path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
13 files changed, 480 insertions, 445 deletions
diff --git a/src/c.cpp b/src/c.cpp
index e8f7c2a..b1eafe5 100644
--- a/src/c.cpp
+++ b/src/c.cpp
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ llType(const AType* t)
return ret;
} else if (t->kind == AType::EXPR && t->head()->str() == "Tup") {
Type* ret = new Type("struct { void* me; ");
- for (AType::const_iterator i = t->begin() + 1; i != t->end(); ++i) {
+ for (AType::const_iterator i = t->iter_at(1); i != t->end(); ++i) {
const Type* lt = llType((*i)->to<const AType*>());
if (!lt)
return NULL;
@@ -104,11 +104,11 @@ struct CEngine : public Engine {
const std::string& name, const ATuple* args, const AType* type)
const AType* argsT = type->prot()->as<const AType*>();
- const AType* retT = type->last()->as<const AType*>();
+ const AType* retT = type->list_ref(2)->as<const AType*>();
vector<const Type*> cprot;
FOREACHP(ATuple::const_iterator, i, argsT) {
- AType* at = (*i)->as<AType*>();
+ const AType* at = (*i)->as<const AType*>();
THROW_IF(!llType(at), Cursor(), string("non-concrete parameter :: ")
+ at->str())
@@ -222,10 +222,10 @@ CEngine::pushFunctionArgs(CEnv& cenv, const AFn* fn, const AType* type, CFunc f)
AFn::const_iterator p = fn->prot()->begin();
ATuple::const_iterator pT = argsT->begin();
for (; p != fn->prot()->end(); ++p, ++pT) {
- AType* t = (*pT)->as<AType*>();
+ const AType* t = (*pT)->as<const AType*>();
const Type* lt = llType(t);
THROW_IF(!lt, fn->loc, "untyped parameter\n");
- cenv.def((*p)->as<ASymbol*>(), *p, t, new string((*p)->str()));
+ cenv.def((*p)->as<const ASymbol*>(), *p, t, new string((*p)->str()));
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ CEngine::compileIf(CEnv& cenv, const AIf* aif)
Value* varname = new string(cenv.penv.gensymstr("if"));
out += (format("%s %s;\n") % *llType(cenv.type(aif)) % *varname).str();
size_t idx = 1;
- for (AIf::const_iterator i = aif->begin() + 1; ; ++i, idx += 2) {
+ for (AIf::const_iterator i = aif->iter_at(1); ; ++i, idx += 2) {
AIf::const_iterator next = i;
if (++next == aif->end())
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ CEngine::compileIf(CEnv& cenv, const AIf* aif)
// Emit final else block
out += "else {\n";
- Value* elseV = llVal(aif->last()->compile(cenv));
+ Value* elseV = llVal(aif->list_last()->compile(cenv));
out += (format("%s = %s;\n}\n") % *varname % *elseV).str();
for (size_t i = 1; i < idx / 2; ++i)
diff --git a/src/compile.cpp b/src/compile.cpp
index e2d306a..da9683e 100644
--- a/src/compile.cpp
+++ b/src/compile.cpp
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ AString::compile(CEnv& cenv) const throw()
AQuote::compile(CEnv& cenv) const throw()
- return (*(begin() + 1))->compile(cenv);
+ return list_ref(1)->compile(cenv);
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ AFn::compile(CEnv& cenv) const throw()
// Write function body
CVal retVal = NULL;
- for (AFn::const_iterator i = begin() + 2; i != end(); ++i)
+ for (AFn::const_iterator i = iter_at(2); i != end(); ++i)
retVal = (*i)->compile(cenv);
// Write function conclusion
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ ACall::compile(CEnv& cenv) const throw()
f = cenv.currentFn; // Recursive call (callee defined as a stub)
vector<CVal> args;
- for (const_iterator e = begin() + 1; e != end(); ++e)
+ for (const_iterator e = iter_at(1); e != end(); ++e)
return cenv.engine()->compileCall(cenv, f, cenv.type(head()), args);
@@ -136,10 +136,11 @@ ACons::compile(CEnv& cenv) const throw()
ATuple::compile(CEnv& cenv) const throw()
- AType* type = tup<AType>(loc, const_cast<ASymbol*>(head()->as<const ASymbol*>()), 0);
+ AType* type = new AType(const_cast<ASymbol*>(head()->as<const ASymbol*>()), NULL, Cursor());
+ TList tlist(type);
vector<CVal> fields;
- for (const_iterator i = begin() + 1; i != end(); ++i) {
- type->push_back(const_cast<AType*>(cenv.type(*i)));
+ for (const_iterator i = iter_at(1); i != end(); ++i) {
+ tlist.push_back(const_cast<AType*>(cenv.type(*i)));
return cenv.engine()->compileTup(cenv, type, type->compile(cenv), fields);
@@ -162,9 +163,9 @@ AType::compile(CEnv& cenv) const throw()
ADot::compile(CEnv& cenv) const throw()
- const_iterator i = begin();
- AST* tup = *++i;
- ALiteral<int32_t>* index = (*++i)->as<ALiteral<int32_t>*>();
+ const_iterator i = begin();
+ const AST* tup = *++i;
+ const ALiteral<int32_t>* index = (*++i)->as<const ALiteral<int32_t>*>();
CVal tupVal = tup->compile(cenv);
return cenv.engine()->compileDot(cenv, tupVal, index->val);
diff --git a/src/constrain.cpp b/src/constrain.cpp
index ef8e3bf..b9ce471 100644
--- a/src/constrain.cpp
+++ b/src/constrain.cpp
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ void
AQuote::constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error)
c.constrain(tenv, this, tenv.named("Quote"));
- (*(begin() + 1))->constrain(tenv, c);
+ list_ref(1)->constrain(tenv, c);
@@ -63,11 +63,12 @@ ASymbol::constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error)
ATuple::constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error)
- AType* t = tup<AType>(loc, NULL);
+ TList t;
FOREACHP(const_iterator, p, this) {
(*p)->constrain(tenv, c);
- t->push_back(const_cast<AType*>(tenv.var(*p)));
+ t.push_back(const_cast<AType*>(tenv.var(*p)));
+ t.head->loc = loc;
c.constrain(tenv, this, t);
@@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ AFn::constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error)
TEnv::Frame frame;
// Add parameters to environment frame
- AType* protT = tup<AType>(loc, NULL);
+ TList protT;
for (ATuple::const_iterator i = prot()->begin(); i != prot()->end(); ++i) {
const ASymbol* sym = (*i)->to<const ASymbol*>();
THROW_IF(!sym, (*i)->loc, "parameter name is not a symbol");
@@ -87,10 +88,11 @@ AFn::constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error)
const AType* tvar = tenv.fresh(sym);
frame.push_back(make_pair(sym, tvar));
- protT->push_back(const_cast<AType*>(tvar));
+ protT.push_back(const_cast<AType*>(tvar));
+ protT.head->loc = loc;
- const_iterator i = begin() + 1;
+ const_iterator i = iter_at(1);
c.constrain(tenv, *i, protT);
// Add internal definitions to environment frame
@@ -108,12 +110,14 @@ AFn::constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error)
- AST* exp = NULL;
- for (i = begin() + 2; i != end(); ++i)
- (exp = *i)->constrain(tenv, c);
+ const AST* exp = NULL;
+ for (i = iter_at(2); i != end(); ++i) {
+ exp = *i;
+ exp->constrain(tenv, c);
+ }
const AType* bodyT = tenv.var(exp);
- const AType* fnT = tup<const AType>(loc, tenv.Fn, protT, bodyT, 0);
+ const AType* fnT = tup<const AType>(loc, tenv.Fn, protT.head, bodyT, 0);
@@ -130,28 +134,28 @@ ACall::constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error)
const AType* fnType = tenv.var(head());
if (fnType->kind != AType::VAR) {
if (fnType->kind == AType::PRIM
- || fnType->size() < 2
+ || fnType->list_len() < 2
|| fnType->head()->str() != "Fn")
throw Error(loc, (format("call to non-function `%1%'") % head()->str()).str());
- size_t numArgs = fnType->prot()->size();
- THROW_IF(numArgs != size() - 1, loc,
- (format("expected %1% arguments, got %2%") % numArgs % (size() - 1)).str());
+ size_t numArgs = fnType->prot()->list_len();
+ THROW_IF(numArgs != list_len() - 1, loc,
+ (format("expected %1% arguments, got %2%") % numArgs % (list_len() - 1)).str());
