#!/usr/bin/env python import glob import os import sys from waflib import Build, Logs, Options from waflib.extras import autowaf # Library and package version (UNIX style major, minor, micro) # major increment <=> incompatible changes # minor increment <=> compatible changes (additions) # micro increment <=> no interface changes SERD_VERSION = '0.30.7' SERD_MAJOR_VERSION = '0' # Mandatory waf variables APPNAME = 'serd' # Package name for waf dist VERSION = SERD_VERSION # Package version for waf dist top = '.' # Source directory out = 'build' # Build directory # Release variables uri = 'http://drobilla.net/sw/serd' dist_pattern = 'http://download.drobilla.net/serd-%d.%d.%d.tar.bz2' post_tags = ['Hacking', 'RDF', 'Serd'] def options(ctx): ctx.load('compiler_c') ctx.add_flags( ctx.configuration_options(), {'no-utils': 'do not build command line utilities', 'stack-check': 'include runtime stack sanity checks', 'static': 'build static library', 'no-shared': 'do not build shared library', 'static-progs': 'build programs as static binaries', 'largefile': 'build with large file support on 32-bit systems', 'no-posix': 'do not use POSIX functions, even if present'}) def configure(conf): conf.load('compiler_c', cache=True) conf.load('autowaf', cache=True) autowaf.set_c_lang(conf, 'c99') if Options.options.strict: # Check for programs used by lint target conf.find_program("flake8", var="FLAKE8", mandatory=False) conf.find_program("clang-tidy", var="CLANG_TIDY", mandatory=False) conf.find_program("iwyu_tool", var="IWYU_TOOL", mandatory=False) if Options.options.ultra_strict: autowaf.add_compiler_flags(conf.env, '*', { 'clang': [ '-Wno-cast-align', '-Wno-cast-qual', '-Wno-conversion', '-Wno-covered-switch-default', '-Wno-disabled-macro-expansion', '-Wno-double-promotion', '-Wno-format-nonliteral', '-Wno-implicit-fallthrough', '-Wno-nullability-extension', '-Wno-nullable-to-nonnull-conversion', '-Wno-padded', '-Wno-reserved-id-macro', '-Wno-sign-conversion', ], 'gcc': [ '-Wno-cast-align', '-Wno-cast-qual', '-Wno-float-conversion', '-Wno-inline', '-Wno-padded', '-Wno-sign-conversion', ], 'msvc': [ '/wd4061', # enumerator in switch is not explicitly handled '/wd4365', # signed/unsigned mismatch '/wd4514', # unreferenced inline function has been removed '/wd4710', # function not inlined '/wd4711', # function selected for automatic inline expansion '/wd4820', # padding added after construct '/wd4996', # POSIX name for this item is deprecated ], }) autowaf.add_compiler_flags(conf.env, 'c', { 'clang': [ '-Wno-bad-function-cast', ], 'gcc': [ '-Wno-bad-function-cast', ], 'msvc': [ '/wd4706', # assignment within conditional expression '/wd5045', # will insert Spectre mitigation for memory load ], }) if 'mingw' in conf.env.CC[0]: conf.env.append_value('CFLAGS', '-Wno-unused-macros') conf.env.update({ 'BUILD_UTILS': not Options.options.no_utils, 'BUILD_SHARED': not Options.options.no_shared, 'STATIC_PROGS': Options.options.static_progs, 'BUILD_STATIC': (Options.options.static or Options.options.static_progs)}) if not conf.env.BUILD_SHARED and not conf.env.BUILD_STATIC: conf.fatal('Neither a shared nor a static build requested') if Options.options.stack_check: conf.define('SERD_STACK_CHECK', SERD_VERSION) if Options.options.largefile: conf.env.append_unique('DEFINES', ['_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64']) if not Options.options.no_posix: funcs = {'posix_memalign': ('stdlib.h', 'int', 'void**,size_t,size_t'), 'posix_fadvise': ('fcntl.h', 'int', 'int,off_t,off_t,int'), 