#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Autowaf, useful waf utilities with support for recursive projects # Copyright 2008-2016 David Robillard # # Licensed under the GNU GPL v2 or later, see COPYING file for details. import glob import os import subprocess import sys from waflib import Build, Logs, Options, Utils from waflib.TaskGen import feature, before, after global g_is_child g_is_child = False # Only run autowaf hooks once (even if sub projects call several times) global g_step g_step = 0 global line_just line_just = 40 # Compute dependencies globally #import preproc #preproc.go_absolute = True class TestContext(Build.BuildContext): "Context for test command that inherits build context to make configuration available" cmd = 'test' fun = 'test' @feature('c', 'cxx') @after('apply_incpaths') def include_config_h(self): self.env.append_value('INCPATHS', self.bld.bldnode.abspath()) def set_options(opt, debug_by_default=False, test=False): "Add standard autowaf options if they havn't been added yet" global g_step if g_step > 0: return opts = opt.get_option_group('Configuration options') # Standard directory options opts.add_option('--bindir', type='string', help="executable programs [default: PREFIX/bin]") opts.add_option('--configdir', type='string', help="configuration data [default: PREFIX/etc]") opts.add_option('--datadir', type='string', help="shared data [default: PREFIX/share]") opts.add_option('--includedir', type='string', help="header files [default: PREFIX/include]") opts.add_option('--libdir', type='string', help="libraries [default: PREFIX/lib]") opts.add_option('--mandir', type='string', help="manual pages [default: DATADIR/man]") opts.add_option('--docdir', type='string', help="HTML documentation [default: DATADIR/doc]") # Build options if debug_by_default: opts.add_option('--optimize', action='store_false', default=True, dest='debug', help="build optimized binaries") else: opts.add_option('--debug', action='store_true', default=False, dest='debug', help="build debuggable binaries") opts.add_option('--pardebug', action='store_true', default=False, dest='pardebug', help="build parallel-installable debuggable libraries with D suffix") opts.add_option('--strict', action='store_true', default=False, dest='strict', help="use strict compiler flags and show all warnings") opts.add_option('--ultra-strict', action='store_true', default=False, dest='ultra_strict', help="use extremely strict compiler flags (likely noisy)") opts.add_option('--docs', action='store_true', default=False, dest='docs', help="build documentation (requires doxygen)") # Test options if test: test_opts = opt.add_option_group('Test options', '') opts.add_option('--test', action='store_true', dest='build_tests', help='build unit tests') opts.add_option('--no-coverage', action='store_true', dest='no_coverage', help='do not instrument code for test coverage') test_opts.add_option('--test-wrapper', type='string', dest='test_wrapper', help='command prefix for tests (e.g. valgrind)') test_opts.add_option('--verbose-tests', action='store_true', default=False, dest='verbose_tests', help='always show test output') g_step = 1 def get_check_func(conf, lang): if lang == 'c': return conf.check_cc elif lang == 'cxx': return conf.check_cxx else: Logs.error("Unknown header language `%s'" % lang) def check_header(conf, lang, name, define='', mandatory=True): "Check for a header" check_func = get_check_func(conf, lang) if define != '': check_func(header_name=name, define_name=define, mandatory=mandatory) else: check_func(header_name=name, includes=includes, mandatory=mandatory) def check_function(conf, lang, name, **args): "Check for a function" header_names = Utils.to_list(args['header_name']) includes = ''.join(['#include <%s>\n' % x for x in header_names]) fragment = ''' %s int main() { return !