const AType* retT = tenv.var(this);
- AType* argsT = tup<AType>(loc, 0);
- for (const_iterator i = begin() + 1; i != end(); ++i)
- argsT->push_back(const_cast<AType*>(tenv.var(*i)));
- c.constrain(tenv, head(), tup<AType>(head()->loc, tenv.Fn, argsT, retT, 0));
+ TList argsT;
+ for (const_iterator i = iter_at(1); i != end(); ++i)
+ argsT.push_back(const_cast<AType*>(tenv.var(*i)));
+ argsT.head->loc = loc;
+ c.constrain(tenv, head(), tup<AType>(head()->loc, tenv.Fn, argsT.head, retT, 0));
c.constrain(tenv, this, retT);
ADef::constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error)
- THROW_IF(size() != 3, loc, "`def' requires exactly 2 arguments");
+ THROW_IF(list_len() != 3, loc, "`def' requires exactly 2 arguments");
const ASymbol* sym = this->sym();
THROW_IF(!sym, loc, "`def' has no symbol")
@@ -165,12 +169,12 @@ ADef::constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error)
AIf::constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error)
- THROW_IF(size() < 4, loc, "`if' requires at least 3 arguments");
- THROW_IF(size() % 2 != 0, loc, "`if' missing final else clause")
- for (const_iterator i = begin() + 1; i != end(); ++i)
+ THROW_IF(list_len() < 4, loc, "`if' requires at least 3 arguments");
+ THROW_IF(list_len() % 2 != 0, loc, "`if' missing final else clause");
+ for (const_iterator i = iter_at(1); i != end(); ++i)
(*i)->constrain(tenv, c);
const AType* retT = tenv.var(this);
- for (const_iterator i = begin() + 1; true; ++i) {
+ for (const_iterator i = iter_at(1); true; ++i) {
const_iterator next = i;
if (next == end()) { // final (else) expression
@@ -187,12 +191,12 @@ AIf::constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error)
AMatch::constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error)
- THROW_IF(size() < 5, loc, "`match' requires at least 4 arguments");
- const AST* matchee = (*(begin() + 1));
+ THROW_IF(list_len() < 5, loc, "`match' requires at least 4 arguments");
+ const AST* matchee = list_ref(1);
const AType* retT = tenv.var();
const AType* matcheeT = NULL;// = tup<AType>(loc, tenv.U, 0);
matchee->constrain(tenv, c);
- for (const_iterator i = begin() + 2; i != end();) {
+ for (const_iterator i = iter_at(2); i != end();) {
const AST* exp = *i++;
const ATuple* pattern = exp->to<const ATuple*>();
THROW_IF(!pattern, exp->loc, "pattern expression expected");
@@ -218,25 +222,26 @@ AMatch::constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error)
ADefType::constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error)
- THROW_IF(size() < 3, loc, "`def-type' requires at least 2 arguments");
- const_iterator i = begin() + 1;
+ THROW_IF(list_len() < 3, loc, "`def-type' requires at least 2 arguments");
+ const_iterator i = iter_at(1);
const ATuple* prot = (*i)->to<const ATuple*>();
THROW_IF(!prot, (*i)->loc, "first argument of `def-type' is not a tuple");
const ASymbol* sym = (*prot->begin())->as<const ASymbol*>();
THROW_IF(!sym, (*prot->begin())->loc, "type name is not a symbol");
THROW_IF(tenv.ref(sym), loc, "type redefinition");
- AType* type = tup<AType>(loc, tenv.U, 0);
- for (const_iterator i = begin() + 2; i != end(); ++i) {
+ TList type(new AType(tenv.U, NULL, loc));
+ for (const_iterator i = iter_at(2); i != end(); ++i) {
const ATuple* exp = (*i)->as<const ATuple*>();
const ASymbol* tag = (*exp->begin())->as<const ASymbol*>();
- AType* consT = new AType(exp->loc, AType::EXPR);
- consT->push_back(new AType(const_cast<ASymbol*>(sym), AType::NAME));
+ TList consT;
+ consT.push_back(new AType(const_cast<ASymbol*>(sym), AType::NAME));
for (ATuple::const_iterator i = exp->begin(); i != exp->end(); ++i) {
const ASymbol* sym = (*i)->to<const ASymbol*>();
THROW_IF(!sym, (*i)->loc, "type expression element is not a symbol");
- consT->push_back(new AType(const_cast<ASymbol*>(sym), AType::NAME));
+ consT.push_back(new AType(const_cast<ASymbol*>(sym), AType::NAME));
- type->push_back(consT);
+ consT.head->loc = exp->loc;
+ type.push_back(consT);
tenv.def(tag, consT);
tenv.def(sym, type);
@@ -248,13 +253,13 @@ ACons::constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error)
const ASymbol* sym = (*begin())->as<const ASymbol*>();
const AType* type = NULL;
- for (const_iterator i = begin() + 1; i != end(); ++i)
+ for (const_iterator i = iter_at(1); i != end(); ++i)
(*i)->constrain(tenv, c);
if (sym->cppstr == "Tup") {
- AType* tupT = tup<AType>(loc, tenv.Tup, 0);
- for (const_iterator i = begin() + 1; i != end(); ++i) {
- tupT->push_back(const_cast<AType*>(tenv.var(*i)));
+ TList tupT(new AType(tenv.Tup, NULL, loc));
+ for (const_iterator i = iter_at(1); i != end(); ++i) {
+ tupT.push_back(const_cast<AType*>(tenv.var(*i)));
type = tupT;
} else {
@@ -269,21 +274,21 @@ ACons::constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error)
ADot::constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error)
- THROW_IF(size() != 3, loc, "`.' requires exactly 2 arguments");
- const_iterator i = begin();
- AST* obj = *++i;
- ALiteral<int32_t>* idx = (*++i)->to<ALiteral<int32_t>*>();
+ THROW_IF(list_len() != 3, loc, "`.' requires exactly 2 arguments");
+ const_iterator i = begin();
+ const AST* obj = *++i;
+ const ALiteral<int32_t>* idx = (*++i)->to<const ALiteral<int32_t>*>();
THROW_IF(!idx, loc, "the 2nd argument to `.' must be a literal integer");
obj->constrain(tenv, c);
const AType* retT = tenv.var(this);
c.constrain(tenv, this, retT);
- AType* objT = tup<AType>(loc, tenv.Tup, 0);
+ TList objT(new AType(tenv.Tup, NULL, loc));
for (int i = 0; i < idx->val; ++i)
- objT->push_back(const_cast<AType*>(tenv.var()));
- objT->push_back(const_cast<AType*>(retT));
- objT->push_back(new AType(obj->loc, AType::DOTS));
+ objT.push_back(const_cast<AType*>(tenv.var()));
+ objT.push_back(const_cast<AType*>(retT));
+ objT.push_back(new AType(obj->loc, AType::DOTS));
c.constrain(tenv, obj, objT);
@@ -313,26 +318,26 @@ APrimitive::constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error)
const AType* var = NULL;
switch (type) {
- if (size() < 3)
+ if (list_len() < 3)
throw Error(loc, (format("`%1%' requires at least 2 arguments") % n).str());
for (++i; i != end(); ++i)
c.constrain(tenv, *i, tenv.var(this));
case BINARY:
- if (size() != 3)
+ if (list_len() != 3)
throw Error(loc, (format("`%1%' requires exactly 2 arguments") % n).str());
c.constrain(tenv, *++i, tenv.var(this));
c.constrain(tenv, *++i, tenv.var(this));
- if (size() != 3)
+ if (list_len() != 3)
throw Error(loc, (format("`%1%' requires exactly 2 arguments") % n).str());
c.constrain(tenv, this, tenv.named("Bool"));
c.constrain(tenv, *++i, tenv.named("Bool"));
c.constrain(tenv, *++i, tenv.named("Bool"));
- if (size() != 3)
+ if (list_len() != 3)
throw Error(loc, (format("`%1%' requires exactly 2 arguments") % n).str());
var = tenv.var(*++i);
c.constrain(tenv, this, tenv.named("Bool"));
diff --git a/src/depoly.cpp b/src/depoly.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index cd9c5e8..0000000
--- a/src/depoly.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-/* Resp: A programming language
- * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 David Robillard <dave@drobilla.net>
- *
- * Resp is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the
- * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
- * option) any later version.
