#!/usr/bin/env python # Waf utilities for easily building standard unixey packages/libraries # Licensed under the GNU GPL v2 or later, see COPYING file for details. # Copyright (C) 2008-2010 David Robillard # Copyright (C) 2008 Nedko Arnaudov import os import subprocess import sys import Configure import Logs import Options from waflib import Context, Task, Utils, Node from TaskGen import feature, before, after global g_is_child g_is_child = False # Only run autowaf hooks once (even if sub projects call several times) global g_step g_step = 0 # Compute dependencies globally #import preproc #preproc.go_absolute = True @feature('c', 'cxx') @after('apply_incpaths') def include_config_h(self): self.env.append_value('INCPATHS', self.bld.bldnode.abspath()) def set_options(opt): "Add standard autowaf options if they havn't been added yet" global g_step if g_step > 0: return opt.tool_options('compiler_cc') opt.tool_options('compiler_cxx') opt.add_option('--debug', action='store_true', default=False, dest='debug', help="Build debuggable binaries [Default: False]") opt.add_option('--grind', action='store_true', default=False, dest='grind', help="Run tests in valgrind [Default: False]") opt.add_option('--strict', action='store_true', default=False, dest='strict', help="Use strict compiler flags and show all warnings [Default: False]") opt.add_option('--docs', action='store_true', default=False, dest='docs', help="Build documentation - requires doxygen [Default: False]") opt.add_option('--bundle', action='store_true', default=False, help="Build a self-contained bundle [Default: False]") opt.add_option('--bindir', type='string', help="Executable programs [Default: PREFIX/bin]") opt.add_option('--libdir', type='string', help="Libraries [Default: PREFIX/lib]") opt.add_option('--includedir', type='string', help="Header files [Default: PREFIX/include]") opt.add_option('--datadir', type='string', help="Shared data [Default: PREFIX/share]") opt.add_option('--configdir', type='string', help="Configuration data [Default: PREFIX/etc]") opt.add_option('--mandir', type='string', help="Manual pages [Default: DATADIR/man]") opt.add_option('--htmldir', type='string', help="HTML documentation [Default: DATADIR/doc/PACKAGE]") opt.add_option('--lv2-user', action='store_true', default=False, dest='lv2_user', help="Install LV2 bundles to user-local location [Default: False]") if sys.platform == "darwin": opt.add_option('--lv2dir', type='string', help="LV2 bundles [Default: /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/LV2]") else: opt.add_option('--lv2dir', type='string', help="LV2 bundles [Default: LIBDIR/lv2]") g_step = 1 def check_header(conf, name, define='', mandatory=False): "Check for a header iff it hasn't been checked for yet" if type(conf.env['AUTOWAF_HEADERS']) != dict: conf.env['AUTOWAF_HEADERS'] = {} checked = conf.env['AUTOWAF_HEADERS'] if not name in checked: checked[name] = True includes = '' # search default system include paths if sys.platform == "darwin": includes = '/opt/local/include' if define != '': conf.check_cxx(header_name=name, includes=includes, define_name=define, mandatory=mandatory) else: conf.check_cxx(header_name=name, includes=includes, mandatory=mandatory) def nameify(name): return name.replace('/', '_').replace('++', 'PP').replace('-', '_').replace('.', '_') def define(conf, var_name, value): conf.define(var_name, value) conf.env[var_name] = value def check_pkg(conf, name, **args): "Check for a package iff it hasn't been checked for yet" if not 'mandatory' in args: args['mandatory'] = True var_name = 'HAVE_' + nameify(args['uselib_store']) check = not var_name in conf.env if not check and 'atleast_version' in args: # Re-check if version is newer than previous check checked_version = conf.env['VERSION_' + name] if checked_version and checked_version < args['atleast_version']: check = True; if check: conf.check_cfg(package=name, args="--cflags --libs", **args) found = bool(conf.env[var_name]) if found: define(conf, var_name, 1) if 'atleast_version' in args: conf.env['VERSION_' + name] = args['atleast_version'] else: conf.undefine(var_name) if