/* Copyright 2011-2018 David Robillard Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #undef NDEBUG #include #include #include #include #include #include "serd/serd.h" #define WILDCARD_NODE NULL #define NS_RDF "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" #define RDF_FIRST NS_RDF "first" #define RDF_REST NS_RDF "rest" #define RDF_NIL NS_RDF "nil" #define N_OBJECTS_PER 2U typedef const SerdNode* Quad[4]; typedef struct { Quad query; int expected_num_results; } QueryTest; static const SerdNode* manage(SerdWorld* world, SerdNode* node) { return serd_nodes_manage(serd_world_nodes(world), node); } static const SerdNode* uri(SerdWorld* world, const unsigned num) { char str[] = "eg:0000000000"; snprintf(str + 3, 11, "%03u", num); return manage(world, serd_new_uri(SERD_STATIC_STRING(str))); } static int generate(SerdWorld* world, SerdModel* model, size_t n_quads, const SerdNode* graph) { SerdNodes* nodes = serd_world_nodes(world); for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_quads; ++i) { unsigned num = (i * N_OBJECTS_PER) + 1U; const SerdNode* ids[2 + N_OBJECTS_PER]; for (unsigned j = 0; j < 2 + N_OBJECTS_PER; ++j) { ids[j] = uri(world, num++); } for (unsigned j = 0; j < N_OBJECTS_PER; ++j) { assert(!serd_model_add(model, ids[0], ids[1], ids[2 + j], graph)); } } // Add some literals // (98 4 "hello") and (98 4 "hello"^^<5>) const SerdNode* hello = manage(world, serd_new_string(SERD_STATIC_STRING("hello"))); const SerdNode* hello_gb = manage(world, serd_new_plain_literal(SERD_STATIC_STRING("hello"), SERD_STATIC_STRING("en-gb"))); const SerdNode* hello_us = manage(world, serd_new_plain_literal(SERD_STATIC_STRING("hello"), SERD_STATIC_STRING("en-us"))); const SerdNode* hello_t4 = serd_nodes_manage( nodes, serd_new_typed_literal(SERD_STATIC_STRING("hello"), serd_node_string_view(uri(world, 4)))); const SerdNode* hello_t5 = serd_nodes_manage( nodes, serd_new_typed_literal(SERD_STATIC_STRING("hello"), serd_node_string_view(uri(world, 5)))); assert(!serd_model_add(model, uri(world, 98), uri(world, 4), hello, graph)); assert( !serd_model_add(model, uri(world, 98), uri(world, 4), hello_t5, graph)); // (96 4 "hello"^^<4>) and (96 4 "hello"^^<5>) assert( !serd_model_add(model, uri(world, 96), uri(world, 4), hello_t4, graph)); assert( !serd_model_add(model, uri(world, 96), uri(world, 4), hello_t5, graph)); // (94 5 "hello") and (94 5 "hello"@en-gb) assert(!serd_model_add(model, uri(world, 94), uri(world, 5), hello, graph)); assert( !serd_model_add(model, uri(world, 94), uri(world, 5), hello_gb, graph)); // (92 6 "hello"@en-us) and (92 6 "hello"@en-gb) assert( !serd_model_add(model, uri(world, 92), uri(world, 6), hello_us, graph)); assert( !serd_model_add(model, uri(world, 92), uri(world, 6), hello_gb, graph)); // (14 6 "bonjour"@fr) and (14 6 "salut"@fr) const SerdNode* const bonjour = manage(world, serd_new_plain_literal(SERD_STATIC_STRING("bonjour"), SERD_STATIC_STRING("fr"))); const SerdNode* const salut = manage(world, serd_new_plain_literal(SERD_STATIC_STRING("salut"), SERD_STATIC_STRING("fr"))); assert(!serd_model_add(model, uri(world, 14), uri(world, 6), bonjour, graph)); assert(!serd_model_add(model, uri(world, 14), uri(world, 6), salut, graph)); // Attempt to add duplicates assert(serd_model_add(model, uri(world, 14), uri(world, 6), salut, graph)); // Add a blank node subject const SerdNode* ablank = manage(world, serd_new_blank(SERD_STATIC_STRING("ablank"))); assert(!serd_model_add(model, ablank, uri(world, 