- *
- * Resp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- * Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with Resp. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
-/** @file
- * @brief Remove polymorphism (compilation pass 2)
- * After this pass:
- * - All functions definitions have concrete type
- */
-#include "resp.hpp"
-using namespace std;
-ATuple::depoly(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw()
- ATuple* ret = new ATuple(*this);
- iterator ri = ret->begin();
- FOREACHP(const_iterator, t, this)
- *ri++ = (*t)->depoly(cenv, code);
- return ret;
-AFn::depoly(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw()
- return (cenv.type(this)->concrete()) ? this : NULL;
-template<typename T>
-depoly_call(CEnv& cenv, T* call, Code& code) throw()
- const AST* head = cenv.resolve(call->head());
- const AFn* callee = head->to<const AFn*>();
- if (!callee || cenv.type(callee)->concrete())
- return call;
- /*pair<CEnv::Defs::iterator, CEnv::Defs::iterator> r = cenv.defs.equal_range(this);
- for (CEnv::Defs::iterator i = r.first; i != r.second; ++i) {
- if (*i->second.type == *cenv.type(this)) {
- ADef* def = i->second.def;
- cout << "CACHED LIFTED FN " << def << endl;
- return *(def->begin() + 2);
- }
- }*/
- // Build arguments type
- AType argsT(call->loc);
- for (typename T::const_iterator i = call->begin() + 1; i != call->end(); ++i)
- argsT.push_back(const_cast<AType*>(cenv.type(*i)));
- const AType* genericType = cenv.type(callee);
- Subst argsSubst = cenv.tenv.buildSubst(genericType, argsT);
- const AType* thisType = argsSubst.apply(genericType)->as<const AType*>();
- // Create a new version of callee for this type
- AFn* concreteCallee = new AFn(callee);
- ASymbol* newName = cenv.penv.gensym(callee->name.c_str());
- cenv.setType(concreteCallee, thisType);
- concreteCallee->name = newName->cppstr;
- ADef* def = tup<ADef>(Cursor(), cenv.penv.sym("def"), newName, concreteCallee, NULL);
- cenv.setType(concreteCallee, thisType);
- cenv.setType(def, cenv.tenv.named("Nothing"));
- code.push_back(def);
- // Create copy of call that calls new concrete callee
- ATuple* copy = new T(call);
- *copy->begin() = newName;
- cenv.setType(copy, (*(thisType->begin() + 2))->as<AType*>());
- return copy;
-ADef::depoly(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw()
- // Define stub first for recursion
- cenv.def(sym(), body(), cenv.type(body()), NULL);
- AFn* c = body()->to<AFn*>();
- if (c)
- c->name = sym()->str();
- ADef* copy = new ADef(ATuple::depoly(cenv, code)->as<ATuple*>());
- if (copy->body() == NULL)
- return NULL; // Don't attempt to compile polymorphic functions
- cenv.setType(copy, cenv.type(this));
- return copy;
-AST* ACall::depoly(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw() { return depoly_call(cenv, this, code); }
-AST* AIf::depoly(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw() { return depoly_call(cenv, this, code); }
-AST* ACons::depoly(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw() { return depoly_call(cenv, this, code); }
-AST* ADot::depoly(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw() { return depoly_call(cenv, this, code); }
-AST* APrimitive::depoly(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw() { return depoly_call(cenv, this, code); }
diff --git a/src/lex.cpp b/src/lex.cpp
index f633b00..5b6eb73 100644
--- a/src/lex.cpp
+++ b/src/lex.cpp
@@ -41,15 +41,15 @@ readChar(Cursor& cur, istream& in)
readExpression(Cursor& cur, istream& in)
-#define PUSH(s, t) { if (t != "") { s.top()->push_back(new ALexeme(loc, t)); t = ""; } }
+#define PUSH(s, t) { if (t != "") { s.top().push_back(new ALexeme(loc, t)); t = ""; } }
#define YIELD(s, t) { if (s.empty()) { return new ALexeme(loc, t); } else PUSH(s, t) }
- stack<ATuple*> stk;
- string tok;
- Cursor loc; // start of tok
+ stack< List<ATuple, AST> > stk;
+ string tok;
+ Cursor loc; // start of tok
while (int c = readChar(cur, in)) {
switch (c) {
case EOF:
- THROW_IF(!stk.empty(), cur, "unexpected end of file")
+ THROW_IF(!stk.empty(), cur, "unexpected end of file");
return new ATuple(cur);
case ';':
while ((c = readChar(cur, in)) != '\n') {}
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ readExpression(Cursor& cur, istream& in)
YIELD(stk, tok);
case '(':
- stk.push(new ATuple(cur));
+ stk.push(List<ATuple, AST>());
case ')':
switch (stk.size()) {
@@ -89,12 +89,12 @@ readExpression(Cursor& cur, istream& in)
throw Error(cur, "unexpected `)'");
case 1:
PUSH(stk, tok);
- return stk.top();
+ return stk.top().head;
PUSH(stk, tok);
- ATuple* l = stk.top();
+ List<ATuple, AST> l = stk.top();
- stk.top()->push_back(l);
+ stk.top().push_back(l.head);
case '#':
@@ -109,8 +109,9 @@ readExpression(Cursor& cur, istream& in)
switch (stk.size()) {
case 0: return new AString(loc, tok);
- case 1: return stk.top();
- default: throw Error(cur, "missing `)'");
+ case 1: return stk.top().head;
+ default: throw Error(cur, "missing `)'");
- return new ATuple(cur);
+ assert(false);
+ return new ATuple(cur); // never reached
diff --git a/src/lift.cpp b/src/lift.cpp
index 563fd5d..81b157d 100644
--- a/src/lift.cpp
+++ b/src/lift.cpp
@@ -57,12 +57,8 @@ AQuote::lift(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw()
ATuple::lift(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw()
- ATuple* ret = new ATuple(*this);
- iterator ri = ret->begin();
- FOREACHP(const_iterator, t, this)
- *ri++ = (*t)->lift(cenv, code);
- cenv.setTypeSameAs(ret, this);
- return ret;
+ assert(false);
+ return NULL;
@@ -84,24 +80,24 @@ AFn::lift(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw()
const AType* paramType = (*tp++)->as<const AType*>();
if (paramType->kind == AType::EXPR && *paramType->head() == *cenv.tenv.Fn) {
AType* fnType = new AType(*paramType);
- fnType->prot()->push_front(const_cast<AType*>(cenv.tenv.var()));
+ fnType->prot(new AType(const_cast<AType*>(cenv.tenv.var()), fnType->prot()->as<AType*>(), Cursor()));
paramType = tup<const AType>((*p)->loc, cenv.tenv.Tup, fnType, NULL);
- cenv.def((*p)->as<ASymbol*>(), *p, paramType, NULL);
+ cenv.def((*p)->as<const ASymbol*>(), *p, paramType, NULL);
*ip++ = new AType(*paramType);
- /* Add closure parameter with dummy name (undefined symbol).
+ /* Prepend closure parameter with dummy name (undefined symbol).
* The name of this parameter will be changed to the name of this
* function after lifting the body (so recursive references correctly
* refer to this function by the closure parameter).
- impl->prot()->push_front(cenv.penv.sym("_"));
+ impl->prot(new ATuple(cenv.penv.sym("_"), impl->prot()));
// Lift body
const AType* implRetT = NULL;
- iterator ci = impl->begin() + 2;
- for (const_iterator i = begin() + 2; i != end(); ++i, ++ci) {
+ iterator ci = impl->iter_at(2);
+ for (iterator i = iter_at(2); i != end(); ++i, ++ci) {
*ci = (*i)->lift(cenv, code);
implRetT = cenv.type(*ci);
@@ -117,22 +113,22 @@ AFn::lift(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw()
AType* implT = new AType(*type); // Type of the implementation function
- AType* tupT = tup<AType>(loc, cenv.tenv.Tup, cenv.tenv.var(), NULL);
- AType* consT = tup<AType>(loc, cenv.tenv.Tup, implT, NULL);
- ACons* cons = tup<ACons>(loc, cenv.penv.sym("Closure"), implName, NULL);
+ TList tupT(loc, cenv.tenv.Tup, cenv.tenv.var(), NULL);
+ TList consT(loc, cenv.tenv.Tup, implT, NULL);
+ List<ACons, AST> cons(loc, cenv.penv.sym("Closure"), implName, NULL);
- *(implT->begin() + 1) = implProtT;
+ implT->list_ref(1) = implProtT;
const CEnv::FreeVars& freeVars = cenv.liftStack.top();
for (CEnv::FreeVars::const_iterator i = freeVars.begin(); i != freeVars.end(); ++i) {
- cons->push_back(*i);
- tupT->push_back(const_cast<AType*>(cenv.type(*i)));
- consT->push_back(const_cast<AType*>(cenv.type(*i)));
+ cons.push_back(*i);
+ tupT.push_back(const_cast<AType*>(cenv.type(*i)));
+ consT.push_back(const_cast<AType*>(cenv.type(*i)));
- implT->prot()->push_front(tupT);
- *(implT->begin() + 2) = const_cast<AType*>(implRetT);
+ implT->prot(new AType(tupT, implT->prot(), Cursor()));
+ implT->list_ref(2) = const_cast<AType*>(implRetT);
cenv.setType(impl, implT);
cenv.setType(cons, consT);
@@ -147,19 +143,22 @@ AFn::lift(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw()
ACall::lift(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw()
- ACall* copy = new ACall(this);
- ATuple::iterator ri = copy->begin();
+ List<ACall, AST> copy;
// Lift all children (callee and arguments, recursively)
- for (const_iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i)
- *ri++ = (*i)->lift(cenv, code);
+ for (iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i)
+ copy.push_back((*i)->lift(cenv, code));
+ copy.head->loc = loc;
+ const AType* copyT = NULL;
ASymbol* sym = head()->to<ASymbol*>();
if (sym && !cenv.liftStack.empty() && sym->cppstr == cenv.liftStack.top().fn->name) {
/* Recursive call to innermost function, call implementation directly,
* reusing the current "_me" closure parameter (no cons or .).
