path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 61 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 68aff7d..becc6cd 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright 2019-2022 David Robillard <>
+# Copyright 2019-2023 David Robillard <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: 0BSD OR GPL-3.0-or-later
project('raul', ['cpp'],
@@ -23,11 +23,67 @@ versioned_name = 'raul-@0@'.format(meson.project_version().split('.')[0])
pkg = import('pkgconfig')
cpp = meson.get_compiler('cpp')
-# Set global warning flags
-if get_option('strict') and not meson.is_subproject()
- subdir('meson/warnings')
+# Set global warning suppressions
+warning_level = get_option('warning_level')
+cpp_suppressions = []
+if cpp.get_id() in ['clang', 'emscripten']
+ if warning_level == 'everything'
+ cpp_suppressions += [
+ '-Wno-c++17-extensions',
+ '-Wno-c++98-compat',
+ '-Wno-padded',
+ '-Wno-weak-vtables',
+ ]
+ if host_machine.system() == 'windows'
+ cpp_suppressions += [
+ '-Wno-nonportable-system-include-path',
+ ]
+ endif
+ endif
+elif cpp.get_id() == 'gcc'
+ if warning_level == 'everything'
+ cpp_suppressions += [
+ '-Wno-abi-tag',
+ '-Wno-inline',
+ '-Wno-multiple-inheritance',
+ '-Wno-padded',
+ '-Wno-suggest-attribute=pure',
+ '-Wno-switch-default',
+ '-Wno-useless-cast',
+ ]
+ endif
+elif cpp.get_id() == 'msvc'
+ cpp_suppressions += [
+ '/experimental:external',
+ '/external:W0',
+ '/external:anglebrackets',
+ ]
+ if warning_level == 'everything'
+ cpp_suppressions += [
+ '/wd4514', # unreferenced inline function removed
+ '/wd4625', # copy constructor implicitly deleted
+ '/wd4626', # assignment operator implicitly deleted
+ '/wd4710', # function not inlined
+ '/wd4711', # function selected for automatic inline expansion
+ '/wd5026', # move constructor implicitly deleted
+ '/wd5027', # move assignment operator implicitly deleted
+ '/wd5045', # compiler will insert Spectre mitigation
+ '/wd5262', # implicit fall-through
+ ]
+ endif
+ if warning_level in ['everything', '3']
+ cpp_suppressions += [
+ '/wd4706', # assignment within conditional expression
+ ]
+ endif
+cpp_suppressions = cpp.get_supported_arguments(cpp_suppressions)
# Dependencies #