/* Tuplr: A programming language * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 David Robillard * * Tuplr is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * Tuplr is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General * Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with Tuplr. If not, see . */ /** @file * @brief Interface and type definitions */ #ifndef TUPLR_HPP #define TUPLR_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define FOREACH(IT, i, c) for (IT i = (c).begin(); i != (c).end(); ++i) #define FOREACHP(IT, i, c) for (IT i = (c)->begin(); i != (c)->end(); ++i) #define THROW_IF(cond, error, ...) { if (cond) throw Error(error, __VA_ARGS__); } using namespace std; using boost::format; /*************************************************************************** * Basic Utility Classes * ***************************************************************************/ /// Location in textual code struct Cursor { Cursor(const string& n="", unsigned l=1, unsigned c=0) : name(n), line(l), col(c) {} operator bool() const { return !(line == 1 && col == 0); } string str() const { return (format("%1%:%2%:%3%") % name % line % col).str(); } string name; unsigned line; unsigned col; }; /// Compiler error struct Error { Error(Cursor c, const string& m) : loc(c), msg(m) {} const string what() const { return (loc ? loc.str() + ": " : "") + "error: " + msg; } Cursor loc; string msg; }; /// Generic Lexical Environment template struct Env : public list< vector< pair > > { typedef vector< pair > Frame; Env() : list(1) {} virtual void push(Frame f=Frame()) { list::push_front(f); } virtual void pop() { assert(!this->empty()); list::pop_front(); } const V& def(const K& k, const V& v) { for (typename Frame::iterator b = this->begin()->begin(); b != this->begin()->end(); ++b) if (b->first == k) return (b->second = v); this->front().push_back(make_pair(k, v)); return v; } V* ref(const K& key) { for (typename Env::iterator f = this->begin(); f != this->end(); ++f) for (typename Frame::iterator b = f->begin(); b != f->end(); ++b) if (b->first == key) return &b->second; return NULL; } }; /*************************************************************************** * Lexer: Text (istream) -> S-Expressions (SExp) * ***************************************************************************/ class AST; AST* readExpression(Cursor& cur, std::istream& in); /*************************************************************************** * Backend Types * ***************************************************************************/ typedef void* CVal; ///< Compiled value (opaque) typedef void* CFunc; ///< Compiled function (opaque) /*************************************************************************** * Garbage Collection * ***************************************************************************/ struct Object; /// Garbage collector struct GC { typedef std::list Roots; typedef std::list Heap; GC(size_t pool_size); ~GC(); void* alloc(size_t size); void collect(const Roots& roots); void addRoot(const Object* obj) { assert(obj); _roots.push_back(obj); } void lock() { _roots.insert(_roots.end(), _heap.begin(), _heap.end()); } const Roots& roots() const { return _roots; } private: void* _pool; Heap _heap; Roots _roots; }; /// Garbage collected object (including AST and runtime data) struct Object { struct Header { uint8_t mark; }; /// Always allocated with pool.alloc, so this - sizeof(Header) is a valid Header*. inline Header* header() const { return (Header*)((char*)this - sizeof(Header)); } inline bool marked() const { return header()->mark != 0; } inline void mark(bool b) const { header()->mark = 1; } static void* operator new(size_t size) { return pool.alloc(size); } static void operator delete(void* ptr) {} static GC