(void(*)())(%s); } ''' % (includes, name) check_func = get_check_func(conf, lang) args['msg'] = 'Checking for %s' % name check_func(fragment=fragment, **args) def nameify(name): return name.replace('/', '_').replace('++', 'PP').replace('-', '_').replace('.', '_') def define(conf, var_name, value): conf.define(var_name, value) conf.env[var_name] = value def check_pkg(conf, name, **args): "Check for a package iff it hasn't been checked for yet" if args['uselib_store'].lower() in conf.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_LIBS']: return class CheckType: OPTIONAL = 1 MANDATORY = 2 var_name = 'CHECKED_' + nameify(args['uselib_store']) check = not var_name in conf.env mandatory = not 'mandatory' in args or args['mandatory'] if not check and 'atleast_version' in args: # Re-check if version is newer than previous check checked_version = conf.env['VERSION_' + name] if checked_version and checked_version < args['atleast_version']: check = True if not check and mandatory and conf.env[var_name] == CheckType.OPTIONAL: # Re-check if previous check was optional but this one is mandatory check = True if check: found = None pkg_var_name = 'PKG_' + name.replace('-', '_') pkg_name = name if conf.env.PARDEBUG: args['mandatory'] = False # Smash mandatory arg found = conf.check_cfg(package=pkg_name + 'D', args="--cflags --libs", **args) if found: pkg_name += 'D' if mandatory: args['mandatory'] = True # Unsmash mandatory arg if not found: found = conf.check_cfg(package=pkg_name, args="--cflags --libs", **args) if found: conf.env[pkg_var_name] = pkg_name if 'atleast_version' in args: conf.env['VERSION_' + name] = args['atleast_version'] if mandatory: conf.env[var_name] = CheckType.MANDATORY else: conf.env[var_name] = CheckType.OPTIONAL def normpath(path): if sys.platform == 'win32': return os.path.normpath(path).replace('\\', '/') else: return os.path.normpath(path) def configure(conf): global g_step if g_step > 1: return def append_cxx_flags(flags): conf.env.append_value('CFLAGS', flags) conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', flags) print('') display_header('Global Configuration') if Options.options.docs: conf.load('doxygen') conf.env['DOCS'] = Options.options.docs conf.env['DEBUG'] = Options.options.debug or Options.options.pardebug conf.env['PARDEBUG'] = Options.options.pardebug conf.env['PREFIX'] = normpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(conf.env['PREFIX']))) def config_dir(var, opt, default): if opt: conf.env[var] = normpath(opt) else: conf.env[var] = normpath(default) opts = Options.options prefix = conf.env['PREFIX'] config_dir('BINDIR', opts.bindir, os.path.join(prefix, 'bin')) config_dir('SYSCONFDIR', opts.configdir, os.path.join(prefix, 'etc')) config_dir('DATADIR', opts.datadir, os.path.join(prefix, 'share')) config_dir('INCLUDEDIR', opts.includedir, os.path.join(prefix, 'include')) config_dir('LIBDIR', opts.libdir, os.path.join(prefix, 'lib')) config_dir('MANDIR', opts.mandir, os.path.join(conf.env['DATADIR'], 'man')) config_dir('DOCDIR', opts.docdir, os.path.join(conf.env['DATADIR'], 'doc')) if Options.options.debug: if conf.env['MSVC_COMPILER']: conf.env['CFLAGS'] = ['/Od', '/Zi', '/MTd'] conf.env['CXXFLAGS'] = ['/Od', '/Zi', '/MTd'] conf.env['LINKFLAGS'] = ['/DEBUG'] else: conf.env['CFLAGS'] = ['-O0', '-g'] conf.env['CXXFLAGS'] = ['-O0', '-g'] else: if conf.env['MSVC_COMPILER']: conf.env['CFLAGS'] = ['/MD'] conf.env['CXXFLAGS'] = ['/MD'] append_cxx_flags(['-DNDEBUG']) set_modern_c_flags(conf) set_modern_cxx_flags(conf) if Options.options.ultra_strict: Options.options.strict = True conf.env.append_value('CFLAGS', ['-Wredundant-decls', '-Wstrict-prototypes', '-Wmissing-prototypes', '-Wcast-qual']) conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', ['-Wcast-qual']) if Options.options.strict: conf.env.append_value('CFLAGS', ['-pedantic', '-Wshadow']) if conf.env.DEST_OS != "darwin": conf.env.append_value('LINKFLAGS', ['-Wl,--no-undefined']) conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', ['-Wnon-virtual-dtor', '-Woverloaded-virtual']) append_cxx_flags(['-Wall', '-Wcast-align', '-Wextra', '-Wmissing-declarations', '-Wno-unused-parameter', '-Wstrict-overflow', '-Wundef', '-Wwrite-strings', '-fstrict-overflow']) if