/* Tuplr: A programming language * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 David Robillard <dave@drobilla.net> * * Tuplr is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * Tuplr is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General * Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with Tuplr. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /** @file * @brief Parsing (build a code AST from a textual AST) */ #include "tuplr.hpp" using namespace std; /*************************************************************************** * Macro Functions * ***************************************************************************/ inline AST* macDef(PEnv& penv, const AST* exp) { const ATuple* tup = exp->to<const ATuple*>(); ATuple::const_iterator i = tup->begin(); THROW_IF(i == tup->end(), tup->loc, "Unexpected end of `def' macro call"); const AST* name = *(++i); THROW_IF(i == tup->end(), name->loc, "Unexpected end of `def' macro call"); if (name->to<const AString*>()) { return const_cast<AST*>(exp); } else { const ATuple* pat = name->to<const ATuple*>(); name = pat->at(0); // (def (f x) y) => (def f (fn (x) y)) ATuple* argsExp = new ATuple(exp->loc); ATuple::const_iterator j = pat->begin(); for (++j; j != pat->end(); ++j) argsExp->push_back(*j); const AST* body = *(++i); ATuple* fnExp = new ATuple(body->loc); fnExp->push_back(new AString(exp->loc, "fn")); fnExp->push_back(argsExp); for (; i != tup->end(); ++i) fnExp->push_back(*i); ATuple* ret = new ATuple(exp->loc); ret->push_back(const_cast<AST*>(tup->front())); ret->push_back(const_cast<AST*>(name)); ret->push_back(fnExp); return ret; } } /*************************************************************************** * Parser Functions * ***************************************************************************/ template<typename C> inline AST* parseCall(PEnv& penv, const AST* exp, void* arg) { return new C(penv.parseTuple(exp->to<const ATuple*>())); } template<typename T> inline AST* parseLiteral(PEnv& penv, const AST* exp, void* arg) { return new ALiteral<T>(*reinterpret_cast<T*>(arg), exp->loc); } inline AST* parseFn(PEnv& penv, const AST* exp, void* arg) { const ATuple* texp = exp->to<const ATuple*>(); ATuple::const_iterator a = texp->begin(); THROW_IF(++a == texp->end(), exp->loc, "Unexpected end of `fn' form"); ATuple* prot = penv.parseTuple((*a++)->to<const ATuple*>()); AFn* ret = tup<AFn>(exp->loc, penv.sym("fn"), prot, 0); while (a != texp->end()) ret->push_back(penv.parse(*a++)); return ret; } /*************************************************************************** * Language Definition * ***************************************************************************/ /// Set up language void initLang(PEnv& penv, TEnv& tenv) { // Types tenv.def(penv.sym("Nothing"), make_pair((AST*)0, new AType(penv.sym("Nothing")))); tenv.def(penv.sym("Bool"), make_pair((AST*)0, new AType(penv.sym("Bool")))); tenv.def(penv.sym("Int"), make_pair((AST*)0, new AType(penv.sym("Int")))); tenv.def(penv.sym("Float"), make_pair((AST*)0, new AType(penv.sym("Float")))); tenv.def(penv.sym("String"), make_pair((AST*)0, new AType(penv.sym("String")))); // Literals static bool trueVal = true; static bool falseVal = false; penv.reg(false, "#t", PEnv::Handler(parseLiteral<bool>, &trueVal)); penv.reg(false, "#f", PEnv::Handler(parseLiteral<bool>, &falseVal)); // Macros penv.defmac("def", macDef); // Special forms penv.reg(true, "fn", PEnv::Handler(parseFn)); penv.reg(true, "if", PEnv::Handler(parseCall<AIf>)); penv.reg(true, "def", PEnv::Handler(parseCall<ADef>)); // Numeric primitives penv.reg(true, "+", PEnv::Handler(parseCall<APrimitive>)); penv.reg(true, "-", PEnv::Handler(parseCall<APrimitive>)); penv.reg(true, "*", PEnv::Handler(parseCall<APrimitive>)); penv.reg(true, "/", PEnv::Handler(parseCall<APrimitive>)); penv.reg(true, "%", PEnv::Handler(parseCall<APrimitive>)); penv.reg(true, "and", PEnv::Handler(parseCall<APrimitive>)); penv.reg(true, "or", PEnv::Handler(parseCall<APrimitive>)); penv.reg(true, "xor", PEnv::Handler(parseCall<APrimitive>)); penv.reg(true, "=", PEnv::Handler(parseCall<APrimitive>)); penv.reg(true, "!=", PEnv::Handler(parseCall<APrimitive>)); penv.reg(true, ">", PEnv::Handler(parseCall<APrimitive>)); penv.reg(true, ">=", PEnv::Handler(parseCall<APrimitive>)); penv.reg(true, "<", PEnv::Handler(parseCall<APrimitive>)); penv.reg(true, "<=", PEnv::Handler(parseCall<APrimitive>)); }