path: root/ll.cpp
diff options
authorDavid Robillard <d@drobilla.net>2009-01-26 18:00:54 +0000
committerDavid Robillard <d@drobilla.net>2009-01-26 18:00:54 +0000
commit885e68d83196a9de16ba0e6e707f55d271fc41bb (patch)
tree762df874c07692547a2eadc566c8cc2f127ffb5b /ll.cpp
parentfdc9bf82c50fe51fb03b201d81f022153a1700b4 (diff)
Make ASTClosure an ASTTuple.
Make Exp more generic (typedef list type). Shrink. git-svn-id: http://svn.drobilla.net/resp/llvm-lisp@21 ad02d1e2-f140-0410-9f75-f8b11f17cedd
Diffstat (limited to 'll.cpp')
1 files changed, 62 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/ll.cpp b/ll.cpp
index eb8708a..1804f80 100644
--- a/ll.cpp
+++ b/ll.cpp
@@ -50,12 +50,12 @@ struct Error : public std::exception {
template<typename A>
struct Exp { // ::= Atom | (Exp*)
- Exp() : type(LIST) {}
- Exp(const std::list<Exp>& l) : type(LIST), list(l) {}
- Exp(const A& a) : type(ATOM), atom(a) {}
+ Exp() : type(LIST) {}
+ Exp(const A& a) : type(ATOM), atom(a) {}
enum { ATOM, LIST } type;
- A atom;
- std::list< Exp<A> > list;
+ typedef std::vector< Exp<A> > List;
+ A atom;
+ List list;
@@ -72,20 +72,19 @@ readExpression(std::istream& in)
stack<SExp> stk;
string tok;
-#define APPEND_TOK() { if (stk.empty()) { return tok; } else {\
- stk.top().list.push_back(SExp(tok)); tok = ""; } }
+#define PUSH(t) { if (t != "") { stk.top().list.push_back(t); t = ""; } }
+#define YIELD(t) { if (stk.empty()) return t; else PUSH(t) }
while (char ch = in.get()) {
switch (ch) {
case EOF:
return SExp();
case ' ': case '\t': case '\n':
- if (tok != "") APPEND_TOK();
+ if (tok != "") YIELD(tok);
case '"':
do { tok.push_back(ch); } while ((ch = in.get()) != '"');
- tok.push_back('"');
+ YIELD(tok + '"');
case '(':
@@ -95,21 +94,19 @@ readExpression(std::istream& in)
case 0:
throw SyntaxError("Unexpected ')'");
case 1:
- if (tok != "") stk.top().list.push_back(SExp(tok));
+ PUSH(tok);
return stk.top();
- if (tok != "") stk.top().list.push_back(SExp(tok));
+ PUSH(tok);
SExp l = stk.top();
- tok = "";
- tok.push_back(ch);
+ tok += ch;
switch (stk.size()) {
case 0: return tok; break;
case 1: return stk.top(); break;
@@ -137,6 +134,20 @@ struct AST {
virtual Value* compile(CEnv& cenv) = 0;
+/// Literal
+template<typename VT>
+struct ASTLiteral : public AST {
+ ASTLiteral(VT v) : val(v) {}
+ bool operator==(const AST& rhs) const {
+ const ASTLiteral<VT>* r = dynamic_cast<const ASTLiteral<VT>*>(&rhs);
+ return r && val == r->val;
+ }
+ string str() const { ostringstream s; s << val; return s.str(); }
+ void constrain(TEnv& tenv) const;
+ Value* compile(CEnv& cenv);
+ const VT val;
/// Symbol, e.g. "a"
struct ASTSymbol : public AST {
ASTSymbol(const string& s) : cppstr(s) {}
@@ -156,14 +167,12 @@ struct ASTTuple : public AST {
string ret = "(";
for (size_t i = 0; i != tup.size(); ++i)
ret += tup[i]->str() + ((i != tup.size() - 1) ? " " : "");
- ret.append(")");
- return ret;
+ return ret + ")";
bool operator==(const AST& rhs) const {
- const ASTTuple* rhst = dynamic_cast<const ASTTuple*>(&rhs);
- if (!rhst || rhst->tup.size() != tup.size()) return false;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < tup.size(); ++i)
- if (tup[i] != rhst->tup[i])
+ TupV::const_iterator l = tup.begin();
+ FOREACH(TupV::const_iterator, r, tup)
+ if ((*l++) != (*r))
return false;
return true;
@@ -177,6 +186,18 @@ struct ASTTuple : public AST {
TupV tup;
+static TupV
+tuple(AST* ast, ...)