pool; }; /*************************************************************************** * Abstract Syntax Tree * ***************************************************************************/ struct TEnv; ///< Type-Time Environment struct Constraints; ///< Type Constraints struct Subst; ///< Type substitutions struct CEnv; ///< Compile-Time Environment struct AST; extern ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const AST* ast); /// Base class for all AST nodes struct AST : public Object { AST(Cursor c=Cursor()) : loc(c) {} virtual ~AST() {} virtual bool value() const { return true; } virtual bool operator==(const AST& o) const = 0; virtual bool contains(const AST* child) const { return false; } virtual void constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const {} virtual AST* cps(TEnv& tenv, AST* cont); virtual void lift(CEnv& cenv) {} virtual CVal compile(CEnv& cenv) = 0; string str() const { ostringstream ss; ss << this; return ss.str(); } template T to() { return dynamic_cast(this); } template T const to() const { return dynamic_cast(this); } template T as() { T t = dynamic_cast(this); return t ? t : throw Error(loc, "internal error: bad cast"); } template T const as() const { T const t = dynamic_cast(this); return t ? t : throw Error(loc, "internal error: bad cast"); } Cursor loc; }; template static T* tup(Cursor c, AST* ast, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, ast); T* ret = new T(c, ast, args); va_end(args); return ret; } /// Literal value template struct ALiteral : public AST { ALiteral(T v, Cursor c) : AST(c), val(v) {} bool operator==(const AST& rhs) const { const ALiteral* r = rhs.to*>(); return (r && (val == r->val)); } void constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const; CVal compile(CEnv& cenv); const T val; }; /// String, e.g. ""a"" struct AString : public AST, public std::string { AString(Cursor c, const string& s) : AST(c), std::string(s) {} bool operator==(const AST& rhs) const { return this == &rhs; } void constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const; CVal compile(CEnv& cenv) { return NULL; } }; /// Symbol, e.g. "a" struct ASymbol : public AST { bool operator==(const AST& rhs) const { return this == &rhs; } void constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const; CVal compile(CEnv& cenv); const string cppstr; private: friend class PEnv; ASymbol(const string& s, Cursor c) : AST(c), cppstr(s) {} }; /// Tuple (heterogeneous sequence of fixed length), e.g. "(a b c)" struct ATuple : public AST { ATuple(Cursor c) : AST(c), _len(0), _vec(0) {} ATuple(const ATuple& exp) : AST(exp.loc), _len(exp._len) { _vec = (AST**)malloc(sizeof(AST*) * _len); memcpy(_vec, exp._vec, sizeof(AST*) * _len); } ATuple(Cursor c, AST* ast, va_list args) : AST(c), _len(0), _vec(0) { if (!ast) return; push_back(ast); for (AST* a = va_arg(args, AST*); a; a = va_arg(args, AST*)) push_back(a); } ~ATuple() { free(_vec); } void push_back(AST* ast) { AST** newvec = (AST**)realloc(_vec, sizeof(AST*) * (_len + 1)); newvec[_len++] = ast; _vec = newvec; } const AST* head() const { assert(_len > 0); return _vec[0]; } AST* head() { assert(_len > 0); return _vec[0]; } const AST* last() const { return _vec[_len - 1]; } AST* last() { return _vec[_len - 1]; } size_t size() const { return _len; } bool empty() const { return _len == 0; } typedef AST** iterator; typedef AST* const * const_iterator; const_iterator begin() const { return _vec; } iterator begin() { return _vec; } const_iterator end() const { return _vec + _len; } iterator end() { return _vec + _len; } bool value() const { return false; } bool operator==(const AST& rhs) const { const ATuple* rt = rhs.to(); if (!rt || rt->size() != size()) return false; const_iterator l = begin(); FOREACHP(const_iterator, r, rt) if (!