'fileno': ('stdio.h', 'int', 'FILE*')} for name, (header, ret, args) in funcs.items(): conf.check_function('c', name, header_name = header, return_type = ret, arg_types = args, define_name = 'HAVE_' + name.upper(), defines = ['_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809L'], mandatory = False) # Set up environment for building/using as a subproject autowaf.set_lib_env(conf, 'serd', SERD_VERSION, include_path=str(conf.path.find_node('include'))) if conf.env.BUILD_TESTS: serdi_node = conf.path.get_bld().make_node('serdi_static') else: serdi_node = conf.path.get_bld().make_node('serdi') conf.env.SERDI = [os.path.abspath(str(serdi_node))] conf.write_config_header('serd_config.h', remove=False) autowaf.display_summary( conf, {'Build static library': bool(conf.env['BUILD_STATIC']), 'Build shared library': bool(conf.env['BUILD_SHARED']), 'Build utilities': bool(conf.env['BUILD_UTILS']), 'Build unit tests': bool(conf.env['BUILD_TESTS'])}) lib_headers = ['src/reader.h'] lib_source = ['src/base64.c', 'src/byte_source.c', 'src/env.c', 'src/n3.c', 'src/node.c', 'src/reader.c', 'src/string.c', 'src/system.c', 'src/uri.c', 'src/writer.c'] def build(bld): # C Headers includedir = '${INCLUDEDIR}/serd-%s/serd' % SERD_MAJOR_VERSION bld.install_files(includedir, bld.path.ant_glob('include/serd/*.h')) # Pkgconfig file autowaf.build_pc(bld, 'SERD', SERD_VERSION, SERD_MAJOR_VERSION, [], {'SERD_MAJOR_VERSION': SERD_MAJOR_VERSION}) defines = [] lib_args = {'export_includes': ['include'], 'includes': ['.', 'include', './src'], 'cflags': ['-fvisibility=hidden'], 'lib': ['m'], 'vnum': SERD_VERSION, 'install_path': '${LIBDIR}'} if bld.env.MSVC_COMPILER: lib_args['cflags'] = [] lib_args['lib'] = [] defines = [] # Shared Library if bld.env.BUILD_SHARED: bld(features = 'c cshlib', source = lib_source, name = 'libserd', target = 'serd-%s' % SERD_MAJOR_VERSION, defines = defines + ['SERD_SHARED', 'SERD_INTERNAL'], **lib_args) # Static library if bld.env.BUILD_STATIC: bld(features = 'c cstlib', source = lib_source, name = 'libserd_static', target = 'serd-%s' % SERD_MAJOR_VERSION, defines = defines + ['SERD_INTERNAL'], **lib_args) if bld.env.BUILD_TESTS: coverage_flags = [''] if bld.env.NO_COVERAGE else ['--coverage'] test_args = {'includes': ['.', 'include', './src'], 'cflags': coverage_flags, 'linkflags': coverage_flags, 'lib': lib_args['lib'], 'install_path': ''} # Profiled static library for test coverage bld(features = 'c cstlib', source = lib_source, name = 'libserd_profiled', target = 'serd_profiled', defines = defines + ['SERD_INTERNAL'], **test_args) # Test programs for prog in [('serdi_static', 'src/serdi.c'), ('test_env', 'test/test_env.c'), ('test_free_null', 'test/test_free_null.c'), ('test_node', 'test/test_node.c'), ('test_read_chunk', 'test/test_read_chunk.c'), ('test_reader_writer', 'test/test_reader_writer.c'), ('test_string', 'test/test_string.c'), ('test_uri', 'test/test_uri.c')]: bld(features = 'c cprogram', source = prog[1], use = 'libserd_profiled', target = prog[0], defines = defines, **test_args) # Utilities if bld.env.BUILD_UTILS: obj = bld(features = 'c cprogram', source = 'src/serdi.c', target = 'serdi', includes = ['.', 'include', './src'], use = 'libserd', lib = lib_args['lib'], install_path = '${BINDIR}') if not bld.env.BUILD_SHARED or bld.env.STATIC_PROGS: obj.use = 'libserd_static' if bld.env.STATIC_PROGS: obj.env.SHLIB_MARKER = obj.env.STLIB_MARKER obj.linkflags = ['-static'] # Documentation if bld.env.DOCS: autowaf.build_dox(bld, 