not conf.check_cc(fragment = ''' #ifndef __clang__ #error #endif int main() { return 0; }''', features = 'c', mandatory = False, execute = False, define_name = 'CLANG', msg = 'Checking for clang'): append_cxx_flags(['-Wlogical-op', '-Wsuggest-attribute=noreturn', '-Wunsafe-loop-optimizations']) if not conf.env['MSVC_COMPILER']: append_cxx_flags(['-fshow-column']) conf.env.NO_COVERAGE = True conf.env.BUILD_TESTS = False try: conf.env.BUILD_TESTS = Options.options.build_tests conf.env.NO_COVERAGE = Options.options.no_coverage if not Options.options.no_coverage: # Set up unit test code coverage if conf.is_defined('CLANG'): for cov in [conf.env.CC[0].replace('clang', 'llvm-cov'), 'llvm-cov']: if conf.find_program(cov, var='LLVM_COV', mandatory=False): break else: conf.check_cc(lib='gcov', define_name='HAVE_GCOV', mandatory=False) except: pass # Test options do not exist conf.env.prepend_value('CFLAGS', '-I' + os.path.abspath('.')) conf.env.prepend_value('CXXFLAGS', '-I' + os.path.abspath('.')) display_msg(conf, "Install prefix", conf.env['PREFIX']) display_msg(conf, "Debuggable build", str(conf.env['DEBUG'])) display_msg(conf, "Build documentation", str(conf.env['DOCS'])) print('') g_step = 2 def set_modern_c_flags(conf): if 'COMPILER_CC' in conf.env: if conf.env.MSVC_COMPILER: # MSVC has no hope or desire to compile C99, just compile as C++ conf.env.append_unique('CFLAGS', ['-TP']) else: for flag in ['-std=c11', '-std=c99']: if conf.check(cflags=['-Werror', flag], mandatory=False, msg="Checking for flag '%s'" % flag): conf.env.append_unique('CFLAGS', [flag]) break def set_modern_cxx_flags(conf, mandatory=False): if 'COMPILER_CXX' in conf.env: for flag in ['-std=c++14', '-std=c++1y', '-std=c++11', '-std=c++0x']: if conf.check(cxxflags=['-Werror', flag], mandatory=False, msg="Checking for flag '%s'" % flag): conf.env.append_unique('CXXFLAGS', [flag]) break def set_local_lib(conf, name, has_objects): var_name = 'HAVE_' + nameify(name.upper()) define(conf, var_name, 1) if has_objects: if type(conf.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_LIBS']) != dict: conf.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_LIBS'] = {} conf.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_LIBS'][name.lower()] = True else: if type(conf.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_HEADERS']) != dict: conf.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_HEADERS'] = {} conf.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_HEADERS'][name.lower()] = True def append_property(obj, key, val): if hasattr(obj, key): setattr(obj, key, getattr(obj, key) + val) else: setattr(obj, key, val) def use_lib(bld, obj, libs): abssrcdir = os.path.abspath('.') libs_list = libs.split() for l in libs_list: in_headers = l.lower() in bld.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_HEADERS'] in_libs = l.lower() in bld.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_LIBS'] if in_libs: append_property(obj, 'use', ' lib%s ' % l.lower()) append_property(obj, 'framework', bld.env['FRAMEWORK_' + l]) if in_headers or in_libs: inc_flag = '-iquote ' + os.path.join(abssrcdir, l.lower()) for f in ['CFLAGS', 'CXXFLAGS']: if not inc_flag in bld.env[f]: bld.env.prepend_value(f, inc_flag) else: append_property(obj, 'uselib', ' ' + l) @feature('c', 'cxx') @before('apply_link') def version_lib(self): if self.env.DEST_OS == 'win32': self.vnum = None # Prevent waf from automatically appending -0 if self.env['PARDEBUG']: applicable = ['cshlib', 'cxxshlib', 'cstlib', 'cxxstlib'] if [x for x in applicable if x in self.features]: self.target = self.target + 'D' def set_lib_env(conf, name, version): 'Set up environment for local library as if found via pkg-config.' NAME = name.upper() major_ver = version.split('.')