/* Copyright 2012-2014 David Robillard Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ /** @file pugl.h API for Pugl, a minimal portable API for OpenGL. */ #ifndef PUGL_H_INCLUDED #define PUGL_H_INCLUDED #include #include "pugl/common.h" #include "pugl/event.h" #ifdef PUGL_SHARED # ifdef _WIN32 # define PUGL_LIB_IMPORT __declspec(dllimport) # define PUGL_LIB_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport) # else # define PUGL_LIB_IMPORT __attribute__((visibility("default"))) # define PUGL_LIB_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default"))) # endif # ifdef PUGL_INTERNAL # define PUGL_API PUGL_LIB_EXPORT # else # define PUGL_API PUGL_LIB_IMPORT # endif #else # define PUGL_API #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #else # include #endif /** @defgroup pugl Pugl A minimal portable API for OpenGL. @{ */ /** A function called when an event occurs. */ typedef void (*PuglEventFunc)(PuglView* view, const PuglEvent* event); /** A function called when the window is closed. */ typedef void (*PuglCloseFunc)(PuglView* view); /** A function called to draw the view contents with OpenGL. */ typedef void (*PuglDisplayFunc)(PuglView* view); /** A function called when a key is pressed or released. @param view The view the event occured in. @param press True if the key was pressed, false if released. @param key Unicode point of the key pressed. */ typedef void (*PuglKeyboardFunc)(PuglView* view, bool press, uint32_t key); /** A function called when the pointer moves. @param view The view the event occured in. @param x The window-relative x coordinate of the pointer. @param y The window-relative y coordinate of the pointer. */ typedef void (*PuglMotionFunc)(PuglView* view, int x, int y); /** A function called when a mouse button is pressed or released. @param view The view the event occured in. @param button The button number (1 = left, 2 = middle, 3 = right). @param press True if the key was pressed, false if released. @param x The window-relative x coordinate of the pointer. @param y The window-relative y coordinate of the pointer. */ typedef void (*PuglMouseFunc)( PuglView* view, int button, bool press, int x, int y); /** A function called when the view is resized. @param view The view being resized. @param width The new view width. @param height The new view height. */ typedef void (*PuglReshapeFunc)(PuglView* view, int width, int height); /** A function called on scrolling (e.g. mouse wheel or track pad). The distances used here are in "lines", a single tick of a clicking mouse wheel. For example, @p dy = 1.0 scrolls 1 line up. Some systems and devices support finer resolution and/or higher values for fast scrolls, so programs should handle any value gracefully. @param view The view being scrolled. @param dx The scroll x distance. @param dx The scroll y distance. */ typedef void (*PuglScrollFunc)(PuglView* view, int x, int y, float dx, float dy); /** A function called when a special key is pressed or released. This callback allows the use of keys that do not have unicode points. @param view The view the event occured in. @param press True if the key was pressed, false if released. @param key The key pressed. */ typedef void (*PuglSpecialFunc)(PuglView* view, bool press, PuglKey key); /** @name Initialization Configuration functions which must be called before creating a window. @{ */ /** Create a Pugl context. To create a window, call the various puglInit* functions as necessary, then call puglCreateWindow(). @param pargc Pointer to argument count (unused, for GLUT compatibility). @param argv Arguments (unused, for GLUT compatibility). */ PUGL_API PuglView* puglInit(int* pargc, char** argv); /** Set the parent window before creating a window (for embedding). */ PUGL_API void puglInitWindowParent(PuglView* view, PuglNativeWindow parent); /** Set the window size before creating a window. */ PUGL_API void puglInitWindowSize(PuglView* view, int width, int height); /** Set the minimum window size before creating a window. */ PUGL_API void puglInitWindowMinSize(PuglView* view, int width, int height); /** Enable or disable resizing before creating a window. */ PUGL_API void puglInitResizable(PuglView* view, bool resizable); /** Set transient parent before creating a window. On X11, parent_id must be a Window. On OSX, parent_id must be an NSView*. */ PUGL_API void puglInitTransientFor(PuglView* view, uintptr_t parent); /** Set the context type before creating a window. */ PUGL_API void puglInitContextType(PuglView* view, PuglContextType type); /** @} */ /** @name Windows Window management functions. @{ */ /** Create a window with the settings given by the various puglInit functions. @return 1 (pugl does not currently support multiple windows). */ PUGL_API int puglCreateWindow(PuglView* view, const char* title); /** Show the current window. */ PUGL_API void puglShowWindow(PuglView* view); /** Hide the current window. */ PUGL_API void puglHideWindow(PuglView* view); /** Return the native window handle. */ PUGL_API PuglNativeWindow puglGetNativeWindow(PuglView* view); /** @} */ /** Set the handle to be passed to all callbacks. This is generally a pointer to a struct which contains all necessary state. Everything needed in callbacks should be here, not in static variables. Note the lack of this facility makes GLUT unsuitable for plugins or non-trivial programs; this mistake is largely why Pugl exists. */ PUGL_API void puglSetHandle(PuglView* view, PuglHandle handle); /** Get the handle to be passed to all callbacks. */ PUGL_API PuglHandle puglGetHandle(PuglView* view); /** Get the drawing context. For PUGL_GL contexts, this is unused and returns NULL. For PUGL_CAIRO contexts, this returns a pointer to a cairo_t. */ PUGL_API void* puglGetContext(PuglView* view); /** Return the timestamp (if any) of the currently-processing event. */ PUGL_API uint32_t puglGetEventTimestamp(PuglView* view); /** Get the currently active modifiers (PuglMod flags). This should only be called from an event handler. */ PUGL_API int puglGetModifiers(PuglView* view); /** Ignore synthetic repeated key events. */ PUGL_API void puglIgnoreKeyRepeat(PuglView* view, bool ignore); /** @name Event Callbacks Functions to set event callbacks for handling user input. @{ */ /** Set the function to call when an event occurs. */ PUGL_API void puglSetEventFunc(PuglView* view, PuglEventFunc eventFunc); /** Set the function to call when the window is closed. */ PUGL_API void puglSetCloseFunc(PuglView* view, PuglCloseFunc closeFunc); /** Set the display function which should draw the UI using GL. */ PUGL_API void puglSetDisplayFunc(PuglView* view, PuglDisplayFunc displayFunc); /** Set the function to call on keyboard events. */ PUGL_API void puglSetKeyboardFunc(PuglView* view, PuglKeyboardFunc keyboardFunc); /** Set the function to call on mouse motion. */ PUGL_API void puglSetMotionFunc(PuglView* view, PuglMotionFunc motionFunc); /** Set the function to call on mouse button events. */ PUGL_API void puglSetMouseFunc(PuglView* view, PuglMouseFunc mouseFunc); /** Set the function to call on scroll events. */ PUGL_API void puglSetScrollFunc(PuglView* view, PuglScrollFunc scrollFunc); /** Set the function to call on special events. */ PUGL_API void puglSetSpecialFunc(PuglView* view, PuglSpecialFunc specialFunc); /** Set the function to call when the window size changes. */ PUGL_API void puglSetReshapeFunc(PuglView* view, PuglReshapeFunc reshapeFunc); /** @} */ /** Grab the input focus. */ PUGL_API void puglGrabFocus(PuglView* view); /** Process all pending window events. This handles input events as well as rendering, so it should be called regularly and rapidly enough to keep the UI responsive. */ PUGL_API PuglStatus puglProcessEvents(PuglView* view); /** Request a redisplay on the next call to puglProcessEvents(). */ PUGL_API void puglPostRedisplay(PuglView* view); /** Destroy a GL window. */ PUGL_API void puglDestroy(PuglView* view); /** @} */ #ifdef __cplusplus } /* extern "C" */ #endif #endif /* PUGL_H_INCLUDED */