args['mandatory'] == True: conf.fatal("Required package " + name + " not found") def configure(conf): global g_step if g_step > 1: return def append_cxx_flags(vals): conf.env.append_value('CFLAGS', vals.split()) conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', vals.split()) print('') display_header('Global Configuration') conf.check_tool('compiler_cc') conf.check_tool('compiler_cxx') if Options.options.docs: conf.load('doxygen') conf.env['DOCS'] = Options.options.docs conf.env['DEBUG'] = Options.options.debug conf.env['STRICT'] = Options.options.strict conf.env['PREFIX'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.normpath(conf.env['PREFIX']))) if Options.options.bundle: conf.env['BUNDLE'] = True define(conf, 'BUNDLE', 1) conf.env['BINDIR'] = conf.env['PREFIX'] conf.env['INCLUDEDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'Headers') conf.env['LIBDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'Libraries') conf.env['DATADIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'Resources') conf.env['HTMLDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'Resources/Documentation') conf.env['MANDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'Resources/Man') conf.env['LV2DIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'PlugIns') else: conf.env['BUNDLE'] = False if Options.options.bindir: conf.env['BINDIR'] = Options.options.bindir else: conf.env['BINDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'bin') if Options.options.includedir: conf.env['INCLUDEDIR'] = Options.options.includedir else: conf.env['INCLUDEDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'include') if Options.options.libdir: conf.env['LIBDIR'] = Options.options.libdir else: conf.env['LIBDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'lib') if Options.options.datadir: conf.env['DATADIR'] = Options.options.datadir else: conf.env['DATADIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'share') if Options.options.configdir: conf.env['CONFIGDIR'] = Options.options.configdir else: conf.env['CONFIGDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'etc') if Options.options.htmldir: conf.env['HTMLDIR'] = Options.options.htmldir else: conf.env['HTMLDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['DATADIR'], 'doc', Context.g_module.APPNAME) if Options.options.mandir: conf.env['MANDIR'] = Options.options.mandir else: conf.env['MANDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['DATADIR'], 'man') if Options.options.lv2dir: conf.env['LV2DIR'] = Options.options.lv2dir else: if Options.options.lv2_user: if sys.platform == "darwin": conf.env['LV2DIR'] = os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'), 'Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/LV2') else: conf.env['LV2DIR'] = os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'), '.lv2') else: if sys.platform == "darwin": conf.env['LV2DIR'] = '/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/LV2' else: conf.env['LV2DIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['LIBDIR'], 'lv2') conf.env['BINDIRNAME'] = os.path.basename(conf.env['BINDIR']) conf.env['LIBDIRNAME'] = os.path.basename(conf.env['LIBDIR']) conf.env['DATADIRNAME'] = os.path.basename(conf.env['DATADIR']) conf.env['CONFIGDIRNAME'] = os.path.basename(conf.env['CONFIGDIR']) conf.env['LV2DIRNAME'] = os.path.basename(conf.env['LV2DIR']) if Options.options.docs: doxygen = conf.find_program('doxygen') if not doxygen: conf.fatal("Doxygen is required to build documentation, configure without --docs") dot = conf.find_program('dot') if not dot: conf.fatal("Graphviz (dot) is required to build documentation, configure without --docs") if Options.options.debug: conf.env['CFLAGS'] = [ '-O0', '-g' ] conf.env['CXXFLAGS'] = [ '-O0', '-g' ] else: append_cxx_flags('-DNDEBUG') if Options.options.strict: conf.env.append_value('CFLAGS', [ '-std=c99', '-pedantic' ]) conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', [ '-ansi', '-Woverloaded-virtual', '-Wnon-virtual-dtor']) append_cxx_flags('-Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter') append_cxx_flags('-fPIC -DPIC -fshow-column') append_cxx_flags('-I' + os.path.abspath('build')) display_msg(conf, "Install prefix", conf.env['PREFIX']) display_msg(conf, "Debuggable build", str(conf.env['DEBUG'])) display_msg(conf, "Strict compiler flags", str(conf.env['STRICT'])) display_msg(conf, "Build documentation", str(conf.env['DOCS'])) print('') g_step = 2 def set_local_lib(conf, name, has_objects): var_name = 'HAVE_' + nameify(name.upper()) define(conf, var_name, 1) if has_objects: if type(conf.