- copy->push_front(cenv.penv.sym(cenv.liftStack.top().implName));
+ copy.push_front(cenv.penv.sym(cenv.liftStack.top().implName));
} else if (head()->to<AFn*>()) {
/* Special case: ((fn ...) ...)
* Lifting (fn ...) yields: (Fn _impl ...).
@@ -168,24 +167,25 @@ ACall::lift(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw()
* closure as the first parameter:
* (_impl (Fn _impl ...) ...)
- ACons* closure = (*copy->begin())->as<ACons*>();
- ASymbol* implSym = (*(closure->begin() + 1))->as<ASymbol*>();
+ ACons* closure = copy.head->list_ref(0)->as<ACons*>();
+ ASymbol* implSym = closure->list_ref(1)->as<ASymbol*>();
const AType* implT = cenv.type(cenv.resolve(implSym));
- copy->push_front(implSym);
- cenv.setType(copy, (*(implT->begin() + 2))->as<const AType*>());
+ copy.push_front(implSym);
+ copyT = implT->list_ref(2)->as<const AType*>();
} else {
// Call to a closure, prepend code to access implementation function
ADot* getFn = tup<ADot>(loc, cenv.penv.sym("."),
- copy->head(),
- new ALiteral<int32_t>(0, Cursor()), NULL);
- const AType* calleeT = cenv.type(copy->head());
+ copy.head->head(),
+ new ALiteral<int32_t>(0, Cursor()), NULL);
+ const AType* calleeT = cenv.type(copy.head->head());
assert(**calleeT->begin() == *cenv.tenv.Tup);
- const AType* implT = (*(calleeT->begin() + 1))->as<const AType*>();
- copy->push_front(getFn);
+ const AType* implT = calleeT->list_ref(1)->as<const AType*>();
+ copy.push_front(getFn);
cenv.setType(getFn, implT);
- cenv.setType(copy, (*(implT->begin() + 2))->as<const AType*>());
+ copyT = implT->list_ref(2)->as<const AType*>();
+ cenv.setType(copy, copyT);
return copy;
@@ -198,13 +198,19 @@ ADef::lift(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw()
if (c)
c->name = sym()->str();
- ADef* copy = new ADef(ATuple::lift(cenv, code)->as<ATuple*>());
+ assert(list_ref(1)->to<const ASymbol*>());
+ List<ADef, AST> copy;
+ copy.push_back(head());
+ copy.push_back(list_ref(1)->lift(cenv, code));
+ for (iterator t = iter_at(2); t != end(); ++t)
+ copy.push_back((*t)->lift(cenv, code));
+ cenv.setTypeSameAs(copy, this);
- if (copy->sym() == copy->body())
+ if (copy.head->sym() == copy.head->body())
return NULL; // Definition created by AFn::lift when body was lifted
- cenv.def(copy->sym(), copy->body(), cenv.type(copy->body()), NULL);
- cenv.setTypeSameAs(copy, this);
+ cenv.def(copy.head->sym(), copy.head->body(), cenv.type(copy.head->body()), NULL);
return copy;
@@ -213,10 +219,10 @@ AST*
lift_builtin_call(CEnv& cenv, T* call, Code& code) throw()
ATuple* copy = new T(call);
- ATuple::iterator ri = copy->begin() + 1;
+ ATuple::iterator ri = copy->iter_at(1);
// Lift all arguments
- for (typename T::const_iterator i = call->begin() + 1; i != call->end(); ++i)
+ for (typename T::iterator i = call->iter_at(1); i != call->end(); ++i)
*ri++ = (*i)->lift(cenv, code);
cenv.setTypeSameAs(copy, call);
diff --git a/src/llvm.cpp b/src/llvm.cpp
index 24846cc..3e55b98 100644
--- a/src/llvm.cpp
+++ b/src/llvm.cpp
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ struct LLVMEngine : public Engine {
} else if (t->kind == AType::EXPR && isupper(t->head()->str()[0])) {
vector<const Type*> ctypes;
ctypes.push_back(PointerType::get(Type::getInt8Ty(context), NULL)); // RTTI
- for (AType::const_iterator i = t->begin() + 1; i != t->end(); ++i) {
+ for (AType::const_iterator i = t->iter_at(1); i != t->end(); ++i) {
const Type* lt = llType((*i)->to<const AType*>());
if (!lt)
return NULL;
@@ -132,13 +132,13 @@ struct LLVMEngine : public Engine {
const std::string& name, const ATuple* args, const AType* type)
const AType* argsT = type->prot()->as<const AType*>();
- const AType* retT = type->last()->as<const AType*>();
+ const AType* retT = type->list_last()->as<const AType*>();
Function::LinkageTypes linkage = Function::ExternalLinkage;
vector<const Type*> cprot;
FOREACHP(ATuple::const_iterator, i, argsT) {
- AType* at = (*i)->as<AType*>();
+ const AType* at = (*i)->as<const AType*>();
THROW_IF(!llType(at), Cursor(), string("non-concrete parameter :: ")
+ at->str())
@@ -278,8 +278,8 @@ LLVMEngine::compileTup(CEnv& cenv, const AType* type, CVal rtti, const vector<CV
// Find size of memory required
size_t s = engine->getTargetData()->getTypeSizeInBits(PointerType::get(Type::getInt8Ty(context), NULL));
assert(type->begin() != type->end());
- for (AType::const_iterator i = type->begin() + 1; i != type->end(); ++i)
- s += engine->getTargetData()->getTypeSizeInBits(llType((*i)->as<AType*>()));
+ for (AType::const_iterator i = type->iter_at(1); i != type->end(); ++i)
+ s += engine->getTargetData()->getTypeSizeInBits(llType((*i)->as<const AType*>()));
// Allocate struct
Value* structSize = ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(context), bitsToBytes(s));
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ LLVMEngine::pushFunctionArgs(CEnv& cenv, const AFn* fn, const AType* type, CFunc
const AType* t = (*pT)->as<const AType*>();
const Type* lt = llType(t);
THROW_IF(!lt, fn->loc, "untyped parameter\n");
- cenv.def((*p)->as<ASymbol*>(), *p, t, &*a);
+ cenv.def((*p)->as<const ASymbol*>(), *p, t, &*a);
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ LLVMEngine::compileIf(CEnv& cenv, const AIf* aif)
BasicBlock* nextBB = NULL;
Branches branches;
size_t idx = 1;
- for (AIf::const_iterator i = aif->begin() + 1; ; ++i, idx += 2) {
+ for (AIf::const_iterator i = aif->iter_at(1); ; ++i, idx += 2) {
AIf::const_iterator next = i;
if (++next == aif->end())
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ LLVMEngine::compileIf(CEnv& cenv, const AIf* aif)
// Emit final else block
- Value* elseV = llVal(aif->last()->compile(cenv));
+ Value* elseV = llVal(aif->list_last()->compile(cenv));
branches.push_back(make_pair(elseV, engine->builder.GetInsertBlock()));
@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ CVal
LLVMEngine::compileMatch(CEnv& cenv, const AMatch* match)
typedef vector< pair<Value*, BasicBlock*> > Branches;
- Value* matchee = llVal((*(match->begin() + 1))->compile(cenv));
+ Value* matchee = llVal(match->list_ref(1)->compile(cenv));
Value* rttiPtr = builder.CreateStructGEP(matchee, 0, "matchRTTIPtr");
Value* rtti = builder.CreateLoad(rttiPtr, 0, "matchRTTI");
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ LLVMEngine::compileMatch(CEnv& cenv, const AMatch* match)
Branches branches;
size_t idx = 1;
- for (AMatch::const_iterator i = match->begin() + 2; i != match->end(); ++idx) {
+ for (AMatch::const_iterator i = match->iter_at(2); i != match->end(); ++idx) {
const AST* pat = *i++;
const AST* body = *i++;
const ASymbol* sym = pat->to<const ATuple*>()->head()->as<const ASymbol*>();
diff --git a/src/parse.cpp b/src/parse.cpp
index 28279f9..066db76 100644
--- a/src/parse.cpp
+++ b/src/parse.cpp
@@ -23,13 +23,14 @@
using namespace std;
+template<typename T>
parseTuple(PEnv& penv, const ATuple* e)
- ATuple* ret = new ATuple(e->loc);
+ List<T, AST> ret;
FOREACHP(ATuple::const_iterator, i, e)
- ret->push_back(penv.parse(*i));
- return ret;
+ ret.push_back(penv.parse(*i));
+ return ret.head;
@@ -57,10 +58,10 @@ PEnv::parse(const AST* exp)
return h->func(*this, exp, h->arg); // Parse special form
if (isupper(form->c_str()[0])) // Call constructor (any uppercase symbol)
- return new ACons(parseTuple(*this, tup));
+ return parseTuple<ACons>(*this, tup);
- return new ACall(parseTuple(*this, tup)); // Parse regular call
+ return parseTuple<ACall>(*this, tup); // Parse regular call
const ALexeme* lex = exp->to<const ALexeme*>();
@@ -92,29 +93,34 @@ macDef(PEnv& penv, const AST* exp)