6), salut, graph)); // Add statement with URI object assert(!serd_model_add(model, ablank, uri(world, 6), uri(world, 7), graph)); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } static int test_read(SerdWorld* world, SerdModel* model, const SerdNode* g, const unsigned n_quads) { SerdIter* iter = serd_model_begin(model); const SerdStatement* prev = NULL; for (; !serd_iter_equals(iter, serd_model_end(model)); serd_iter_next(iter)) { const SerdStatement* statement = serd_iter_get(iter); assert(statement); assert(serd_statement_subject(statement)); assert(serd_statement_predicate(statement)); assert(serd_statement_object(statement)); assert(!serd_statement_equals(statement, prev)); assert(!serd_statement_equals(prev, statement)); prev = statement; } // Attempt to increment past end assert(serd_iter_next(iter)); serd_iter_free(iter); const SerdStringView s = SERD_STATIC_STRING("hello"); const SerdNode* plain_hello = manage(world, serd_new_string(s)); const SerdNode* type4_hello = manage( world, serd_new_typed_literal(s, serd_node_string_view(uri(world, 4)))); const SerdNode* type5_hello = manage( world, serd_new_typed_literal(s, serd_node_string_view(uri(world, 5)))); const SerdNode* gb_hello = manage(world, serd_new_plain_literal(s, SERD_STATIC_STRING("en-gb"))); const SerdNode* us_hello = manage(world, serd_new_plain_literal(s, SERD_STATIC_STRING("en-us"))); #define NUM_PATTERNS 18 QueryTest patterns[NUM_PATTERNS] = { {{NULL, NULL, NULL}, (int)(n_quads * N_OBJECTS_PER) + 12}, {{uri(world, 1), WILDCARD_NODE, WILDCARD_NODE}, 2}, {{uri(world, 9), uri(world, 9), uri(world, 9)}, 0}, {{uri(world, 1), uri(world, 2), uri(world, 4)}, 1}, {{uri(world, 3), uri(world, 4), WILDCARD_NODE}, 2}, {{WILDCARD_NODE, uri(world, 2), uri(world, 4)}, 1}, {{WILDCARD_NODE, WILDCARD_NODE, uri(world, 4)}, 1}, {{uri(world, 1), WILDCARD_NODE, WILDCARD_NODE}, 2}, {{uri(world, 1), WILDCARD_NODE, uri(world, 4)}, 1}, {{WILDCARD_NODE, uri(world, 2), WILDCARD_NODE}, 2}, {{uri(world, 98), uri(world, 4), plain_hello}, 1}, {{uri(world, 98), uri(world, 4), type5_hello}, 1}, {{uri(world, 96), uri(world, 4), type4_hello}, 1}, {{uri(world, 96), uri(world, 4), type5_hello}, 1}, {{uri(world, 94), uri(world, 5), plain_hello}, 1}, {{uri(world, 94), uri(world, 5), gb_hello}, 1}, {{uri(world, 92), uri(world, 6), gb_hello}, 1}, {{uri(world, 92), uri(world, 6), us_hello}, 1}}; Quad match = {uri(world, 1), uri(world, 2), uri(world, 4), g}; assert(serd_model_ask(model, match[0], match[1], match[2], match[3])); Quad nomatch = {uri(world, 1), uri(world, 2), uri(world, 9), g}; assert( !serd_model_ask(model, nomatch[0], nomatch[1], nomatch[2], nomatch[3])); assert(!serd_model_get(model, NULL, NULL, uri(world, 3), g)); assert(!serd_model_get(model, uri(world, 1), uri(world, 99), NULL, g)); assert(serd_node_equals( serd_model_get(model, uri(world, 1), uri(world, 2), NULL, g), uri(world, 3))); assert(serd_node_equals( serd_model_get(model, uri(world, 1), NULL, uri(world, 3), g), uri(world, 2))); assert(serd_node_equals( serd_model_get(model, NULL, uri(world, 2), uri(world, 3), g), uri(world, 1))); if (g) { assert(serd_node_equals( serd_model_get(model, uri(world, 1), uri(world, 2), uri(world, 3), NULL), g)); } for (unsigned i = 0; i < NUM_PATTERNS; ++i) { QueryTest test = patterns[i]; Quad pat = {test.query[0], test.query[1], test.query[2], g}; SerdRange* range = serd_model_range(model, pat[0], pat[1], pat[2], pat[3]); int num_results = 0; for (; !serd_range_empty(range); serd_range_next(range)) { ++num_results; const SerdStatement* first = serd_range_front(range); assert(first); assert(serd_statement_matches(first, pat[0], pat[1], pat[2], pat[3])); } serd_range_free(range); assert(num_results == test.expected_num_results); } // Query blank node subject const SerdNode* ablank = manage(world, serd_new_blank(SERD_STATIC_STRING("ablank"))); Quad pat = {ablank, 0, 0}; int num_results = 0; SerdRange* range = serd_model_range(model, pat[0], pat[1], pat[2], pat[3]); for (; !serd_range_empty(range); serd_range_next(range)) { ++num_results; const SerdStatement* statement = serd_range_front(range); assert(serd_statement_matches(statement, pat[0], pat[1], pat[2], pat[3])); } serd_range_free(range); assert(num_results == 2); // Test nested queries const SerdNode* last_subject = 0; range = serd_model_range(model, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); for (; !serd_range_empty(range); serd_range_next(range)) { const SerdStatement* statement = serd_range_front(range); const SerdNode* subject = serd_statement_subject(statement); if (subject == last_subject) { continue; } Quad subpat = {subject, 0, 0}; SerdRange* subrange = serd_model_range(model, subpat[0], subpat[1], subpat[2], subpat[3]); const SerdStatement* substatement = serd_range_front(subrange); uint64_t num_sub_results = 0; assert(serd_statement_subject(substatement) == subject); for (; !serd_range_empty(subrange); serd_range_next(subrange)) { assert(serd_statement_matches(serd_range_front(subrange), subpat[0], subpat[1], subpat[2], subpat[3])); ++num_sub_results; } serd_range_free(subrange); assert(num_sub_results == N_OBJECTS_PER); uint64_t count = serd_model_count(model, subject, 0, 0, 0); assert(count == num_sub_results); last_subject = subject; } serd_range_free(range); return 0; } static SerdStatus expected_error(void* handle, const SerdLogEntry* entry) { (void)handle; fprintf(stderr, "expected: "); vfprintf(stderr, entry->fmt, *entry->args); return SERD_SUCCESS; } static int test_free_null(SerdWorld* world, const unsigned n_quads) { (void)world; (void)n_quads; serd_model_free(NULL); // Shouldn't crash return 0; } static int test_get_world(SerdWorld* world, const unsigned n_quads) { (void)n_quads; SerdModel* model = serd_model_new(world, SERD_INDEX_SPO); assert(serd_model_world(model) == world); serd_model_free(model); return 0; } static int test_get_flags(SerdWorld* world, const unsigned n_quads) { (void)n_quads; const SerdModelFlags flags = SERD_INDEX_OPS | SERD_INDEX_GRAPHS; SerdModel* model = serd_model_new(world, flags); assert(serd_model_flags(model) == (SERD_INDEX_SPO | flags)); serd_model_free(model); return 0; } static int test_all_begin(SerdWorld* world, const unsigned n_quads) { (void)n_quads; SerdModel* model = serd_model_new(world, SERD_INDEX_SPO); SerdRange* all = serd_model_all(model); SerdIter* begin = serd_model_find(model, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); assert(serd_iter_equals(serd_range_begin(all), begin)); assert(serd_iter_equals(serd_range_cbegin(all), begin)); serd_range_free(all); serd_iter_free(begin); serd_model_free(model); return 0; } static int test_add_null(SerdWorld* world, const unsigned n_quads) { (void)n_quads; SerdModel* model = serd_model_new(world, SERD_INDEX_SPO); serd_world_set_log_func(world, expected_error, NULL); assert(serd_model_add(model, 0, 0, 0, 0)); assert(serd_model_add(model, uri(world, 1), 0, 0, 0)); assert(serd_model_add(model, uri(world, 