project('serd', ['c'], version: '0.30.11', license: 'ISC', meson_version: '>= 0.49.2', default_options: [ 'b_ndebug=if-release', 'buildtype=release', 'c_std=c99', 'default_library=shared', 'warning_level=2', ]) serd_src_root = meson.current_source_dir() major_version = meson.project_version().split('.')[0] version_suffix = '-@0@'.format(major_version) versioned_name = 'serd' + version_suffix # Load build tools pkg = import('pkgconfig') cc = meson.get_compiler('c') # Set ultra strict warnings for developers, if requested c_warnings = [] c_suppressions = [] if get_option('strict') subdir('meson') c_warnings = all_c_warnings if cc.get_id() == 'clang' c_suppressions += [ '-Wno-cast-align', '-Wno-cast-qual', '-Wno-conversion', '-Wno-double-promotion', '-Wno-format-nonliteral', '-Wno-nullability-extension', '-Wno-nullable-to-nonnull-conversion', '-Wno-padded', '-Wno-reserved-id-macro', '-Wno-sign-conversion', ] elif cc.get_id() == 'gcc' c_suppressions += [ '-Wno-cast-align', '-Wno-cast-qual', '-Wno-float-conversion', # MinGW '-Wno-format-nonliteral', '-Wno-inline', '-Wno-padded', '-Wno-sign-conversion', '-Wno-switch-default', '-Wno-unsuffixed-float-constants', '-Wno-unused-const-variable', ] elif cc.get_id() == 'msvc' c_suppressions += [ '/wd4061', # enumerator in switch is not explicitly handled '/wd4365', # signed/unsigned mismatch '/wd4514', # unreferenced inline function has been removed '/wd4706', # assignment within conditional expression '/wd4710', # function not inlined '/wd4711', # function selected for automatic inline expansion '/wd4800', # implicit conversion from int to bool '/wd4820', # padding added after construct '/wd4996', # POSIX name for this item is deprecated '/wd5045', # will insert Spectre mitigation for memory load ] endif endif c_warnings += cc.get_supported_arguments(c_suppressions) # Add special arguments for MSVC if cc.get_id() == 'msvc' msvc_args = [ '/D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS', '/TP', '/experimental:external', '/external:W0', '/external:anglebrackets', ] add_project_arguments(msvc_args, language: ['c']) endif c_headers = ['include/serd/serd.h'] c_header_files = files(c_headers) c_header = files('include/serd/serd.h') sources = [ 'src/base64.c', 'src/byte_source.c', 'src/env.c', 'src/n3.c', 'src/node.c', 'src/reader.c', 'src/string.c', 'src/system.c', 'src/uri.c', 'src/writer.c', ] # System libraries m_dep = cc.find_library('m', required: false) # Determine library type and the flags needed to build it library_name = versioned_name if get_option('default_library') == 'both' if host_machine.system() == 'windows' error('default_library=both is not supported on Windows') endif prog_args = [] library_type = 'both_libraries' library_args = ['-DSERD_INTERNAL'] elif get_option('default_library') == 'shared' if host_machine.system() == 'windows' # Meson annoyingly adds its own suffix, so remove this one library_name = 'serd' endif prog_args = [] library_type = 'shared_library' library_args = ['-DSERD_INTERNAL'] else prog_args = ['-DSERD_STATIC'] library_type = 'static_library' library_args = ['-DSERD_INTERNAL', '-DSERD_STATIC'] endif # Build shared and/or static library/libraries libserd = build_target( library_name, sources, version: meson.project_version(), include_directories: include_directories(['include']), c_args: c_warnings + library_args, dependencies: m_dep, gnu_symbol_visibility: 'hidden', install: true, target_type: library_type) serd_dep = declare_dependency( include_directories: include_directories(['include']), link_with: libserd) pkg.generate( libserd, name: 'Serd', filebase: versioned_name, subdirs: [versioned_name], version: meson.project_version(), description: 'A lightweight library for working with RDF') # Build serdi command line utility if get_option('utils') tool_link_args = [] if get_option('static') tool_link_args += ['-static'] endif serdi = executable('serdi', 'src/serdi.c', c_args: c_warnings + prog_args, link_args: tool_link_args, install: true, dependencies: serd_dep) if not get_option('docs').disabled() install_man('doc/serdi.1') endif endif # Install header to a versioned include directory install_headers(c_headers, subdir: versioned_name / 'serd') if not get_option('docs').disabled() subdir('doc') endif if get_option('tests') subdir('test') endif if not meson.is_subproject() and meson.version().version_compare('>=0.53.0') summary('Tests', get_option('tests'), bool_yn: true) summary('Utilities', get_option('utils'), bool_yn: true) summary('Install prefix', get_option('prefix')) summary('Headers', get_option('prefix') / get_option('includedir')) summary('Libraries', get_option('prefix') / get_option('libdir')) if get_option('utils') summary('Executables', get_option('prefix') / get_option('bindir')) summary('Man pages', get_option('prefix') / get_option('mandir')) endif endif