const ATuple* tup = exp->to<const ATuple*>();
ATuple::const_iterator i = tup->begin();
THROW_IF(i == tup->end(), tup->loc, "Unexpected end of `def' macro call");
- const AST* name = *(++i);
- THROW_IF(i == tup->end(), name->loc, "Unexpected end of `def' macro call");
- if (name->to<const ALexeme*>()) {
+ const AST* arg1 = *(++i);
+ THROW_IF(i == tup->end(), arg1->loc, "Unexpected end of `def' macro call");
+ if (arg1->to<const ALexeme*>()) {
return const_cast<AST*>(exp);
} else {
- const ATuple* pat = name->to<const ATuple*>();
- name = pat->head();
// (def (f x) y) => (def f (fn (x) y))
- ATuple* argsExp = new ATuple(exp->loc);
+ const ATuple* pat = arg1->to<const ATuple*>();
+ List<ATuple, AST> argsExp;
ATuple::const_iterator j = pat->begin();
for (++j; j != pat->end(); ++j)
- argsExp->push_back(*j);
+ argsExp.push_back(const_cast<AST*>(*j));
+ argsExp.head->loc = exp->loc;
const AST* body = *(++i);
- ATuple* fnExp = new ATuple(body->loc);
- fnExp->push_back(new ALexeme(exp->loc, "fn"));
- fnExp->push_back(argsExp);
+ List<ATuple, AST> fnExp;
+ fnExp.push_back(new ALexeme(exp->loc, "fn"));
+ fnExp.push_back(argsExp.head);
for (; i != tup->end(); ++i)
- fnExp->push_back(*i);
- ATuple* ret = new ATuple(exp->loc);
- ret->push_back(const_cast<AST*>(tup->head()));
- ret->push_back(const_cast<AST*>(name));
- ret->push_back(fnExp);
- return ret;
+ fnExp.push_back(const_cast<AST*>(*i));
+ fnExp.head->loc = body->loc;
+ List<ATuple, AST> ret;
+ ret.push_back(const_cast<AST*>(tup->head()));
+ ret.push_back(const_cast<AST*>(pat->head()));
+ ret.push_back(fnExp.head);
+ ret.head->loc = exp->loc;
+ return ret.head;
@@ -127,7 +133,7 @@ template<typename C>
inline AST*
parseCall(PEnv& penv, const AST* exp, void* arg)
- return new C(parseTuple(penv, exp->to<const ATuple*>()));
+ return parseTuple<C>(penv, exp->to<const ATuple*>());
template<typename T>
@@ -143,19 +149,21 @@ parseFn(PEnv& penv, const AST* exp, void* arg)
const ATuple* texp = exp->to<const ATuple*>();
ATuple::const_iterator a = texp->begin();
THROW_IF(++a == texp->end(), exp->loc, "Unexpected end of `fn' form");
- ATuple* prot = parseTuple(penv, (*a++)->to<const ATuple*>());
- AFn* ret = tup<AFn>(exp->loc, penv.sym("fn"), prot, 0);
+ ATuple* prot = parseTuple<ATuple>(penv, (*a++)->to<const ATuple*>());
+ List<ATuple, AST> ret(new ATuple(penv.sym("fn"), NULL));
+ ret.push_back(prot);
while (a != texp->end())
- ret->push_back(penv.parse(*a++));
- return ret;
+ ret.push_back(penv.parse(*a++));
+ ret.head->loc = exp->loc;
+ return new AFn(ret.head);
inline AST*
parseQuote(PEnv& penv, const AST* exp, void* arg)
const ATuple* texp = exp->to<const ATuple*>();
- THROW_IF(texp->size() != 2, exp->loc, "`quote' requires exactly 1 argument");
- const AST* quotee = (*(texp->begin() + 1))->to<ALexeme*>();
+ THROW_IF(texp->list_len() != 2, exp->loc, "`quote' requires exactly 1 argument");
+ const ALexeme* quotee = texp->list_ref(1)->to<const ALexeme*>();
THROW_IF(!quotee, exp->loc, "`quote' argument is not a lexeme");
return new AQuote(texp);
diff --git a/src/pprint.cpp b/src/pprint.cpp
index 7a463cc..003d447 100644
--- a/src/pprint.cpp
+++ b/src/pprint.cpp
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ newline(ostream& out, unsigned indent)
out << " ";
print_tuple(ostream& out, const ATuple* tup, ATuple::const_iterator i,
unsigned indent, bool newlines, CEnv* cenv, bool types, bool elem_types)
@@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ print_tuple(ostream& out, const ATuple* tup, ATuple::const_iterator i,
i = next;
+ return (out << ")");
@@ -97,62 +99,70 @@ print_to(ostream& out, const AST* ast, unsigned indent, CEnv* cenv, bool types)
if (tup) {
out << "(";
ATuple::const_iterator i = tup->begin();
- const ASymbol* head = (i == tup->end()) ? NULL : (*i)->to<const ASymbol*>();
- if (head) {
- if (head == cenv->penv.sym("def")) {
- out << (*i++) << " ";
- // Print symbol (possibly with type annotation)
- const AST* sym = *i++;
- out << sym;
- if (types)
- out << " :" << cenv->tsubst.apply(cenv->tenv.var(sym));
- // Print value on following lines, indented
- newline(out, indent + 2);
- print_tuple(out, tup, i, indent, true, cenv, types, false);
- return out << ")";
+ std::string form = "";
+ if (i != tup->end()) {
+ const ASymbol* sym = (*i)->to<const ASymbol*>();
+ if (sym) {
+ form = sym->cppstr;
+ } else {
+ const ALexeme* lexeme = (*i)->to<const ALexeme*>();
+ if (lexeme)
+ form = *lexeme;
+ }
+ }
+ if (form == "def") {
+ out << (*i++) << " ";
+ // Print symbol (possibly with type annotation)
+ const AST* sym = *i++;
+ out << sym;
+ if (types)
+ out << " :" << cenv->tsubst.apply(cenv->tenv.var(sym));
+ // Print value on following lines, indented
+ newline(out, indent + 2);
+ return print_tuple(out, tup, i, indent, true, cenv, types, false);
- } else if (head == cenv->penv.sym("fn")) {
- out << (*i++) << " ";
- const ATuple* pat = (*i++)->as<const ATuple*>();
+ } else if (form == "fn") {
+ out << (*i++) << " ";
+ const ATuple* pat = (*i++)->as<const ATuple*>();
- // Print prototype (possibly with parameter type annotations)
- out << "(";
- print_tuple(out, pat, pat->begin(), indent, false, cenv, types, types);
- out << ")";
+ // Print prototype (possibly with parameter type annotations)
+ out << "(";
+ print_tuple(out, pat, pat->begin(), indent, false, cenv, types, types);
- // Print body expression(s) on following lines, indented
- newline(out, indent + 2);
- print_tuple(out, tup, i, indent + 2, true, cenv, types, false);
- return out << ")";
+ // Print body expression(s) on following lines, indented
+ newline(out, indent + 2);
+ return print_tuple(out, tup, i, indent + 2, true, cenv, types, false);
- } else if (head == cenv->penv.sym("if")) {
- out << (*i++) << " ";
+ } else if (form == "if") {
+ out << (*i++) << " ";
- // Print each condition and consequent pair separated by blank lines
- for (; i != tup->end(); ) {
- ATuple::const_iterator next = i;
- ++next;
+ // Print each condition and consequent pair separated by blank lines
+ for (; i != tup->end(); ) {
+ ATuple::const_iterator next = i;
+ ++next;
- print_to(out, *i, indent + 2, cenv, types);
- if (next != tup->end()) {
- newline(out, indent + 2);
- print_to(out, *next++, indent + 2, cenv, types);
- newline(out, 0);
- newline(out, indent + 2);
- }
- i = next;
+ print_to(out, *i, indent + 2, cenv, types);
+ if (next != tup->end()) {
+ newline(out, indent + 2);
+ print_to(out, *next++, indent + 2, cenv, types);
+ newline(out, 0);
+ newline(out, indent + 2);
+ i = next;
- }
- // Print plain tuple
- print_tuple(out, tup, i, indent + 1, false, cenv, types, false);
- return out << ")";
+ return out;
+ } else {
+ return print_tuple(out, tup, i, indent + 1, false, cenv, types, false);
+ }
return out << "?";
diff --git a/src/repl.cpp b/src/repl.cpp
index c2a50f5..d0a251b 100644
--- a/src/repl.cpp
+++ b/src/repl.cpp
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ readParseType(CEnv& cenv, Cursor& cursor, istream& is, AST*& exp, AST*& ast)
is.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n'); // Skip REPL junk
throw e;
if (exp->to<ATuple*>() && exp->to<ATuple*>()->empty())
return false;
@@ -87,39 +87,16 @@ eval(CEnv& cenv, Cursor& cursor, istream& is, bool execute)
try {
while (readParseType(cenv, cursor, is, exp, ast))
if (cenv.args.find("-T") != cenv.args.end()) {
for (list<AST*>::const_iterator i = parsed.begin(); i != parsed.end(); ++i)
- pprint(cout, (*i), &cenv, true);
+ pprint(cout, *i, &cenv, true);
return 0;
CVal val = NULL;
CFunc f = NULL;
- /*
- // De-poly all expressions
- Code concrete;