[0] pkg_var_name = 'PKG_' + name.replace('-', '_') + '_' + major_ver lib_name = '%s-%s' % (name, major_ver) if conf.env.PARDEBUG: lib_name += 'D' conf.env[pkg_var_name] = lib_name conf.env['INCLUDES_' + NAME] = ['${INCLUDEDIR}/%s-%s' % (name, major_ver)] conf.env['LIBPATH_' + NAME] = [conf.env.LIBDIR] conf.env['LIB_' + NAME] = [lib_name] def set_line_just(conf, width): global line_just line_just = max(line_just, width) conf.line_just = line_just def display_header(title): Logs.pprint('BOLD', title) def display_msg(conf, msg, status = None, color = None): color = 'CYAN' if type(status) == bool and status or status == "True": color = 'GREEN' elif type(status) == bool and not status or status == "False": color = 'YELLOW' Logs.pprint('BOLD', " *", sep='') Logs.pprint('NORMAL', "%s" % msg.ljust(conf.line_just - 3), sep='') Logs.pprint('BOLD', ":", sep='') Logs.pprint(color, status) def link_flags(env, lib): return ' '.join(map(lambda x: env['LIB_ST'] % x, env['LIB_' + lib])) def compile_flags(env, lib): return ' '.join(map(lambda x: env['CPPPATH_ST'] % x, env['INCLUDES_' + lib])) def set_recursive(): global g_is_child g_is_child = True def is_child(): global g_is_child return g_is_child # Pkg-config file def build_pc(bld, name, version, version_suffix, libs, subst_dict={}): '''Build a pkg-config file for a library. name -- uppercase variable name (e.g. 'SOMENAME') version -- version string (e.g. '1.2.3') version_suffix -- name version suffix (e.g. '2') libs -- string/list of dependencies (e.g. 'LIBFOO GLIB') ''' pkg_prefix = bld.env['PREFIX'] if pkg_prefix[-1] == '/': pkg_prefix = pkg_prefix[:-1] target = name.lower() if version_suffix != '': target += '-' + version_suffix if bld.env['PARDEBUG']: target += 'D' target += '.pc' libdir = bld.env['LIBDIR'] if libdir.startswith(pkg_prefix): libdir = libdir.replace(pkg_prefix, '${exec_prefix}') includedir = bld.env['INCLUDEDIR'] if includedir.startswith(pkg_prefix): includedir = includedir.replace(pkg_prefix, '${prefix}') obj = bld(features = 'subst', source = '%s.pc.in' % name.lower(), target = target, install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['LIBDIR'], 'pkgconfig'), exec_prefix = '${prefix}', PREFIX = pkg_prefix, EXEC_PREFIX = '${prefix}', LIBDIR = libdir, INCLUDEDIR = includedir) if type(libs) != list: libs = libs.split() subst_dict[name + '_VERSION'] = version subst_dict[name + '_MAJOR_VERSION'] = version[0:version.find('.')] for i in libs: subst_dict[i + '_LIBS'] = link_flags(bld.env, i) lib_cflags = compile_flags(bld.env, i) if lib_cflags == '': lib_cflags = ' ' subst_dict[i + '_CFLAGS'] = lib_cflags obj.__dict__.update(subst_dict) def build_dir(name, subdir): if is_child(): return os.path.join('build', name, subdir) else: return os.path.join('build', subdir) # Clean up messy Doxygen documentation after it is built def make_simple_dox(name): name = name.lower() NAME = name.upper() try: top = os.getcwd() os.chdir(build_dir(name, 'doc/html')) page = 'group__%s.html' % name if not os.path.exists(page): return for i in [ ['%s_API ' % NAME, ''], ['%s_DEPRECATED ' % NAME, ''], ['group__%s.html' % name, ''], [' ', ''], ['<\/script>', ''], ['<\/a>

.*<\/h2>', ''], ['', ''], ['\"doxygen\"\/', 'Doxygen']]: os.system("sed -i 's/%s/%s/g' %s" % (i[0], i[1], page)) os.rename('group__%s.html' % name, 'index.html') for i in (glob.glob('*.png') + glob.glob('*.html') + glob.glob('*.js') + glob.glob('*.css')): if i != 'index.html' and i != 'style.css': os.remove(i) os.chdir(top) os.chdir(build_dir(name, 'doc/man/man3')) for i in glob.glob('*.3'): os.system("sed -i 's/%s_API //' %s" % (NAME, i)) for i in glob.glob('_*'): os.remove(i) os.chdir(top) except Exception as e: Logs.error("Failed to fix up %s documentation: %s" % (name, e)) # Doxygen API documentation def build_dox(bld, name, version, srcdir, blddir, outdir='', versioned=True): if not bld.env['DOCS']: return # Doxygen paths in waf 1.8 are relative to the doxygen file, not build directory if is_child(): src_dir = os.path.join(srcdir, name.lower()) else: src_dir = srcdir subst_tg = bld(features = 'subst', source = 'doc/reference.doxygen.in', target = 'doc/reference.doxygen', install_path = '', name = 'doxyfile') subst_dict = { name + '_VERSION' : version, name + '_SRCDIR' : os.path.abspath(src_dir), name + '_DOC_DIR' : '' } subst_tg.