1), uri(world, 2), 0, 0)); assert(serd_model_empty(model)); serd_model_free(model); return 0; } static int test_add_with_iterator(SerdWorld* world, const unsigned n_quads) { (void)n_quads; SerdModel* model = serd_model_new(world, SERD_INDEX_SPO); serd_world_set_log_func(world, expected_error, NULL); assert( !serd_model_add(model, uri(world, 1), uri(world, 2), uri(world, 3), 0)); // Add a statement with an active iterator SerdIter* iter = serd_model_begin(model); assert( !serd_model_add(model, uri(world, 1), uri(world, 2), uri(world, 4), 0)); // Check that iterator has been invalidated assert(!serd_iter_get(iter)); assert(serd_iter_next(iter)); serd_iter_free(iter); serd_model_free(model); return 0; } static int test_erase_with_iterator(SerdWorld* world, const unsigned n_quads) { (void)n_quads; SerdModel* model = serd_model_new(world, SERD_INDEX_SPO); serd_world_set_log_func(world, expected_error, NULL); assert( !serd_model_add(model, uri(world, 1), uri(world, 2), uri(world, 3), 0)); assert( !serd_model_add(model, uri(world, 4), uri(world, 5), uri(world, 6), 0)); // Erase a statement with an active iterator SerdIter* iter1 = serd_model_begin(model); SerdIter* iter2 = serd_model_begin(model); assert(!serd_model_erase(model, iter1)); // Check that erased iterator points to the next statement const SerdStatement* const s1 = serd_iter_get(iter1); assert(s1); assert( serd_statement_matches(s1, uri(world, 4), uri(world, 5), uri(world, 6), 0)); // Check that other iterator has been invalidated assert(!serd_iter_get(iter2)); assert(serd_iter_next(iter2)); serd_iter_free(iter2); serd_iter_free(iter1); serd_model_free(model); return 0; } static int test_add_erase(SerdWorld* world, const unsigned n_quads) { (void)n_quads; SerdModel* model = serd_model_new(world, SERD_INDEX_SPO | SERD_INDEX_GRAPHS); // Add (s p "hello") const SerdNode* s = uri(world, 1); const SerdNode* p = uri(world, 2); const SerdNode* hello = manage(world, serd_new_string(SERD_STATIC_STRING("hello"))); assert(!serd_model_add(model, s, p, hello, 0)); assert(serd_model_ask(model, s, p, hello, 0)); // Add (s p "hi") const SerdNode* hi = manage(world, serd_new_string(SERD_STATIC_STRING("hi"))); assert(!serd_model_add(model, s, p, hi, NULL)); assert(serd_model_ask(model, s, p, hi, 0)); // Erase (s p "hi") SerdIter* iter = serd_model_find(model, s, p, hi, NULL); assert(!serd_model_erase(model, iter)); assert(serd_model_size(model) == 1); serd_iter_free(iter); // Check that erased statement can not be found SerdRange* empty = serd_model_range(model, s, p, hi, NULL); assert(serd_range_empty(empty)); serd_range_free(empty); serd_model_free(model); return 0; } static int test_erase_all(SerdWorld* world, const unsigned n_quads) { SerdModel* model = serd_model_new(world, SERD_INDEX_SPO); generate(world, model, n_quads, NULL); SerdIter* iter = serd_model_begin(model); while (!serd_iter_equals(iter, serd_model_end(model))) { assert(!serd_model_erase(model, iter)); } serd_iter_free(iter); serd_model_free(model); return 0; } static int test_copy(SerdWorld* world, const unsigned n_quads) { SerdModel* model = serd_model_new(world, SERD_INDEX_SPO); generate(world, model, n_quads, NULL); SerdModel* copy = serd_model_copy(model); assert(serd_model_equals(model, copy)); serd_model_free(model); serd_model_free(copy); return 0; } static int test_equals(SerdWorld* world, const unsigned n_quads) { SerdModel* model = serd_model_new(world, SERD_INDEX_SPO); generate(world, model, n_quads, NULL); serd_model_add( model, uri(world, 