@prefix blip: . @prefix dc: . @prefix dct: . @prefix doap: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix lv2: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix xsd: . blip:ratio lv2:microVersion 0 ; lv2:minorVersion 0 ; lv2:optionalFeature lv2:hardRTCapable ; lv2:port [ lv2:index 0 ; lv2:name "Numerator" ; lv2:symbol "numerator" ; a lv2:CVPort , lv2:InputPort , lv2:Port ] , [ lv2:index 1 ; lv2:name "Denominator" ; lv2:symbol "denominator" ; a lv2:CVPort , lv2:InputPort , lv2:Port ] , [ lv2:index 2 ; lv2:name "Ratio" ; lv2:symbol "ratio" ; a lv2:CVPort , lv2:OutputPort , lv2:Port ] ; dc:creator "Mike Rawes " ; dct:replaces , , , ; dc:rights "GPL" ; doap:name "Signal Ratio" ; lv2:documentation """ Get the ratio between two signals. To avoid divisions by zero, 0 is treated as a really small number. """ ; a lv2:Plugin , lv2:UtilityPlugin .
Get the ratio between two signals.
To avoid divisions by zero, 0 is treated as a really small number.