__dict__.update(subst_dict) subst_tg.post() docs = bld(features = 'doxygen', doxyfile = 'doc/reference.doxygen') docs.post() outname = name.lower() if versioned: outname += '-%d' % int(version[0:version.find('.')]) bld.install_files( os.path.join('${DOCDIR}', outname, outdir, 'html'), bld.path.get_bld().ant_glob('doc/html/*')) for i in range(1, 8): bld.install_files('${MANDIR}/man%d' % i, bld.path.get_bld().ant_glob('doc/man/man%d/*' % i, excl='**/_*')) # Version code file generation def build_version_files(header_path, source_path, domain, major, minor, micro): header_path = os.path.abspath(header_path) source_path = os.path.abspath(source_path) text = "int " + domain + "_major_version = " + str(major) + ";\n" text += "int " + domain + "_minor_version = " + str(minor) + ";\n" text += "int " + domain + "_micro_version = " + str(micro) + ";\n" try: o = open(source_path, 'w') o.write(text) o.close() except IOError: Logs.error('Failed to open %s for writing\n' % source_path) sys.exit(-1) text = "#ifndef __" + domain + "_version_h__\n" text += "#define __" + domain + "_version_h__\n" text += "extern const char* " + domain + "_revision;\n" text += "extern int " + domain + "_major_version;\n" text += "extern int " + domain + "_minor_version;\n" text += "extern int " + domain + "_micro_version;\n" text += "#endif /* __" + domain + "_version_h__ */\n" try: o = open(header_path, 'w') o.write(text) o.close() except IOError: Logs.warn('Failed to open %s for writing\n' % header_path) sys.exit(-1) return None def build_i18n_pot(bld, srcdir, dir, name, sources, copyright_holder=None): Logs.info('Generating pot file from %s' % name) pot_file = '%s.pot' % name cmd = ['xgettext', '--keyword=_', '--keyword=N_', '--keyword=S_', '--from-code=UTF-8', '-o', pot_file] if copyright_holder: cmd += ['--copyright-holder="%s"' % copyright_holder] cmd += sources Logs.info('Updating ' + pot_file) subprocess.call(cmd, cwd=os.path.join(srcdir, dir)) def build_i18n_po(bld, srcdir, dir, name, sources, copyright_holder=None): pwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.path.join(srcdir, dir)) pot_file = '%s.pot' % name po_files = glob.glob('po/*.po') for po_file in po_files: cmd = ['msgmerge', '--update', po_file, pot_file] Logs.info('Updating ' + po_file) subprocess.call(cmd) os.chdir(pwd) def build_i18n_mo(bld, srcdir, dir, name, sources, copyright_holder=None): pwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.path.join(srcdir, dir)) pot_file = '%s.pot' % name po_files = glob.glob('po/*.po') for po_file in po_files: mo_file = po_file.replace('.po', '.mo') cmd = ['msgfmt', '-c', '-f', '-o', mo_file, po_file] Logs.info('Generating ' + po_file) subprocess.call(cmd) os.chdir(pwd) def build_i18n(bld, srcdir, dir, name, sources, copyright_holder=None): build_i18n_pot(bld, srcdir, dir, name, sources, copyright_holder) build_i18n_po(bld, srcdir, dir, name, sources, copyright_holder) build_i18n_mo(bld, srcdir, dir, name, sources, copyright_holder) def cd_to_build_dir(ctx, appname): orig_dir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) top_level = (len(ctx.stack_path) > 1) if top_level: os.chdir(os.path.join('build', appname)) else: os.chdir('build') Logs.pprint('GREEN', "Waf: Entering directory `%s'" % os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())) def cd_to_orig_dir(ctx, child): if child: os.chdir(os.path.join('..', '..')) else: os.chdir('..') def pre_test(ctx, appname, dirs=['src']): if not hasattr(ctx, 'autowaf_tests_total'): ctx.autowaf_tests_total = 0 ctx.autowaf_tests_failed = 0 ctx.autowaf_local_tests_total = 0 ctx.autowaf_local_tests_failed = 0 ctx.autowaf_tests = {} ctx.autowaf_tests[appname] = { 'total': 0, 'failed': 0 } cd_to_build_dir(ctx, appname) if not ctx.env.NO_COVERAGE: