path: root/src/resp.hpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/resp.hpp')
1 files changed, 196 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/src/resp.hpp b/src/resp.hpp
index 3f73f2f..26038b6 100644
--- a/src/resp.hpp
+++ b/src/resp.hpp
@@ -204,9 +204,7 @@ struct AST : public Object {
virtual bool operator==(const AST& o) const = 0;
virtual bool contains(const AST* child) const { return false; }
virtual void constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error) {}
- virtual AST* cps(TEnv& tenv, AST* cont) const;
virtual AST* lift(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw() { return this; }
- virtual AST* depoly(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw() { return this; }
virtual CVal compile(CEnv& env) const throw() = 0;
string str() const { ostringstream ss; ss << this; return ss.str(); }
template<typename T> T to() { return dynamic_cast<T>(this); }
@@ -280,42 +278,148 @@ struct ATuple : public AST {
_vec = (AST**)malloc(sizeof(AST*) * _len);
memcpy(_vec, exp._vec, sizeof(AST*) * _len);
+ ATuple(AST* first, AST* rest, Cursor c=Cursor()) : AST(c), _len(2) {
+ _vec = (AST**)malloc(sizeof(AST*) * _len);
+ _vec[0] = first;
+ _vec[1] = rest;
+ }
ATuple(Cursor c, AST* ast, va_list args) : AST(c), _len(0), _vec(0) {
if (!ast) return;
- push_back(ast);
- for (AST* a = va_arg(args, AST*); a; a = va_arg(args, AST*))
- push_back(a);
+ _len = 2;
+ _vec = (AST**)malloc(sizeof(AST*) * _len);
+ _vec[0] = ast;
+ _vec[1] = NULL;
+ ATuple* tail = this;
+ for (AST* a = va_arg(args, AST*); a; a = va_arg(args, AST*)) {
+ ATuple* tup = new ATuple(a, NULL);
+ tail->last(tup);
+ tail = tup;
+ }
~ATuple() { free(_vec); }
- void push_back(AST* ast) {
- AST** newvec = (AST**)realloc(_vec, sizeof(AST*) * (_len + 1));
- newvec[_len++] = ast;
- _vec = newvec;
- }
- void push_front(AST* ast) {
- AST** newvec = (AST**)malloc(sizeof(AST*) * (_len + 1));
- newvec[0] = ast;
- memcpy(newvec + 1, _vec, sizeof(AST*) * _len++);
- _vec = newvec;
- }
const AST* head() const { assert(_len > 0); return _vec[0]; }
- AST* head() { assert(_len > 0); return _vec[0]; }
+ AST*& head() { assert(_len > 0); return _vec[0]; }
const AST* last() const { return _vec[_len - 1]; }
- AST* last() { return _vec[_len - 1]; }
- size_t size() const { return _len; }
+ AST*& last() { return _vec[_len - 1]; }
bool empty() const { return _len == 0; }
- typedef AST** iterator;
- typedef AST* const* const_iterator;
- const_iterator begin() const { return _vec; }
- iterator begin() { return _vec; }
- const_iterator end() const { return _vec + _len; }
- iterator end() { return _vec + _len; }
+ size_t tup_len() const { return _len; }
+ size_t list_len() const {
+ size_t ret = 0;
+ for (const_iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i, ++ret) {}
+ return ret;
+ }
+ const AST* list_last() const {
+ for (const_iterator i = begin(); i != end();) {
+ const_iterator next = i;
+ ++next;
+ if (next == end())
+ return *i;
+ i = next;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ void last(AST* ast) { _vec[_len - 1] = ast; }
+ struct iterator {
+ iterator(ATuple* n) : node(n) {
+ assert(!n || n->tup_len() == 0 || n->tup_len() == 2);
+ if (!n || n->tup_len() == 0)
+ node = NULL;
+ }
+ inline void increment() {
+ if (node->last())
+ node = node->last()->as<ATuple*>();
+ else
+ node = NULL;
+ }
+ inline iterator& operator++() {
+ assert(node);
+ increment();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline iterator operator++(int) {
+ assert(node);
+ const iterator ret(node);
+ increment();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ inline bool operator==(const iterator& i) const { return node == i.node; }
+ inline bool operator!=(const iterator& i) const { return node != i.node; }
+ AST*& operator*() { return node->head(); }
