path: root/llvm.cpp
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authorDavid Robillard <d@drobilla.net>2009-03-06 22:12:36 +0000
committerDavid Robillard <d@drobilla.net>2009-03-06 22:12:36 +0000
commitecef8f697c66e15b85beb934d2b617b915a97aab (patch)
tree576af3f3063f07c08ecbbd1cfdb9d8034cc5bc2b /llvm.cpp
parent382d3051052fd20ab55f40beb7664bfb3f0379a1 (diff)
Cleanup and de-llvm-ify primitive stuff.
Fix type inference (only treat actual type expressions as type expressions). git-svn-id: http://svn.drobilla.net/resp/tuplr@64 ad02d1e2-f140-0410-9f75-f8b11f17cedd
Diffstat (limited to 'llvm.cpp')
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 86 deletions
diff --git a/llvm.cpp b/llvm.cpp
index 2e53b7f..03c49f9 100644
--- a/llvm.cpp
+++ b/llvm.cpp
@@ -46,12 +46,6 @@ struct CEngine {
IRBuilder<> builder;
-struct CArg {
- CArg(int o=0, int a=0) : op(o), arg(a) {}
- int op;
- int arg;
* Typing *
@@ -72,29 +66,6 @@ AType::ctype()
-#define OP_IS_A(o, t) ((o) >= t ## Begin && (o) < t ## End)
-ASTPrimitive::constrain(TEnv& tenv) const
- FOREACH(const_iterator, p, *this)
- (*p)->constrain(tenv);
- if (OP_IS_A(arg->op, Instruction::BinaryOps)) {
- if (size() <= 2) throw Error((format("`%1%' requires at least 2 arguments")
- % at(0)->str()).str(), exp.loc);
- AType* tvar = tenv.type(this);
- for (size_t i = 1; i < size(); ++i)
- tenv.constrain(at(i), tvar);
- } else if (arg->op == Instruction::ICmp) {
- if (size() != 3) throw Error((format("`%1%' requires exactly 2 arguments")
- % at(0)->str()).str(), exp.loc);
- tenv.constrain(at(1), tenv.type(at(2)));
- tenv.constrain(this, tenv.named("Bool"));
- } else {
- throw Error((format("unknown primitive `%1%'") % at(0)->str()).str(), exp.loc);
- }
* Code Generation *
@@ -370,35 +341,43 @@ ASTIf::compile(CEnv& cenv)
ASTPrimitive::compile(CEnv& cenv)
- Value* a = LLVal(cenv.compile(at(1)));
- Value* b = LLVal(cenv.compile(at(2)));
- if (OP_IS_A(arg->op, Instruction::BinaryOps)) {
- const Instruction::BinaryOps bo = (Instruction::BinaryOps)arg->op;
- if (size() == 2)
- return cenv.compile(at(1));
- Value* val = cenv.engine.builder.CreateBinOp(bo, a, b);
+ Value* a = LLVal(cenv.compile(at(1)));
+ Value* b = LLVal(cenv.compile(at(2)));
+ bool isInt = cenv.tenv.type(at(1))->str() == "Int";
+ const string n = dynamic_cast<ASTSymbol*>(at(0))->str();
+ // Binary arithmetic operations
+ Instruction::BinaryOps op = (Instruction::BinaryOps)0;
+ if (n == "+") op = Instruction::Add;
+ if (n == "-") op = Instruction::Sub;
+ if (n == "*") op = Instruction::Mul;
+ if (n == "&") op = Instruction::And;
+ if (n == "|") op = Instruction::Or;
+ if (n == "^") op = Instruction::Xor;
+ if (n == "/") op = isInt ? Instruction::SDiv : Instruction::FDiv;
+ if (n == "%") op = isInt ? Instruction::SRem : Instruction::FRem;
+ if (op != 0) {
+ Value* val = cenv.engine.builder.CreateBinOp(op, a, b);
for (size_t i = 3; i < size(); ++i)
- val = cenv.engine.builder.CreateBinOp(bo, val, LLVal(cenv.compile(at(i))));
+ val = cenv.engine.builder.CreateBinOp(op, val, LLVal(cenv.compile(at(i))));
return val;
- } else if (arg->op == Instruction::ICmp) {
- bool isInt = cenv.tenv.type(at(1))->str() == "Int";
- if (isInt) {
- return cenv.engine.builder.CreateICmp((CmpInst::Predicate)arg->arg, a, b);
- } else {