diropts = '' for i in dirs: diropts += ' -d ' + i clear_log = open('lcov-clear.log', 'w') try: try: # Clear coverage data subprocess.call(('lcov %s -z' % diropts).split(), stdout=clear_log, stderr=clear_log) except: Logs.warn('Failed to run lcov, no coverage report will be generated') finally: clear_log.close() def post_test(ctx, appname, dirs=['src'], remove=['*boost*', 'c++*']): if not ctx.env.NO_COVERAGE: diropts = '' for i in dirs: diropts += ' -d ' + i coverage_log = open('lcov-coverage.log', 'w') coverage_lcov = open('coverage.lcov', 'w') coverage_stripped_lcov = open('coverage-stripped.lcov', 'w') try: try: base = '.' if g_is_child: base = '..' # Generate coverage data lcov_cmd = 'lcov -c %s -b %s' % (diropts, base) if ctx.env.LLVM_COV: lcov_cmd += ' --gcov-tool %s' % ctx.env.LLVM_COV[0] subprocess.call(lcov_cmd.split(), stdout=coverage_lcov, stderr=coverage_log) # Strip unwanted stuff subprocess.call( ['lcov', '--remove', 'coverage.lcov'] + remove, stdout=coverage_stripped_lcov, stderr=coverage_log) # Generate HTML coverage output if not os.path.isdir('coverage'): os.makedirs('coverage') subprocess.call('genhtml -o coverage coverage-stripped.lcov'.split(), stdout=coverage_log, stderr=coverage_log) except: Logs.warn('Failed to run lcov, no coverage report will be generated') finally: coverage_stripped_lcov.close() coverage_lcov.close() coverage_log.close() if ctx.autowaf_tests[appname]['failed'] > 0: Logs.pprint('RED', '\nSummary: %d / %d %s tests failed' % ( ctx.autowaf_tests[appname]['failed'], ctx.autowaf_tests[appname]['total'], appname)) else: Logs.pprint('GREEN', '\nSummary: All %d %s tests passed' % ( ctx.autowaf_tests[appname]['total'], appname)) if not ctx.env.NO_COVERAGE: Logs.pprint('GREEN', 'Coverage: \n' % os.path.abspath('coverage/index.html')) Logs.pprint('GREEN', "Waf: Leaving directory `%s'" % os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())) top_level = (len(ctx.stack_path) > 1) if top_level: cd_to_orig_dir(ctx, top_level) def run_test(ctx, appname, test, desired_status=0, dirs=['src'], name='', header=False, quiet=False): """Run an individual test. `test` is either a shell command string, or a list of [name, return status] for displaying tests implemented in the calling Python code.""" ctx.autowaf_tests_total += 1 ctx.autowaf_local_tests_total += 1 ctx.autowaf_tests[appname]['total'] += 1 out = (None,None) if type(test) == list: name = test[0] returncode = test[1] elif callable(test): returncode = test() else: s = test if type(test) == type([]): s = ' '.join(i) if header and not quiet: Logs.pprint('Green', '\n** Test %s' % s) cmd = test if Options.options.test_wrapper: cmd = Options.options.test_wrapper + ' ' + test if name == '': name = test proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out = proc.communicate() returncode = proc.returncode success = desired_status is None or returncode == desired_status if success: if not quiet: Logs.pprint('GREEN', '** Pass %s' % name) else: Logs.pprint('RED', '** FAIL %s' % name) ctx.autowaf_tests_failed += 1 ctx.autowaf_tests[appname]['failed'] += 1 if type(test) != list and not callable(test): Logs.pprint('RED', test) if Options.options.verbose_tests and type(test) != list and not callable(test): sys.stdout.write(out[0]) sys.stderr.write(out[1]) return (success, out) def tests_name(ctx, appname, name='*'): if name == '*': return appname else: return '%s.