'SERD', SERD_VERSION, top, out) bld(features='subst', source='doc/index.html.in', target='doc/index.html', install_path='', name='index', SERD_VERSION=SERD_VERSION) # Man page bld.install_files('${MANDIR}/man1', 'doc/serdi.1') bld.add_post_fun(autowaf.run_ldconfig) class LintContext(Build.BuildContext): fun = cmd = 'lint' def lint(ctx): "checks code for style issues" import subprocess st = 0 if "FLAKE8" in ctx.env: Logs.info("Running flake8") st = subprocess.call([ctx.env.FLAKE8[0], "wscript", "--ignore", "E101,E129,W191,E221,W504,E251,E241,E741"]) else: Logs.warn("Not running flake8") if "IWYU_TOOL" in ctx.env: Logs.info("Running include-what-you-use") cmd = [ctx.env.IWYU_TOOL[0], "-o", "clang", "-p", "build"] output = subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode('utf-8') if 'error: ' in output: sys.stdout.write(output) st += 1 else: Logs.warn("Not running include-what-you-use") if "CLANG_TIDY" in ctx.env and "clang" in ctx.env.CC[0]: Logs.info("Running clang-tidy") sources = glob.glob('include/serd/*.h*') sources += glob.glob('src/*.c') sources += glob.glob('test/*.c') sources = list(map(os.path.abspath, sources)) procs = [] for source in sources: cmd = [ctx.env.CLANG_TIDY[0], "--quiet", "-p=.", source] procs += [subprocess.Popen(cmd, cwd="build")] for proc in procs: stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() st += proc.returncode else: Logs.warn("Not running clang-tidy") if st != 0: sys.exit(st) def amalgamate(ctx): "builds single-file amalgamated source" import shutil import re shutil.copy('serd/serd.h', 'build/serd.h') def include_line(line): return (not re.match(r'#include "[^/]*\.h"', line) and not re.match('#include "serd/serd.h"', line)) with open('build/serd.c', 'w') as amalgamation: amalgamation.write('/* This is amalgamated code, do not edit! */\n') amalgamation.write('#include "serd.h"\n\n') for header_path in ['src/serd_internal.h', 'src/system.h', 'src/byte_sink.h', 'src/byte_source.h', 'src/stack.h', 'src/string_utils.h', 'src/uri_utils.h', 'src/reader.h']: with open(header_path) as header: for l in header: if include_line(l): amalgamation.write(l) for f in lib_headers + lib_source: with open(f) as fd: amalgamation.write('\n/**\n @file %s\n*/' % f) for l in fd: if include_line(l): amalgamation.write(l) for i in ['c', 'h']: Logs.info('Wrote build/serd.%s' % i) def earl_assertion(test, passed, asserter): import datetime asserter_str = '' if asserter is not None: asserter_str = '\n\tearl:assertedBy <%s> ;' % asserter return ''' [] a earl:Assertion ;%s earl:subject ; earl:test <%s> ; earl:result [ a earl:TestResult ; earl:outcome %s ; dc:date "%s"^^xsd:dateTime ] . ''' % (asserter_str, test, 'earl:passed' if passed else 'earl:failed', datetime.datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat()) serdi = './serdi_static' def test_thru(check, base, path, check_path, flags, isyntax, osyntax, opts=[]): out_path = path + '.pass' out_cmd = [serdi] + opts + [f for sublist in flags for f in sublist] + [ '-i', isyntax, '-o', isyntax, '-p', 'foo', check.tst.src_path(path), base] thru_path = path + '.thru' thru_cmd = [serdi] + opts + [ '-i', isyntax, '-o', osyntax, '-c', 'foo', out_path, base] return (check(out_cmd, stdout=out_path, verbosity=0, name=out_path) and check(thru_cmd, stdout=thru_path, verbosity=0, name=thru_path) and check.file_equals(check_path, thru_path, verbosity=0)) def file_uri_to_path(uri): try: from urlparse import urlparse # Python 2 except ImportError: from urllib.parse import urlparse # Python 3 path = urlparse(uri).path drive = os.path.splitdrive(path[1:])[0] return path if not drive else path[1:] def _test_output_syntax(test_class): if 'NTriples' in test_class or 'Turtle' in test_class: return 'NTriples' elif 'NQuads' in test_class or 'Trig' in test_class: return 'NQuads' raise Exception('Unknown test class <%s>' % test_class) def _wrapped_command(cmd): if Options.options.wrapper: import shlex return shlex.split(Options.options.wrapper) + cmd return cmd def _load_rdf(filename): "Load an RDF file into python dictionaries via serdi. Only supports URIs." import subprocess import re rdf_type = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type' model = {} instances = {} cmd = _wrapped_command(['./serdi_static', filename]) proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) for line in proc.communicate()[0].splitlines(): matches = re.match(r'<([^ ]*)> <([^ ]*)> <([^ ]*)> \.', line.decode('utf-8')) if matches: s, p, o = (matches.group(1), matches.group(2), matches.group(3)) if s not in model: model[s] = {p: [o]} elif p not in model[s]: model[s][p] = [o] else: model[s][p].append(o) if p == rdf_type: if o not in instances: instances[o] = set([s]) else: instances[o].update([s]) return model, instances def _option_combinations(options): "Return an iterator that cycles through all combinations of options" import itertools combinations = [] for n in range(len(options) + 1): combinations += list(itertools.combinations(options, n)) return itertools.cycle(combinations) def test_suite(ctx, base_uri, testdir, report, isyntax, options=[]): srcdir = ctx.path.abspath() mf = 'http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/test-manifest#' manifest_path = os.path.join(srcdir, 'test', testdir, 'manifest.ttl') model, instances = _load_rdf(manifest_path) asserter = '' if os.getenv('USER') == 'drobilla': asserter = 'http://drobilla.net/drobilla#me' def run_tests(test_class, tests, expected_return): thru_flags = [['-e'], ['-f'], ['-b'], ['-r', 'http://example.org/']] osyntax = _test_output_syntax(test_class) thru_options_iter = _option_combinations(thru_flags) tests_name = '%s.%s' % (testdir, test_class[test_class.find('#') + 1:]) with ctx.group(tests_name) as check: for test in sorted(tests): action_node = model[test][mf + 'action'][0] basename = os.path.basename(action_node) action = os.path.join('test', testdir, basename) rel_action = os.path.join(os.path.relpath(srcdir), action) uri = base_uri + os.path.basename(action) command = [serdi] + options + ['-f', rel_action, uri] # Run strict test if expected_return == 0: result = check(command, stdout=action + '.out', name=action) else: result = check(command, stdout=action + '.out', stderr=autowaf.NONEMPTY, expected=expected_return, name=action) if (result and expected_return == 0 and ((mf + 'result') in model[test])): # Check output against test suite check_uri = model[test][mf + 'result'][0] check_path = ctx.src_path(file_uri_to_path(check_uri)) result = check.file_equals(action + '.out', check_path) # Run round-trip tests if result: test_thru(check, uri, action, check_path, list(next(thru_options_iter)), isyntax, osyntax, options) # Write test report entry if report is not None: report.write(earl_assertion(test, result, asserter)) ns_rdftest = 'http://www.w3.org/ns/rdftest#' for test_class, instances in instances.items(): if test_class.startswith(ns_rdftest): expected = (1 if '-l' not in options and 'Negative' in test_class else 0) run_tests(test_class, instances, expected) def test(tst): import tempfile # Create test output directories for i in ['bad', 'good', 'lax', 'TurtleTests', 'NTriplesTests', 'NQuadsTests', 'TriGTests']: try: test_dir = os.path.join('test', i) os.makedirs(test_dir) for i in glob.glob(test_dir + '/*.