0), uri(world, 1), uri(world, 2), uri(world, 3)); assert(serd_model_equals(NULL, NULL)); assert(!serd_model_equals(NULL, model)); assert(!serd_model_equals(model, NULL)); SerdModel* empty = serd_model_new(world, SERD_INDEX_SPO); assert(!serd_model_equals(model, empty)); SerdModel* different = serd_model_new(world, SERD_INDEX_SPO); generate(world, different, n_quads, NULL); serd_model_add( different, uri(world, 1), uri(world, 1), uri(world, 2), uri(world, 3)); assert(serd_model_size(model) == serd_model_size(different)); assert(!serd_model_equals(model, different)); serd_model_free(model); serd_model_free(empty); serd_model_free(different); return 0; } static int test_find_past_end(SerdWorld* world, const unsigned n_quads) { (void)n_quads; SerdModel* model = serd_model_new(world, SERD_INDEX_SPO); const SerdNode* s = uri(world, 1); const SerdNode* p = uri(world, 2); const SerdNode* o = uri(world, 3); assert(!serd_model_add(model, s, p, o, 0)); assert(serd_model_ask(model, s, p, o, 0)); const SerdNode* huge = uri(world, 999); SerdRange* range = serd_model_range(model, huge, huge, huge, 0); assert(serd_range_empty(range)); serd_range_free(range); serd_model_free(model); return 0; } static int test_range(SerdWorld* world, const unsigned n_quads) { SerdModel* model = serd_model_new(world, SERD_INDEX_SPO); generate(world, model, n_quads, NULL); SerdRange* range1 = serd_model_all(model); SerdRange* range2 = serd_model_all(model); assert(!serd_range_empty(range1)); assert(serd_range_empty(NULL)); assert(!serd_range_equals(range1, NULL)); assert(!serd_range_equals(NULL, range1)); assert(serd_range_equals(range1, range2)); assert(serd_iter_equals(serd_range_begin(range1), serd_range_begin(range2))); assert( serd_iter_equals(serd_range_cbegin(range1), serd_range_cbegin(range2))); assert(serd_iter_equals(serd_range_end(range1), serd_range_end(range2))); assert(serd_iter_equals(serd_range_cend(range1), serd_range_cend(range2))); assert(!serd_range_next(range2)); assert(!serd_range_equals(range1, range2)); serd_range_free(range2); serd_range_free(range1); serd_model_free(model); return 0; } static int test_iter_comparison(SerdWorld* world, const unsigned n_quads) { (void)n_quads; SerdModel* model = serd_model_new(world, SERD_INDEX_SPO); assert(serd_iter_equals(serd_iter_copy(NULL), NULL)); serd_world_set_log_func(world, expected_error, NULL); assert( !serd_model_add(model, uri(world, 1), uri(world, 2), uri(world, 3), 0)); // Add a statement with an active iterator SerdIter* iter1 = serd_model_begin(model); SerdIter* iter2 = serd_model_begin(model); assert(serd_iter_equals(iter1, iter2)); serd_iter_next(iter1); assert(!serd_iter_equals(iter1, iter2)); const SerdIter* end = serd_model_end(model); assert(serd_iter_equals(iter1, end)); serd_iter_free(iter2); serd_iter_free(iter1); serd_model_free(model); return 0; } static int test_triple_index_read(SerdWorld* world, const unsigned n_quads) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { SerdModel* model = serd_model_new(world, (1u << i)); generate(world, model, n_quads, 0); assert(!test_read(world, model, 0, n_quads)); serd_model_free(model); } return 0; } static int test_quad_index_read(SerdWorld* world, const unsigned n_quads) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { SerdModel* model = serd_model_new(world, (1u << i) | SERD_INDEX_GRAPHS); const SerdNode* graph = uri(world, 