+ TupV tup(1, ast);
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, ast);
+ for (AST* a = va_arg(args, AST*); a; a = va_arg(args, AST*))
+ tup.push_back(a);
+ va_end(args);
+ return tup;
/// Type Expression ::= (TName TExpr*) | ?Num
struct AType : public ASTTuple {
AType(const TupV& t) : ASTTuple(t), var(false), ctype(0) {}
@@ -207,30 +228,16 @@ struct AType : public ASTTuple {
unsigned id;
-/// Literal
-template<typename VT>
-struct ASTLiteral : public AST {
- ASTLiteral(VT v) : val(v) {}
- bool operator==(const AST& rhs) const {
- const ASTLiteral<VT>* r = dynamic_cast<const ASTLiteral<VT>*>(&rhs);
- return r && val == r->val;
- }
- string str() const { ostringstream s; s << val; return s.str(); }
- void constrain(TEnv& tenv) const;
- Value* compile(CEnv& cenv);
- const VT val;
/// Closure (first-class function with captured lexical bindings)
-struct ASTClosure : public AST {
- ASTClosure(ASTTuple* p, AST* b) : prot(p), body(b), func(0) {}
+struct ASTClosure : public ASTTuple {
+ ASTClosure(ASTTuple* p, AST* b)
+ : ASTTuple(tuple(0, p, b)), prot(p), func(0) {}
bool operator==(const AST& rhs) const { return this == &rhs; }
string str() const { ostringstream s; s << this; return s.str(); }
void constrain(TEnv& tenv) const;
void lift(CEnv& cenv);
Value* compile(CEnv& cenv);
ASTTuple* const prot;
- AST* const body;
Function* func;
@@ -278,7 +285,7 @@ typedef Op UD; // User Data argument for parse functions
// Parse Time Environment (symbol table)
struct PEnv : private map<const string, ASTSymbol*> {
- typedef AST* (*PF)(PEnv&, const list<SExp>&, UD); // Parse Function
+ typedef AST* (*PF)(PEnv&, const SExp::List&, UD); // Parse Function
struct Parser { Parser(PF f, UD d) : pf(f), ud(d) {} PF pf; UD ud; };
map<string, Parser> parsers;
void reg(const string& s, const Parser& p) {
@@ -311,7 +318,7 @@ parseExpression(PEnv& penv, const SExp& exp)
// Otherwise parse as a regular call
size_t n = 0;
TupV code(exp.list.size());
- FOREACH(list<SExp>::const_iterator, e, exp.list)
+ FOREACH(SExp::List::const_iterator, e, exp.list)
code[n++] = parseExpression(penv, *e);
return new ASTCall(code);
} else if (isdigit(exp.atom[0])) {
@@ -326,31 +333,31 @@ parseExpression(PEnv& penv, const SExp& exp)
// Special forms
static TupV
-pmap(PEnv& penv, const list<SExp>& l)
+pmap(PEnv& penv, const SExp::List& l)
TupV code(l.size());
size_t n = 0;
- for (list<SExp>::const_iterator i = l.begin(); i != l.end(); ++i)
+ for (SExp::List::const_iterator i = l.begin(); i != l.end(); ++i)
code[n++] = parseExpression(penv, *i);
return code;
static AST*
-parseIf(PEnv& penv, const list<SExp>& c, UD)
+parseIf(PEnv& penv, const SExp::List& c, UD)
{ return new ASTIf(pmap(penv, c)); }
static AST*
-parseDef(PEnv& penv, const list<SExp>& c, UD)
+parseDef(PEnv& penv, const SExp::List& c, UD)
{ return new ASTDefinition(pmap(penv, c)); }
static AST*
-parsePrim(PEnv& penv, const list<SExp>& c, UD data)
+parsePrim(PEnv& penv, const SExp::List& c, UD data)
{ return new ASTPrimitive(pmap(penv, c), data.op, data.arg); }
static AST*
-parseFn(PEnv& penv, const list<SExp>& c, UD)
+parseFn(PEnv& penv, const SExp::List& c, UD)
- list<SExp>::const_iterator a = c.begin(); ++a;
+ SExp::List::const_iterator a = c.begin(); ++a;
return new ASTClosure(
new ASTTuple(pmap(penv, (*a++).list)),
parseExpression(penv, *a++));
@@ -425,18 +432,6 @@ struct TEnv {
#define OP_IS_A(o, t) ((o) >= t ## Begin && (o) < t ## End)
-tuple(AST* ast, ...)
- TupV tup(1, ast);
- va_list args;
- va_start(args, ast);
- for (AST* a = va_arg(args, AST*); a; a = va_arg(args, AST*))
- tup.push_back(a);
- va_end(args);
- return tup;
ASTTuple::constrain(TEnv& tenv) const
@@ -452,8 +447,8 @@ void
ASTClosure::constrain(TEnv& tenv) const
- body->constrain(tenv);
- AType* bodyT = tenv.type(body);
+ tup[2]->constrain(tenv);
+ AType* bodyT = tenv.type(tup[2]);
tenv.constrain(this, new AType(tuple(
tenv.penv.sym("Fn"), tenv.type(prot), bodyT, 0)));
@@ -729,8 +724,11 @@ ASTCall::compile(CEnv& cenv)
ASTClosure* c = dynamic_cast<ASTClosure*>(tup[0]);
if (!c) {
+ std::cout << "LOOKING UP" << endl;
AST** val = cenv.code.ref(tup[0]);
c = (val) ? dynamic_cast<ASTClosure*>(*val) : c;
+ } else {
+ std::cout << "FOUND" << endl;
if (!c) throw CompileError("Call to non-closure");
@@ -789,7 +787,7 @@ void
ASTClosure::lift(CEnv& cenv)
// Can't lift a closure with variable types (lift later when called)
- if (cenv.tenv.type(body)->var) return;
+ if (cenv.tenv.type(tup[2])->var) return;
for (size_t i = 0; i < prot->tup.size(); ++i)
if (cenv.tenv.type(prot->tup[i])->var)
@@ -798,7 +796,7 @@ ASTClosure::lift(CEnv& cenv)
// Write function declaration
- Function* f = compileFunction(cenv, cenv.gensym("_fn"), *prot, cenv.tenv.type(body)->ctype);
+ Function* f = compileFunction(cenv, cenv.gensym("_fn"), *prot, cenv.tenv.type(tup[2])->ctype);
BasicBlock* bb = BasicBlock::Create("entry", f);
@@ -810,7 +808,7 @@ ASTClosure::lift(CEnv& cenv)
// Write function body
try {
- Value* retVal = body->compile(cenv);
+ Value* retVal = tup[2]->compile(cenv);
cenv.builder.CreateRet(retVal); // Finish function
verifyFunction(*f); // Validate generated code
cenv.fpm.run(*f); // Optimize function