- // Translate to floating point operation
- switch (arg->arg) {
- case CmpInst::ICMP_EQ: arg->arg = CmpInst::FCMP_OEQ; break;
- case CmpInst::ICMP_NE: arg->arg = CmpInst::FCMP_ONE; break;
- case CmpInst::ICMP_SGT: arg->arg = CmpInst::FCMP_OGT; break;
- case CmpInst::ICMP_SGE: arg->arg = CmpInst::FCMP_OGE; break;
- case CmpInst::ICMP_SLT: arg->arg = CmpInst::FCMP_OLT; break;
- case CmpInst::ICMP_SLE: arg->arg = CmpInst::FCMP_OLE; break;
- default: throw Error("Unknown primitive", exp.loc);
- }
- return cenv.engine.builder.CreateFCmp((CmpInst::Predicate)arg->arg, a, b);
- }
+ // Comparison operations
+ CmpInst::Predicate pred = (CmpInst::Predicate)0;
+ if (n == "=") pred = isInt ? CmpInst::ICMP_EQ : CmpInst::FCMP_OEQ;
+ if (n == "!=") pred = isInt ? CmpInst::ICMP_NE : CmpInst::FCMP_ONE;
+ if (n == ">") pred = isInt ? CmpInst::ICMP_SGT : CmpInst::FCMP_OGT;
+ if (n == ">=") pred = isInt ? CmpInst::ICMP_SGE : CmpInst::FCMP_OGE;
+ if (n == "<") pred = isInt ? CmpInst::ICMP_SLT : CmpInst::FCMP_OLT;
+ if (n == "<=") pred = isInt ? CmpInst::ICMP_SLE : CmpInst::FCMP_OLE;
+ if (pred != 0) {
+ if (isInt)
+ return cenv.engine.builder.CreateICmp(pred, a, b);
+ else
+ return cenv.engine.builder.CreateFCmp(pred, a, b);
+ }
throw Error("Unknown primitive", exp.loc);
@@ -496,38 +475,8 @@ ASTCdrCall::compile(CEnv& cenv)
-initLang(PEnv& penv, TEnv& tenv)
+initTypes(PEnv& penv, TEnv& tenv)
- penv.reg(true, "fn", PEnv::Handler(parseFn));
- penv.reg(true, "if", PEnv::Handler(parseCall<ASTIf>));
- penv.reg(true, "def", PEnv::Handler(parseCall<ASTDefinition>));
- penv.reg(true, "cons", PEnv::Handler(parseCall<ASTConsCall>));
- penv.reg(true, "car", PEnv::Handler(parseCall<ASTCarCall>));
- penv.reg(true, "cdr", PEnv::Handler(parseCall<ASTCdrCall>));
- bool trueVal = true;
- bool falseVal = false;
- penv.reg(false, "true", PEnv::Handler(parseLiteral<bool>, (CArg*)&trueVal));
- penv.reg(false, "false", PEnv::Handler(parseLiteral<bool>, (CArg*)&falseVal));
- map<string, CArg>* prims = new map<string, CArg>();
- prims->insert(make_pair("+", CArg(Instruction::Add)));
- prims->insert(make_pair("-", CArg(Instruction::Sub)));
- prims->insert(make_pair("*", CArg(Instruction::Mul)));
- prims->insert(make_pair("/", CArg(Instruction::FDiv)));
- prims->insert(make_pair("%", CArg(Instruction::FRem)));
- prims->insert(make_pair("&", CArg(Instruction::And)));
- prims->insert(make_pair("|", CArg(Instruction::Or)));
- prims->insert(make_pair("^", CArg(Instruction::Xor)));
- prims->insert(make_pair("=", CArg(Instruction::ICmp, CmpInst::ICMP_EQ)));
- prims->insert(make_pair("!=", CArg(Instruction::ICmp, CmpInst::ICMP_NE)));
- prims->insert(make_pair(">", CArg(Instruction::ICmp, CmpInst::ICMP_SGT)));
- prims->insert(make_pair(">=", CArg(Instruction::ICmp, CmpInst::ICMP_SGE)));
- prims->insert(make_pair("<", CArg(Instruction::ICmp, CmpInst::ICMP_SLT)));
- prims->insert(make_pair("<=", CArg(Instruction::ICmp, CmpInst::ICMP_SLE)));
- for (map<string,CArg>::iterator p = prims->begin(); p != prims->end(); ++p)
- penv.reg(true, p->first, PEnv::Handler(parseCall<ASTPrimitive>, &p->second));
tenv.def(penv.sym("Bool"), new AType(penv.sym("Bool"), Type::Int1Ty));
tenv.def(penv.sym("Int"), new AType(penv.sym("Int"), Type::Int32Ty));
tenv.def(penv.sym("Float"), new AType(penv.sym("Float"), Type::FloatTy));