*'): os.remove(i) except Exception: pass srcdir = tst.path.abspath() with tst.group('Unit') as check: check(['./test_env']) check(['./test_free_null']) check(['./test_node']) check(['./test_read_chunk']) check(['./test_reader_writer']) check(['./test_string']) check(['./test_uri']) def test_syntax_io(check, in_name, check_name, lang): in_path = 'test/good/%s' % in_name out_path = in_path + '.io' check_path = '%s/test/good/%s' % (srcdir, check_name) check([serdi, '-o', lang, '%s/%s' % (srcdir, in_path), in_path], stdout=out_path, name=in_name) check.file_equals(check_path, out_path) with tst.group('ThroughSyntax') as check: test_syntax_io(check, 'base.ttl', 'base.ttl', 'turtle') test_syntax_io(check, 'qualify-in.ttl', 'qualify-out.ttl', 'turtle') with tst.group('GoodCommands') as check: check([serdi, '%s/test/good/manifest.ttl' % srcdir]) check([serdi, '-v']) check([serdi, '-h']) check([serdi, '-s', ' a <#Thingie> .']) check([serdi, os.devnull]) with tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='r') as stdin: check([serdi, '-'], stdin=stdin) with tst.group('BadCommands', expected=1, stderr=autowaf.NONEMPTY) as check: check([serdi]) check([serdi, '/no/such/file']) check([serdi, 'ftp://example.org/unsupported.ttl']) check([serdi, '-c']) check([serdi, '-i', 'illegal']) check([serdi, '-i', 'turtle']) check([serdi, '-i']) check([serdi, '-o', 'illegal']) check([serdi, '-o']) check([serdi, '-p']) check([serdi, '-q', '%s/test/bad/bad-base.ttl' % srcdir], stderr=None) check([serdi, '-r']) check([serdi, '-z']) with tst.group('IoErrors', expected=1) as check: check([serdi, '-e', 'file://%s/' % srcdir], name='Read directory') check([serdi, 'file://%s/' % srcdir], name='Bulk read directory') if os.path.exists('/dev/full'): check([serdi, 'file://%s/test/good/manifest.ttl' % srcdir], stdout='/dev/full', name='Write error') if sys.version_info.major >= 3: from waflib.extras import autoship try: with tst.group('NEWS') as check: news_path = os.path.join(srcdir, 'NEWS') entries = autoship.read_news(top=srcdir) autoship.write_news(entries, 'NEWS.norm') check.file_equals(news_path, 'NEWS.norm') meta_path = os.path.join(srcdir, 'serd.ttl') autoship.write_news(entries, 'NEWS.ttl', format='turtle', template=meta_path) ttl_entries = autoship.read_news('NEWS.ttl', top=srcdir, format='turtle') autoship.write_news(ttl_entries, 'NEWS.round') check.file_equals(news_path, 'NEWS.round') except ImportError: Logs.warn('Failed to import rdflib, not running NEWS tests') # Serd-specific test suites serd_base = 'http://drobilla.net/sw/serd/test/' test_suite(tst, serd_base + 'good/', 'good', None, 'Turtle') test_suite(tst, serd_base + 'bad/', 'bad', None, 'Turtle') test_suite(tst, serd_base + 'lax/', 'lax', None, 'Turtle', ['-l']) test_suite(tst, serd_base + 'lax/', 'lax', None, 'Turtle') # Standard test suites with open('earl.ttl', 'w') as report: report.write('@prefix earl: .\n' '@prefix dc: .\n') with open(os.path.join(srcdir, 'serd.ttl')) as serd_ttl: report.writelines(serd_ttl) w3c_base = 'http://www.w3.org/2013/' test_suite(tst, w3c_base + 'TurtleTests/', 'TurtleTests', report, 'Turtle') test_suite(tst, w3c_base + 'NTriplesTests/', 'NTriplesTests', report, 'NTriples') test_suite(tst, w3c_base + 'NQuadsTests/', 'NQuadsTests', report, 'NQuads') test_suite(tst, w3c_base + 'TriGTests/', 'TriGTests', report, 'Trig', ['-a'])