(*(*l++) == *(*r))) return false; return true; } bool contains(AST* child) const { if (*this == *child) return true; FOREACHP(const_iterator, p, this) if (**p == *child || (*p)->contains(child)) return true; return false; } void constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const; void lift(CEnv& cenv) { FOREACHP(iterator, t, this) (*t)->lift(cenv); } CVal compile(CEnv& cenv) { throw Error(loc, "tuple compiled"); } private: size_t _len; AST** _vec; }; /// Type Expression, e.g. "Int", "(Fn (Int Int) Float)" struct AType : public ATuple { AType(ASymbol* s) : ATuple(s->loc), kind(PRIM), id(0) { push_back(s); } AType(Cursor c, unsigned i) : ATuple(c), kind(VAR), id(i) {} AType(Cursor c) : ATuple(c), kind(EXPR), id(0) {} AType(Cursor c, AST* ast, va_list args) : ATuple(c, ast, args), kind(EXPR), id(0) {} CVal compile(CEnv& cenv) { return NULL; } const ATuple* prot() const { assert(kind == EXPR); return (*(begin() + 1))->to(); } ATuple* prot() { assert(kind == EXPR); return (*(begin() + 1))->to(); } bool concrete() const { switch (kind) { case VAR: return false; case PRIM: return head()->str() != "Nothing"; case EXPR: FOREACHP(const_iterator, t, this) { AType* kid = (*t)->to(); if (kid && !kid->concrete()) return false; } } return true; } bool operator==(const AST& rhs) const { const AType* rt = rhs.to(); if (!rt || kind != rt->kind) return false; else switch (kind) { case VAR: return id == rt->id; case PRIM: return head()->str() == rt->head()->str(); case EXPR: return ATuple::operator==(rhs); } return false; // never reached } enum { VAR, PRIM, EXPR } kind; unsigned id; }; /// Type substitution struct Subst : public list< pair > { Subst(AType* s=0, AType* t=0) { if (s && t) { assert(s != t); push_back(make_pair(s, t)); } } static Subst compose(const Subst& delta, const Subst& gamma); void add(const AType* from, AType* to) { push_back(make_pair(from, to)); } const_iterator find(const AType* t) const { for (const_iterator j = begin(); j != end(); ++j) if (*j->first == *t) return j; return end(); } AST* apply(AST* ast) const { AType* in = ast->to(); if (!in) return ast; if (in->kind == AType::EXPR) { AType* out = tup(in->loc, NULL); for (ATuple::iterator i = in->begin(); i != in->end(); ++i) out->push_back(apply(*i)); return out; } else { const_iterator i = find(in); if (i != end()) { AST* out = i->second; AType* outT = out->to(); if (outT && outT->kind == AType::EXPR && !outT->concrete()) out = apply(out); return out; } else { return in; } } } }; inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Subst& s) { for (Subst::const_iterator i = s.begin(); i != s.end(); ++i) out << i->first << " => " << i->second << endl; return out; } /// Fn (first-class function with captured lexical bindings) struct AFn : public ATuple { AFn(Cursor c, AST* ast, va_list args) : ATuple(c, ast, args) {} bool operator==(const AST& rhs) const { return this == &rhs; } void constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const; AST* cps(TEnv& tenv, AST* cont); void lift(CEnv& cenv); CVal compile(CEnv& cenv); const ATuple* prot() const { return (*(begin() + 1))->to(); } ATuple* prot() { return (*(begin() + 1))->to(); } /// System level implementations of this (polymorphic) fn struct Impls : public list< pair > { CFunc find(AType* type) const { for (const_iterator f = begin(); f != end(); ++f) if (*f->first == *type) return f->second; return NULL; } }; Impls impls; string name; }; /// Function call/application, e.g. "(func arg1 arg2)" struct ACall : public ATuple { ACall(const ATuple* exp) : ATuple(*exp) {} ACall(Cursor c, AST* ast, va_list args) : ATuple(c, ast, args) {} void constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const; AST* cps(TEnv& tenv, AST* cont); void lift(CEnv& cenv); CVal compile(CEnv& cenv); }; /// Definition special form, e.g. "(def x 2)" struct ADef : public