@prefix blop: . @prefix dct: . @prefix doap: . @prefix lv2: . @prefix morph: . @prefix units: . blop:random a lv2:Plugin , lv2:OscillatorPlugin ; lv2:project blop: ; lv2:microVersion 0 ; lv2:minorVersion 0 ; lv2:optionalFeature lv2:hardRTCapable ; lv2:port [ a lv2:ControlPort , lv2:InputPort , morph:MorphPort ; lv2:index 0 ; lv2:maximum 0.5 ; lv2:minimum 0.000001 ; lv2:default 440.0 ; lv2:name "Frequency" ; lv2:portProperty , lv2:sampleRate ; lv2:symbol "freq" ; morph:supportsType lv2:CVPort ; units:unit units:hz ] , [ a lv2:ControlPort , lv2:InputPort , morph:MorphPort ; lv2:default 1 ; lv2:index 1 ; lv2:maximum 1 ; lv2:minimum 0 ; lv2:name "Smoothness" ; lv2:symbol "smooth" ; morph:supportsType lv2:CVPort ] , [ a lv2:AudioPort , lv2:OutputPort , lv2:Port ; lv2:index 2 ; lv2:name "Output" ; lv2:symbol "out" ] ; dct:replaces , , , ; doap:name "Random Wave" ; lv2:documentation """ Generates a random waveform of varying frequency and smoothness. The frequency determines how often the output changes. The smoothness, how quickly a transition occurs. The output varies between ±1, with an even distribution. """ .
Generates a random waveform of varying frequency and smoothness. The frequency determines how often the output changes. The smoothness, how quickly a transition occurs.
The output varies between ±1, with an even distribution.