import os import sys from unittest.mock import Mock as MagicMock sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("../../build/bindings/python")) class Mock(MagicMock): @classmethod def __getattr__(cls, name): return MagicMock() MOCK_MODULES = ["cython", "libc.stdint"] sys.modules.update((mod_name, Mock()) for mod_name in MOCK_MODULES) # Project information project = "Serd" copyright = "2020, David Robillard" author = "David Robillard" release = "0.0.0" # FIXME # General configuration exclude_patterns = ["xml", "_build", "Thumbs.db", ".DS_Store"] language = "en" nitpicky = True pygments_style = "friendly" extensions = [ "sphinx.ext.autodoc", "sphinx.ext.doctest", ] # HTML output try: import sphinx_lv2_theme have_lv2_theme = True except ModuleNotFoundError: have_lv2_theme = False html_copy_source = False html_short_title = "Serd" html_static_path = ["../../doc/_static"] html_theme = "sphinx_lv2_theme" if have_lv2_theme: html_theme = "sphinx_lv2_theme" if tags.has("singlehtml"): html_sidebars = { "**": [ "globaltoc.html", ] } html_theme_options = { "body_max_width": "48em", "body_min_width": "48em", "description": "A lightweight library for working with RDF", "show_footer_version": True, "show_logo_version": False, "logo": "serd.svg", "logo_name": True, "logo_width": "8em", "nosidebar": False, "page_width": "80em", "sidebar_width": "18em", "globaltoc_maxdepth": 3, "globaltoc_collapse": False, } else: html_theme_options = { "body_max_width": "60em", "body_min_width": "40em", "description": "A lightweight library for working with RDF", "show_footer_version": True, "show_logo_version": False, "logo": "serd.svg", "logo_name": True, "logo_width": "8em", "nosidebar": True, "page_width": "60em", "sidebar_width": "14em", "globaltoc_maxdepth": 1, "globaltoc_collapse": True, } else: html_theme = "alabaster" html_theme_options = { "body_max_width": "60em", "body_min_width": "40em", "description": "A lightweight library for working with RDF", "logo": "serd.svg", "logo_name": True, "page_width": "60em", "sidebar_width": "14em", "globaltoc_maxdepth": 1, "globaltoc_collapse": True, }