ACall { ADef(const ATuple* exp) : ACall(exp) {} ADef(Cursor c, AST* ast, va_list args) : ACall(c, ast, args) {} const ASymbol* sym() const { const AST* name = *(begin() + 1); const ASymbol* sym = name->to(); if (!sym) { const ATuple* tup = name->to(); if (tup && !tup->empty()) return tup->head()->to(); } return sym; } const AST* body() const { return *(begin() + 2); } AST* body() { return *(begin() + 2); } void constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const; AST* cps(TEnv& tenv, AST* cont); void lift(CEnv& cenv); CVal compile(CEnv& cenv); }; /// Conditional special form, e.g. "(if cond thenexp elseexp)" struct AIf : public ACall { AIf(const ATuple* exp) : ACall(exp) {} AIf(Cursor c, AST* ast, va_list args) : ACall(c, ast, args) {} void constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const; AST* cps(TEnv& tenv, AST* cont); CVal compile(CEnv& cenv); }; /// Primitive (builtin arithmetic function), e.g. "(+ 2 3)" struct APrimitive : public ACall { APrimitive(const ATuple* exp) : ACall(exp) {} bool value() const { ATuple::const_iterator i = begin(); for (++i; i != end(); ++i) if (!(*i)->value()) return false;; return true; } void constrain(TEnv& tenv, Constraints& c) const; AST* cps(TEnv& tenv, AST* cont); CVal compile(CEnv& cenv); }; /*************************************************************************** * Parser: S-Expressions (SExp) -> AST Nodes (AST) * ***************************************************************************/ /// Parse Time Environment (really just a symbol table) struct PEnv : private map { PEnv() : symID(0) {} typedef AST* (*PF)(PEnv&, const AST*, void*); ///< Parse Function typedef AST* (*MF)(PEnv&, const AST*); ///< Macro Function struct Handler { Handler(PF f, void* a=0) : func(f), arg(a) {} PF func; void* arg; }; map aHandlers; ///< Atom parse functions map lHandlers; ///< List parse functions map macros; ///< Macro functions void reg(bool list, const string& s, const Handler& h) { (list ? lHandlers : aHandlers).insert(make_pair(sym(s)->str(), h)); } const Handler* handler(bool list, const string& s) const { const map& handlers = list ? lHandlers : aHandlers; map::const_iterator i = handlers.find(s); return (i != handlers.end()) ? &i->second : NULL; } void defmac(const string& s, const MF f) { macros.insert(make_pair(s, f)); } MF mac(const AString& s) const { map::const_iterator i = macros.find(s); return (i != macros.end()) ? i->second : NULL; } string gensymstr(const char* s="_") { return (format("%s%d") % s % symID++).str(); } ASymbol* gensym(const char* s="_") { return sym(gensymstr(s)); } ASymbol* sym(const string& s, Cursor c=Cursor()) { const const_iterator i = find(s); if (i != end()) { return i->second; } else { ASymbol* sym = new ASymbol(s, c); insert(make_pair(s, sym)); return sym; } } ATuple* parseTuple(const ATuple* e) { ATuple* ret = new ATuple(e->loc); FOREACHP(ATuple::const_iterator, i, e) ret->push_back(parse(*i)); return ret; } AST* parse(const AST* exp) { const ATuple* tup = exp->to(); if (tup) { if (tup->empty()) throw Error(exp->loc, "call to empty list"); if (!tup->head()->to()) { MF mf = mac(*tup->head()->to()); const AST* expanded = (mf ? mf(*this, exp) : exp); const ATuple* expanded_tup = expanded->to(); const PEnv::Handler* h = handler(true, *expanded_tup->head()->to()); if (h) return h->func(*this, expanded, h->arg); } ATuple* parsed_tup = parseTuple(tup); return new ACall(parsed_tup); // Parse as regular call } const AString* str = exp->to(); assert(str); if (isdigit((*str)[0])) { const std::string& s = *str; if (s.find('.') == string::npos) return new ALiteral(strtol(s.c_str(), NULL, 10), exp->loc); else return new ALiteral(strtod(s.c_str(), NULL), exp->loc); } else if ((*str)[0] == '\"') { return new AString(exp->loc, str->substr(1, str->length() - 2)); } else { const PEnv::Handler* h = handler(false, *str); if (h) return h->func(*this, exp, h->arg); } return sym(*exp->to(), exp->loc); } unsigned symID; }; /*************************************************************************** * Typing * ***************************************************************************/ /// Type constraint struct Constraint : public pair { Constraint(AType* a, AType* b, Cursor c) : pair(a, b), loc(c) {} Cursor loc; }; /// Type constraint set struct Constraints : public list { void constrain(TEnv& tenv, const AST* o, AType* t); void replace(AType* s, AType* t); }; inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Constraints& c) { for (Constraints::const_iterator i = c.begin(); i != c.end(); ++i) out << i->first << " : " << i->second << endl; return out; } /// Type-Time Environment struct TEnv : public Env { TEnv(PEnv& p) : penv(p), varID(1) {} AType* fresh(const ASymbol* sym) { return def(sym, new AType(sym->loc, varID++)); } AType* var(const AST* ast=0) { const ASymbol* sym = ast->to(); if (sym) return *ref(sym); Vars::iterator v = vars.find(ast); if (v != vars.end()) return v->second; AType* ret = new AType(ast ? ast->loc : Cursor(), varID++); if (ast) vars[ast] = ret; return ret; } AType* named(const string& name) { return *ref(penv.sym(name)); } static Subst buildSubst(AType* fnT, const AType& argsT); typedef map Vars; Vars vars; PEnv& penv; unsigned varID; }; Subst unify(const Constraints& c); /*************************************************************************** * Code Generation * ***************************************************************************/ /// Compiler backend struct Engine { virtual CFunc startFunction( CEnv& cenv, const std::string& name, const AType* retT, const ATuple& argsT, const vector argNames=vector()) = 0; virtual void finishFunction(CEnv& cenv, CFunc f, const AType* retT, CVal ret) = 0; virtual void eraseFunction(CEnv& cenv, CFunc f) = 0; virtual CFunc compileFunction(CEnv& cenv, AFn* fn, const AType& argsT) = 0; virtual CVal compileLiteral(CEnv& cenv, AST* lit) = 0; virtual CVal compileCall(CEnv& cenv, CFunc f, const vector& args) = 0; virtual CVal compilePrimitive(CEnv& cenv, APrimitive* prim) = 0; virtual CVal compileIf(CEnv& cenv, AIf* aif) = 0; virtual void writeModule(CEnv& cenv, std::ostream& os) = 0; virtual const string call(CEnv& cenv, CFunc f, AType* retT) = 0; }; Engine* tuplr_new_llvm_engine(); Engine* tuplr_new_c_engine(); /// Compile-Time Environment struct CEnv { CEnv(PEnv& p, TEnv& t, Engine* e, ostream& os=std::cout, ostream& es=std::cerr) : out(os), err(es), penv(p), tenv(t), _engine(e) {} ~CEnv() { Object::pool.collect(GC::Roots()); } typedef Env Vals; Engine* engine() { return _engine; } void push() { code.push(); tenv.push(); vals.push(); } void pop() { code.pop(); tenv.pop(); vals.pop(); } void lock(AST* ast) { Object::pool.addRoot(ast); Object::pool.addRoot(type(ast)); } AType* type(AST* ast, const Subst& subst = Subst()) const { ASymbol* sym = ast->to(); if (sym) return *tenv.ref(sym); return tsubst.apply(subst.apply(tenv.vars[ast]))->to(); } void def(const ASymbol* sym, AST* c, AType* t, CVal v) { code.def(sym, c); tenv.def(sym, t); vals.def(sym, v); } AST* resolve(AST* ast) { const ASymbol* sym = ast->to(); AST** rec = code.ref(sym); return rec ? *rec : ast; } ostream& out; ostream& err; PEnv& penv; TEnv& tenv; Vals vals; Subst tsubst; Env code; map args; private: Engine* _engine; }; /*************************************************************************** * EVAL/REPL/MAIN * ***************************************************************************/ void pprint(std::ostream& out, const AST* ast); void initLang(PEnv& penv, TEnv& tenv); int eval(CEnv& cenv, const string& name, istream& is, bool execute); int repl(CEnv& cenv); #endif // TUPLR_HPP