+ ATuple* node;
+ };
+ struct const_iterator {
+ const_iterator(const ATuple* n) : node(n) {
+ assert(!n || n->tup_len() == 0 || n->tup_len() == 2);
+ if (!n || n->tup_len() == 0)
+ node = NULL;
+ }
+ const_iterator(const iterator& i) : node(i.node) {}
+ inline void increment() {
+ if (node->last())
+ node = node->last()->as<const ATuple*>();
+ else
+ node = NULL;
+ }
+ inline const_iterator& operator++() {
+ assert(node);
+ increment();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline const_iterator operator++(int) {
+ assert(node);
+ const const_iterator ret(node);
+ increment();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ inline bool operator==(const const_iterator& i) const {
+ return node == i.node || (!node && i.node->tup_len() == 0);
+ }
+ inline bool operator!=(const const_iterator& i) const {
+ return !operator==(i);
+ }
+ const AST* operator*() { return node->head(); }
+ const ATuple* node;
+ };
+ const_iterator begin() const { assert(_len == 0 || _len == 2); return const_iterator(this); }
+ iterator begin() { assert(_len == 0 || _len == 2); return iterator(this); }
+ const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(NULL); }
+ iterator end() { return iterator(NULL); }
+ const_iterator iter_at(unsigned index) const {
+ const_iterator i = begin();
+ for (unsigned idx = 0; idx != index; ++i, ++idx) {
+ assert(i != end());
+ }
+ return i;
+ }
+ iterator iter_at(unsigned index) {
+ iterator i = begin();
+ for (unsigned idx = 0; idx != index; ++i, ++idx) {
+ assert(i != end());
+ }
+ return i;
+ }
+ AST*& list_ref(unsigned index) { return *iter_at(index); }
+ const AST* list_ref(unsigned index) const { return *iter_at(index); }
bool value() const { return false; }
bool operator==(const AST& rhs) const {
const ATuple* rt = rhs.to<const ATuple*>();
- if (!rt || rt->size() != size()) return false;
+ if (!rt || rt->tup_len() != tup_len()) return false;
const_iterator l = begin();
FOREACHP(const_iterator, r, rt)
if (!(*(*l++) == *(*r)))
@@ -331,8 +435,6 @@ struct ATuple : public AST {
void constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error);
AST* lift(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw();
- AST* depoly(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw();
CVal compile(CEnv& env) const throw();
@@ -340,17 +442,21 @@ private:
AST** _vec;
/// Type Expression, e.g. "Int", "(Fn (Int Int) Float)"
struct AType : public ATuple {
enum Kind { VAR, NAME, PRIM, EXPR, DOTS };
- AType(ASymbol* s, Kind k) : ATuple(s->loc), kind(k), id(0) { push_back(s); }
+ AType(ASymbol* s, Kind k) : ATuple(s, NULL, s->loc), kind(k), id(0) {}
AType(Cursor c, unsigned i) : ATuple(c), kind(VAR), id(i) {}
AType(Cursor c, Kind k=EXPR) : ATuple(c), kind(k), id(0) {}
AType(Cursor c, AST* ast, va_list args) : ATuple(c, ast, args), kind(EXPR), id(0) {}
- AType(const AType& copy) : ATuple(copy), kind(copy.kind), id(copy.id) { }
+ AType(AST* first, AST* rest, Cursor c) : ATuple(first, rest, c), kind(EXPR), id(0) {}
+ AType(const AType& copy) : ATuple(copy), kind(copy.kind), id(copy.id) {}
CVal compile(CEnv& cenv) const throw();
- const ATuple* prot() const { assert(kind == EXPR); return (*(begin() + 1))->to<const ATuple*>(); }
- ATuple* prot() { assert(kind == EXPR); return (*(begin() + 1))->to<ATuple*>(); }
+ const ATuple* prot() const { assert(kind == EXPR); return list_ref(1)->to<const ATuple*>(); }
+ ATuple* prot() { assert(kind == EXPR); return list_ref(1)->to<ATuple*>(); }
+ void prot(ATuple* prot) { assert(kind == EXPR); *iter_at(1) = prot; }
bool concrete() const {
switch (kind) {
case VAR: return false;
@@ -358,7 +464,7 @@ struct AType : public ATuple {
case PRIM: return head()->str() != "Nothing";
case EXPR:
FOREACHP(const_iterator, t, this) {
- AType* kid = (*t)->to<AType*>();
+ const AType* kid = (*t)->to<const AType*>();