- for (list<AST*>::iterator i = parsed.begin(); i != parsed.end(); ++i) {
- AST* c = (*i)->depoly(cenv, concrete);
- if (c)
- concrete.push_back(c);
- }
- if (cenv.args.find("-d") != cenv.args.end()) {
- cout << endl << ";;;; CONCRETE {" << endl << endl;
- for (Code::iterator i = concrete.begin(); i != concrete.end(); ++i) {
- cout << *i << endl;
- ADef* def = (*i)->to<ADef*>();
- if (def)
- std::cout << " :: " << cenv.type(def->body()) << std::endl;
- cout << endl;
- }
- cout << ";;;; } CONCRETE" << endl << endl;
- }
- */
// Lift all expressions
Code lifted;
for (list<AST*>::iterator i = parsed.begin(); i != parsed.end(); ++i) {
@@ -128,32 +105,29 @@ eval(CEnv& cenv, Cursor& cursor, istream& is, bool execute)
- if (cenv.args.find("-d") != cenv.args.end()) {
- cout << endl << ";;;; LIFTED {" << endl << endl;
- for (Code::iterator i = lifted.begin(); i != lifted.end(); ++i) {
- cout << *i << endl;
- ADef* def = (*i)->to<ADef*>();
- if (def)
- std::cout << " :: " << cenv.type(def->body()) << std::endl;
- cout << endl;
- }
- cout << ";;;; } LIFTED" << endl << endl;
+ if (cenv.args.find("-L") != cenv.args.end()) {
+ for (Code::const_iterator i = lifted.begin(); i != lifted.end(); ++i)
+ pprint(cout, *i, &cenv, true);
+ return 0;
// Compile top-level (lifted) functions
Code exprs;
- for (Code::iterator i = lifted.begin(); i != lifted.end(); ++i) {
- ADef* def = (*i)->to<ADef*>();
- if (def && (*(def->begin() + 2))->to<AFn*>()) {
+ for (Code::const_iterator i = lifted.begin(); i != lifted.end(); ++i) {
+ const ADef* def = (*i)->to<const ADef*>();
+ if (def && def->list_ref(2)->to<const AFn*>()) {
val = def->compile(cenv);
} else {
- exprs.push_back(*i);
+ assert(*i);
+ ATuple* tup = (*i)->to<ATuple*>();
+ if (!tup || (tup->tup_len() > 0))
+ exprs.push_back(*i);
const AType* type = cenv.type(exprs.back());
const AType* fnT = tup<const AType>(cursor, cenv.tenv.Fn, new AType(cursor), type, 0);
// Create function for top-level of program
f = cenv.engine()->startFunction(cenv, "main", new ATuple(cursor), fnT);
@@ -164,12 +138,13 @@ eval(CEnv& cenv, Cursor& cursor, istream& is, bool execute)
// Finish compilation
cenv.engine()->finishFunction(cenv, f, val);
- if (cenv.args.find("-d") != cenv.args.end())
+ if (cenv.args.find("-S") != cenv.args.end()) {
cenv.engine()->writeModule(cenv, cenv.out);
+ return 0;
+ }
- // Call and print ast
- if (cenv.args.find("-S") == cenv.args.end())
- callPrintCollect(cenv, f, ast, type, execute);
+ // Call and print result
+ callPrintCollect(cenv, f, ast, type, execute);
} catch (Error& e) {
cenv.err << e.what() << endl;
diff --git a/src/resp.cpp b/src/resp.cpp
index 4da92e3..96df3b7 100644
--- a/src/resp.cpp
+++ b/src/resp.cpp
@@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ print_usage(char* name, bool error)
os << " -r Enter REPL after evaluating files" << endl;
os << " -b BACKEND Use backend (llvm or c)" << endl;
os << " -g Debug (disable optimisation)" << endl;
- os << " -d Dump generated code during compilation" << endl;
os << " -P Parse and pretty-print only" << endl;
os << " -T Type check and annotate only" << endl;
+ os << " -L Lambda lift only" << endl;
os << " -S Compile to assembly only (do not evaluate)" << endl;
os << " -e EXPRESSION Evaluate EXPRESSION" << endl;
os << " -o FILE Compile output to FILE (don't run)" << endl;
@@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ main(int argc, char** argv)
} else if (!strncmp(argv[i], "-r", 3)
|| !strncmp(argv[i], "-g", 3)
- || !strncmp(argv[i], "-d", 3)
|| !strncmp(argv[i], "-P", 3)
|| !strncmp(argv[i], "-T", 3)
+ || !strncmp(argv[i], "-L", 3)
|| !strncmp(argv[i], "-S", 3)) {
args.insert(make_pair(argv[i], ""));
} else if (i == argc-1 || argv[i+1][0] == '-') {
@@ -116,6 +116,9 @@ main(int argc, char** argv)
while (is.good() && !is.eof()) {
Cursor loc(*f);
AST* exp = readExpression(loc, is);
+ if (!exp || (exp->as<ATuple*>() && exp->as<ATuple*>()->tup_len() == 1))
+ break;
AST* ast = penv.parse(exp);
pprint(os, ast, cenv, false);
is.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n'); // Skip newlines
diff --git a/src/resp.hpp b/src/resp.hpp
index 3f73f2f..26038b6 100644
--- a/src/resp.hpp
+++ b/src/resp.hpp
@@ -204,9 +204,7 @@ struct AST : public Object {
virtual bool operator==(const AST& o) const = 0;
virtual bool contains(const AST* child) const { return false; }
virtual void constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error) {}
- virtual AST* cps(TEnv& tenv, AST* cont) const;
virtual AST* lift(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw() { return this; }
- virtual AST* depoly(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw() { return this; }
virtual CVal compile(CEnv& env) const throw() = 0;
string str() const { ostringstream ss; ss << this; return ss.str(); }
template<typename T> T to() { return dynamic_cast<T>(this); }
@@ -280,42 +278,148 @@ struct ATuple : public AST {
_vec = (AST**)malloc(sizeof(AST*) * _len);
memcpy(_vec, exp._vec, sizeof(AST*) * _len);
+ ATuple(AST* first, AST* rest, Cursor c=Cursor()) : AST(c), _len(2) {
+ _vec = (AST**)malloc(sizeof(AST*) * _len);
+ _vec[0] = first;
+ _vec[1] = rest;
+ }
ATuple(Cursor c, AST* ast, va_list args) : AST(c), _len(0), _vec(0) {
if (!ast) return;
- push_back(ast);
- for (AST* a = va_arg(args, AST*); a; a = va_arg(args, AST*))
- push_back(a);
+ _len = 2;
+ _vec = (AST**)malloc(sizeof(AST*) * _len);
+ _vec[0] = ast;
+ _vec[1] = NULL;
+ ATuple* tail = this;
+ for (AST* a = va_arg(args, AST*); a; a = va_arg(args, AST*)) {
+ ATuple* tup = new ATuple(a, NULL);
+ tail->last(tup);
+ tail = tup;
+ }
~ATuple() { free(_vec); }
- void push_back(AST* ast) {
- AST** newvec = (AST**)realloc(_vec, sizeof(AST*) * (_len + 1));
- newvec[_len++] = ast;
- _vec = newvec;
- }
- void push_front(AST* ast) {
- AST** newvec = (AST**)malloc(sizeof(AST*) * (_len + 1));
- newvec[0] = ast;
- memcpy(newvec + 1, _vec, sizeof(AST*) * _len++);
- _vec = newvec;
- }
const AST* head() const { assert(_len > 0); return _vec[0]; }
- AST* head() { assert(_len > 0); return _vec[0]; }
+ AST*& head() { assert(_len > 0); return _vec[0]; }
const AST* last() const { return _vec[_len - 1]; }
- AST* last() { return _vec[_len - 1]; }
- size_t size() const { return _len; }
+ AST*& last() { return _vec[_len - 1]; }
bool empty() const { return _len == 0; }
- typedef AST** iterator;
- typedef AST* const* const_iterator;
- const_iterator begin() const { return _vec; }
- iterator begin() { return _vec; }
- const_iterator end() const { return _vec + _len; }
- iterator end() { return _vec + _len; }
+ size_t tup_len() const { return _len; }
+ size_t list_len() const {
+ size_t ret = 0;
+ for (const_iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i, ++ret) {}
+ return ret;
+ }
+ const AST* list_last() const {
+ for (const_iterator i = begin(); i != end();) {
+ const_iterator next = i;
+ ++next;
+ if (next == end())
+ return *i;
+ i = next;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ void last(AST* ast) { _vec[_len - 1] = ast; }
+ struct iterator {
+ iterator(ATuple* n) : node(n) {
+ assert(!n || n->tup_len() == 0 || n->tup_len() == 2);
+ if (!n || n->tup_len() == 0)
+ node = NULL;
+ }
+ inline void increment() {
+ if (node->last())
+ node = node->last()->as<ATuple*>();
+ else
+ node = NULL;
+ }
+ inline iterator& operator++() {
+ assert(node);
+ increment();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline iterator operator++(int) {
+ assert(node);
+ const iterator ret(node);
+ increment();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ inline bool operator==(const iterator& i) const { return node == i.node; }