%s' % (appname, name) def begin_tests(ctx, appname, name='*'): ctx.autowaf_local_tests_failed = 0 ctx.autowaf_local_tests_total = 0 Logs.pprint('GREEN', '\n** Begin %s tests' % tests_name(ctx, appname, name)) class Handle: def __enter__(self): pass def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): end_tests(ctx, appname, name) return Handle() def end_tests(ctx, appname, name='*'): failures = ctx.autowaf_local_tests_failed if failures == 0: Logs.pprint('GREEN', '** Passed all %d %s tests' % ( ctx.autowaf_local_tests_total, tests_name(ctx, appname, name))) else: Logs.pprint('RED', '** Failed %d / %d %s tests' % ( failures, ctx.autowaf_local_tests_total, tests_name(ctx, appname, name))) def run_tests(ctx, appname, tests, desired_status=0, dirs=['src'], name='*', headers=False): begin_tests(ctx, appname, name) diropts = '' for i in dirs: diropts += ' -d ' + i for i in tests: run_test(ctx, appname, i, desired_status, dirs, i, headers) end_tests(ctx, appname, name) def run_ldconfig(ctx): if (ctx.cmd == 'install' and not ctx.env['RAN_LDCONFIG'] and ctx.env['LIBDIR'] and not 'DESTDIR' in os.environ and not Options.options.destdir): try: Logs.info("Waf: Running `/sbin/ldconfig %s'" % ctx.env['LIBDIR']) subprocess.call(['/sbin/ldconfig', ctx.env['LIBDIR']]) ctx.env['RAN_LDCONFIG'] = True except: pass def get_rdf_news(name, in_files, top_entries=None, extra_entries=None, dev_dist=None): import rdflib from time import strptime doap = rdflib.Namespace('http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#') dcs = rdflib.Namespace('http://ontologi.es/doap-changeset#') rdfs = rdflib.Namespace('http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#') foaf = rdflib.Namespace('http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/') rdf = rdflib.Namespace('http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#') m = rdflib.ConjunctiveGraph() try: for i in in_files: m.parse(i, format='n3') except: Logs.warn('Error parsing data, unable to generate NEWS') return proj = m.value(None, rdf.type, doap.Project) for f in m.triples([proj, rdfs.seeAlso, None]): if f[2].endswith('.ttl'): m.parse(f[2], format='n3') entries = {} for r in m.triples([proj, doap.release, None]): release = r[2] revision = m.value(release, doap.revision, None) date = m.value(release, doap.created, None) blamee = m.value(release, dcs.blame, None) changeset = m.value(release, dcs.changeset, None) dist = m.value(release, doap['file-release'], None) if not dist: Logs.warn('No file release for %s %s' % (proj, revision)) dist = dev_dist if revision and date and blamee and changeset: entry = {} entry['name'] = str(name) entry['revision'] = str(revision) entry['date'] = strptime(str(date), '%Y-%m-%d') entry['status'] = 'stable' if dist != dev_dist else 'unstable' entry['dist'] = str(dist) entry['items'] = [] for i in m.triples([changeset, dcs.item, None]): item = str(m.value(i[2], rdfs.label, None)) entry['items'] += [item] if dist and top_entries is not None: if not str(dist) in top_entries: top_entries[str(dist)] = {'items': []} top_entries[str(dist)]['items'] += [ '%s: %s' % (name, item)] if extra_entries and dist: for i in extra_entries[str(dist)]: entry['items'] += extra_entries[str(dist)]['items'] entry['blamee_name'] = str(m.value(blamee, foaf.name, None)) entry['blamee_mbox'] = str(m.value(blamee, foaf.mbox, None)) entries[(str(date), str(revision))] = entry else: Logs.warn('Ignored incomplete %s release description' % name) return entries def write_news(entries, out_file): import textwrap from time import strftime, strptime if len(entries) == 0: return news = open(out_file, 'w') for e in sorted(entries.keys(), reverse=True): entry = entries[e] news.write('%s (%s) %s;\n' % (entry['name'], entry['revision'], entry['status'])) for item in entry['items']: wrapped = textwrap.wrap(item, width=79) news.write('\n * ' + '\n '.join(wrapped)) news.write('\n\n --') news.write(' %s <%s>' % (entry['blamee_name'], entry['blamee_mbox'].replace('mailto:', ''))) news.write(' %s\n\n' % ( strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000', entry['date']))) news.close() def write_posts(entries, meta, out_dir, status='stable'): "write news posts in Pelican Markdown format" from time import strftime try: os.mkdir(out_dir) except: pass for i in entries: entry = entries[i] date = i[0] revision = i[1] if entry['status'] != status: continue date_str = strftime('%Y-%m-%d', entry['date']) datetime_str = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', entry['date']) path = os.path.join(out_dir, '%s-%s-%s.md' % ( date_str, entry['name'], revision.replace('.', '-'))) post = open(path, 'w') title = entry['title'] if 'title' in entry else entry['name'] post.write('Title: %s %s\n' % (title, revision)) post.write('Date: %s\n' % datetime_str) post.write('Slug: %s-%s\n' % (entry['name'], revision.replace('.', '-'))) for k in meta: post.write('%s: %s\n' % (k, meta[k])) post.write('\n') url = entry['dist'] if entry['status'] == status: post.write('[%s %s](%s) has been released.' % ( (entry['name'], revision, url))) if 'description' in entry: post.write(' ' + entry['description']) post.write('\n') if (len(entry['items']) > 0 and not (len(entry['items']) == 1 and entry['items'][0] == 'Initial release')): post.write('\nChanges:\n\n') for i in entry['items']: post.write(' * %s\n' % i) post.close() def get_blurb(in_file): "Get the first paragram of a Markdown formatted file, skipping the title" f = open(in_file, 'r') f.readline() # Title f.readline() # Title underline f.readline() # Blank out = '' line = f.readline() while len(line) > 0 and line != '\n': out += line.replace('\n', ' ') line = f.readline() return out.strip() def get_news(in_file, entry_props={}): """Get NEWS entries in the format expected by write_posts(). Properties that should be set on every entry can be passed in `entry_props`. If `entry_props` has a 'dist_pattern' value, it is used to set the 'dist' entry of entries by substituting the version number. """ import re import rfc822 from time import strftime f = open(in_file, 'r') entries = {} while True: # Read header line head = f.readline() matches = re.compile('([^ ]*) \((.*)\) ([a-zA-z]*);').match(head) if matches is None: break entry = {} entry['name'] = matches.group(1) entry['revision'] = matches.group(2) entry['status'] = matches.group(3) entry['items'] = [] if 'dist_pattern' in entry_props: entry['dist'] = entry_props['dist_pattern'] % entry['revision'] # Read blank line after header if f.readline() != '\n': raise SyntaxError('expected blank line after NEWS header') def add_item(item): if len(item) > 0: entry['items'] += [item.replace('\n', ' ').strip()] # Read entries for this revision item = '' line = '' while line != '\n': line = f.readline() if line.startswith(' * '): add_item(item) item = line[3:].lstrip() else: item += line.lstrip() add_item(item) # Read footer line foot = f.readline() matches = re.compile(' -- (.*) <(.*)> (.*)').match(foot) entry['date'] = rfc822.parsedate(matches.group(3)) entry['blamee_name'] = matches.group(1) entry['blamee_mbox'] = matches.group(2) entry.update(entry_props) entries[(entry['date'], entry['revision'])] = entry # Skip trailing blank line before next entry f.readline() f.close() return entries def news_to_posts(news_file, entry_props, post_meta, default_post_dir): post_dir = os.getenv('POST_DIR') if not post_dir: post_dir = default_post_dir sys.stderr.write('POST_DIR not set in environment, writing to %s\n' % post_dir) else: sys.stderr.write('writing posts to %s\n' % post_dir) entries = get_news(news_file, entry_props) write_posts(entries, post_meta, post_dir) def run_script(cmds): for cmd in cmds: subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True) def release(name, version, dist_name=None): if dist_name is None: dist_name = name.lower() dist = '%s-%s.tar.bz2' % (dist_name or name.lower(), version) try: os.remove(dist) os.remove(dist + '.sig') except: pass status = subprocess.check_output('git status --porcelain', shell=True) if status: Logs.error('error: git working copy is dirty\n' + status) raise Exception('git working copy is dirty') head = subprocess.check_output('git show -s --oneline', shell=True) head_summary = head[8:].strip().lower() expected_summary = '%s %s' % (name.lower(), version) if head_summary != expected_summary: raise Exception('latest commit "%s" does not match "%s"' % ( head_summary, expected_summary)) run_script(['./waf configure --docs', './waf', './waf distcheck', './waf posts', 'gpg -b %s' % dist, 'git tag -s v%s -m "%s %s"' % (version, name, version)])