if (kid && !kid->concrete())
return false;
@@ -385,18 +491,54 @@ struct AType : public ATuple {
unsigned id;
+// Utility class for easily building lists from left to right
+template<typename CT, typename ET> // ConsType, ElementType
+struct List {
+ List(CT* h=0) : head(h), tail(0) {}
+ List(Cursor c, ET* ast, ...) : head(0), tail(0) {
+ push_back(ast);
+ assert(*head->begin() == ast);
+ head->loc = c;
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, ast);
+ for (ET* a = va_arg(args, ET*); a; a = va_arg(args, ET*))
+ push_back(a);
+ va_end(args);
+ }
+ void push_back(ET* ast) {
+ if (!head) {
+ head = new CT(ast, NULL, Cursor());
+ } else if (!tail) {
+ CT* node = new CT(ast, NULL, Cursor());
+ head->last(node);
+ tail = node;
+ } else {
+ CT* node = new CT(ast, NULL, Cursor());
+ tail->last(node);
+ tail = node;
+ }
+ }
+ void push_front(ET* ast) {
+ head = new CT(ast, head, Cursor());
+ }
+ operator CT*() const { return head; }
+ CT* head;
+ CT* tail;
+typedef List<AType, AType> TList;
/// Fn (first-class function with captured lexical bindings)
struct AFn : public ATuple {
AFn(const ATuple* exp) : ATuple(*exp) {}
AFn(Cursor c, AST* ast, va_list args) : ATuple(c, ast, args) {}
bool operator==(const AST& rhs) const { return this == &rhs; }
void constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error);
- AST* cps(TEnv& tenv, AST* cont) const;
AST* lift(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw();
- AST* depoly(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw();
CVal compile(CEnv& env) const throw();
- const ATuple* prot() const { return (*(begin() + 1))->to<const ATuple*>(); }
- ATuple* prot() { return (*(begin() + 1))->to<ATuple*>(); }
+ const ATuple* prot() const { return list_ref(1)->to<const ATuple*>(); }
+ ATuple* prot() { return list_ref(1)->to<ATuple*>(); }
+ void prot(ATuple* prot) { *iter_at(1) = prot; }
string name;
@@ -404,10 +546,9 @@ struct AFn : public ATuple {
struct ACall : public ATuple {
ACall(const ATuple* exp) : ATuple(*exp) {}
ACall(Cursor c, AST* ast, va_list args) : ATuple(c, ast, args) {}
+ ACall(AST* first, AST* rest, Cursor c) : ATuple(first, rest, c) {}
void constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error);
- AST* cps(TEnv& tenv, AST* cont) const;
AST* lift(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw();
- AST* depoly(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw();
CVal compile(CEnv& env) const throw();
@@ -415,8 +556,9 @@ struct ACall : public ATuple {
struct ADef : public ACall {
ADef(const ATuple* exp) : ACall(exp) {}
ADef(Cursor c, AST* ast, va_list args) : ACall(c, ast, args) {}
+ ADef(AST* first, AST* rest, Cursor c) : ACall(first, rest, c) {}
const ASymbol* sym() const {
- const AST* name = *(begin() + 1);
+ const AST* name = list_ref(1);
const ASymbol* sym = name->to<const ASymbol*>();
if (!sym) {
const ATuple* tup = name->to<const ATuple*>();
@@ -425,33 +567,29 @@ struct ADef : public ACall {
return sym;
- const AST* body() const { return *(begin() + 2); }
- AST* body() { return *(begin() + 2); }
+ const AST* body() const { return list_ref(2); }
+ AST* body() { return list_ref(2); }
void constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error);
- AST* cps(TEnv& tenv, AST* cont) const;
AST* lift(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw();
- AST* depoly(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw();
CVal compile(CEnv& env) const throw();
struct ADefType : public ACall {
ADefType(const ATuple* exp) : ACall(exp) {}
ADefType(Cursor c, AST* ast, va_list args) : ACall(c, ast, args) {}
- const ASymbol* sym() const { return (*(begin() + 1))->as<const ASymbol*>(); }
+ ADefType(AST* first, AST* rest, Cursor c) : ACall(first, rest, c) {}
+ const ASymbol* sym() const { return list_ref(1)->as<const ASymbol*>(); }
void constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error);
- AST* cps(TEnv& tenv, AST* cont) const;
AST* lift(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw() { return this; }
- AST* depoly(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw() { return this; }
CVal compile(CEnv& env) const throw() { return NULL; }
struct AMatch : public ACall {
AMatch(const ATuple* exp) : ACall(exp) {}
AMatch(Cursor c, AST* ast, va_list args) : ACall(c, ast, args) {}
+ AMatch(AST* first, AST* rest, Cursor c) : ACall(first, rest, c) {}
void constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error);
- AST* cps(TEnv& tenv, AST* cont) const;
AST* lift(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw() { return this; }
- AST* depoly(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw() { return this; }
CVal compile(CEnv& env) const throw();
@@ -459,34 +597,34 @@ struct AMatch : public ACall {
struct AIf : public ACall {
AIf(const ATuple* exp) : ACall(exp) {}
AIf(Cursor c, AST* ast, va_list args) : ACall(c, ast, args) {}
+ AIf(AST* first, AST* rest, Cursor c) : ACall(first, rest, c) {}
void constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error);
- AST* cps(TEnv& tenv, AST* cont) const;
AST* lift(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw();
- AST* depoly(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw();
CVal compile(CEnv& env) const throw();
struct ACons : public ACall {
ACons(const ATuple* exp) : ACall(exp) {}
ACons(Cursor c, AST* ast, va_list args) : ACall(c, ast, args) {}
+ ACons(AST* first, AST* rest, Cursor c) : ACall(first, rest, c) {}
void constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error);
AST* lift(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw();
- AST* depoly(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw();
CVal compile(CEnv& env) const throw();
struct ADot : public ACall {
ADot(const ATuple* exp) : ACall(exp) {}
ADot(Cursor c, AST* ast, va_list args) : ACall(c, ast, args) {}
+ ADot(AST* first, AST* rest, Cursor c) : ACall(first, rest, c) {}
void constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error);
AST* lift(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw();
- AST* depoly(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw();
CVal compile(CEnv& env) const throw();
/// Primitive (builtin arithmetic function), e.g. "(+ 2 3)"
struct APrimitive : public ACall {
APrimitive(const ATuple* exp) : ACall(exp) {}
+ APrimitive(AST* first, AST* rest, Cursor c) : ACall(first, rest, c) {}
bool value() const {
ATuple::const_iterator i = begin();
for (++i; i != end(); ++i)
@@ -495,14 +633,13 @@ struct APrimitive : public ACall {
return true;
void constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error);
- AST* cps(TEnv& tenv, AST* cont) const;
AST* lift(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw();
- AST* depoly(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw();
CVal compile(CEnv& env) const throw();
struct AQuote : public ACall {
AQuote(const ATuple* exp) : ACall(exp) {}
+ AQuote(AST* first, AST* rest, Cursor c) : ACall(first, rest, c) {}
void constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error);
AST* lift(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw();
CVal compile(CEnv& env) const throw();
@@ -579,10 +716,11 @@ struct Subst : public list<Constraint> {
const AType* apply(const AType* in) const {
if (in->kind == AType::EXPR) {
- AType* out = tup<AType>(in->loc, NULL);
+ TList out;
for (ATuple::const_iterator i = in->begin(); i != in->end(); ++i)
- out->push_back(const_cast<AType*>(apply((*i)->as<AType*>())));
- return out;
+ out.push_back(const_cast<AType*>(apply((*i)->as<const AType*>())));
+ out.head->loc = in->loc;
+ return out.head;
} else {
const_iterator i = find(in);
if (i != end()) {