable to disconnect ") + src_port->full_name() + " -> " + dst_port->full_name()); return (!result); } void JackDriver::jack_client_registration_cb(const char* name, int registered, void* jack_driver) { assert(jack_driver); JackDriver* me = reinterpret_cast<JackDriver*>(jack_driver); assert(me->_client); jack_reset_max_delayed_usecs(me->_client); if (registered) { me->_events.push(PatchageEvent(PatchageEvent::CLIENT_CREATION, name)); } else { me->_events.push(PatchageEvent(PatchageEvent::CLIENT_DESTRUCTION, name)); } } void JackDriver::jack_port_registration_cb(jack_port_id_t port_id, int registered, void* jack_driver) { assert(jack_driver); JackDriver* me = reinterpret_cast<JackDriver*>(jack_driver); assert(me->_client); jack_reset_max_delayed_usecs(me->_client); if (registered) { me->_events.push(PatchageEvent(PatchageEvent::PORT_CREATION, port_id)); } else { me->_events.push(PatchageEvent(PatchageEvent::PORT_DESTRUCTION, port_id)); } } void JackDriver::jack_port_connect_cb(jack_port_id_t src, jack_port_id_t dst, int connect, void* jack_driver) { assert(jack_driver); JackDriver* me = reinterpret_cast<JackDriver*>(jack_driver); assert(me->_client); jack_reset_max_delayed_usecs(me->_client); if (connect) { me->_events.push(PatchageEvent(PatchageEvent::CONNECTION, src, dst)); } else { me->_events.push(PatchageEvent(PatchageEvent::DISCONNECTION, src, dst)); } } int JackDriver::jack_graph_order_cb(void* jack_driver) { assert(jack_driver); JackDriver* me = reinterpret_cast<JackDriver*>(jack_driver); assert(me->_client); jack_reset_max_delayed_usecs(me->_client); return 0; } int JackDriver::jack_buffer_size_cb(jack_nframes_t buffer_size, void* jack_driver) { assert(jack_driver); JackDriver* me = reinterpret_cast<JackDriver*>(jack_driver); assert(me->_client); jack_reset_max_delayed_usecs(me->_client); me->_buffer_size = buffer_size; me->reset_xruns(); me->reset_max_dsp_load(); return 0; } int JackDriver::jack_xrun_cb(void* jack_driver) { assert(jack_driver); JackDriver* me = reinterpret_cast<JackDriver*>(jack_driver); assert(me->_client); me->_xruns++; me->_xrun_delay = jack_get_xrun_delayed_usecs(me->_client); jack_reset_max_delayed_usecs(me->_client); return 0; } void JackDriver::jack_shutdown_cb(void* jack_driver) { cerr << "[JACK] Shutdown" << endl; assert(jack_driver); JackDriver* me = reinterpret_cast<JackDriver*>(jack_driver); Glib::Mutex::Lock lock(me->_shutdown_mutex); me->_client = NULL; me->_is_activated = false; me->signal_detached.emit(); } void JackDriver::error_cb(const char* msg) { cerr << "[JACK] ERROR: " << msg << endl; } jack_nframes_t JackDriver::buffer_size() { if (_is_activated) return _buffer_size; else return jack_get_buffer_size(_client); } void JackDriver::reset_xruns() { _xruns = 0; _xrun_delay = 0; } bool JackDriver::set_buffer_size(jack_nframes_t size) { if (buffer_size() == size) { return true; } if (!_client) { _buffer_size = size; return true; } if (jack_set_buffer_size(_client, size)) { _app->status_msg("[JACK] ERROR: Unable to set buffer size"); return false; } else { return true; } } float JackDriver::get_max_dsp_load() { float max_load; float max_delay; max_delay = jack_get_max_delayed_usecs(_client); const float rate = sample_rate(); const float size = buffer_size(); const float period = size / rate * 1000000; // usec if (max_delay > period) { max_load = 1.0; jack_reset_max_delayed_usecs(_client); } else { max_load = max_delay / period; } return max_load; } void JackDriver::reset_max_dsp_load() { jack_reset_max_delayed_usecs(_client); }