@prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix mf: . @prefix qt: . <> rdf:type mf:Manifest ; rdfs:comment "Turtle good syntax test cases (must pass)" ; mf:entries ( [ mf:name "test-14" ; rdfs:comment "10000 triples, more than the default Bison stack size" ; mf:action [ qt:data ] ; mf:result ] [ mf:name "test-15" ; rdfs:comment "10000 triple objects (10000 triples)" ; mf:action [ qt:data ] ; mf:result ] [ mf:name "test-16" ; rdfs:comment "10000 items (10000 triples)" ; mf:action [ qt:data ] ; mf:result ] [ mf:name "test-18" ; rdfs:comment "long literals with escapes" ; mf:action [ qt:data ] ; mf:result ] [ mf:name "test-30" ; rdfs:comment "@base" ; mf:action [ qt:data ] ; mf:result ] [ mf:name "rdf-schema" ; rdfs:comment "RDF Namespace document converted into Turtle" ; mf:action [ qt:data ] ; mf:result ] [ mf:name "rdfs-namespace" ; rdfs:comment "RDFS Namespace document converted into Turtle" ; mf:action [ qt:data ] ; mf:result ] [ mf:name "rdfq-results" ; rdfs:comment "Example query result from http://www.w3.org/2003/03/rdfqr-tests/recording-query-results.html" ; mf:action [ qt:data ] ; mf:result ] # End of tests ).