Pugl ==== Pugl (PlUgin Graphics Library) is a minimal portable API for GUIs which is suitable for use in plugins. It works on X11, MacOS, and Windows, and optionally supports OpenGL and Cairo graphics contexts. Pugl is vaguely similar to libraries like GLUT and GLFW, but with some distinguishing features: * Minimal in scope, providing only a thin interface to isolate platform-specific details from applications. * Zero dependencies, aside from standard system libraries. * Support for embedding in native windows, for example as a plugin or component within a larger application that is not based on Pugl. * Simple and extensible event-based API that makes dispatching in application or toolkit code easy with minimal boilerplate. * Suitable not only for continuously rendering applications like games, but also event-driven applications that only draw when necessary. * Explicit context and no static data whatsoever, so that several instances can be used within a single program at once. * Small, liberally licensed Free Software implementation that is suitable for vendoring and/or static linking. Pugl can be installed as a library, or used by simply copying the headers into a project. -- David Robillard