/* An LV2 plugin representing a simple mono amplifier. Copyright 2011 David Robillard Copyright 2002 Mike Rawes This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this software. If not, see . */ #include #include "lv2/lv2plug.in/ns/ext/morph/morph.h" #include "lv2/lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core/lv2.h" #include "math_func.h" #include "uris.h" #define AMP_GAIN 0 #define AMP_INPUT 1 #define AMP_OUTPUT 2 typedef struct { const float* gain; const float* input; float* output; URIs uris; uint32_t gain_is_cv; } Amp; static void cleanup(LV2_Handle instance) { free(instance); } static void connect_port(LV2_Handle instance, uint32_t port, void* data) { Amp* plugin = (Amp*)instance; switch (port) { case AMP_GAIN: plugin->gain = data; break; case AMP_INPUT: plugin->input = data; break; case AMP_OUTPUT: plugin->output = data; break; } } static LV2_Morph_Status morph_port(LV2_Handle instance, uint32_t port, LV2_URID type, const LV2_Morph_Property*const* properties) { Amp* plugin = (Amp*)instance; switch (port) { case AMP_GAIN: if (type == plugin->uris.lv2_ControlPort) { plugin->gain_is_cv = 0; } else if (type == plugin->uris.lv2_CVPort) { plugin->gain_is_cv = 1; } else { return LV2_MORPH_ERR_BAD_TYPE; } return LV2_MORPH_SUCCESS; default: return LV2_MORPH_ERR_BAD_PORT; } } static LV2_Handle instantiate(const LV2_Descriptor* descriptor, double sample_rate, const char* bundle_path, const LV2_Feature* const* features) { Amp* plugin = (Amp*)malloc(sizeof(Amp)); if (!plugin) { return NULL; } plugin->gain_is_cv = 0; map_uris(&plugin->uris, features); return (LV2_Handle)plugin; } static void run(LV2_Handle instance, uint32_t sample_count) { Amp* plugin = (Amp*)instance; /* Gain (dB) */ const float* gain = plugin->gain; /* Input */ const float* input = plugin->input; /* Output */ float* output = plugin->output; for (uint32_t s = 0; s < sample_count; ++s) { const float gn = gain[s * plugin->gain_is_cv]; const float scale = (float)EXPF(M_LN10 * gn * 0.05f); output[s] = scale * input[s]; } } static const void* extension_data(const char* uri) { static const LV2_Morph_Interface morph = { morph_port, NULL }; if (!strcmp(uri, LV2_MORPH__interface)) { return &morph; } return NULL; } static const LV2_Descriptor descriptor = { "http://drobilla.net/plugins/blop/amp", instantiate, connect_port, NULL, run, NULL, cleanup, extension_data, }; LV2_SYMBOL_EXPORT const LV2_Descriptor* lv2_descriptor(uint32_t index) { switch (index) { case 0: return &descriptor; default: return NULL; } }