#!/usr/bin/env python import os import subprocess from waflib import Logs, Options from waflib.extras import autowaf # Library and package version (UNIX style major, minor, micro) # major increment <=> incompatible changes # minor increment <=> compatible changes (additions) # micro increment <=> no interface changes SRATOM_VERSION = '0.6.2' SRATOM_MAJOR_VERSION = '0' # Mandatory waf variables APPNAME = 'sratom' # Package name for waf dist VERSION = SRATOM_VERSION # Package version for waf dist top = '.' # Source directory out = 'build' # Build directory def options(ctx): ctx.load('compiler_c') autowaf.set_options(ctx, test=True) opt = ctx.get_option_group('Configuration options') autowaf.add_flags( opt, {'static': 'build static library', 'no-shared': 'do not build shared library'}) def configure(conf): autowaf.display_header('Sratom Configuration') conf.load('compiler_c', cache=True) conf.load('autowaf', cache=True) conf.env.BUILD_SHARED = not Options.options.no_shared conf.env.BUILD_STATIC = Options.options.static if not conf.env.BUILD_SHARED and not conf.env.BUILD_STATIC: conf.fatal('Neither a shared nor a static build requested') autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'lv2', uselib_store='LV2', atleast_version='1.10.0', mandatory=True) autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'serd-0', uselib_store='SERD', atleast_version='0.30.0', mandatory=True) autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'sord-0', uselib_store='SORD', atleast_version='0.14.0', mandatory=True) autowaf.set_lib_env(conf, 'sratom', SRATOM_VERSION) conf.write_config_header('sratom_config.h', remove=False) autowaf.display_summary(conf, {'Unit tests': bool(conf.env.BUILD_TESTS)}) lib_source = ['src/sratom.c'] def build(bld): # C Headers includedir = '${INCLUDEDIR}/sratom-%s/sratom' % SRATOM_MAJOR_VERSION bld.install_files(includedir, bld.path.ant_glob('sratom/*.h')) # Pkgconfig file autowaf.build_pc(bld, 'SRATOM', SRATOM_VERSION, SRATOM_MAJOR_VERSION, ['SERD', 'SORD', 'LV2'], {'SRATOM_MAJOR_VERSION' : SRATOM_MAJOR_VERSION}) libflags = ['-fvisibility=hidden'] libs = ['m'] defines = [] if bld.env.MSVC_COMPILER: libflags = [] libs = [] defines = [] # Shared Library if bld.env.BUILD_SHARED: obj = bld(features = 'c cshlib', export_includes = ['.'], source = lib_source, includes = ['.', './src'], lib = libs, name = 'libsratom', target = 'sratom-%s' % SRATOM_MAJOR_VERSION, vnum = SRATOM_VERSION, install_path = '${LIBDIR}', defines = defines + ['SRATOM_SHARED', 'SRATOM_INTERNAL'], cflags = libflags) autowaf.use_lib(bld, obj, 'SERD SORD LV2') # Static library if bld.env.BUILD_STATIC: obj = bld(features = 'c cstlib', export_includes = ['.'], source = lib_source, includes = ['.', './src'], lib = libs, name = 'libsratom_static', target = 'sratom-%s' % SRATOM_MAJOR_VERSION, vnum = SRATOM_VERSION, install_path = '${LIBDIR}', defines = defines + ['SRATOM_INTERNAL']) autowaf.use_lib(bld, obj, 'SERD SORD LV2') if bld.env.BUILD_TESTS: test_libs = libs test_cflags = [''] test_linkflags = [''] if not bld.env.NO_COVERAGE: test_cflags += ['--coverage'] test_linkflags += ['--coverage'] # Static library (for unit test code coverage) obj = bld(features = 'c cstlib', source = lib_source, includes = ['.', './src'], lib = test_libs, name = 'libsratom_profiled', target = 'sratom_profiled', install_path = '', defines = defines + ['SRATOM_INTERNAL'], cflags = test_cflags, linkflags = test_linkflags) autowaf.use_lib(bld, obj, 'SERD SORD LV2') # Unit test program obj = bld(features = 'c cprogram', source = 'tests/sratom_test.c', includes = ['.', './src'], use = 'libsratom_profiled', lib = test_libs, target = 'sratom_test', install_path = '', defines = defines, cflags = test_cflags, linkflags = test_linkflags) autowaf.use_lib(bld, obj, 'SERD SORD LV2') # Documentation autowaf.build_dox(bld, 'SRATOM', SRATOM_VERSION, top, out) bld.add_post_fun(autowaf.run_ldconfig) if bld.env.DOCS: bld.add_post_fun(fix_docs) def test(ctx): autowaf.pre_test(ctx, APPNAME) os.environ['PATH'] = '.' + os.pathsep + os.getenv('PATH') Logs.pprint('GREEN', '') autowaf.run_test(ctx, APPNAME, 'sratom_test', dirs=['./src','./tests']) autowaf.post_test(ctx, APPNAME) def lint(ctx): "checks code for style issues" import subprocess cmd = ("clang-tidy -p=. -header-filter=.* -checks=\"*," + "-clang-analyzer-alpha.*," + "-google-readability-todo," + "-llvm-header-guard," + "-llvm-include-order," + "-misc-unused-parameters," + "-readability-else-after-return\" " + "$(find .. -name '*.c')") subprocess.call(cmd, cwd='build', shell=True) def fix_docs(ctx): if ctx.cmd == 'build': autowaf.make_simple_dox(APPNAME) def upload_docs(ctx): os.system("rsync -ravz --delete -e ssh build/doc/html/ drobilla@drobilla.net:~/drobilla.net/docs/sratom/") def posts(ctx): path = str(ctx.path.abspath()) autowaf.news_to_posts( os.path.join(path, 'NEWS'), {'title' : 'Sratom', 'description' : autowaf.get_blurb(os.path.join(path, 'README')), 'dist_pattern' : 'http://download.drobilla.net/sratom-%s.tar.bz2'}, { 'Author' : 'drobilla', 'Tags' : 'Hacking, LAD, LV2, RDF, Sratom' }, os.path.join(out, 'posts'))