# Copyright 2020-2023 David Robillard # SPDX-License-Identifier: 0BSD OR ISC # Check for Sphinx LV2 theme pymod = import('python') sphinx_lv2_theme_python = pymod.find_installation( modules: ['sphinx_lv2_theme'], required: false ) if not sphinx_lv2_theme_python.found() warning('Missing sphinx_lv2_theme module, falling back to alabaster') endif # Generate Sphinx configuration file config = configuration_data() config.set('SERD_VERSION', meson.project_version()) config.set('SERD_SRCDIR', serd_src_root) config.set('SERD_TITLE', get_option('title')) conf_py = configure_file( configuration: config, input: files('../conf.py.in'), output: 'conf.py', ) # Copy hand-written documentation sources configure_file( copy: true, input: files('../summary.rst'), output: 'summary.rst', ) c_rst_files = files( 'index.rst', 'overview.rst', ) foreach f : c_rst_files configure_file(copy: true, input: f, output: '@PLAINNAME@') endforeach # Generate reference documentation sources subdir('xml') subdir('api') # Generate documentation with sphinx # TODO: Add install_tag: 'doc' after requiring meson 0.60.0 custom_target( 'singlehtml', build_by_default: true, command: [ sphinx_build, '-M', 'singlehtml', '@OUTDIR@', '@OUTDIR@', '-E', '-q', '-t', 'singlehtml', ], input: [c_rst_files, c_serd_rst, c_index_xml, conf_py], install: true, install_dir: docdir / versioned_name, output: 'singlehtml', ) custom_target( 'html', build_by_default: true, command: [ sphinx_build, '-M', 'html', '@OUTDIR@', '@OUTDIR@', '-E', '-q', '-t', 'html', ], input: [c_rst_files, c_serd_rst, c_index_xml, conf_py], install: true, install_dir: docdir / versioned_name, output: 'html', )