+ inline bool operator!=(const iterator& i) const { return node != i.node; }
+ AST*& operator*() { return node->head(); }
+ ATuple* node;
+ };
+ struct const_iterator {
+ const_iterator(const ATuple* n) : node(n) {
+ assert(!n || n->tup_len() == 0 || n->tup_len() == 2);
+ if (!n || n->tup_len() == 0)
+ node = NULL;
+ }
+ const_iterator(const iterator& i) : node(i.node) {}
+ inline void increment() {
+ if (node->last())
+ node = node->last()->as<const ATuple*>();
+ else
+ node = NULL;
+ }
+ inline const_iterator& operator++() {
+ assert(node);
+ increment();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline const_iterator operator++(int) {
+ assert(node);
+ const const_iterator ret(node);
+ increment();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ inline bool operator==(const const_iterator& i) const {
+ return node == i.node || (!node && i.node->tup_len() == 0);
+ }
+ inline bool operator!=(const const_iterator& i) const {
+ return !operator==(i);
+ }
+ const AST* operator*() { return node->head(); }
+ const ATuple* node;
+ };
+ const_iterator begin() const { assert(_len == 0 || _len == 2); return const_iterator(this); }
+ iterator begin() { assert(_len == 0 || _len == 2); return iterator(this); }
+ const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(NULL); }
+ iterator end() { return iterator(NULL); }
+ const_iterator iter_at(unsigned index) const {
+ const_iterator i = begin();
+ for (unsigned idx = 0; idx != index; ++i, ++idx) {
+ assert(i != end());
+ }
+ return i;
+ }
+ iterator iter_at(unsigned index) {
+ iterator i = begin();
+ for (unsigned idx = 0; idx != index; ++i, ++idx) {
+ assert(i != end());
+ }
+ return i;
+ }
+ AST*& list_ref(unsigned index) { return *iter_at(index); }
+ const AST* list_ref(unsigned index) const { return *iter_at(index); }
bool value() const { return false; }
bool operator==(const AST& rhs) const {
const ATuple* rt = rhs.to<const ATuple*>();
- if (!rt || rt->size() != size()) return false;
+ if (!rt || rt->tup_len() != tup_len()) return false;
const_iterator l = begin();
FOREACHP(const_iterator, r, rt)
if (!(*(*l++) == *(*r)))
@@ -331,8 +435,6 @@ struct ATuple : public AST {
void constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error);
AST* lift(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw();
- AST* depoly(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw();
CVal compile(CEnv& env) const throw();
@@ -340,17 +442,21 @@ private:
AST** _vec;
/// Type Expression, e.g. "Int", "(Fn (Int Int) Float)"
struct AType : public ATuple {
enum Kind { VAR, NAME, PRIM, EXPR, DOTS };
- AType(ASymbol* s, Kind k) : ATuple(s->loc), kind(k), id(0) { push_back(s); }
+ AType(ASymbol* s, Kind k) : ATuple(s, NULL, s->loc), kind(k), id(0) {}
AType(Cursor c, unsigned i) : ATuple(c), kind(VAR), id(i) {}
AType(Cursor c, Kind k=EXPR) : ATuple(c), kind(k), id(0) {}
AType(Cursor c, AST* ast, va_list args) : ATuple(c, ast, args), kind(EXPR), id(0) {}
- AType(const AType& copy) : ATuple(copy), kind(copy.kind), id(copy.id) { }
+ AType(AST* first, AST* rest, Cursor c) : ATuple(first, rest, c), kind(EXPR), id(0) {}
+ AType(const AType& copy) : ATuple(copy), kind(copy.kind), id(copy.id) {}
CVal compile(CEnv& cenv) const throw();
- const ATuple* prot() const { assert(kind == EXPR); return (*(begin() + 1))->to<const ATuple*>(); }
- ATuple* prot() { assert(kind == EXPR); return (*(begin() + 1))->to<ATuple*>(); }
+ const ATuple* prot() const { assert(kind == EXPR); return list_ref(1)->to<const ATuple*>(); }
+ ATuple* prot() { assert(kind == EXPR); return list_ref(1)->to<ATuple*>(); }
+ void prot(ATuple* prot) { assert(kind == EXPR); *iter_at(1) = prot; }
bool concrete() const {
switch (kind) {
case VAR: return false;
@@ -358,7 +464,7 @@ struct AType : public ATuple {
case PRIM: return head()->str() != "Nothing";
case EXPR:
FOREACHP(const_iterator, t, this) {
- AType* kid = (*t)->to<AType*>();
+ const AType* kid = (*t)->to<const AType*>();
if (kid && !kid->concrete())
return false;
@@ -385,18 +491,54 @@ struct AType : public ATuple {
unsigned id;
+// Utility class for easily building lists from left to right
+template<typename CT, typename ET> // ConsType, ElementType
+struct List {
+ List(CT* h=0) : head(h), tail(0) {}
+ List(Cursor c, ET* ast, ...) : head(0), tail(0) {
+ push_back(ast);
+ assert(*head->begin() == ast);
+ head->loc = c;
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, ast);
+ for (ET* a = va_arg(args, ET*); a; a = va_arg(args, ET*))
+ push_back(a);
+ va_end(args);
+ }
+ void push_back(ET* ast) {
+ if (!head) {
+ head = new CT(ast, NULL, Cursor());
+ } else if (!tail) {
+ CT* node = new CT(ast, NULL, Cursor());
+ head->last(node);
+ tail = node;
+ } else {
+ CT* node = new CT(ast, NULL, Cursor());
+ tail->last(node);
+ tail = node;
+ }
+ }
+ void push_front(ET* ast) {
+ head = new CT(ast, head, Cursor());
+ }
+ operator CT*() const { return head; }
+ CT* head;
+ CT* tail;
+typedef List<AType, AType> TList;
/// Fn (first-class function with captured lexical bindings)
struct AFn : public ATuple {
AFn(const ATuple* exp) : ATuple(*exp) {}
AFn(Cursor c, AST* ast, va_list args) : ATuple(c, ast, args) {}
bool operator==(const AST& rhs) const { return this == &rhs; }
void constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error);
- AST* cps(TEnv& tenv, AST* cont) const;
AST* lift(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw();
- AST* depoly(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw();
CVal compile(CEnv& env) const throw();
- const ATuple* prot() const { return (*(begin() + 1))->to<const ATuple*>(); }
- ATuple* prot() { return (*(begin() + 1))->to<ATuple*>(); }
+ const ATuple* prot() const { return list_ref(1)->to<const ATuple*>(); }
+ ATuple* prot() { return list_ref(1)->to<ATuple*>(); }
+ void prot(ATuple* prot) { *iter_at(1) = prot; }
string name;
@@ -404,10 +546,9 @@ struct AFn : public ATuple {
struct ACall : public ATuple {
ACall(const ATuple* exp) : ATuple(*exp) {}
ACall(Cursor c, AST* ast, va_list args) : ATuple(c, ast, args) {}
+ ACall(AST* first, AST* rest, Cursor c) : ATuple(first, rest, c) {}
void constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error);
- AST* cps(TEnv& tenv, AST* cont) const;
AST* lift(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw();
- AST* depoly(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw();
CVal compile(CEnv& env) const throw();
@@ -415,8 +556,9 @@ struct ACall : public ATuple {
struct ADef : public ACall {
ADef(const ATuple* exp) : ACall(exp) {}
ADef(Cursor c, AST* ast, va_list args) : ACall(c, ast, args) {}
+ ADef(AST* first, AST* rest, Cursor c) : ACall(first, rest, c) {}
const ASymbol* sym() const {
- const AST* name = *(begin() + 1);
+ const AST* name = list_ref(1);
const ASymbol* sym = name->to<const ASymbol*>();
if (!sym) {
const ATuple* tup = name->to<const ATuple*>();
@@ -425,33 +567,29 @@ struct ADef : public ACall {
return sym;
- const AST* body() const { return *(begin() + 2); }
- AST* body() { return *(begin() + 2); }
+ const AST* body() const { return list_ref(2); }
+ AST* body() { return list_ref(2); }
void constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error);
- AST* cps(TEnv& tenv, AST* cont) const;
AST* lift(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw();
- AST* depoly(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw();
CVal compile(CEnv& env) const throw();
struct ADefType : public ACall {
ADefType(const ATuple* exp) : ACall(exp) {}
ADefType(Cursor c, AST* ast, va_list args) : ACall(c, ast, args) {}