42); generate(world, model, n_quads, graph); assert(!test_read(world, model, graph, n_quads)); serd_model_free(model); } return 0; } static int test_remove_graph(SerdWorld* world, const unsigned n_quads) { (void)n_quads; SerdModel* model = serd_model_new(world, SERD_INDEX_SPO | SERD_INDEX_GRAPHS); // Generate a couple of graphs const SerdNode* graph42 = uri(world, 42); const SerdNode* graph43 = uri(world, 43); generate(world, model, 1, graph42); generate(world, model, 1, graph43); // Remove one graph via range SerdRange* range = serd_model_range(model, NULL, NULL, NULL, graph43); SerdStatus st = serd_model_erase_range(model, range); assert(!st); serd_range_free(range); // Erase the first tuple (an element in the default graph) SerdIter* iter = serd_model_begin(model); assert(!serd_model_erase(model, iter)); serd_iter_free(iter); // Ensure only the other graph is left Quad pat = {0, 0, 0, graph42}; for (iter = serd_model_begin(model); !serd_iter_equals(iter, serd_model_end(model)); serd_iter_next(iter)) { const SerdStatement* const s = serd_iter_get(iter); assert(s); assert(serd_statement_matches(s, pat[0], pat[1], pat[2], pat[3])); } serd_iter_free(iter); serd_model_free(model); return 0; } static int test_default_graph(SerdWorld* world, const unsigned n_quads) { (void)n_quads; SerdModel* model = serd_model_new(world, SERD_INDEX_SPO | SERD_INDEX_GRAPHS); const SerdNode* s = uri(world, 1); const SerdNode* p = uri(world, 2); const SerdNode* o = uri(world, 3); const SerdNode* g1 = uri(world, 101); const SerdNode* g2 = uri(world, 102); // Insert the same statement into two graphs assert(!serd_model_add(model, s, p, o, g1)); assert(!serd_model_add(model, s, p, o, g2)); // Ensure we only see statement once in the default graph assert(serd_model_count(model, s, p, o, NULL) == 1); serd_model_free(model); return 0; } static int test_write_bad_list(SerdWorld* world, const unsigned n_quads) { (void)n_quads; SerdModel* model = serd_model_new(world, SERD_INDEX_SPO | SERD_INDEX_GRAPHS); SerdNodes* nodes = serd_nodes_new(); const SerdNode* s = manage(world, serd_new_uri(SERD_STATIC_STRING("urn:s"))); const SerdNode* p = manage(world, serd_new_uri(SERD_STATIC_STRING("urn:p"))); const SerdNode* list1 = manage(world, serd_new_blank(SERD_STATIC_STRING("l1"))); const SerdNode* list2 = manage(world, serd_new_blank(SERD_STATIC_STRING("l2"))); const SerdNode* nofirst = manage(world, serd_new_blank(SERD_STATIC_STRING("nof"))); const SerdNode* norest = manage(world, serd_new_blank(SERD_STATIC_STRING("nor"))); const SerdNode* pfirst = manage(world, serd_new_uri(SERD_STATIC_STRING(RDF_FIRST))); const SerdNode* prest = manage(world, serd_new_uri(SERD_STATIC_STRING(RDF_REST))); const SerdNode* val1 = manage(world, serd_new_string(SERD_STATIC_STRING("a"))); const SerdNode* val2 = manage(world, serd_new_string(SERD_STATIC_STRING("b"))); // List where second node has no rdf:first serd_model_add(model, s, p, list1, NULL); serd_model_add(model, list1, pfirst, val1, NULL); serd_model_add(model, list1, prest, nofirst, NULL); // List where second node has no rdf:rest serd_model_add(model, s, p, list2, NULL); serd_model_add(model, list2, pfirst, val1, NULL); serd_model_add(model, list2, prest, norest, NULL); serd_model_add(model, norest, pfirst, val2, NULL); SerdBuffer buffer = {NULL, 0}; SerdEnv* env = serd_env_new(SERD_EMPTY_STRING()); SerdByteSink* out = serd_byte_sink_new_buffer(&buffer); SerdWriter* writer = serd_writer_new(world, SERD_TURTLE, 0, env, out); SerdRange* all = serd_model_all(model); serd_range_serialise(all, serd_writer_sink(writer), 0); serd_range_free(all); serd_writer_finish(writer); const char* str = serd_buffer_sink_finish(&buffer); const char* expected = "\n" " (\n" " \"a\"\n" " ) , (\n" " \"a\"\n" " \"b\"\n" " ) .