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_LIBS']) != dict: conf.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_LIBS'] = {} conf.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_LIBS'][name.lower()] = True else: if type(conf.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_HEADERS']) != dict: conf.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_HEADERS'] = {} conf.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_HEADERS'][name.lower()] = True def append_property(obj, key, val): if hasattr(obj, key): setattr(obj, key, getattr(obj, key) + val) else: setattr(obj, key, val) def use_lib(bld, obj, libs): abssrcdir = os.path.abspath('.') libs_list = libs.split() for l in libs_list: in_headers = l.lower() in bld.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_HEADERS'] in_libs = l.lower() in bld.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_LIBS'] if in_libs: append_property(obj, 'use', ' lib%s ' % l.lower()) append_property(obj, 'framework', bld.env['FRAMEWORK_' + l]) if in_headers or in_libs: inc_flag = '-iquote ' + os.path.join(abssrcdir, l.lower()) for f in ['CFLAGS', 'CXXFLAGS']: if not inc_flag in bld.env[f]: bld.env.append_value(f, inc_flag) else: append_property(obj, 'uselib', ' ' + l) def display_header(title): Logs.pprint('BOLD', title) def display_msg(conf, msg, status = None, color = None): color = 'CYAN' if type(status) == bool and status or status == "True": color = 'GREEN' elif type(status) == bool and not status or status == "False": color = 'YELLOW' Logs.pprint('BOLD', " *", sep='') Logs.pprint('NORMAL', "%s" % msg.ljust(conf.line_just - 3), sep='') Logs.pprint('BOLD', ":", sep='') Logs.pprint(color, status) def link_flags(env, lib): return ' '.join(map(lambda x: env['LIB_ST'] % x, env['LIB_' + lib])) def compile_flags(env, lib): return ' '.join(map(lambda x: env['CPPPATH_ST'] % x, env['INCLUDES_' + lib])) def set_recursive(): global g_is_child g_is_child = True def is_child(): global g_is_child return g_is_child # Pkg-config file def build_pc(bld, name, version, libs, subst_dict={}): '''Build a pkg-config file for a library. name -- uppercase variable name (e.g. 'SOMENAME') version -- version string (e.g. '1.2.3') libs -- string/list of dependencies (e.g. 'LIBFOO GLIB') ''' pkg_prefix = bld.env['PREFIX'] if pkg_prefix[-1] == '/': pkg_prefix = pkg_prefix[:-1] obj = bld(features = 'subst', source = name.lower() + '.pc.in', target = name.lower() + '.pc', install_path = '${PREFIX}/${LIBDIRNAME}/pkgconfig', exec_prefix = '${prefix}', PREFIX = pkg_prefix, EXEC_PREFIX = '${prefix}', LIBDIR = '${prefix}/' + bld.env['LIBDIRNAME'], INCLUDEDIR = '${prefix}/include') if type(libs) != list: libs = libs.split() subst_dict[name + '_VERSION'] = version for i in libs: subst_dict[i + '_LIBS'] = link_flags(bld.env, i) lib_cflags = compile_flags(bld.env, i) if lib_cflags == '': lib_cflags = ' ' subst_dict[i + '_CFLAGS'] = lib_cflags obj.__dict__.update(subst_dict) # Doxygen API documentation def build_dox(bld, name, version, srcdir, blddir): if not bld.env['DOCS']: return if is_child(): src_dir = os.path.join(srcdir, name.lower()) doc_dir = os.path.join(blddir, name.lower(), 'doc') else: src_dir = srcdir doc_dir = os.path.join(blddir, 'doc') subst_tg = bld(features = 'subst', source = 'doc/reference.doxygen.in', target = 'doc/reference.doxygen', install_path = '', name = 'doxyfile') subst_dict = { name + '_VERSION' : version, name + '_SRCDIR' : os.path.abspath(src_dir), name + '_DOC_DIR' : os.path.abspath(doc_dir) } subst_tg.