diff options
4 files changed, 202 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/bspwm/bspwmrc b/bspwm/bspwmrc
index f31395a..efeb927 100755
--- a/bspwm/bspwmrc
+++ b/bspwm/bspwmrc
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
#! /bin/sh
-export PANEL_HEIGHT=16
+export PANEL_FIFO=/home/drobilla/bspwmpanel.fifo
+export PANEL_HEIGHT=18
+export PANEL_FONT="DejaVu Sans Mono-11"
+export TRAY_HEIGHT=16
+export SCREEN_WIDTH="$(xrandr | grep '*' | sed 's/ *\([0-9]*\)x.*/\1/')"
+export TRAY_X="$(echo "$SCREEN_WIDTH - 550" | bc)"
bspc config border_width 2
bspc config window_gap 12
@@ -19,6 +24,6 @@ bspc monitor -d 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
xsetroot -solid "#000"
sxhkd &
-conky &
-stalonetray -bg "#000" --geometry "1x1+2570+6" --grow-gravity E -i $PANEL_HEIGHT &
+~/.config/bspwm/panel &
+stalonetray -bg "#000" --geometry "1x1+$TRAY_X+2" --grow-gravity E -i $TRAY_HEIGHT &
xdotool search --classname stalonetray windowraise
diff --git a/bspwm/panel b/bspwm/panel
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bb5df43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bspwm/panel
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+export COLOR_BACKGROUND='#FF000000'
+export COLOR_FOCUSED_FREE_BG='#FF000000'
+export COLOR_OCCUPIED_BG='#FF000000'
+export COLOR_FREE_FG='#FF6F7277'
+export COLOR_FREE_BG='#FF000000'
+export COLOR_URGENT_FG='#FFF9A299'
+export COLOR_URGENT_BG='#FF000000'
+export COLOR_LAYOUT_BG='#FF000000'
+export COLOR_TITLE_BG='#FF000000'
+export COLOR_STATUS_BG='#FF000000'
+export COLOR_STATUS_READ="#859900"
+export COLOR_STATUS_WRITE="#990A1B"
+if [ $(pgrep -cx panel) -gt 1 ] ; then
+ printf "%s\n" "The panel is already running." >&2
+ exit 1
+trap 'trap - TERM; kill 0' INT TERM QUIT EXIT
+[ -e "$PANEL_FIFO" ] && rm "$PANEL_FIFO"
+mkfifo "$PANEL_FIFO"
+bspc config top_padding $PANEL_HEIGHT
+bspc control --subscribe > "$PANEL_FIFO" &
+xtitle -sf 'T%s' > "$PANEL_FIFO" &
+clock -sf 'S%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M' > "$PANEL_FIFO" &
+mpstat 1 | stdbuf -oL awk '$12 ~ /[0-9.]+/ { printf "L%3d\n", 100 - $12 }' > "$PANEL_FIFO" &
+free -m -s 1 | stdbuf -oL awk '/^Mem:.*/ { print "M"$2 - $6 - $7"/"$2 }' > "$PANEL_FIFO" &
+iostat -y -d 1 | stdbuf -oL awk '/Device.*/ { printf("\nI"); next } /^[0-9a-z]* / { printf " %s %04.0f↓ %04.0f↑", $1, $3, $4 } END { printf "\n" }' > "$PANEL_FIFO" &
+# Battery
+while :; do
+ acpi -b | sed 's/.*, /B/' > "$PANEL_FIFO"
+ sleep 1
+done &
+# Temperature
+while :; do
+ cat /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp | sed 's/[0-9][0-9][0-9]$//' | sed 's/^/C/' > "$PANEL_FIFO"
+ sleep 2
+done &
+# Network throughput
+while :; do
+ net_info=$(
+ ip -4 -o addr show | grep -v ' lo ' |
+ while read line; do
+ iface=$(echo $line | cut -d ' ' -f 2);
+ addr=$(echo $line | cut -d ' ' -f 4 | sed 's/\/.*//');
+ rf=/sys/class/net/eth0/statistics/rx_bytes;
+ tf=/sys/class/net/eth0/statistics/tx_bytes;
+ # Get RX and TX bytes then sleep for ~1 second
+ r1=`cat $rf`;
+ t1=`cat $tf`;
+ sleep 1
+ # Get RX and TX bytes and print rates in KBPS
+ r2=`cat $rf`;
+ t2=`cat $tf`;
+ rr="$(((r2-r1)/1024))";
+ tr="$(((t2-t1)/1024))";
+ printf "$iface $addr %04.0f↓ %04.0f↑ " $rr $tr
+ done)
+ echo "N$net_info" > "$PANEL_FIFO"
+done &
+#. ./panel_colors
+cat "$PANEL_FIFO" | ~/.config/bspwm/panel_bar | lemonbar -f "Deja Vu Sans Mono-11" -g x$PANEL_HEIGHT -f "$PANEL_FONT" -F "$COLOR_FOREGROUND" -B "$COLOR_BACKGROUND" &
diff --git a/bspwm/panel_bar b/bspwm/panel_bar
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..72e7629
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bspwm/panel_bar
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+#. panel_colors
+n_monitors=$(bspc query -M | wc -l)
+while read -r line ; do