\n"; assert(!strcmp(str, expected)); free(buffer.buf); serd_writer_free(writer); serd_byte_sink_free(out); serd_model_free(model); serd_env_free(env); serd_nodes_free(nodes); return 0; } typedef struct { size_t n_written; size_t max_successes; } FailingWriteFuncState; /// Write function that fails after a certain number of writes static size_t failing_write_func(const void* buf, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void* stream) { (void)buf; (void)size; (void)nmemb; FailingWriteFuncState* state = (FailingWriteFuncState*)stream; return (++state->n_written > state->max_successes) ? 0 : nmemb; } static int test_write_error_in_list(SerdWorld* world, const unsigned n_quads) { (void)n_quads; serd_world_set_log_func(world, expected_error, NULL); SerdModel* model = serd_model_new(world, SERD_INDEX_SPO); SerdNodes* nodes = serd_nodes_new(); const SerdNode* s = manage(world, serd_new_uri(SERD_STATIC_STRING("urn:s"))); const SerdNode* p = manage(world, serd_new_uri(SERD_STATIC_STRING("urn:p"))); const SerdNode* l1 = manage(world, serd_new_blank(SERD_STATIC_STRING("l1"))); const SerdNode* one = manage(world, serd_new_integer(1, NULL)); const SerdNode* l2 = manage(world, serd_new_blank(SERD_STATIC_STRING("l2"))); const SerdNode* two = manage(world, serd_new_integer(2, NULL)); const SerdNode* rdf_first = manage(world, serd_new_uri(SERD_STATIC_STRING(RDF_FIRST))); const SerdNode* rdf_rest = manage(world, serd_new_uri(SERD_STATIC_STRING(RDF_REST))); const SerdNode* rdf_nil = manage(world, serd_new_uri(SERD_STATIC_STRING(RDF_NIL))); serd_model_add(model, s, p, l1, NULL); serd_model_add(model, l1, rdf_first, one, NULL); serd_model_add(model, l1, rdf_rest, l2, NULL); serd_model_add(model, l2, rdf_first, two, NULL); serd_model_add(model, l2, rdf_rest, rdf_nil, NULL); SerdEnv* env = serd_env_new(SERD_EMPTY_STRING()); for (size_t max_successes = 0; max_successes < 21; ++max_successes) { FailingWriteFuncState state = {0, max_successes}; SerdByteSink* out = serd_byte_sink_new_function(failing_write_func, &state, 1); SerdWriter* writer = serd_writer_new(world, SERD_TURTLE, 0, env, out); const SerdSink* const sink = serd_writer_sink(writer); SerdRange* const all = serd_model_all(model); const SerdStatus st = serd_range_serialise(all, sink, 0); serd_range_free(all); assert(st == SERD_ERR_BAD_WRITE); serd_writer_free(writer); serd_byte_sink_free(out); } serd_env_free(env); serd_model_free(model); serd_nodes_free(nodes); return 0; } int main(void) { static const unsigned n_quads = 300; serd_model_free(NULL); // Shouldn't crash typedef int (*TestFunc)(SerdWorld*, unsigned); const TestFunc tests[] = {test_free_null, test_get_world, test_get_flags, test_all_begin, test_add_null, test_add_with_iterator, test_erase_with_iterator, test_add_erase, test_erase_all, test_copy, test_equals, test_find_past_end, test_range, test_iter_comparison, test_triple_index_read, test_quad_index_read, test_remove_graph, test_default_graph, test_write_bad_list, test_write_error_in_list, NULL}; SerdWorld* world = serd_world_new(); int ret = 0; for (const TestFunc* t = tests; *t; ++t) { serd_world_set_log_func(world, NULL, NULL); ret += (*t)(world, n_quads); } serd_world_free(world); return ret; }