- const ASymbol* sym() const { return (*(begin() + 1))->as<const ASymbol*>(); }
+ ADefType(AST* first, AST* rest, Cursor c) : ACall(first, rest, c) {}
+ const ASymbol* sym() const { return list_ref(1)->as<const ASymbol*>(); }
void constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error);
- AST* cps(TEnv& tenv, AST* cont) const;
AST* lift(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw() { return this; }
- AST* depoly(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw() { return this; }
CVal compile(CEnv& env) const throw() { return NULL; }
struct AMatch : public ACall {
AMatch(const ATuple* exp) : ACall(exp) {}
AMatch(Cursor c, AST* ast, va_list args) : ACall(c, ast, args) {}
+ AMatch(AST* first, AST* rest, Cursor c) : ACall(first, rest, c) {}
void constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error);
- AST* cps(TEnv& tenv, AST* cont) const;
AST* lift(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw() { return this; }
- AST* depoly(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw() { return this; }
CVal compile(CEnv& env) const throw();
@@ -459,34 +597,34 @@ struct AMatch : public ACall {
struct AIf : public ACall {
AIf(const ATuple* exp) : ACall(exp) {}
AIf(Cursor c, AST* ast, va_list args) : ACall(c, ast, args) {}
+ AIf(AST* first, AST* rest, Cursor c) : ACall(first, rest, c) {}
void constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error);
- AST* cps(TEnv& tenv, AST* cont) const;
AST* lift(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw();
- AST* depoly(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw();
CVal compile(CEnv& env) const throw();
struct ACons : public ACall {
ACons(const ATuple* exp) : ACall(exp) {}
ACons(Cursor c, AST* ast, va_list args) : ACall(c, ast, args) {}
+ ACons(AST* first, AST* rest, Cursor c) : ACall(first, rest, c) {}
void constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error);
AST* lift(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw();
- AST* depoly(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw();
CVal compile(CEnv& env) const throw();
struct ADot : public ACall {
ADot(const ATuple* exp) : ACall(exp) {}
ADot(Cursor c, AST* ast, va_list args) : ACall(c, ast, args) {}
+ ADot(AST* first, AST* rest, Cursor c) : ACall(first, rest, c) {}
void constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error);
AST* lift(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw();
- AST* depoly(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw();
CVal compile(CEnv& env) const throw();
/// Primitive (builtin arithmetic function), e.g. "(+ 2 3)"
struct APrimitive : public ACall {
APrimitive(const ATuple* exp) : ACall(exp) {}
+ APrimitive(AST* first, AST* rest, Cursor c) : ACall(first, rest, c) {}
bool value() const {
ATuple::const_iterator i = begin();
for (++i; i != end(); ++i)
@@ -495,14 +633,13 @@ struct APrimitive : public ACall {
return true;
void constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error);
- AST* cps(TEnv& tenv, AST* cont) const;
AST* lift(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw();
- AST* depoly(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw();
CVal compile(CEnv& env) const throw();
struct AQuote : public ACall {
AQuote(const ATuple* exp) : ACall(exp) {}
+ AQuote(AST* first, AST* rest, Cursor c) : ACall(first, rest, c) {}
void constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const throw(Error);
AST* lift(CEnv& cenv, Code& code) throw();
CVal compile(CEnv& env) const throw();
@@ -579,10 +716,11 @@ struct Subst : public list<Constraint> {
const AType* apply(const AType* in) const {
if (in->kind == AType::EXPR) {
- AType* out = tup<AType>(in->loc, NULL);
+ TList out;
for (ATuple::const_iterator i = in->begin(); i != in->end(); ++i)
- out->push_back(const_cast<AType*>(apply((*i)->as<AType*>())));
- return out;
+ out.push_back(const_cast<AType*>(apply((*i)->as<const AType*>())));
+ out.head->loc = in->loc;
+ return out.head;
} else {
const_iterator i = find(in);
if (i != end()) {
diff --git a/src/unify.cpp b/src/unify.cpp
index a4ea035..9165d49 100644
--- a/src/unify.cpp
+++ b/src/unify.cpp
@@ -31,19 +31,19 @@ TEnv::buildSubst(const AType* genericT, const AType& argsT)
Subst subst;
// Build substitution to apply to generic type
- const ATuple* genericProtT = (*(genericT->begin() + 1))->as<const ATuple*>();
+ const ATuple* genericProtT = genericT->list_ref(1)->as<const ATuple*>();
ATuple::const_iterator g = genericProtT->begin();
AType::const_iterator a = argsT.begin();
for (; a != argsT.end(); ++a, ++g) {
const AType* genericArgT = (*g)->to<const AType*>();
- AType* callArgT = (*a)->to<AType*>();
+ const AType* callArgT = (*a)->to<const AType*>();
if (callArgT->kind == AType::EXPR) {
assert(genericArgT->kind == AType::EXPR);
ATuple::const_iterator gi = genericArgT->begin();
ATuple::const_iterator ci = callArgT->begin();
for (; gi != genericArgT->end(); ++gi, ++ci) {
const AType* gT = (*gi)->to<const AType*>();
- AType* aT = (*ci)->to<AType*>();
+ const AType* aT = (*ci)->to<const AType*>();
if (gT && aT)
subst.add(gT, aT);
@@ -64,29 +64,27 @@ Constraints::constrain(TEnv& tenv, const AST* o, const AType* t)
push_back(Constraint(tenv.var(o), t));
-template<typename T, typename E>
-static const T*
-substitute(const T* tup, const E* from, const E* to)
+static const AType*
+substitute(const AType* tup, const AType* from, const AType* to)
if (!tup) return NULL;
- T* ret = new T(*tup);
- typename T::iterator ri = ret->begin();
- FOREACHP(typename T::const_iterator, i, tup) {
+ TList ret;
+ FOREACHP(AType::const_iterator, i, tup) {
if (**i == *from) {
- T* type = new T(*to);
+ AType* type = new AType(*to);
type->loc = (*i)->loc;
- *ri++ = type;
- } else if (static_cast<const E*>(*i) != static_cast<const E*>(to)) {
- const T* subTup = dynamic_cast<const T*>(*i);
- if (subTup)
- *ri++ = const_cast<E*>(substitute(subTup, from, to));
+ ret.push_back(type);
+ } else if (*i != to) {
+ const AType* elem = (*i)->as<const AType*>();
+ if (elem->kind == AType::EXPR)
+ ret.push_back(const_cast<AType*>(substitute(elem, from, to)));
- *ri++ = *i;
+ ret.push_back(const_cast<AType*>(elem));
} else {
- ++ri;
+ ret.push_back(const_cast<AType*>((*i)->as<const AType*>()));
- return ret;
+ return ret.head;
/// Compose two substitutions (TAPL 22.1.1)
@@ -114,14 +112,14 @@ Constraints::replace(const AType* s, const AType* t)
AType* type = new AType(*t);
type->loc = c->first->loc;
c->first = type;
- } else {
+ } else if (c->first->kind == AType::EXPR) {
c->first = substitute(c->first, s, t);
if (*c->second == *s) {
AType* type = new AType(*t);
type->loc = c->second->loc;
c->second = type;
- } else {
+ } else if (c->second->kind == AType::EXPR) {
c->second = substitute(c->second, s, t);
@@ -150,15 +148,15 @@ unify(const Constraints& constraints)
AType::const_iterator si = s->begin();
AType::const_iterator ti = t->begin();
for (; si != s->end() && ti != t->end(); ++si, ++ti) {
- AType* st = (*si)->as<AType*>();
- AType* tt = (*ti)->as<AType*>();
+ const AType* st = (*si)->as<const AType*>();
+ const AType* tt = (*ti)->as<const AType*>();
if (st->kind == AType::DOTS || tt->kind == AType::DOTS)
return unify(cp);
cp.push_back(Constraint(st, tt));
- if ( (si == s->end() && (ti == t->end() || (*ti)->as<AType*>()->kind == AType::DOTS))
- || (ti == t->end() && (*si)->as<AType*>()->kind == AType::DOTS))
+ if ( (si == s->end() && (ti == t->end() || (*ti)->as<const AType*>()->kind == AType::DOTS))
+ || (ti == t->end() && (*si)->as<const AType*>()->kind == AType::DOTS))
return unify(cp);
throw Error(s->loc,