__dict__.update(subst_dict) subst_tg.post() docs = bld(features = 'doxygen', doxyfile = 'doc/reference.doxygen') docs.post() bld.install_files('${HTMLDIR}', bld.path.get_bld().ant_glob('doc/html/*')) bld.install_files('${MANDIR}/man1', bld.path.get_bld().ant_glob('doc/man/man1/*')) bld.install_files('${MANDIR}/man3', bld.path.get_bld().ant_glob('doc/man/man3/*')) # Version code file generation def build_version_files(header_path, source_path, domain, major, minor, micro): header_path = os.path.abspath(header_path) source_path = os.path.abspath(source_path) text = "int " + domain + "_major_version = " + str(major) + ";\n" text += "int " + domain + "_minor_version = " + str(minor) + ";\n" text += "int " + domain + "_micro_version = " + str(micro) + ";\n" try: o = file(source_path, 'w') o.write(text) o.close() except IOError: Logs.error('Failed to open %s for writing\n' % source_path) sys.exit(-1) text = "#ifndef __" + domain + "_version_h__\n" text += "#define __" + domain + "_version_h__\n" text += "extern const char* " + domain + "_revision;\n" text += "extern int " + domain + "_major_version;\n" text += "extern int " + domain + "_minor_version;\n" text += "extern int " + domain + "_micro_version;\n" text += "#endif /* __" + domain + "_version_h__ */\n" try: o = file(header_path, 'w') o.write(text) o.close() except IOError: Logs.warn('Failed to open %s for writing\n' % header_path) sys.exit(-1) return None def cd_to_build_dir(ctx, appname): orig_dir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) top_level = (len(ctx.stack_path) > 1) if top_level: os.chdir('./build/' + appname) else: os.chdir('./build') Logs.pprint('GREEN', "Waf: Entering directory `%s'" % os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())) def cd_to_orig_dir(ctx, child): if child: os.chdir('../..') else: os.chdir('..') def pre_test(ctx, appname, dirs=['./src']): diropts = '' for i in dirs: diropts += ' -d ' + i cd_to_build_dir(ctx, appname) clear_log = open('lcov-clear.log', 'w') try: # Clear coverage data subprocess.call(('lcov %s -z' % diropts).split(), stdout=clear_log, stderr=clear_log) except: Logs.warn('Failed to run lcov, no coverage report will be generated') finally: clear_log.close() def post_test(ctx, appname, dirs=['./src']): diropts = '' for i in dirs: diropts += ' -d ' + i coverage_log = open('lcov-coverage.log', 'w') coverage_lcov = open('coverage.lcov', 'w') coverage_stripped_lcov = open('coverage-stripped.lcov', 'w') try: base = '.' if g_is_child: base = '..' # Generate coverage data subprocess.call(('lcov -c %s -b %s' % (diropts, base)).split(), stdout=coverage_lcov, stderr=coverage_log) # Strip unwanted stuff subprocess.call('lcov --remove coverage.lcov *boost* c++*'.split(), stdout=coverage_stripped_lcov, stderr=coverage_log) # Generate HTML coverage output if not os.path.isdir('./coverage'): os.makedirs('./coverage') subprocess.call('genhtml -o coverage coverage-stripped.lcov'.split(), stdout=coverage_log, stderr=coverage_log) finally: coverage_stripped_lcov.close() coverage_lcov.close() coverage_log.close() print('') Logs.pprint('GREEN', "Waf: Leaving directory `%s'" % os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())) top_level = (len(ctx.stack_path) > 1) if top_level: cd_to_orig_dir(ctx, top_level) print('') Logs.pprint('BOLD', 'Coverage:', sep='') print('\n\n' % os.path.abspath('coverage/index.html')) def run_tests(ctx, appname, tests, desired_status=0, dirs=['./src'], name='*'): failures = 0 diropts = '' for i in dirs: diropts += ' -d ' + i # Run all tests for i in tests: s = i if type(i) == type([]): s = ' '.join(i) print('') Logs.pprint('BOLD', '** Test', sep='') Logs.pprint('NORMAL', '%s' % s) cmd = i if Options.options.grind: cmd = 'valgrind ' + i if subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True) == desired_status: Logs.pprint('GREEN', '** Pass') else: failures += 1 Logs.pprint('RED', '** FAIL') print('') if failures == 0: Logs.pprint('GREEN', '** Pass: All %s.%s tests passed' % (appname, name)) else: Logs.pprint('RED', '** FAIL: %d %s.%s tests failed' % (failures, appname, name)) def run_ldconfig(ctx): if ctx.cmd == 'install': print('Running /sbin/ldconfig') try: os.popen("/sbin/ldconfig") except: Logs.error('Error running ldconfig, libraries may not be linkable')