+ case $line in
+ S*)
+ # Clock
+ sys_info="%{F$COLOR_STATUS_FG}%{B$COLOR_STATUS_BG}${line#?}%{B-}%{F-}"
+ ;;
+ T*)
+ # Title
+ title="%{F$COLOR_TITLE_FG}%{B$COLOR_TITLE_BG}${line#?}%{B-}%{F-}"
+ ;;
+ I*)
+ # IO
+ io_info="%{F$COLOR_STATUS_FG}%{B$COLOR_STATUS_BG}${line#?}%{B-}%{F-}"
+ ;;
+ B*)
+ # Battery
+ bat_info="%{F$COLOR_STATUS_FG}%{B$COLOR_STATUS_BG} ${line#?} %{B-}%{F-}"
+ ;;
+ C*)
+ # CPU temperature
+ temp_info="%{F$COLOR_STATUS_FG}%{B$COLOR_STATUS_BG}${line#?}°%{B-}%{F-}"
+ ;;
+ L*)
+ # CPU load
+ load_info="%{F$COLOR_STATUS_FG}%{B$COLOR_STATUS_BG}${line#?}%%{B-}%{F-}"
+ ;;
+ M*)
+ # Memory usage
+ mem_info="%{F$COLOR_STATUS_FG}%{B$COLOR_STATUS_BG}${line#?}%{B-}%{F-}"
+ ;;
+ N*)
+ # Network throughput
+ net_info="%{F$COLOR_STATUS_FG}%{B$COLOR_STATUS_BG}${line#?}%{B-}%{F-}"
+ ;;
+ W*)
+ # Window manager state
+ wm_info=""
+ IFS=':'
+ set -- ${line#?}
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do
+ item=$1
+ name=${item#?}
+ case $item in
+ M*)
+ # active monitor
+ if [ $n_monitors -gt 1 ] ; then
+ wm_info="$wm_info %{F$COLOR_ACTIVE_MONITOR_FG}%{B$COLOR_ACTIVE_MONITOR_BG}${name} %{B-}%{F-} "
+ fi
+ ;;
+ m*)
+ # inactive monitor
+ if [ $n_monitors -gt 1 ] ; then
+ wm_info="$wm_info %{F$COLOR_INACTIVE_MONITOR_FG}%{B$COLOR_INACTIVE_MONITOR_BG}${name}%{B-}%{F-} "
+ fi
+ ;;
+ O*)
+ # focused occupied desktop
+ wm_info="${wm_info}%{F$COLOR_FOCUSED_OCCUPIED_FG}%{B$COLOR_FOCUSED_OCCUPIED_BG}%{U$COLOR_FOREGROUND}%{+u}${name}%{-u}%{B-}%{F-} "
+ ;;
+ F*)
+ # focused free desktop
+ wm_info="${wm_info}%{F$COLOR_FOCUSED_FREE_FG}%{B$COLOR_FOCUSED_FREE_BG}%{U$COLOR_FOREGROUND}%{+u}${name}%{-u}%{B-}%{F-} "
+ ;;
+ U*)
+ # focused urgent desktop
+ wm_info="${wm_info}%{F$COLOR_FOCUSED_URGENT_FG}%{B$COLOR_FOCUSED_URGENT_BG}%{U$COLOR_FOREGROUND}%{+u}${name}%{-u}%{B-}%{F-} "
+ ;;
+ o*)
+ # occupied desktop
+ wm_info="${wm_info}%{F$COLOR_OCCUPIED_FG}%{B$COLOR_OCCUPIED_BG}${name}%{B-}%{F-} "
+ ;;
+ f*)
+ # free desktop
+ wm_info="${wm_info}%{F$COLOR_FREE_FG}%{B$COLOR_FREE_BG}${name}%{B-}%{F-} "
+ ;;
+ u*)
+ # urgent desktop
+ wm_info="${wm_info}%{F$COLOR_URGENT_FG}%{B$COLOR_URGENT_BG}${name}%{B-}%{F-} "
+ ;;
+ L*)
+ # layout
+ #wm_info="$wm_info %{F$COLOR_LAYOUT_FG}%{B$COLOR_LAYOUT_BG} ${name} %{B-}%{F-}"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ ;;
+ esac
+ printf "%s\n" "%{l}${wm_info} : ${load_info} ${temp_info} : ${mem_info} :${io_info} : ${net_info}%{c} ${title} %{r} ${bat_info}${sys_info}"
diff --git a/sxhkd/sxhkdrc b/sxhkd/sxhkdrc
index 63f191f..e6b5de3 100644
--- a/sxhkd/sxhkdrc
+++ b/sxhkd/sxhkdrc
@@ -5,12 +5,14 @@
super + p
bspc config top_padding $PANEL_HEIGHT; \
xdotool search --classname Conky windowmap; \
+ xdotool search --name bar windowmap; \
xdotool search --classname stalonetray windowmap; \
xdotool search --classname stalonetray windowraise
super + shift + p
xdotool search --classname stalonetray windowunmap; \
xdotool search --classname Conky windowunmap; \
+ xdotool search --name bar windowunmap; \
bspc config top_padding 0
super + s
@@ -32,14 +34,16 @@ super + ctrl + c
super + t
bspc desktop -l next; \
if bspc query --tree | grep -q ' M - \*'; then \
- xdotool search --classname stalonetray windowunmap; \
+ xdotool search --classname stalonetray windowunmap; \
xdotool search --classname Conky windowunmap; \
+ xdotool search --name bar windowunmap; \
bspc config top_padding 0; \
else \
bspc config top_padding $PANEL_HEIGHT; \
- xdotool search --classname Conky windowmap; \
- xdotool search --classname stalonetray windowmap; \
- xdotool search --classname stalonetray windowraise; \
+ xdotool search --classname Conky windowmap; \
+ xdotool search --name bar windowmap; \
+ xdotool search --classname stalonetray windowmap; \
+ xdotool search --classname stalonetray windowraise; \
super + b